Could not find iOS SDK - ios

I am trying to get my iOS SDK location but could not find it.
I have tried this link
But my mac does not contain developer folder.
I have tried to unhide this folder like library folder
danehog-Mac-mini:~ danehog$ chflags nohidden Developer
chflags: Developer: No such file or directory
Than i tried this link,
But it also no use bcoz my application folder is empty

Dont look it in user/application mine is also empty. Look it on the left side of screen under favorite here,
And than follow this links
Remember, is the xcode app icon you have to do right click on it and than select show package contant than follow link give above

Do this following :
1) Open the finder window.
2) Now hit Cmd + Shft + G keys or Click on Go menu & then click on Go To Folder Option.
3) Now Enter following path in Go window.
~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/
Browse for associative folders
if you are using lion osx iOS SDK 5.0 – UsersHomeFolder/Library Directory is by default hidden
Hope it helps


Simulator not showing in Spotlight search - Big Sur

Hopefully a straight forward one here, but my Simulator app (Xcode IOS Simulator) is not being found through Spotlight search on Mac. I recently upgraded to Big Sur and I am currently using 11.1.
Just wondering if anyone is having the same problem. I am able to access Simulator through other methods but it just doesn't seem to be indexed in the Spotlight search.
The following worked for me on Big Sur 11.5.2:
Locate and obtain the absolute path to your For me it was /Applications/
Since Simulator comes with Xcode, with your terminal, execute ls /Applications/ to ensure you see
What we need to do now is to get Spotlight to index the applications directory in Step-2
Open finder via your terminal open /Applications/, you should see an "Applications" directory
Open System Preferences >> Spotlight, then select "Privacy Tab"
Following the steps from Apple's Support
Drag the said "Applications" directory into "Privacy Tab" GUI
Remove the said "Applications" directory from the same GUI
Quit System Preference
Give it a moment then re-launch Spotlight and search for "Simulator"... I hope it shows up for you
In addion to Jonalogy's answer, you can import a specific app from command line.
mdimport /Applications/
Also having this issue. I came up with a half-workaround so that it shows up in launchpad at least.
Open the Simulator using Xcode and then when it shows up in the dock, right-click it, hover over Options, and then click Show in Finder. You'll see the app in a new finder window. Right-click it and select Make Alias. Drag and drop this into your applications folder. Now when you open the launchpad, you can search for it there. (5 finger pinch to launch the launchpad)

With Xcode how can I export and share an app with a team member in the simulator?

So I have a teammate/client I need to share an app I'm developing.
They have android and a Mac Desktop so it would be shared through the Simulator only.
I've tried the archive app and there seems to be no way to get this work with the .ipa file which is generated.
Does anyone know of a way to achieve this?
Share the source code, then run the app in Xcode. Voila, it is now in the Simulator. They have to install Xcode anyway to get the Simulator so there really isn't any extra work involved other than building the app.
The .ipa is built for iOS devices and cannot run in the Simulator. I suppose you could transfer the binary to another simulator and get it to work, but I have not heard of anyone doing it that way and, frankly, it seems like potentially more work than "clone this git repo, load the project/workspace in Xcode, click the triangle button and wait a bit."
All you can do is you can just generate the .app file. But how you can run it on a simulator (applies only if Xcode 8.2 or above isn't installed), I really don't have the idea. If you want to have your .app generated, follow this:
Connect any iPhone with your mac
Open your project in Xcode
Wait for the setup (processing symbol files, blah, blah) to be completed
Run your project in that iPhone once
Now just build your project while the iPhone is connected
Search for the Product group (or, folder) and expand it
You will see a file (maybe more) named as your target (project name)
Right click on that file and select show in finder. And voila, you have your .app file
What generates the .app
You will need to have previously built the app for the intended target. The "Product" option in the top menu bar includes a couple of ways to trigger this including: "Build for" of "Destination".
Where is the .app?
The you are looking for is stored in: <<YOURUSERHOME>>/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/<<YOURAPPNAME-UID>>/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator
Easier way to locate
Open you app in XCODE
Browse the file tree in the left sidebar
Expand the "Products" directory
Right click the .app file you want to share, and select "Show In Finder"
What you are trying to do is not going to work. You can not share the .ipa file for someone else to install it on an iPhone simulator.

