We are developing a mogration from a small issue tracker software to Redmine. We use the Ruby classes directly to migrate the data. The class for an issue is defined like this:
class BuggyIssue < ActiveRecord::Base
self.table_name = :issues
belongs_to :last_issue_change, :class_name => 'BuggyIssueChange', :foreign_key => 'last_issue_change_id'
has_many :issue_changes, :class_name => 'BuggyIssueChange', :foreign_key => 'issue_id', :order => 'issue_changes.date DESC'
set_inheritance_column :none
# Issue changes: only migrate status changes and comments
has_many :issue_changes, :class_name => "BuggyIssueChange", :foreign_key => :issue_id
def attachments
#BuggyMigrate::BuggyAttachment.all(:conditions => ["type = 'issue' AND id = ?", self.id.to_s])
def issue_type
def summary
read_attribute(:summary).blank? ? "(no subject)" : read_attribute(:summary)
def description
read_attribute(:description).blank? ? summary : read_attribute(:description)
def time; Time.at(read_attribute(:time)) end
def changetime; Time.at(read_attribute(:changetime)) end
Creating an issue and defining custom fields for the issue works. However, populating the custom fields doesn't seem to work. There are 4 custom fields (Contact, Test status, Source and Resolution).
The custom fields are created like this:
repf = IssueCustomField.find_by_name("Contact")
repf ||= IssueCustomField.create(:name => "Contact", :field_format => 'string') if repf.nil?
repf.trackers = Tracker.find(:all)
repf.projects << product_map.values
The values for these fields are passed like this:
i = Issue.new :project => product_map[first_change.product_id],
:custom_field_values => {:Contact => issue.contact, 'Test status' => '', :Source => '', :Resolution => ''}
I've also tried a version with an index as hash key:
:custom_field_values => {'1' => issue.contact, 'Test status' => '', :Source => '', :Resolution => ''}
The issue can be saved without an issue, however, no value is ever passed over to Redmine. A
mysql> select count(*) from custom_values where value is not null;
| count(*) |
| 0 |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)
shows that all values for the custom fields are NULL after the migration. I don't seem to be able to find how this is done correctly, the documentation for the Redmine classes is very sparse.
I spent much time to solve near same issue. Take a look on my code written to transfer data from old system to new via Redmine REST API. Cause I used ActiveResource code will be usable for you.
def update_custom_fields(issue, fields)
f_id = Hash.new { |hash, key| hash[key] = nil }
issue.available_custom_fields.each_with_index.map { |f,indx| f_id[f.name] = f.id }
field_list = []
fields.each do |name, value|
field_id = f_id[name].to_s
field_list << Hash[field_id, value]
issue.custom_field_values = field_list.reduce({},:merge)
raise issue.errors.full_messages.join(', ') unless issue.save
Now you can just call update_custom_fields(Issue.last, "MyField" => "MyValue" .. and so on)
I'm importing into my Rails App via CSV. The import worked until I tried to create a new contact using one of the columns on my CSV. Here's the code that imports the data:
row = Hash[[header, spreadsheet.row(i)].transpose]
hotel = find_by_id(row["id"]) || new
hotel.attributes = row.to_hash.select { |k,v| allowed_attributes.include? k }
hotel_name = row["hotel_title"]
hotel_id = row["id"]
if row.to_hash["contact_name"]
hotel.contact = Contact.create(:hotel_id => row["id"], :name => row["contact_name"])
hotel.map = Map.create(:hotel_id => row["id"], :status => 0, :title => "Map Publication for #{hotel_name}")
hotel.app = App.create(:hotel_id => row["id"], :status => 0, :title => "Bespoke App for #{hotel_name}")
When I run the import, I recieve the following error:
undefined method `contact=' for #
The Contacts belong to the Hotel, and the Hotel has_many Contacts. I have created Contacts using the App, but I'm struggling to get it working using this import method. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here, as the Map and App models are both being created (w/ the ID of the Hotel) fine after import. The import now fails when I include the code relating to the contact_name.
class Contact < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :hotel
class Hotel < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :contacts
You should use << operator, as it's plural association:
hotel.contacts << Contact.create(name: row['contact_name'])
Note that I removed :hotel_id key from parameters, as it would be redundant (it's already set via association).
