How to use mc name to access a variable - actionscript

I have a form with a variety of buttons available for selection by the user. I already have variables set up for each button on the main timeline which are meant to hold the values "yes" or "no" depending on whether the button was selected or not. They all start off with a "no".
Here is the array for each button:
tabs_array = ["familiars","tallers2","gestions","sortides","tallers1","medic","podoleg","dutxes","menjador"];
Here are the initial variables for whether the buttons have been selected or not:
var send_dutxes:String="no";
var send_gestions:String="no";
var send_medic:String="no";
var send_menjador:String="no";
var send_podoleg:String="no";
var send_sortides:String="no";
var send_tallers1:String="no";
var send_tallers2:String="no";
var send_familiars:String="no";
Here is the code for each button:
for(var a=0; a<tabs_array.length; a++){
this.popup_contact[tabs_array[a]].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, act_over);
this.popup_contact[tabs_array[a]].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, act_out);
this.popup_contact[tabs_array[a]].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, toggleAct);
this.popup_contact[tabs_array[a]].buttonMode = true;
Here is the code for where I'm having the issue (the click state)...when the user clicks one of the selections:
function toggleAct(event:MouseEvent):void
if (this("send_""no")
trace("changing no to yes");
this("send_" = "yes";
else if (this("send_""yes")
this("send_" = "no";
trace("changing yes to no");
Basically I need to know how to connect the mc name that was clicked to the corresponding variable....changing a string into a variable name.

I think it will go something like that:
var valueOfWhatYouAreLookingFor = _root['send_'];
assuming that those vars are defined globally
PS. even if that will work (I don't have access to Flash to check this out) your structure has so many flows... for start with only one simple change you don't need global variables:
tabs_array = ["familiars","tallers2","gestions"];
for(var a=0; a<tabs_array.length; a++){
this.popup_contact[tabs_array[a]].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, act_over);
this.popup_contact[tabs_array[a]].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, act_out);
this.popup_contact[tabs_array[a]].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, toggleAct);
this.popup_contact[tabs_array[a]].buttonMode = true;
// small addition
this.popup_contact[tabs_array[a]].currentState = 'on';
function toggleAct(event:MouseEvent):void
// ...
this.currentState = ( this.currentState == 'on' ? 'off' : 'on' );
// ...


Turbotable : p-tableHeaderCheckbox selects disabled lines

I am facing a problem on PrimeNG TurboTable.
I started from the following example: and more particularly from the Checkbox Selection example.
The only difference is that on some p-tableCheckbox I added a [disabled]="true"
This works very well if I select a disabled line it does not activate and can not be selected, but when I click on p-tableHeaderCheckbox all the lines are selected even the lines in disabled.
In addition, the selection also counts the lines in status disabled or it should only take lines with no status disabled
I made an example on stackblitz :
How to prevent tableHeaderCheckbox from also selecting disable lines?
Thank you in advance for your answers
You can prevent selection in (selectionChange) callback on table. Split [(selection)] on two part:
[selection]="selectedRowData" (selectionChange)="onSelectionChange($event)"
Add onSelectionChange method to component:
onSelectionChange(selection: any[]) {
for (let i = selection.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
let data = selection[i];
if (this.isRowDisabled(data)) {
selection.splice(i, 1);
this.selectedRowData = selection;
Also add isRowDisabled method:
isRowDisabled(data: any): boolean {
return data.color === 'orange'
and change template for tableCheckbox to use isRowDisabled (it's only for check in one place)
<p-tableCheckbox [value]="rowData" [disabled]="isRowDisabled(rowData)"></p-tableCheckbox>
See example on (I am also add logic to exclude disabled rows from process of calculating state of headerCheckBox)
It's failing when we have only disabled rows after filter. I have fixed it by checking active rows.
ngAfterViewInit(): void {
const orig_updateCheckedState = this._headerCheckBox.updateCheckedState;
const me = this;
this._headerCheckBox.updateCheckedState = function() {
const cars: any[] = me._table.filteredValue || me._table.value;
const selection: any[] = me._table.selection;
let actRows: boolean = false;
for (const car of cars) {
if (!me.isRowDisabled(car)) {
actRows = true;
const selected = selection && selection.indexOf(car) >= 0;
if (!selected) return false;
if (actRows) {
return true
} else {
return false;

