Machine dependent results for OLE check of MSWord version - delphi

With this code to retrieve the version of the installed MS Word:
uses uses oleauto;
function TForm2.GetWordVersion:string;
wdDoNotSaveChanges = 0;
WordApp: OLEVariant;
WordVersion: variant;
WordApp := CreateOLEObject('Word.Application');
WordVersion := WordApp.version;
on E: Exception do
WordVersion := -1;
Result := wordversion;
I get 140 on my machine, my colleague gets 14. Both are win7/Word2010 but I am in Italy he is in India.
Anyone knows about this?
Why different values?

I'm guessing this is a decimal separator issue. Word returns the string '14.0' and then when you convert to integer the period is treated as a positional separator on one machine, and a decimal separator on another.
The solution is to stop converting to integer which I infer that you are doing in code that you have not shown.
I am inferring that from this comment:
I can convert it to string and use the first 2 chars.
Since the code in the question operates on strings, I conclude that other code, not shown in the question, is converting to integer.


Delphi XE3: Convert WideChar array to Unicode string HOWTO?

I've done some research here regarding the problem given above and come up with the following code:
VarStr = array of WideChar;
function ArrayToString(const a: VarStr): UnicodeString;
if Length(a) > 0 then
ShowMessage ('Länge des übergebenen Strings: ' + IntToStr(Length(a)));
SetString(Result, PWideChar(#a[0]), Length(a) div 2)
Result := '';
ShowMessage displays the correct number of characters in a given array, but the result of the function is always an empty string.
Your ideas please?
You are passing the wrong length value. You only ask for half of the characters. Fix your code like this:
function ArrayToString(const a: VarStr): string;
SetString(Result, PWideChar(a), Length(a));
However, you also report that your function returns an empty string. The most likely cause for that is that you are passing invalid input to the function. Consider this program:
VarStr = array of WideChar;
function ArrayToStringBroken(const a: VarStr): UnicodeString;
SetString(Result, PWideChar(#a[0]), Length(a) div 2);
function ArrayToStringSetString(const a: VarStr): UnicodeString;
SetString(Result, PWideChar(a), Length(a));
a: VarStr;
a := VarStr.Create('a', 'b', 'c', 'd');
The output is:
So as well as the problem with the code in your question, you would seem to have problems with the code that is not in your question.
Perhaps when you said:
The result of the function is always an empty string.
You actually meant that no text is displayed when you pass the returned value to ShowMessage. That's a completely different thing altogether. As #bummi points out in comments, ShowMessage will truncate its input at the first null-terminator that is encountered. Use proper debugging tools to inspect the contents of variables.
Result:= Trim(string(a));
UPDATE: As colleagues graciously pointed in comments, this is a wrong answer! It works only because internal string and dynamic array implementation are pretty similar and there is no guarantee that such code would work in the future compilator versions. The correct way to DynArray->String conversion is described in the David answer. I would not delete my answer to preserve comments, in my opinion their worth is much greater..

Detect if string contains a float?

How can I detect if a string contains a float. For example: '0.004'
But without using StrToFloat because that function are slow but rather by iterating through chars.
function IsInteger(const S: String): Boolean;
P: PChar;
P := PChar(S);
Result := True;
while not (P^ = #0) do
case P^ of
'0'..'9': Inc(P);
Result := False;
This will check if string is a positive integer but not a float..
I would use TryStrToFloat():
if TryStrToFloat(str, value, FormatSettings) then
If you are prepared to use the default system wide format settings then you can omit the final parameter:
if TryStrToFloat(str, value) then
Can you use a RegEx here? Something like:
The problem with this question is that saying "is too slow" doesn't tell much. What does the profiler tells to you? Do you have an informed idea about the input data? What about different notations, for example, 6.02e23?
If your input data is mostly noise, then using regular expressions (as answered here) may improve things but only as a first filter. You could then add a second step to actually obtain your number, as explained by David's answer.

How to get Delphi Currency Type to Round like Excel all the time?

