How do I draw a blur line with a finger slide/touch motion on the iPhone? I have the following code but it is not worked. It do it wit core-graphics.some sample code?
CGContextSetLineCap(context, kCGLineCapRound);
CGContextSetLineJoin(context, kCGLineCapRound);
CGContextSetLineWidth(context, self.lineWidth);
CGContextSetShadowWithColor(context, CGSizeMake(-2.0f, 2.0f), 7.0f, BLACK.CGColor);
CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor(context, self.lineColor.CGColor);
CGContextAddPath(context, path);
Here is the code for simple drawing method. Hope this will help you to implement your code.
How can I draw a shaped line? For example a heart, diamond or star line with CGContextRef?
Heart line example:
Diamond line example:
Triangle line example:
Star line example:
This is what I currently have:
- (void)draw
CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
CGContextAddPath(context, path);
CGContextSetLineCap(context, kCGLineCapRound);
CGContextSetLineWidth(context, self.lineWidth);
CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor(context, self.lineColor.CGColor);
CGContextSetBlendMode(context, kCGBlendModeNormal);
CGContextSetAlpha(context, self.lineAlpha);
The above code only draws a normal pen line.
Can I draw the shaped lines with an a .png image made from photoshop? Please guide me on how to do this.
I have create dummy app for you please look at idea how we can achieve custom line drawing.
Let me know if you need some more help.
I am drawing a simple filled circle using following code in draw rect.
CGContextRef con = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
CGContextAddEllipseInRect(con, CGRectMake(0,0,self.bounds.size.width,self.bounds.size.height));
CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(con, [UIColor blueColor].CGColor);
it draws a circle properly. Now I want to clip the circle with another small circle in the middle so that it becomes a hollow circle and you can see whatever is behind the main circle. How can i do that?
Use the even-odd rule with CGContextEOClip()
CGSize size = rect.size;
CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
CGContextTranslateCTM(context, 0, 0);
CGContextAddPath(context, ([UIBezierPath bezierPathWithOvalInRect:CGRectMake(0, 0, size.width, size.height)].CGPath));
CGContextAddPath(context, ([UIBezierPath bezierPathWithOvalInRect:CGRectMake(size.width/4, size.height/4, size.width/2, size.height/2)].CGPath));
CGContextEOClip(context); //clip
CGContextAddPath(context, [UIBezierPath bezierPathWithRect:rect].CGPath);
CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(context, [UIColor greenColor].CGColor);
I was able to do that using the EO rule.
CGContextRef con = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
CGContextAddEllipseInRect(con, rect);
CGContextAddEllipseInRect(con, CGRectInset(rect, 40, 40));
CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(con, [UIColor blueColor].CGColor);
How does one draw a crosshairs in an iOS app?
- (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect
CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(context, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.5); // yellow line
CGContextMoveToPoint(context, 40.0, 40.0); //start point
// Crosshairs go here?!?!?!?
// What do I fill in?
CGContextSetLineWidth(context, 2.0);
CGContextSetRGBFillColor(context, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0);
CGContextFillRect(context, rect);
See example image below.
This should help you get started in seeing what you are missing. You are very close. Add an ellipse and you'll be done but as others have suggested, a simple quick look at the Quart2d programming guide or any Quart2d tuts will show all of this and more.
Drawing a circle
- (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect
CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor(context, [UIColor yellowColor].CGColor);
CGContextSetLineWidth(context, 2.0);
CGContextMoveToPoint(context, 20, 20);
CGContextAddLineToPoint(context, 40, 20);
CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor(context, [UIColor yellowColor].CGColor);
CGContextSetLineWidth(context, 2.0);
CGContextMoveToPoint(context, 30, 10);
CGContextAddLineToPoint(context, 30, 30);
I am trying to erase image using following code
CGColorRef strokeColor = [UIColor whiteColor].CGColor;
CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
[imgForeground.image drawInRect:CGRectMake(0, 0, imgForeground.frame.size.width, imgForeground.frame.size.height)];
CGContextSetLineCap(context, kCGLineCapRound);
CGContextSetLineWidth(context, 10);
CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor(context, strokeColor);
CGContextSetBlendMode(context, kCGBlendModeClear);
CGContextMoveToPoint(context, lastPoint.x, lastPoint.y);
CGContextAddLineToPoint(context, currentPoint.x, currentPoint.y);
imgForeground.image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
But I just find out Image losing its resolution due to drawInRect.
You should go with UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions instead of UIGraphicsBeginImageContext, so that a scale factor can be specified.
For example, this will use the scale factor of the device's main screen:
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(imgForeground.frame.size, NO, 0);
I'm having trouble with drawing a line on the map with a stroke. (inside color and outside color) I beleive i'm on the right path and have subclassed mkOverlayView to override the drawing (needs to fill with the road size) so inside drawMapRect...
CGFloat lineWidth = MKRoadWidthAtZoomScale(zoomScale);
MKMapRect clipRect = MKMapRectInset(mapRect, -lineWidth, -lineWidth);
CGContextAddPath(context, path);
CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor(context, line.color.CGColor);
CGContextSetLineJoin(context, kCGLineJoinRound);
CGContextSetLineCap(context, kCGLineCapRound);
CGContextSetLineWidth(context, lineWidth);
CGContextSetAlpha(context, 0.4f);
I'm not sure how to add the stroke. Any help would be greatly appreciated. xcode 4.6 / ios 6.0+
stroke first a path ( road with) with color 1, then change stroke width and color to a thinner line with road with * 0.6 in color 2, and stroke again.
Ok, I managed to figure it out based on Mathew's suggestion but with a few tweaks...
Essentially I created a stroked path using CGPathCreateCopyByStrokingPath and made the stroke slightly darker than the base color. Then created a transparentLayer with the path and stroke, used the blend mode kCGBlendModeDestinationAtop and drew another path with only a fill this time on top. I'm not sure if this is the best approach but appears to work well.
CGPathRef newpath = CGPathCreateCopyByStrokingPath(path, NULL, lineWidth, kCGLineCapRound, kCGLineJoinMiter, 0.0);
CGContextAddPath(context, newpath);
CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor(context, line.color.CGColor);
CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(context, line.color.CGColor);
CGContextSetLineWidth(context, lineWidth * 0.3);
CGContextSetAlpha(context, 0.8f);
CGContextBeginTransparencyLayer (context, NULL);
CGContextAddPath(context, newpath);
CGContextSetBlendMode(context, kCGBlendModeDestinationAtop);
CGContextSetAlpha(context, 0.3f);
CGContextAddPath(context, newpath);
EDIT Here is a simpler solution based on AlexWien's approach
if (path != nil)
CGPathRef path2 = CGPathCreateCopy(path);
CGFloat hue;
CGFloat saturation;
CGFloat brightness;
CGFloat alpha;
[line.color getHue:&hue saturation:&saturation brightness:&brightness alpha:&alpha];
UIColor *c2 =[UIColor colorWithHue:hue saturation:saturation brightness:brightness alpha:0.4];
CGContextAddPath(context, path);
CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor(context, c2.CGColor);
CGContextSetLineJoin(context, kCGLineJoinRound);
CGContextSetLineCap(context, kCGLineCapRound);
CGContextSetLineWidth(context, lineWidth);
CGContextSetBlendMode(context, kCGBlendModeSourceAtop);
CGContextAddPath(context, path2);
CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(context, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.3f);
CGContextSetLineJoin(context, kCGLineJoinRound);
CGContextSetLineCap(context, kCGLineCapRound);
CGContextSetLineWidth(context, lineWidth/2.0f);