sproutcore scroll to after enterStateByRoute

Normally a user interacts with MyApp, that is, first scrolls, and then select an employee in a scrollview. A new feature is 'deeplinking' from another application, and then the sequence is based on the id in the given URL, that is programmatically select the employee and then scroll to it.
I noticed a difference in the behaviour of the following situations/workflows.
1) user scrolls and select in a employee, the details are shown, then alter the id in the URL to view another employee, the listview select and scrolls down automatically.
2) After loading the app, and copy paste a url with an employee id and date, the employee in the listview is selected (selectObject), but there is no automatic scroll action.
So, we have a own routine, called scrollToSelection, but also an deprecated message.
I have a state (loading_state) with a representRoute and a enterStateByRoute function.
representRoute: 'employee/:id/:date',
enterStateByRoute: function(context){
if ( this.get('loadingState').get('requiredDataLoaded') == YES ){
this.get('statechart').sendEvent('showEmployee', context.get('params'));
And in the next state (main_state) the called showEmployee function.
showEmployee: function(routeParams){
if (! this.isCurrentState()){
if ( routeParams.hasOwnProperty('id') ) {
var id =;
var item =, id);
if (! SC.none(item) && (item.get('status') & SC.Record.READY) ){
And in the employeeController
scrollToSelection: function(){
realScrollToSelection: function(){
var viewItems = $('.employeeListView').view();
var selectedItem = this.get('selection').firstObject();
if (viewItems.length > 0 && ! SC.none(selectedItem)){
var viewItem = viewItems[0];
var targetView = viewItem.itemViewForContentObject(selectedItem);
}.observes('status', 'length'),
Question: Is it possible to get the second workflow (deeplinking) working the same way as it is working in workflow 1 (user is altering the id in the url? So no need for a own routine at all.
I saw several a postings with suggestions, of making it a firstresponder?, use SC.ViewFor?, etc etc. But I wonder what is the correct/simple/short solution. Thanks in advance.
contentView: SC.ListView
contentBinding: 'MyApp.employeeController.arrangedObjects'
selectionBinding: 'MyApp.employeeController.selection'
How to apply the scrollToIndex correct? I got now a message 'not a function'. In the main_state.js/showEmployee(routeParams)
var id =
var item =
var contentIndex = App.employeeController.indexOf(item);
This did the trick:
var view = App.calendarOverviewPage.getPath('calendarOverviewMainPane.calendarOverviewSplitView.leftView.employeeScrollView.contentView');

Google Script - Can't combine on the same script multiple selection from listBox and SubmitButton

