Ant version wrongly picked with weblogic - ant

I have installed Weblogic and using apache-ant-1.8.1 for build. ANT_HOME, JAVA_HOME are set
When I ran diagnostics I get this part
ant.version: Apache Ant version 1.7.1 compiled on June 27 2008 1.6
ant.core.lib: C:\BEA11\modules\org.apache.ant_1.7.1\lib\ant.jar
ant.home: C:\apps\apache-ant-1.8.1
Ant home is 1.8 but the core lib is referring older version. Is there any way to override this issue?
after adding ant\bin location to PATH, I get different problem.
taskdef class cannot be found using the classloader AntClassLoader[]
Solution : mentioned the weblogic server path properly.

I'll bet the older version is bundled with WebLogic.
See if you can find it to confirm.
I'd argue that the WebLogic version ought to be sufficient. What functionality is it missing that you can't do without?


OfBiz Installation Failure

Apache OfBiz is not installing correctly, and fails to compile in the command prompt.
After creating the system variable JAVA_HOME to C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_40, and editing "Path" to be C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin;C:\apache-ant-1.9.4\bin, I downloaded OfBiz 13.07.01 to my C:\ folder and unzipped it there. In the command prompt, I typed the following:
C:\Users\CalS>cd C:\apache-ofbiz-13.07.01
C:\apache-ofbiz-13.07.01>ant load-seed
Then, after about 50 seconds, I get this:
C:\apache-ofbiz-13.07.01\build.xml:229: the following error occurred while executing this line:
C:\apache-ofbiz-13.07.01\build.xml:248: the following error occurred while executing this line:
C:\apache-ofbiz-13.07.01\build.xml:39: the following error occurred while executing this line:
C:\apache-ofbiz-13.07.01\build.xml:91: compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.
Please note it has been years since I dealt with DOS, so I do not know how to access the error output.
This is after I get a few dozen errors like:
[javac16] class file for org.ofbiz.widget.ContentWorkerInterfaice not found
[javac16] warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunctions with -source 1.6
Under 'classes'.
Misc. I have tried 'ant run-install' and 'load-demo' commands without avail. I've followed step-by-step tutorials, but very likely missed something. Please let me know what I can do to fix this and run this program successfully. Thanks!
Please have a look at the following Apache Jira Tickets for OFBiz where your problem is addressed and was fixed, so that OFBiz could be build with java 1.8.
The build errors occur due to missing fileset entries in the build.xml for some applications (party, workeffort, product, order, ebay, and pos), see: OFBIZ-5835
A fix is available in related ticket: OFBIZ-6079
There was another bug in the current release branches (checked 14.12.01, 12.04.06, 13.07.02) that I fixed last week. The fix is already committed to the branches.
See: OFBIZ-6252
You have to compile/run with the same Java version.
Seems you have some inconsistencies: JAVA_HOME ist 1.8, Path is set to jre 7 and the warning states it is using an 1.6 compiler.
With the 13.07. Release, using Java 1.7 or 1.8 is recommended and supported.
Alright, so it looks like Apache OFBiz and Java JDK 1.8.XX don't get along. I found help on another forum that confirmed the discrepancy in compatibility between OFBiz 13.07.01/Apache ant 1.9.4 and JDK 1.8.XX. This will cause the compiling of the Apache Ant to fail (which seems to run off of JDK 1.6).
I remedied the problem by downloading the archived JDK 1.7.0_67 from Oracle, re-mapping the System Variables accordingly, and re-initializing the Command Prompt.
It works now! Thank you all for your contributions.
Though solved, let me add something important. JDK version is not always an issue in such errors. Ofbiz v13.X.X works well on JDK 1.7 and above. The error shown is a peculiar issue with Ofbiz v13.07.01 dist.
As Martin pointed out, one need to add widget jars in the classpath of order, party, product & workeffort. Add the below line
<fileset dir="../../framework/widget/build/lib" includes="*.jar"/>
in build.xml of order, party, product & workeffort under applications directory.

