UIButton size appears as DEFAULT at runtime despite being resized in XIB - ipad

I have a iPhone app I am converting to Universal. I properly set up the MainWindow-iPad.xib and tied its view controller to my view controller class and all the other links etc and at run time, under the iPad simulator the App WORKS Perfectly...
However, I have 2 buttons in the XIB for iPad, and while in the XIB they are both resized from the default size to the sizes I want, and appear properly, at runtime under IPAD they appear as though the are still the default size when added to the XIB.
All other things done to the buttons appear proper, images, text, backgrounds etc are all working perfectly fine, but for some reason on the IPAD and IPAD Emulator only they are ignoring the size the XIB says they should be.
Does anyone have any idea what is going on? I have double and triple checked all the settings for the buttons in the XIB editor to ensure there is nothing different between the IPAD and IPHONE xib files related to these UIButtons, but they still appear at runtime with the wrong size.

Okay, DOH! moment... had an explicit XIB load in the code... so it was always loading the default MainWindow.xib no matter what...


IOS DEV: Should I be concerned if the Main.storyboard layout looks different from the actual layout?

So for my app, the tableview layout in the iOS simulator when I click run is CORRECT and as I intend. However the layout is not always 100% the same when I view the layout of the tableview in Main.storyboard. When I refresh Xcode(i.e. quit and restart app), the layout of Main.storyboard is what I intend. However, if I play around with orientations/diff iOS devices within Main.storyboard, and then return to my original device, the layout looks incorrect (even though supposedly the math/measurements are correct). Do I need to be concerned?
For reference I followed the instructions of https://www.ralfebert.de/ios-examples/uikit/uitableviewcontroller/custom-cells/ EXACTLY to make a cell (instead of an image, I used a button though). And here is an image of my iPad simulator https://drive.google.com/file/d/152scJF6h12amh-AAycDqpe6TXOzN2y-H/view?usp=sharing vs the main.storyboard simulator https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NvUfMVLk08S8qH4mFraRsQYbDzPdjaBG/view?usp=sharing
However the layout is not always 100% the same when I view the layout of the tableview in Main.storyboard.
It sounds like you might have some missing or incorrect constraints. Take a look at the little yellow arrow icon to the right of "View Controller Scene":
That icon tells you that there are some issues that you need to resolve. Click it and you'll get a list of the particular issues and your options for fixing them.
Do I need to be concerned?
The risk, of course, is that under some circumstances your view won't draw the way you want it to. Start by fixing the issues that Xcode is pointing out, and then test on lots of different devices (or simulators) as you can, in all the possible geometries you might encounter (different screen sizes, orientations, split view, etc.).

LaunchScreen.xib leads to issue in view resizing

I decided to replace LaunchImage by a LaunchScreen.xib, notably to reduce the number of assets - especially in a context with my app comes with numeral targets.
This works well BUT now I am using the LaunchScreen.xib, some views in my app are sized like on iPhone 5 while running on a iPhone 6/6s. Notably UIViewController containing a scrollView or tableView.
Not sure why. I could not figure out any reason. I remember having the same issue with the app behaving like on iPhone4 on a iPhone5 if I did not provide the appropriate LaunchImage assets, but the point of LaunchScreen.xib is not to have several right ?
Would appreciate if someone has some hints.
In your project target general tab, select the LaunchScreen as your Launch Screen File.