I'm trying to code on google app and I've encountered one issue. For example, let's consider this example code on google website ( link's here )
function doGet() {
var app = UiApp.createApplication();
var form = app.createFormPanel();
var flow = app.createFlowPanel();
flow.add(app.createListBox().setName("listBox").addItem("option 1").addItem("option 2"));
return app;
function doPost(eventInfo) {
var app = UiApp.getActiveApplication();
app.add(app.createLabel("Form submitted. The text box's value was '" +
eventInfo.parameter.textBox +
"' and the list box's value was '" +
eventInfo.parameter.listBox + "'"));
return app;
My issue is that I want to select multiple values on the listbox. I change then line 6 in
flow.add(app.createListBox(true).setName("listBox").addItem("option 1").addItem("option 2"));
to allow multiple selection. But the result is that only the last selected value is taken, preventing multiple selections. Apparently, it is due to the submitButton. I need to keep the formPanel because on a further code I'll like to combine uploading files and listBox multiple selection. How may I fix that? Thank you a lot
As a complement to Mogsdad's answer, note that this bug / issue is only concerning the doPost structured handler... if you don't need the file upload feature you could use a simple doGet + handler with callbackElement and in this case the multiselect list is available and works as expected.
test function :
function doGet() {
var app = UiApp.createApplication().setTitle('test listBox');
var panel = app.createHorizontalPanel().setStyleAttribute('padding','40px');
var sHdlr = app.createServerHandler('validateList').addCallbackElement(panel);
var items = ['category 1','category 2','category 3'];
var list1 = app.createListBox(true).setName('list1');
for(var i =0;i<items.length;++i){list1.addItem(items[i],i)}
return app;
function validateList(e){
var app = UiApp.getActiveApplication();
app.add(app.createLabel("Value(s) in list : "+e.parameter.list1).setStyleAttribute('margin-left','40'));
return app;
and below is a working example of the workaround described in the issue tracker.
I used a textBox to show the process, set it to visible(false) or use a hidden widget in a 'real' app. ( Test available here )
function doGet() {
var app = UiApp.createApplication().setTitle('test listBox');
var panel = app.createHorizontalPanel().setStyleAttribute('padding','40px');
var listHandler = app.createServerHandler('updlistVal').addCallbackElement(panel);
var items = ['category 1','category 2','category 3'];
var list1 = app.createListBox(true).setName('list1').addChangeHandler(listHandler);
for(var i =0;i<items.length;++i){list1.addItem(items[i])}
panel.add(list1).add(app.createTextBox().setText(items[0]).setId('listboxVal').setName('listboxVal').setWidth('200'));// set a default value in case the user is happy with that and doesn't touch the listBox
var submitBtn = app.createSubmitButton('test').setStyleAttribute('margin-left','40');
return app;
function doPost(e){
var app = UiApp.getActiveApplication();
app.add(app.createLabel().setStyleAttribute('padding','40').setText("Submitted value(s) from list : "+e.parameter.listboxVal));
return app;
function updlistVal(e){
var app = UiApp.getActiveApplication();
return app;
EDIT 2 :
As Mentioned in the comments on this post we must find a way to prevent going through the submission before the value of the hidden/text widget has been updated with a valid value. The "default value" I used above is a possible solution, another one is to use a client handler to validate the submit button only if the listValue (or its value in the hidden widget) is right. Here is a code that does it (only the doGet is reproduced, all other functions being identical.
function doGet() {
var app = UiApp.createApplication().setTitle('test listBox');
var panel = app.createHorizontalPanel().setStyleAttribute('padding','40px');
var submitBtn = app.createSubmitButton('test').setStyleAttribute('margin-left','40').setEnabled(false);
var listHandler = app.createServerHandler('updlistVal').addCallbackElement(panel);
var items = ['category 1','category 2','category 3'];
var listVal = app.createTextBox().setText('not defined yet').setId('listboxVal').setName('listboxVal').setWidth('200');
var list1 = app.createListBox(true).setName('list1').addChangeHandler(listHandler).addItem('choose one or more item(s)');
for(var i =0;i<items.length;++i){list1.addItem(items[i])}
var clientH = app.createClientHandler().forTargets(submitBtn).setEnabled(true).validateMatches(list1, 'category');
panel.add(list1).add(listVal);// set a default value in case the user is happy with that and doesn't touch the listBox
return app;
Using the hidden widget as validation source causes a small issue as we need to click twice on the listBox to make it work... in case there are other questions on the form this will be solved by triggering the client handler with every other widgets so that the double click won't be necessary anymore but this is becoming a bit "out of subject" I'm afraid.
EDIT 3 :
just for the fun of it, a last version that works apparently without issue...
test here
function doGet() {
var app = UiApp.createApplication().setTitle('test listBox');
var panel = app.createHorizontalPanel().setStyleAttribute('padding','40px');
var submitBtn = app.createSubmitButton('test').setStyleAttribute('margin-left','40').setEnabled(false).setId('sbmt');
var wait = app.createImage('').setId('wait').setVisible(false);
var listHandler = app.createServerHandler('updlistVal').addCallbackElement(panel);
var items = ['category 1','category 2','category 3'];
var listVal = app.createTextBox().setText('not defined yet').setId('listboxVal').setName('listboxVal').setWidth('200');
var list1 = app.createListBox(true).setName('list1').addChangeHandler(listHandler).addItem('choose one or more item(s)');
for(var i =0;i<items.length;++i){list1.addItem(items[i])}
var clientH = app.createClientHandler().forTargets(wait).setVisible(true).forTargets(submitBtn).setEnabled(false);
panel.add(list1).add(listVal);// set a default value in case the user is happy with that and doesn't touch the listBox
return app;
function doPost(e){
var app = UiApp.getActiveApplication();
app.add(app.createLabel().setStyleAttribute('padding','40').setText("Submitted value(s) from list : "+e.parameter.listboxVal));
return app;
function updlistVal(e){
var app = UiApp.getActiveApplication();
return app;
This is a known bug in the issue tracker, Issue 959. Visit and star it for updates.
It's been known and "worked on" since Dec 2011, if you believe the notes added by the support team. Other users have provided a work-around, and a modified version of it appears below.
The idea is to attach a handler function to the ListBox, which will receive all the selected items from the ListBox. The handler will then write those values to a hidden element in the form. When the form is submitted, the list of selections will be available to the doPost(), via the hidden element.
var listbox = app.createListBox(true).setName("listBox").addItem("option 1").addItem("option 2");
// Issue 959 ListBox Workaround:
var listboxHidden= app.createHidden("listboxHidden", "").setId("listboxHidden");
var fixListBoxHandler = app.createServerHandler('fixListBoxHandler');
function fixListBoxHandler(e) {
var app = UiApp.getActiveApplication();
return app;
NOTE: Unfortunately, this work-around is time-sensitive; it can take several seconds for the handler to update the hidden value. If the submit button is hit before the handler completes its job, then post() receives what was in the hidden element before the call to the handler.