I'm trying to get Delphi to Round like Excel but I can't. Here is the code:
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
s : string;
c : currency;
c := 54321.245;
s := '';
s := s + Format('Variable: %m',[c]);
s := s + chr(13);
s := s + Format(' Literal: %m',[54321.245]);
I'm using a currency variable that is set to 54321.245 and when I format this variable it rounds using Bankers Rounding. However, when I format the same value as a literal it rounds the way that Excel rounds.
I was expecting this to round to $54,321.25 whether it's formating a currency variable or a literal value. How can I make sure that Delphi rounds the same way as Excel every time?
The rounding I expect to see is as follows:
54,321.245 = 54,321.25
54,321.2449 = 54,321.24
54,431.2499 = 54,421.25
I am only using literals to show the different ways Delphi rounds. I expect to use variables in the actual code.
If I change the variable from currency to extended it rounds correctly
Edit #2
Some have suggested that I do not have a clear understanding of my requirements, this is absolutely not true. I have a very clear understanding of my requirements, I'm obviously not doing a very good job of explaining them. The rounding method I want is two decimal places. When the deimal part has a thousandths value >= 0.005 I want it rounded to 0.01 the currency type offered by Delphi does not do this. I also tried this example using Microsoft SQL with a money datatype (which I assumed was the same as Delphi's currency) and SQL rounds it's money type the way I described.
SQL Money >= 0.005 = 0.01
Delphi Currency >= 0.005 := 0.00
Edit #3
Good Article:
Possible Solution:
Edit #4
Here is one of the solutions from the Embarcadero discussion
function RoundCurrency(const Value: Currency): Currency;
V64: Int64 absolute Result;
Decimals: Integer;
Result := Value;
Decimals := V64 mod 100;
Dec(V64, Decimals);
case Decimals of
-99 .. -50 : Dec(V64, 100);
50 .. 99 : Inc(V64, 100);
If I understand you correctly, you are looking for this:
function RoundTo2dp(Value: Currency): Currency;
Result := Trunc(Value*100+IfThen(Value>0, 0.5, -0.5))/100;
It's not possible to make RTL to round the way you want. The way to affect the rounding in Delphi is to use SetRoundMode which sets the FPU conrol word for rounding, however, as far as I can tell, there's no FPU support for rounding the exact in-between to upwards (which is generally avoided because it generates a bias for higher values).
You have to implement your own rounding function. There's an extended discussion in Delphi Rounding thread on Embarcadero forums, which includes several solutions.
use function System.Math.SimpleRoundTo
You can gain control on how delphi rounding numbers by :
uses Math;
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
s : string;
c : currency;
c := 54321.245;
s := '';
s := s + Format('Variable: %m',[c]);
s := s + chr(13);
s := s + Format(' Literal: %m',[54321.245]);
Unfortunately, using rmNearest, Delphi decides the number 54321.245 is closer to 54321.24 than 54321.25

Theres a UIntToStr in delphi to let you display UINT64 values, but where is StrToUInt to allow user to input 64 bit unsigned values?

