Do i need an api key to access the new freebase images? - ios

I have a database of people in my iOS app with their images being dowloaded from Today i noticed that the images are not downloading any more. I checked and i see that google redesigned and reorganized freebase and now the images include a key. Right now i have image url stored in core data like this
To use the new format do i have to get an api key and include that with every image request or i can just get the link and change it in my database? I am not making any other calls to the database just the image from the url.
I just tested and i can change the link to
which works. I am also noticing now that the images are much lower quality then they were before. How do i get the same quality images that i was getting before?
I want to make sure that this won't happen again and do it properly.

There's a whole set of documentation at:
Basically, as I understand it, if you don't include your own API key, you'll be working off a small pool of quota shared with all other API users who aren't sending keys with their requests. This means it could work in the morning, but not the evening when quota is exhausted or it works some days, but not others.
Don't forget to include the required attribution to Freebase if you aren't already including it.


Android 11 Storage Access Framework - How to use files?

Hey there fellow devs,
I have come across a problem while migrating our app to the new API 30 standards with the storage access framework (SAF).
I have successfully migrated the file structure and am now using the internal (FilesDir) paths.
Getting images with the MediaStore-Api is also working quite nicely.
But there is one big issue I just can't seem to fix.
In our app, we are using the API "Mapsforge" for Offline-Maps.
This API is using a Java.IO.File-Object we get from a path to a ".map" file which is almost 2GB large.
This file does not come from us, it is a file managed by the customer and put onto the device for us to use, since all the ".Map"-Files are custom.
Since the SAF is returning an Android.Net.Uri, I can't seem to convert it to a Java.IO.File without copying the contents of the file and therefore using even more storage on the device.
Is there any way to use the SAF to get a Java.IO.File-Object I can use in code?
If not, then Android 11 is making it very hard for my Customer to manage his storage.
This API is using a Java.IO.File-Object we get from a path to a ".map" file which is almost 2GB large.
With luck, Mapsforge will offer more flexible APIs in the future. You may wish to contact them about their recommendations.
Is there any way to use the SAF to get a Java.IO.File-Object I can use in code?
No. After all, the user might choose something on Google Drive or another cloud storage provider, rather than a local file. Or, they might choose a file that is inaccessible to your app. Or, they might choose content that is stored in an encrypted file, which needs to be decrypted by the document provider. And so on.

Check if resource at NSURL exists BEFORE downloading

I want to pull down new images from a website that is updated regularly. However, there is no API for that site, so I'm trying to fetch it by url, as the images are numbered. The way I've decided to do this is have the app query the website on first launch and loop through the URLs until I get a 404. Then I store that URL and on next launch loop through till I get another 404, etc. Now I know that is less than ideal, but I'm just building a prototype. Anyway…
Since these are images we're talking about, I can't just download them all on first launch. Waste of bandwidth, could take minutes or even hours… So I just need a way using NSURLSession or whatever to get the http status code for any given image without actually downloading it.
You can do this by getting the "HTTP Headers".
This answer will help, if you're comfortable porting Objective-C to help. I can help you with it if required.

Google Drive as a video hosting/streaming platform?

I'm developing an iOS app that generate video files and have a social gallery for users to display their clips. After a lot of research I found that Google Drive would be perfect to fit my needs so I did some testing and sucessfully made the app upload the file to GDrive and everything.
Now I need to stream the uploaded file in a MPMoviePlayerViewController, for that I would need some kind of direct link, I'm right? After my initial tests I used the variable WebContentLink as a source URL and it worked flawlessly, I was really happy with the result, however now it doesn't work anymore, I don't know what happened and I think the method that I used is not realiable? I tried all the other possible links and none of them seems to work.
Can someone give a guidance about if this is really supported by Google Drive and how it's the best way to archive that in a reliable way?
Thank you very much !
I too encounter the same error when I try to download 28 times (testing) the same 24mb file.
However I realise if I am to download using the content owner ID, it does allow downloading after the 28th time
Sorry, you can't view or download this file at this time.
Too many users have viewed or downloaded this file recently. Please try accessing the file again later. If the file you are trying to access is particularly large or is shared with many people, it may take up to 24 hours to be able to view or download the file. If you still can't access a file after 24 hours, contact your domain administrator.
The experience for streaming files natively is not ideal right now, sorry. It is something Google are working on.
You are doing this correctly though. The webContentLink should use the user's quota, and that should be enough for most cases. If you can give some specific numbers, we can look at it.
The embed link is the best way to show it on a mobile device, but as you say won't work everywhere.
yes, google drive can be used for hosting and stream videos as you like. It can also be used as demo server for web projects. Here is how to host a website on Google drive.

How can I use the YouTube SUP API to retrieve recent uploads of some predefined users?

I wish to be able to check for the latest videos (in near realtime or at most a couple of minutes out) for a set of users (up to 200 or so) in a single call to the YouTube API and then store the IDs of uploaded videos in my own database. The only solution I believe there is for this is the YouTube SUP API but I'm not entirely clear on how it works and was wondering if someone could please explain it. I have read the entire API documentation on it but am still not completely clear.
I was assuming that one can call the SUP URL ( and check if the user hash has had any activity recently and if they have, then do something with that. My issue is I don't understand how you interpret the activity from ["b305e88","afd4"] in the SUP feed and is there any way to specify a subset of users or must you search through the entire feed? It seems to take a fair few seconds to load the SUP feed.
On the SUP API page it also states that you can visit a URL such as to obtain the hash key for a user's feed, but as you can see if you try to visit it, the link appears to be broken. How else could I obtain the hash?
I'm currently wanting to do this in a Rails project while using the youtube_it gem but I don't believe this has support for it. Correct me if I'm wrong.
My mistake. The developer key is required to obtain the events of a user such as
Still no progress with the SUP method although I'm potentially considering using a channel and just automatically subscribing to each user. Every minute I will then poll for the list of new videos by the users.
I'd suggest using PubSubHubbub:
A handler in your web application will automatically receive a POST whenever one of the feeds you're watching is updated, and the content of the POST will be the updated feed itself, saving you the trouble of having to fetch it.
There isn't much documentation specific to using PuSH and the YouTube API beyond that blog post, but the general PuSH docs all apply:
Failing that, SUP should still work, so we could try to debug that further if you'd rather use that.

Is it OK to use Twitter and Facebook profile images without storing them in my server?

Currently I'm using Facebook connect and Twitter oauth to authenticate users. and I'm using their profile image urls directly instead of storing them on my server. I guess it's better to save the thumbnails and think eventually may need to do that, but for now am trying to save as much money as possible. (I'm currently using Heroku to host my project and can't store files unless I use S3 or the likes, which would cost me money)
I'm wondering if this is OK, and if most web apps start out this way. Or if I need to store the images.
Also, now I want to let users set up accounts without Twitter or Facebook. In this case, is there a way to use a "third party thumbnail hosting site" (I don't even know if such a thing exists) for free instead of using S3? It can even be a short term hack, since I plan to eventually implement image storage if this gets traction.
I think not storing them is the best way. If someone changes their picture, you always show the latest this way, if you stored them, well then you would have an old version of their picture after time which could make your app look stale.
As for where to store alternatives, I would really consider s3. It is very cheap storage, and thumbnails won't need a lot of space. It would only get expensive if you had a LOT of users, and if you have a LOT of users, you should be able to afford the storage.
Also, have you looked at Gravatar? A lot of people have those linked to their email addresses, it might be another good way to get their picture.