Can't access to event posted values

i'm writing a little google apps script which allow to select several names among a list of developpers. But in my doPost(e) method, i can't access to the array of posted values (it's undefinded), event if i check all the checkboxes...
function onOpen() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
// add the new menu
var menuEntries = [];
menuEntries.push({name: "Edit page", functionName: "start"})
ss.addMenu("My tools", menuEntries);
function start() {
var app = UiApp.createApplication();
app.setTitle("Edit page");
var formPanel = app.createFormPanel();
var mainPanel = app.createVerticalPanel();
var gridPanel = app.createGrid(1, 2);
// developpers
var developperPanel = app.createVerticalPanel()
var developpers = [];
developpers.push( "John", "Peter", "Max", "Johnny" );
for (var i = 1; i < developpers.length; ++i) {
var checkbox = app.createCheckBox(developpers[i]).setName("dev"+i);
gridPanel.setWidget(0,0,app.createLabel("Developpers : "));
// submit button
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();;
function doPost(e) {
var app = UiApp.getActiveApplication();
app.add(app.createLabel(e.values[0])); // Here is the error.
return app;
In the exemple, the list is fixed but in my real script, i create the list thanks to the Spreadsheet.
The correct way to see the checkboxes values is using e.parameter[name], like you said yourself on a comment. Here is some code example:
function start() {
var developpers = ["John", "Peter", "Max", "Johnny"];
//you were skiping the first developer
for (var i = 0; i < developpers.length; ++i) { //array starts on zero, not one
var checkbox = app.createCheckBox(developpers[i]).setName("dev"+i);
function doPost(e) {
var app = UiApp.getActiveApplication();
var developpers = ["John", "Peter", "Max", "Johnny"]; //repeat it here or make it global, if it's static like this
var checked = [];
for( var i in developpers )
if( e.parameter['dev'+i] == 'true' )
return app;
You should use e.parameter.yourCheckBoxName
for example:
function doPost(e) {
var app = UiApp.getActiveApplication();
app.add(app.createLabel(e.parameter.dev1); // Access checkbox by its name
return app;
This would show status of check box "Peter", when it is checked. You can modify based on your need.

jQuery UI portlets - toggle portlets to save to a cookie (half way there!)

I'm a bit of a jQuery n00b so please excuse me if this seems like a stupid question. I am creating a site using the jQuery UI more specifically the sortable portlets. I have been able store whether or not a portlet is has been open or closed to a cookie. This is done using the following code. The slider ID is currently where the controls are stored to turn each portlet on and off.
var cookie = $.cookie("hidden");
var hidden = cookie ? cookie.split("|").getUnique() : [];
var cookieExpires = 7; // cookie expires in 7 days, or set this as a date object to specify a date
// Remember content that was hidden
$.each( hidden, function(){
var pid = this; //parseInt(this,10);
$('#' + pid).hide();
$("#slider div[name='" + pid + "']").addClass('add');
// Add Click functionality
$("#slider div").click(function(){
var el = $("div#" + $(this).attr('name'));
// *** Below line just needs to select the correct 'id' and insert as selector i.e ('#slider div#block-1') and then update cookie! ***
$('#slider div').addClass('add');
// Update the Cookie
function updateCookie(el){
var indx = el.attr('id');
var tmp = hidden.getUnique();
if (':hidden')) {
// add index of widget to hidden list
} else {
// remove element id from the list
tmp.splice( tmp.indexOf(indx) , 1);
hidden = tmp.getUnique();
$.cookie("hidden", hidden.join('|'), { expires: cookieExpires } );
// Return a unique array.
Array.prototype.getUnique = function() {
var o = new Object();
var i, e;
for (i = 0; e = this[i]; i++) {o[e] = 1};
var a = new Array();
for (e in o) {a.push (e)};
return a;
What I would like to do is also add a [x] into the corner of each portlet to give the user another way of hiding it but I'm unable to currently get this to store within the Cookie using the code above.
Can anyone give me a pointer of how I would do this?
Thanks in advance!
Have you tried adding another selector to the click function?
$("#slider div, #slider div > span.ui-icon-x").click(function(){
var el = $("div#" + $(this).attr('name'));