I want to convert a large 64 bit value from decimal or hex string to 64 bit UINT64 data type. There is a UIntToStr to help converting the UINT64 to string, but no way to convert a 64 bit integer to a unsigned value, as a string. That means integer values greater than 2**63 can not be represented in decimal or hex, using the RTL. This is normally not a big deal, but it can happen that a user needs to input a value, as an unsigned integer, which must be stored into the registry as a 64 bit unsigned integer value.
procedure HandleLargeHexValue;
x := StrToInt('$FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF'); // range error.
Caption := UintToStr(x);
Update Val now works fine in Delphi XE4 and up. In XE3 and below Val('$FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF') works but not Val('9223372036854775899'). As Roeland points out below in Quality Central 108740: System.Val had problems with big UInt64 values in decimal until Delphi XE4.
UPDATE: In XE4 and later the RTL bug was fixed. This hack is only useful in Delphi XE3 or older
Well, if it ain't there, I guess I could always write it.
(I wrote a pretty good unit test for this too, but its too big to post here)
unit UIntUtils;
{ A missing RTL function written by Warren Postma. }
function TryStrToUINT64(StrValue:String; var uValue:UInt64 ):Boolean;
function StrToUINT64(Value:String):UInt64;
uses SysUtils,Character;
function TryStrToUINT64(StrValue:String; var uValue:UInt64 ):Boolean;
result := false;
Base := 10;
Start := 1;
StrValue := Trim(UpperCase(StrValue));
if StrValue='' then
if StrValue[1]='-' then
if StrValue[1]='$' then
Base := 16;
Start := 2;
if Length(StrValue)>17 then // $+16 hex digits = max hex length.
uValue := 0;
for n := Start to Length(StrValue) do
if Character.IsDigit(StrValue[n]) then
Digit := Ord(StrValue[n])-Ord('0')
else if (Base=16) and (StrValue[n] >= 'A') and (StrValue[n] <= 'F') then
Digit := (Ord(StrValue[n])-Ord('A'))+10
exit;// invalid digit.
Nextvalue := (uValue*base)+digit;
if (Nextvalue<uValue) then
uValue := Nextvalue;
result := true; // success.
function StrToUINT64(Value:String):UInt64;
if not TryStrToUINT64(Value,result) then
raise EConvertError.Create('Invalid uint64 value');
I must disagree that Val solves this issue.
Val works only for big UInt64 values when they are written in Hex. When they are written in decimal, the last character is removed from the string and the resulting value is wrong.
See Quality Central 108740: System.Val has problems with big UInt64 values
EDIT: It seems that this issue should be solved in XE4. Can't test this.
With Value a UINT64, the code snippet below gives the expected answer on Delphi 2010 but only if the input values are in hexadecimal
stringValue := '$FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF';
val( stringValue, value, code );
ShowMessage( UIntToStr( value ));
I'd simply wrap val in a convenience function and you're done.
Now feel free to burn me. Am I missing a digit in my tests? :D

How to convert int to currency?

I'm working with Delphi 2009,I binged my question,but the answers I've gotten are outdated since It doesn't recognise StrtoFloat in Delphi2009.
I'm asking how to convert an integer ,for example, '1900000' to '1,900,000'?
You can also use the format command. Because the format expects a real number, adding 0.0 to the integer effectively turns it into an extended type.
Result := Format('%.0m',[intValue + 0.0]));
This handles negative numbers properly and adds the currency symbol for the users locale. If the currency symbol is not wanted, then set CurrencyString := ''; before the call, and restore it afterwards.
SavedCurrency := CurrencyString;
CurrencyString := '';
Result := Format('%.0m',[intValue + 0.0]));
CurrencyString := SavedCurrency;
To force commas, just set the ThousandSeparator := ',';
CurrencyString := '!';
ThousandSeparator := '*';
Result := Format('%.0m',[-1900000.0]);
// Returns (!1*900*000) in my locale.
The "period" in the mask determines how the fractional portion of the float will display. Since I passed 0 afterwards, it is telling the format command to not include any fractional pieces. a format command of Format('%.3m',[4.0]) would return $4.000.
I currently use this :
function FloatToCurrency(const f: double): string;
Result := FormatFloat('#,###.##;1;0', f);
It doesn't work with negative numbers, but since you need currency you won't have that problem.
You can assign Integer to Currency directly by assignment, the compiler will do the conversion for you:
Int : Integer;
Cur : Currency;
Int := 1900000;
Cur := Int;
ShowMessage(CurrToStr(Cur)); // 1900000
ShowMessage(Format('%m', [Cur]); // 1,900,000.00 in US/UK/NZ/AU etc, "1 900 000,00" in Spain etc.
ShowMessage(Format('%.0m', [Cur]); // 1,900,000 in US/UK/NZ/AU etc, "1 900 000" in Spain etc.
If you want Commas using Spanish regional settings set ThousandSeparator := ','; or use the extended CurrToStrF(amount, ffCurrency, decimals, FormatSettings)) version.
The verison with FormatSettings is also thread-safe.
Note: You can't assign Currency to Integer directly, You would need to use Int := Trunc(Cur) but this is inefficient as it converts to float first (unless compiler does something smart).
wouldnt this be more of a format thing, delphi should have some type of support for formating the number into a string the way you want right? Besides isnt the newer versions of delphi more aligned with the .net framework?
