RESTful routing in FuelPHP - restful-url

Hello I am having some difficulty setting up a RESTful routing for a login controller. I keep getting hit with a status 404. Here is what I have so far. Any ideas?
In my routes:
'login' => array(
array('GET', new Route('session/login')),
array('POST', new Route('session/login'))
And in my sessions controller I have:
class Controller_Session extends Controller_Template {
public function get_login(){
return View::forge('session/login');
public function post_login() {
return View::forge('session/login',$data);

Try it using the default routing and the Rest controller.
class Controller_Session extends Controller_Rest
Delete the routes you set up and try accessing the Controller using {url}/session/login

basically delete all routes you have created.
Then create a controller session.php:
class Controller_Session extends Controller_Rest
//class Controller_Session extends Controller_Hybrid
public function get_login()
return View::forge('session/login');
public function post_login()
return View::forge('session/login',$data);
You can extend Controller_Hybrid, if you want to access to both rest and non-rest methods.
Now try with jquery to access url: '/session/login'
It should work!
Good luck

It was an Apache error. The mod rewrite module was not activated on a Debian Based OS


No layout when returning new ViewModel?

I'm upgrading my app from ZF-1.12 to ZF-2.4.
I' have this login controller:
class LoginController extends AbstractActionController {
public function indexAction() {
return new ViewModel(array(
'form' => 'some-form-object',
The thing is, the view seems to be rendered without the selected layout.
However, when I comment out the 'return new ViewModel'.. everything works as expected.
What am I doing wrong?
Many thanks.
Apparently 'form' is sensitive word, when changing the var name - it worked.

ZF2 - How to re-direct to External URL

I am using ZF2 and I am wondering how to re-direct to an external URL.
This is what I have tried:
$this->redirect()->toUrl('' ,
'access_code' => '12345'
Unfortunately it does not work.
The other thought was to simple use something like:
This is being done from my controller, here is the controller code:
use Application\Library\Http\GetHttpInterface;
use Zend\Mvc\Controller\AbstractActionController;
use Zend\View\Model\ViewModel;
class GamesController extends AbstractActionController
public function __construct(
) {
public function redirectAction()
echo "here";
You just missed the return in your instruction. It should be like this:
return $this->redirect()->toUrl('');

laravel routes.php dynamic url

I have three urls:
and I need dynamic settings for each URL.
Before that, I've used to have the route.php like this:
Route::get('oc/online-marketing/ppc', function()
$users = User::where('client_id', 1)->get();
return View::make('users')->with('users', $users);
But I must set dynamic url like this: Route::get('{project}/{module}/{submodule}', ... );
where project is oc or websystems or all
The module is online-marketing
The submodule is ppc
The project name oc, websystems or all could be in table named users
How can I achieve that by using controllers?
You may try something like foillowing, declare the Route like this:
Route::get('{project}/{module}/{submodule}', array('as' => 'mycontroller.project', 'uses' => 'MyController#project'));
Create the Controller:
class MyController extends BaseController {
public function project($project, $module, $submodule)
Here's something to get you started with ...
In your routes.php file, you can have something like:
Route::get('/{clientID}', array('uses' => 'SomeController#someFunction'));
And in the SomeController.php file:
public function someFunction($clientID)
$users = User::where('client_id', $clientID)->get();
return View::make('users')->with('users', $users);
For more information, refer to

Access router from Angular Dart controller

I have a basic Angular Dart program which currently allows logging in and shows a basic dashboard when logged in. What I would like to do is redirect to the dashboard route after a successful login. I do not know how to access the router object from within the login controller, attempts to use DI to load in Router to the controller work but give me a fresh Router object instead of the previously initialised one (as expected).
import 'package:angular/angular.dart';
import 'dart:convert' show JSON;
import 'dart:html';
class TTRouter implements RouteInitializer {
Cookies _cookies;
init(Router router, ViewFactory view) {
name: 'login',
path: '/login',
enter: view('login.partial.html'))
name: 'home',
path: '/dashboard',
enter: view('dashboard.partial.html'));
selector: '[login-controller]',
publishAs: 'ctrl')
class LoginController {
Http _http;
Scope _scope;
LoginController(this._scope, this._http);
login() {
// Login API request ommitted
// TODO: insert redirect to 'home' route here
class TTModule extends Module {
TTModule() {
type(RouteInitializer, implementedBy: TTRouter);
(_) => new NgRoutingUsePushState.value(false));
main() => ngBootstrap(module: new TTModule());
login() is called using ng-submit="ctrl.login() from the login partial view.
I would be grateful for any comments on the structure of the code as well if I'm approaching this the wrong way. I am new to both Dart and Angular (read/watched tutorials but this is the first app I am building on my own).
If you add the router as value to the module instead of type you get the same instance every time.
TTModule() {
value(RouteInitializer, new TTRouter());
try with NgRoutingHelper.
class LoginController {
Http _http;
Scope _scope;
NgRoutingHelper locationService;
LoginController(this._scope, this._http, NgRoutingHelper this.locationService );
login() {
// Login API request ommitted
// TODO: insert redirect to 'home' route here
locationService.router.go('home', {} );
don't forget to add the service in your module
type(NgRoutingHelper );
You should be always getting the same instance of the Router -- there can only be one, otherwise unpredictable things will start happening.
class LoginController {
Http _http;
Scope _scope;
Router _router;
LoginController(this._scope, this._http, this._router);
login() {
_router.go('home', {} );

ZF2 How to get access to the service manager on a custom class that is no a controller, helper or service

At this point i am close to start pulling hair out of my head. I don't find a way to achieve this.
I have a custom class that belongs to a custom folder i created under my WebServices Module src folder. I need to be able to instantiate this class from inside another module/controller but when i do that and dump the services member it contains null.
How can i have the service manager accesible from inside my ApiAuthentication class.
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks
namespace WebServices\Services;
use Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorAwareInterface;
use Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorInterface;
class ApiAuthenticationService extends \Zend\Soap\Client implements ServiceLocatorAwareInterface{
public $services;
function __construct($options = null){
public function setServiceLocator(ServiceLocatorInterface $locator)
$this->services = $locator;
public function getServiceLocator()
return $this->services;
When i call this from inside another module/controller it dumps a null value:
class IndexController extends AbstractActionController
public function indexAction()
$a = new \WebServices\Services\ApiAuthenticationService();
Responding with my own answer to add-on to Adrian's, and the question you asked in response.
If your service has dependencies of it's own, you just use a factory instead of going the invokable route.
Say your service needs a cache adapter and database adapter. Also imagine that it can optionally be configured with some other service (FooService, below):
public function getServiceConfig()
return array(
'factories' => array(
'my_service' => function($sm){
$cache = $sm->get('Cache');
$dbAdapter = $sm->get('DefaultDbAdapter');
$fooService = $sm->get('FooService');
// instantiate your service with required dependencies
$mySvc = new \My\Shiny\Service($cache, $dbAdapter);
// inject an optional dependency
// return your shiny new service
return $mySvc;
Side Note: It's generally bad design to inject the ServiceManager all over the place. You're better off managing your dependencies more explicitly, like above.
This stuff is covered quite well in the Quick Start, if you haven't already read that.
Register your Service in Service Config and access it through getServiceLocator() method in controller.
public function getServiceConfig()
return array(
'invokables' => array(
'my_service' => 'WebServices\Services\ApiAuthenticationService'
public function indexAction()
$service = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('my_service');