How to save a file with phonegap and find that file in Windows file system

I would like to save a file "readme.txt" inside my iphone with phonegap for logging pourpuses, I have tried to do the example provided by phonegap:
window.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0, gotFS, fail);
everything seems to work just fine, my question is where can I find this file within the Windows File system?
I suppose you mean the Mac filesystem, and that you actually want to download the file you created.
If so, then this is what you should do:
1. Connect your iPhone to your Mac.
2. Open XCode's Organizer.
3. you'll see your iPhone in the "Devices" tab, on the left panel. Now, click "Applications".
4. Select your application and click the "Download" arrow at the bottom.
5. Type the desired file name and select the desired target directory.
6. Your application (and its related files) will now be saved in the target directory as a *.xcappdata file. Right-click this file and select "Show Package Contents".
7. A Finder window will be opened, displaying a directory called "AppData". Open this directory, then open its inner directory "Documents". You should find your log file at this path.

How do I start the Application Uploader on a Mac?

I've written an app and I want to upload it to Apple for review and AppStore.
I've read that the Application Uploader is located at /Developer/Applications/Utilities.
However, I don't know what I should do with this information.
Where do I find or enter "/Developer" so that I can the move on to "/Applications"?
Finder? Launcher? Command prompt? XCode?
Open your xCode
On the menu bar go to xCode-> Open Developer Tool -> Application Loader
In XCode 4 you don't need the Application Uploader anymore. Just select the device target (not the simulator), choose the menu Product - Archive.
This will result in a product in the archives section of your organizer (menu: Window-Organizer). Here you can have the app validated, and submitted.
BTW, /Developer is where XCode used to be, now XCode (4.3) is in /Applications/XCode, so that might be a little confusing.
Since an update of Xcode lately, the /Developer folder is not in use any more. You can find Application Loader and other apps within /Applications/
To open this folder, copy the path, open 'Go > Go to Folder' in Finder and paste the path in the popup. Or find Xcode in you Applications folder, right-click on it, press 'Show Package Contents' and navigate to the right subfolder.
Tip: for quick access to Application Loader (and the other apps, i.e., FileMerge, Icon Composer, and Instruments), you can create an alias to them and place these in your Applications folder. Or, if you use them very often, drag them to your Dock.

can't find /var/mobile/applications directory for ios documents

I'm trying to run a release build on my iPad device connected to xcode for debugging. I'm not certain but guessing that when I do this the documents directory ends up somewhere on my local machine and not on the iPad (as when I run it without xcode). I get an output like this for the directory:
but I can't access that directory. Going to /var does not reveal any 'mobile' subdir. This seems different from when I run the iPad unconnected and end up with files viewable on the device through Organizer within xcode (making me conclude that it saves them locally in this mysterious dir when run connected to xcode).
Can someone help me access this mystery directory?
For "xcode 6":
Connect your device with your MAC (You can sure about that having a look into the simulator list, it should be there)
Now open xcode and go to "Windows" from upper menu
Go to "Devices" from drop down list
Now this window will pop up. Your app should be there in the "Installed Apps" section. Like the picture below. Double click on it.
Here you can see the "Documents" folder and the photos you saved earlier. You can't delete photo from this list. Because this is the iPhone device section, you accessing through the xcode.
If you want to delete the photos, you have to delete the whole project. To do that, scroll down below the screen and there should be a minus "-" button. After selecting your project just click on it. It will delete your photos as well as whole project.
Window -> Organizer -> select your's Iphone -> Applications -> select your iphone project name and you can see blow in the "Data files in Sandbox"
(Original poster here)
A few things I got wrong:
Running it on the device whether with the debugger or not always puts the file on the device, not on the local drive. This /var/mobile directory must be essentially some location on the device itself that can't normally be accessed browsing from the mac.
I needed to refresh the view in Organizer to see the files being placed there. I did so by detaching the iPad and then reattaching it (the usb), and the files would refresh.
Instead of removing the question, I'll leave this here for others and myself for the tip in viewing/refreshing files in organizer and the clarification of where the files are being placed when run on the device.
The directory you are looking for is located at
/Users/User Name/Library/Application Support/iPhone
Simulator/Simulator iOS Version/Applications/Application
Thank you they are both right in different contexts
If you are running it on device then what #ethemsulan is correct.
And then on the simulator the folder is found on your mac and the file path is as #Vin and #Osiris has given
Add this to your info.plist source code and you will find the recorded files inside files of iPhone device.
To see the file saved in iPhone -
Go to plist file of your project.
Set Supports Document Browser to "YES".
You will see the saved file in FILES in your device.
I am using iOS 13 and Xcode 11.6, it worked for me.