ggts null pointer "Retrieving available scripts"

I installed a fresh copy of GGTS on a fresh copy of windows 8 with JDK 1.7 installed.
I tried to get it to compile my existing project which was based on 2.3.6 and it failed miserably as GGTS comes with grails 2.4.2.
I know serveral people who had problems with 2.4.x so decided to stick with 2.3.
So I downloaded 2.3.11 (latest 2.3) and created a GRAILS_HOME pointing to 2.3.11 dir, and JAVA_HOME pointing to the root of the JDK.
On command line, I can now type grails - version and get back 2.3.11.
I restarted GGTS, and deleted the project and createde it again, adding 2.3.11 as a new Grails version, and set the project to use that.
It fails to compile, saying version is wrong. Fair enough. But when I try to launch the command line from GGTS using the gree circular button at the top which looks like 3 cups, it says:
Retrieving available scripts
Retrieving available scripts
An internal error occurred during: "Retrieving available scripts".
Any ideas?
In my case the problem was, that I had moved grails to a different folder. I just had to change the location of grails in the settings. Hope that helps somebody.
check all grails-project's 'app.grails.version' in, then open window - preferences - groovy -grails, make sure that all VERSIONs were defined ( I use sts, maybe a little difference ).
update all set app.grails.version=2.3.11 ( the version your ggts defined )
Check if your environment variable of GRAILS_HOME is set to the right version of Grails.
I ran into this same issue, and the problem was caused by the Grails installation it was trying to use. It wanted to use the default version that comes with GGTS rather than the one I installed myself.
To fix, go to Window > Preferences > Groovy > Grails, then "Edit" the Grails installation it shows. I had to switch mine from C:\ggts-bundle\grails-2.4.4\ to C:\grails-2.4.2\.

how to find your project current versions in grails

I want to know the versions of the software used while developing the project, Suppose If there is an existing project In grails ,so I want to know the version of grails as well as version of Groovy for that project
Metadata regarding a project in Grails is kept in
Within this file you will find the version of Grails used for the project under the key app.grails.version.
The version of Groovy used however is not kept in this file and is determined by the version of Grails being used. To determine the version of Groovy used by a specific version of Grails visit the introduction section of the Grails documentation.
As pointed out in another answer, if you have target version of Grails already downloaded you can search for the version of Groovy being used by that version of Grails.
$ cd grails-X.X.X
$ find . -name "groovy*jar"
> cd grails-x.x.x
> dir /s "groovy*.jar"
From controllers/services:
def appVersion=Metadata.current.'app.grails.version'
def appName=Metadata.current.''
From gsp:
App Version <g:meta name="app.version"/>
Built with Grails <g:meta name="app.grails.version"/>
Added extra information to figure out a grails application version from raw text files :
If you have a grails 3 application, you should find a build.gradle in the main root of your application folder:
version "0.1" According to this grails 3 project the version of this application is 0.1
Grails version is 3.1.1 according to
On a grails 2 project you will find in the main project root:
According to this grails 2 project
grails version is 2.4.4
App version is 0.1
If you already have a project and want to learn which grails version it uses. You can find it in file.
The content of the file is like the following
As of Grails 3, this is:
Version <g:meta name=""/>
Notice the info.
use in the root of the grails application
To find out which version of groovy is used with particular version of grails I always use simple find:
$ cd grails-X.X.X
$ find . -name "groovy*jar"
Maybe I'm just too lazy to dig into websites... ;-)
You can see application name,grails version,application version from file of grails project
I face the same issue, I found simplest way to find version by simple command.
grails clean
then it prints
Welcome to Grails 1.3.7 -

Neo4j 1.9.4 Windows Installer- where did the shell go?

