Measure retweets and top influencer - twitter

According to Twitter API, it returns up to 100 of the first retweets of a given tweet.
What is the best way to measure number of retweets, when the amount
is higher than 100?
What is the best way to find top influencer of my tweet (Person, who retweeted my tweet, and he has the highest number of retweets)?

I found the answers:
Twitter API Get Status provide amount of retweets: "retweet_count"
If you want to get all retweets you should periodically query Twitter to get retweets.
Note: In spite, Twitter API allows to return up to 100 retweets, it usually return only latest retweets during last random timing frame.
New style retweets track only first level. Example:
#bob: My Awesome application
#alice: RT: #bob My Awesome application
But if #eve RT #alice retweet, the message will be similar to alice's and she won't be mentioned in it.
#eve: RT: #bob My Awesome application
The old style was (not in use anymore): RT: #alice: RT: #bob My Awesome application
There is some Twitter API limit OAuth-enabled application could initiate 350 GET-based requests per hour per access token.

If you want to work with the Instagram API, the method suggested above will work really well.
I you do not want to work with the API, many free social media tools are available that will do this stuff for you. Search "twitter analytics tools" and you will find an array of options. Crowdbabble has a free trial that will let you track your retweets and the top influencers who follow you -- you can sort your followers in a table by the number of followers they have.


Is there any methods to get the like list of a tweet?

I want to get the complete like list of a specific tweet, but the Twitter API only provided an API that can retrieve the 100 most recent users who liked the specific tweet. I also looked for Twitter crawlers on Github, but they all worked in a user-oriented manner, ie they can only get a list of liked tweets of a user, not a list of liking users of a specific tweet.
I also tried to crawl the list using selenium, but maybe due to my limited skill, it didn't work well. I don't want to spend a lot of time studying selenium and front-end knowledge just to accomplish a simple thing, so are there any open source codes or twitter APIs that can do this?
Yes. This has just been announced in the Twitter API v2.
Previously, you were limited to the 100 most recent Likes or Retweets with these endpoints. We heard your feedback that this was too limiting and have updated these endpoints to now return all results. To retrieve a complete list of Likes and Retweets, you can now use pagination.
Use the v2 Likes lookup endpoint: GET /2/tweets/:id/liking_users

How to get the old timeline or tweet?

i'm University students of South korea
I'm developing analysis application using bigdata of twitter with my advisor professor. So i'm gathering tweets contains specific keyword(relevant word of crime) at period. I use 'streaming api' and 'search api' now. I have seen that using search api and streaming api result is return tweets of only one week.
I should be get the old data that have keyword of crime and since 2006 until 2016
do you have any idea?
Sadly you can't get tweets from that time range.
From the documentation:
The Search API is not complete index of all Tweets, but instead an index of recent Tweets. At the moment that index includes between 6-9 days of Tweets.
So, you can only get recent tweets from the search API. Be careful too with the data beacuse it's about relevance not completeness, from the same documentation:
Before getting involved, it’s important to know that the Search API is focused on relevance and not completeness. This means that some Tweets and users may be missing from search results. If you want to match for completeness you should consider using a Streaming API instead.
If you really need older tweets you will have to get them from other sources like Gnip. Otherwise you will have to approach differently your problem.
If you have the names (or id's) of all the users that you want to get info you could get the timelines from each user getting up to 3200 tweets.

Is there a way around twitter's rate limit? A pricing plan perhaps?

I am working on a project which requires getting tweet and user information from twitter. I can't even test the current system because I keep hitting twitter rate limit. Is there any way around it?
Basic information that I am looking to extract from each status is:
Status text
User follower count
User following count
Retweet count
Geo location co-ordinates
I am using Twitter4J API to do this.
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
I am using twitter's search API to get list of tweets.
One option is to use a Twitter Data Reseller (e.g. GNIP) who can sell tweets.
Another option is to maximize your use of the API. Here are some tips:
Check Rate Limit Status for each API you're use to make sure you don't go over and when the rate limit resets (currently every 15 minutes).
Look at the parameters to make sure you request a count of the maximum number of tweets for that API. e.g. a count can default to 20, but you can set it to 200, depending availability and limits on the specific endpoint. This potentially reduces the number of queries you have to make.
Page your results according to the Twitter's Working with Timelines guidance. Use SinceID and MaxID to make sure you're only requesting new tweets. This could reduce requests by reducing the number of tweets you need (through increasing the opportunity to stay within max count) and reducing the number of requests by avoiding queries for tweets you already have.
Essentially, you want to examine endpoint parameters with a perspective for how to decrease bandwidth and reduce the number of queries you have to make.

What is the best approach to working out if I have retweeted a tweet from another user, via the Twitter API?

So, I am currently working on an application that allows me to search journalists and view their contact details including, among other things, their latest tweets.
Calling the Twitter API is no problem at all, and I have a list of tweets for the current journo showing up fine. However, I am trying to decide the best approach to seeing if I (the user logged into our application) have retweeted any of the journo's tweets, so that I can display the tweet as having been retweeted.
Looking at the API documentation, I am looking into the following options:
1 - Use /statuses/retweeted_by_me to get the list of tweets that I
have retweeted, specifying max_id to be the highest id from the
list of tweets for the journo I am looking at. What I am not sure of
here is if the max_id is going to limit by the max id of my tweets or
the max id of the retweeted tweets.
2 - Use /statuses/:id/retweeted_by for each of the journo's tweets to
get a list of all the users who have retweeted that tweet and to check to
see if my user is in the returned list of users. Downfalls of this is that there
could be thousands of retweeters and I can only return a maximum of
100 at a time. That could mean a lot of requests just to find if I
retweeted one tweet. This also means that I need to do this for each
of the journo's tweets as opposed to getting the list of all my
rewteets above.
3 - Use /statuses/retweets/:id to get a list of the retweets for
each of the journo's tweets. This option has the same limitations as
I'm currently leaning towards #1, however, I'm not sure as yet if this will work. I need to do some more investigation. In the mean time, my question to you is:
What is the best approach to working out if I have retweeted a tweet from another user?
Ok, so I must have been having a brain fart moment when looking into this yesterday. It occurred to me this morning that you can simply make an authenticated call to /statuses/user_timeline which will set the retweeted property to true if you have retweeted that tweet.

How do I get the follower count for thousands of Twitter users per hour, without getting rate limited?

I know that I can use "users/show" and get "followers_count" or I can do "followers/ids" and count the number of IDs returned, but both of these methods are rate-limited at 150 requests per hour when anonymous and 350 when signed w OAuth.
The program I'm writing uses the Twitter Search API to look for all mentions of a hashtag. I'm using the Search API and not the Streaming API because I need to look for historical tweets, not just real time.
When I find a tweet that contains the hashtag, I want to save the user's handle, tweet ID, time of tweet, and the number of followers that user has. Since the number of followers per user isn't returned with the Search API, I need to use another API call for that. That extra call is what's causing me trouble.
Are there any more efficient ways to get the number of followers for more than 350 users per hour? (There are a TON of tweets coming in...)
Your only option is GET users/lookup which supports fetching up too 100 user objects in a single request. Authentication is required so you will be allowed 35000 user objects/hour. If that still isn't enough should look into queueing the requests.