iOS simulator screen size

It is just 2days to start iOS programming.
So I'm very beginner in this area.
<--This image is in iOS simulator. As you see right part is cropped.
<--This image is original UI.
I don't know why some parts have gone.
I am using MacBook Pro 2011 with Yosemite OS and brand-new XCode.
I tried cmd+1, cmd+2, cmd+3.
Please help me.
Thank you in advance.
Go to file inspector and uncheck the "use size classes" option, this is due to newly introduced size class feature to support all devices in ios 8
The new user interface works with all sizes of devices at once. The default size is 600x600 as you are seeing. When you simulate, is uses autolayout and constraints to arrange objects for the desired screen, aka an iPhone.
If you want to place the label in the center of the screen, Ctrl+drag from the label to the background, release mouse and buttons and the constraints options will appear. Click Center Horizontally in Container and Center Vertically in Container.
Run again. It will be centered.
Best regards
Select your view controller and find size inspector, Change fixed to freeform and give whatever size you want
I had a closely related question, and Mehul Thakkar's answer helped me to get where I needed to be, but I'm adding a new answer to flesh out both the question and answer a bit.
I was working on an iPhone app for iOS 8 that was shrinking the interface on larger screens to the size of the iPhone 4s. I don't use storyboards or Interface Builder nib/xib files at all, and do everything programmatically; for iOS 7 and earlier, I didn't bother making an explicit launch screen as my UI was simple enough that it loaded very quickly and a launch screen wasn't necessary.
Anyway, after finding this page and poking around a bit, it appears that creating a launch screen storyboard or nib/xib is now necessary on iOS 8, if you want your application to run at the correct size? (At least, I couldn't find any other way to coerce Xcode to do it in the project settings or whatnot.)
To do this, I created a new launch screen .xib file, unchecked "Use Size Classes" in the "Interface Builder Document" section of the File Inspector of that .xib file, and set the "Launch Screen File" under the General tab of my target settings to use that .xib. After that, the app ran at full screen size again.
This works for me and I guess I don't mind putting in a few minutes to turn the .xib file into a proper splash screen, but I'd be interested in hearing if there are other/better ways of making things work in iOS 8 and beyond, for those of us who hate our lovely code being tainted by the presence of those nasty storyboards/nibs/xibs...

iPhone app's storyboard does not display correctly on iPad

I've spent a lot of time attempt to research this issue and haven't gotten any results unfortunately.
[edit: being more explicit with my question]
My question is: why are the objects on my view controller not appearing when I run the iPad simulator? The background color of the view controller is displayed. The navigation tab bar appears as well. But neither of the two objects on my view controller appear (which have constraints on them).
If I look at the info.plist I see that I have "Main Storyboard file base name" with a value of Main (which makes sense, as my one and only storyboard is main.storyboard).
When I run the app within the iPhone simulator, all is well. When I changed the simulator to iPad, this is what happens:
Launch Screen appears
View Controller appears with the background color I have chosen in my storyboard scene.
When in debug, I see that it's going through the code to load up my views as it does when running in the iPhone simulator.
The Tab Bar controller's tab bar appears at the bottom of the view controller as expected.
Is this somehow related to the width and height I have selected? I have it set to: wCompact hAny. When I change it to wAny hRegular, the items I had placed in the scene (a UIView and a UITextField) "disappear."
Some background:
I originally created the app as Universal. But what I want, at least for now because I'm still learning, is just an iPhone app that will also run on an iPad (with that 2x option). I changed the Targeted Device Family to iPhone under both the Target and then later under Project.
I know one option is to just make an iPad layout, but I'd really like to know what I'm doing wrong here.
[edit: one solution]
The resolution I took, although I feel it's not the one I wanted, was to change the size to one that iPad supports and then paste the two objects (UIView & UITextView) into the scene that was defined as wAny hRegular. Then I hooked up those 2 objects to their outlets in the View Controller and I now have my app appearing in the iPad simulator.

Using a launch screen (.xib) stops scaling

It's my understanding that apps for iOS 8 should have a storyboard file as launch screen rather than an image. I've created a really simple launch screen file that has any width and any height, and has one label of plain text reading "placeholder" and set it as my launch screen. However, when I try to run my app on the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus simulators, there's black bars around the background and the buttons on the main menu are out of place. The problem doesn't seem to be present in the 5s or iPad. Most of my assets aren't optimized for the 6 and 6 Plus though, since they were created before they came out. Is that why this is happening? Or is it something else? Thanks in advance.
Edit: Apparently, putting in a launch screen stops the app from automatically scaling. Is there a way to have both a launch screen, and keep the app scaling? Or do I need to make new assets?
This is a bit of an old question, and I ended up using a launch image instead of a launch screen, but you can probably solve this by using constraints. If you set top, bottom, leading, and/or trailing constraints on an item in the view, it'll scale itself to fit those constraints (if possible). For text, it has the autoshrink property which you can change to minimum font scale (instead of fixed font size), though I'm not sure how you can scale text up. The autolayout documentation is here.
To create a launch screen from a xib file first create a new file from under “User Interface” and select the option called “Launch Screen”
Using autolayout, design the first view of you app so it scales to suit all resolutions that your app supports.
Using the new Launch Screen
Under the app setting select the newly created Launch Screen from the app options.
This is the example for using a xib file. It can also be done using storyboard as shown in Ole Begemann blog