When you install 1.9.4 using the new Windows installer, from where does one launch the Neo4j-Shell (previously found in bin)?
The neo4j-shell isn't currently shipping with the neo4j desktop but you can launch it by running the following command from 'C:\Program Files\Neo4j Community\' (or equivalent location:):
jre\bin\java -classpath bin\neo4j-desktop-1.9.4.jar
I'm not sure whether there are plans to include it in the next release, I'll check.
You can uninstall your neo4j windowns instalation version, so you can download an zip file with contains the neo4j binary version for Windows at Using this version, you can find the bin, conf and lib folder. Besides that, you can find the Neo4jShell.bat. This file is the shell.
I believe the stand alone Neo4j-Shell isn't included in the installer for 1.9.4, but there is the Power tool console in the web interface, and you can also use the shell from the 1.8.3 package. I have no idea if it's supported though, but it seems to work.
For future googlers who end up here, there is a cypher shell at <neo4_dir>\bin\cypher-shell.bat. Neo4j-CE-3.1.0

Grails: Native2ascii error when I add a new property to

I get a strange error when I add a new property to file in my grails application during runtime. When I restart the application via the command line, or restart STS, this error disappears. I am on version 2.0.1 and until a week ago, I was able to add new properties to file during runtime. Here is the stacktrace of the error
| Error 2012-06-18 16:54:58,702 [Thread-38] ERROR plugins.AbstractGrailsPluginManager - Plugin [i18n:2.0.1] could not reload changes to file [/home/project/grails-app/i18n/]: Error starting Sun's native2ascii:
Message: Error starting Sun's native2ascii:
Any ideas?
cd to jdk path
cp lib/tools.jar jre/lib/ext/tools.jar
It solves the issue.
Note: to get correct jdk path,
check GGTS --> Windows --> Preferences --> Java --> Installed JREs --> JREs Home Path
You should be using JDK rather than JRE.
Also, if you don't need the native2ascii (which you probably don't), in BuildConfig.groovy use: grails.enable.native2ascii = false
Very frustrating bug.
After I executed all the steps suggested above in this thread, grails app was STILL not seeing tools.jar...
For anyone experiencing this problem in GGTS when pointing to the 1.7 jdk (when setting the jre) persisting afterwards, you MUST do the following:
Pick the correct jdk (1.7) in the "JRE Definition" panel within "Installed JRE's" in the GGTS Preferences panels.
Watch the jars from that jdk populate in the JRE definition window panel at the bottom "JRE System Libraries".
Check for tools.jar (mine DID NOT show up as recognized within the jdk lib or, after i tried 'zawmn83's post above) in /lib/ext.
If tools.jar does not show up as recognized in the jdk, click the "Add External JARs..." button, find it, add it.
That completely solve my problem - THANK GOD!!!!
p.s. i also had to set my JAVA_HOME to my 1.7 jdk correctly, in my .bash_profile but, that's already called out here as part of the solution.
Thanks everyone for contributing on this one - this bug has been causing me brain damage whilst tinkering with it today, and the above suggestions got me 99% of the way there!
I had a similar problem, in the end I
Removed the Debug Config for the Project
Deleted the project (but NOT the files)
Removed the .settings directory
Removed the .classpath and .project files from the project
Created a New General Project with the same name in the workspace
Recreated the Debug -> Run as Run-App
Hope this helps
This happened to me when I installed java 8 in parallel with java 7 on Ubuntu but didn't properly configure it with update-alternatives. Specifically, JAVA_HOME was not set properly.
I had a similar error when compiling Grails 2 from the command line under linux.
Error packaging application: Error occurred processing message bundles: Error starting Sun's native2ascii:
Caused by: : Error starting Sun's native2ascii:
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:`
I solved it by setting JAVA_HOME to JDK as mentioned above, something like
and not:
also include $JAVA_HOME/bin in the PATH variable
On linux, running grails war command, it solves the issue
cp /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk/lib/tools.jar /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk/jre/lib/ext/