You can do it also from the other end of association:
Contact.create(name: row['contact_name'], hotel: hotel)
Just remove hotel.contact =. You don't need it, as you are explicitly providing :hotel_id while creating the contact record.
So, you need to replace
if row.to_hash["contact_name"]
hotel.contact = Contact.create(:hotel_id => row["id"], :name => row["contact_name"])
Contact.create(:hotel_id => row["id"], :name => row["contact_name"]) if row.to_hash["contact_name"]
No hair left on my head (and I have had lots :) ), I have been pulling out my hair and for the life of me I can't figure this out.
I have a one to many relations between 2 tables. I have installed the Datagrid Gem for reporting. I need to get the report from one model based on the other one.
Please have a look at my code.
class ReportsGrid
include Datagrid
scope do
filter(:estate, :enum, :select => proc { Estate.group("title").select("title").map {|c| [c.title] }})
column(:id, :header => "Land ID")
column(:current_stage, :header => "Stage")
class ReportsController < ApplicationController
def index
#grid = ReportsGrid.new(params[:reports_grid]) do |scope|
if params[:reports_grid].present?
if params[:reports_grid][:estate].present?
scope.joins(:estate).where("estates.title = ? ",params[:reports_grid][:estate]).page(params[:page])
**# when I get the #grid.assets here all good and return correct number of rows**
belongs_to :estate
has_many :lands
Now when I go to /reports and try to run the filter I get the following error
PG::UndefinedColumn: ERROR: column lands.estate does not exist LINE 1: ..._id" WHERE (estates.title = 'Olive Gardens' ) AND "lands"."e... ^ : SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "lands" INNER JOIN "estates" ON "estates"."id" = "lands"."estate_id" WHERE (estates.title = 'Olive Gardens' ) AND "lands"."estate" = 'Olive Gardens'
Why is the Gem tries to add "lands"."estate" = 'Olive Gardens' to the query when I have defined it at the instance.
Please let me know if you need me to add anything. Thank you in advance.
This is what I have done and worked in the Filter:
I have done this:
filter(:estate_id, :enum,
:select => lambda {Estate.all.map {|p| [p.title, p.id]}},
:multiple => false,
:include_blank => true
) do |value|
self.where(:lands => {:estate_id => value})
Do you it is a good approach?
I guess in the scope I could say Land.joins(:estate) then use the scope.all.map... in the query.
Datagrid filter designed to filter data but not to just be by default.
If you have some reason why estate should not filter data by itself then add :dummy => true option:
filter(:estate, :enum, :select => ..., :dummy => true)
But I'would recommend it. Do this instead and your hair will start growing instantly:
filter(:estate, :enum, :select => ...) do |scope, value|
scope.joins(:estate).where("estates.title = ? ", value)
It seems obvious from documentation here:
Try using references
so I have these two models:
class Tag < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :event_tags
attr_accessible :tag_id, :tag_type, :value
class EventTag < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :tag
attr_accessible :tag_id, :event_id, :region
and this table for Tags:
**tag_id** **tag_type** **value**
1 "funLevel" "Boring..."
2 "funLevel" "A Little"
3 "funLevel" "Hellz ya"
4 "generic" "Needs less clowns"
5 "generic" "Lazer Tag"
What I would like to do is write a custom validation where it checks to see:
Each event_id has only one tag_type of "funLevel" attached to it, but can have more than one "generic" tags
For example:
t1 = EventTag.new(:tag_id => 1, :event_id =>777, :region => 'US')
t1.save # success
t2 = EventTag.new(:tag_id => 2, :event_id =>777, :region => 'US')
t2.save # failure
# because (event_id: 777) already has a tag_type of
# "funLevel" associated with it
t3 = EventTag.new(:tag_id => 4, :event_id =>777, :region => 'US')
t3.save # success, because as (tag_id:4) is not "funLevel" type
I have come up with one ugly solution:
def cannot_have_multiple_funLevel_tag
list_of_tag_ids = EventTag.where("event_id = ?", event_id).pluck(:tag_id)
if(Tag.where("tag_id in ?", list_of_tag_ids).pluck(:tag_type).include? "funLevel")
errors.add(:tag_id, "Already has a Fun Level Tag!")
Being new to rails, is there a more better/more elegant/more inexpensive way?
The way you have your data structured means that the inbuilt Rails validations are probably not going to be a heap of help to you. If the funLevel attribute was directly accessible by the EventTag class, you could just use something like:
# event_tag.rb
validate :tag_type, uniqueness: { scope: :event_id },
if: Proc.new { |tag| tag.tag_type == "funLevel" }
(unfortunately, from a quick test you don't seem to be able to validate the uniqueness of a virtual attribute.)
Without that, you're probably stuck using a custom validation. The obvious improvement to the custom validation you have (given it looks like you want to have the validation on EventTag) would be to not run the validation unless that EventTag is a funLevel tag:
def cannot_have_multiple_funLevel_tag
return unless self.tag.tag_type == "funLevel"
** update **
it all seems to be related to a custom validator: if I remove it, it works as expected. see code at the end
I have a model budget that has many multi_year_impacts
in the console, if I run:
b = Budget.find(4)
b.multi_year_impacts.size #=> 2
b.update_attributes({multi_year_impacts_attributes: {id: 20, _destroy: true} } ) #=> true
b.multi_year_impacts.size #=> 1 (so far so good)
b.multi_year_impacts.size #=> 2 What???
and if before b.reload I do b.save (which shouldn't be needed anyway), it's the same.
Any idea why my child record doesn't get destroyed?
Some additional information, just in case:
Rails 3.2.12
in budget.rb
attr_accessible :multi_year_impacts_attributes
has_many :multi_year_impacts, as: :impactable, :dependent => :destroy
accepts_nested_attributes_for :multi_year_impacts, :allow_destroy => true
validates_with MultiYearImpactValidator # problem seems to com from here
in multi_year_impact.rb
belongs_to :impactable, polymorphic: true
in multi_year_impact_validator.rb
class MultiYearImpactValidator < ActiveModel::Validator
def validate(record)
return false unless record.amount_before && record.amount_after && record.savings
lines = record.multi_year_impacts.delete_if{|x| x.marked_for_destruction?}
%w[amount_before amount_after savings].each do |val|
if lines.inject(0){|s,e| s + e.send(val).to_f} != record.send(val)
record.errors.add(val.to_sym, " please check \"Repartition per year\" below: the sum of all lines must be equal of total amounts")
it might depend on your rails version, however, comparing your code to the current docs:
Now, when you add the _destroy key to the attributes hash, with a
value that evaluates to true, you will destroy the associated model:
member.avatar_attributes = { :id => '2', :_destroy => '1' }
member.avatar.marked_for_destruction? # => true
member.reload.avatar # => nil
Note that the model will not be destroyed until the parent is saved.
you could try with:
b.multi_year_impacts_attributes = {id: 20, _destroy: true}
So it looks like the culprit was here
if lines.inject(0){|s,e| s + e.send(val).to_f} != record.send(val)
record.errors.add(val.to_sym, " please check \"Repartition per year\" below: the sum of all lines must be equal of total amounts")
changing this to the slightly more complex
total = 0
lines.each do |l|
total += l.send(val).to_f unless l.marked_for_destruction?
if total != record.send(val)
record.errors[:amount_before] << " please check \"Repartition per year\" below: the sum of all lines must be equal of total amounts"
solved the problem.
I use Rails 3.0.6 with mongoID 2.0.2. Recently I encountered an issue with save! method when overriding setter (I am trying to create my own nested attributes).
So here is the model:
class FeedItem
include Mongoid::Document
has_many :audio_refs
def audio_refs=(attributes_array, binding)
attributes_array.each do |attributes|
if attributes[:audio_track][:id]
self.audio_refs.build(:audio_track => AudioTrack.find(attributes[:audio_track][:id]))
elsif attributes[:audio_track][:file]
self.audio_refs.build(:audio_track => AudioTrack.new(:user_id => attributes[:audio_track][:user_id], :file => attributes[:audio_track][:file]))
if !binding
AudioRef model (which is just buffer between audio_tracks and feed_items) is:
class AudioRef
include Mongoid::Document
belongs_to :feed_item
belongs_to :audio_track
And AudioTrack:
class AudioTrack
include Mongoid::Document
has_many :audio_refs
mount_uploader :file, AudioUploader
So here is the spec for the FeedItem model which doesn`t work:
it "Should create audio_track and add audio_ref" do
#audio_track = Fabricate(:audio_track, :user_id => #author.id, :file => File.open("#{Rails.root}/spec/stuff/test.mp3"))
#feed_item= FeedItem.new(
:user => #author,
:message => {:body => Faker::Lorem.sentence(4)},
:audio_refs => [
{:audio_track => {:id => #audio_track.id}},
{:audio_track => {:user_id => #author.id, :file => File.open("#{Rails.root}/spec/stuff/test.mp3")}}
#feed_item.audio_refs.length.should be(2)
As you can see, the reason I am overriding audio_refs= method is that FeedItem can be created from existing AudioTracks (when there is params[:audio_track][:id]) or from uploaded file (params[:audio_track][:file]).
The problem is that #feed_item.audio_refs.length == 0 when I run this spec, i.e. audio_refs are not saved. Could you please help me with that?
Some investigation:
1) binding param is "true" by default (this means we are in building mode)
I found a solution to my problem but I didnt understand why save method doesnt work and didn`t make my code work. So first of all let me describe my investigations about the problem. After audio_refs= is called an array of audio_refs is created BUT in any audio_ref is no feed_item_id. Probably it is because the feed_item is not saved by the moment.
So the solution is quite simple - Virtual Attributes. To understand them watch corresponding railscasts
So my solution is to create audio_refs by means of callback "after_save"
I slightly changed my models:
In FeedItem.rb I added
attr_writer :audio_tracks #feed_item operates with audio_tracks array
after_save :assign_audio #method to be called on callback
def assign_audio
if #audio_tracks
#audio_tracks.each do |attributes|
if attributes[:id]
self.audio_refs << AudioRef.new(:audio_track => AudioTrack.find(attributes[:id]))
elsif attributes[:file]
self.audio_refs << AudioRef.new(:audio_track => AudioTrack.new(:user_id => attributes[:user_id], :file => attributes[:file]))
And the spec is now:
it "Should create audio_track and add audio_ref" do
#audio_track = Fabricate(:audio_track, :user_id => #author.id, :file => File.open("#{Rails.root}/spec/stuff/test.mp3"))
#feed_item= FeedItem.new(
:user => #author,
:message => {:body => Faker::Lorem.sentence(4)},
:audio_tracks => [
{:id => #audio_track.id},
{:user_id => #author.id, :file => File.open("#{Rails.root}/spec/stuff/test.mp3")}
#feed_item.audio_refs.length.should be(2)
And it works fine!!! Good luck with your coding)
Check that audio_refs=() is actually being called, by adding debug output of some kind. My feeling is that your FeedItem.new() call doesn't use the audio_refs=() setter.
Here's the source code of the ActiveRecord::Base#initialize method, taken from APIdock:
# File activerecord/lib/active_record/base.rb, line 1396
def initialize(attributes = nil)
#attributes = attributes_from_column_definition
#attributes_cache = {}
#new_record = true
#readonly = false
#destroyed = false
#marked_for_destruction = false
#previously_changed = {}
#changed_attributes = {}
self.attributes = attributes unless attributes.nil?
result = yield self if block_given?
I don't currently have an environment to test this, but it looks like it's setting the attributes hash directly without going through each attribute's setter. If that's the case, you'll need to call your setter manually.
Actually, I think the fact you're not getting an exception for the number of arguments (binding not set) proves that your setter isn't being called.