awakeFromNib is not called for UITableViewCell object - ios

I have a class that inherits from UITableViewCell, it has a bunch of IBOutlets. I had previously been using this object in a way that reuses the cell and initializes it as it's needed. This method is too slow, so I decided to create an array of the UITableViewCell objects and then add them as needed in the cellForRowAtIndexPath: method.
Everything gets loaded fine except the IBOutlet objects. awakeFromNib is never called so I assume this has something to do with my issue.
Just to clarify it was getting called fine when I was initializing the cells in the cellForRowAtIndexPath function, it's just when I tried to preload them in the view controllers viewWillAppear method that it breaks.

I know this is an old question. But after reading the conversation, I feel I must give some input. This a multi-layered issue that you are dealing with here.
Firstly, when you say "preload" what is it that you mean exactly.? Are you calling dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier in your viewWillAppear? Or are you calling an init. Either way this is not an acceptable practice whatsoever.
Remember, the UITableViewCells are "Reusable" meaning that the UITableView, in effect, handles the unloading and loading of the UITableViewCells when they are offscreen to optimize performance (not memory, believe it or not) as well as some other things. Essentially, it's a pretty nifty "hack" to keep table views efficient. So if your UITableView is too slow, then you are doing something wrong, not the implementation of UITableView
When you say you are "preloading" them, that throws up some immediate red flags on your usage. And when you say "the method is too slow", well it's not. The delegate/datasource methods in place for UITableViews and UICollectionViews happen in calculated orders. Don't fight it.
Secondly, for your issue with awakeFromNib not getting called. You aren't providing enough information. How did you initialize it? If you created it in your storyboard/nib, you shouldn't be calling any of the init methods. In fact, as of iOS6 you are guaranteed a non-nil cell from dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier.

Have you called it through its super class like :
[super awakeFromNib]; // Use this line
Hope it helps you.


Which method would be better to bind data with UITableView?

For a long time, I have been binding data with table view cells in the delegate method - tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:.
But recently, I read a blog, which is about how to get a better performance. And it tells us that we should bind data with table view cells in another delegate method - tableView:willDisplayCell:forRowAtIndexPath:, since cells are not going to be displayed in - tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:.
And I try it in my personal project, but it seems weird. Some cells are overlapped.
Before that in my project, I use Masonry to layout the subviews of the cells. After I bind data with table view cells in - tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:, I call [cell setNeedsLayout] and [cell layoutIfNeeded].
And I start to think, which is the better method to bind data? Or, how should I modify my code to get such performance with the least cost(time of modifying).
It appears there is an ongoing debate on this topic.
I think the article you are referring to is found here. It argues that you should do data binding in willDisplayCell instead of cellForRowAtIndexPath.
However, this article points out that the cellForRowAtIndexPath and willDisplayCell are performed in the same layout cycle which means that data binding in either place would have the same effect.
The thing that they both agree on is the fact that calculating the height of the row should be very fast. Having a complex calculation may lead performance issues.
In any case, it's important to write good model code so that your view controllers can focus on hooking up the model to the view. Downloading images to display within UITableView code and other network/device intensive processes is a generally bad idea and can cause issues.
Moral of the story: calculate row height as quickly as possible and write good model code so that your view controller can do less computation.

How to add cell to tableview's reuse queue before 'cellForRow:'?

Creating a cell costs a lot of time and make the first scroll lagging, so I want to create a cell and add it to tableview's reuse queue before cellForRow: called.
I use dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier: in viewDidLoad, but when I scroll the table, the cell is being created again.
In general all drawing methods of scrollview should be kept as simple as possible to avoid lag. This means you should prepare your data/model in viewDidLoad/viewWillAppear or even in previous ViewController. Your cellForRow should be as simple as set this image(s) and those text(s) - no checks, no expensive operations such as bluring, retrieving data from CoreData/Network, etc.
If you are not sure which thing exactly causes your lag, you should learn how to use TimeProfiler. If you feel lost in documentation, have a look this(quite outdated though) tutorial.
With thus said I cannot be able to help you anymore until you post some code which we could discuss.

UITableViewController subclass implements UIDataSourceModelAssociation protocol but its methods are never called

My app uses the Stanford course's CoreDataTableViewController, which is a subclass of UITableViewController.
For particular views of my app I create subclasses of CoreDataTableViewController to manage a particular view.
I've just recently hooked up state encode and restoration throughout most of my app and it all seems to be working ok. The only thing I've left late is implementing the UIDataSourceModelAssociation protocol to allegedly preserve visible and selected rows of UITableViews (I was also hoping it may preserve the editing state of the table view, and of a particular row if I've selected it to delete, but haven't confirmed yet).
I implemented the UIDataSourceModelAssociation within CoreDataTableViewController hoping that it would just then work for all my views, but on debugging it the feature doesn't work, and adding breakpoints I see that neither of the two UIDataSourceModelAssociation methods are ever called when i put my app into the background with the home button, or restore it cold by re-running in XCode.
CoreDataTableViewController and my subclasses of it implement some dataSource methods to actually display the rows in my table view. I've searched around and found that UITableViewController automatically adds itself as the dataSource for the tableView.
I've added sanity asserts in my subclasses viewDidLoad functions of the form
assert(self.tableView.dataSource == self); <--- fails here
Which fails on checking the dataSource being ourselves. I can see by logging and using the debugger that the dataSource is non-nil at this point.
I guess I just wondered whether when we subclass a class does each class share the same self value, or is it because my UITableViewController has set itself to be the dataSource, but by the time I've subclassed it twice down to my particular view instance it's self is slightly different than the parent UITableViewController. Or is something else intercepting the dataSource and forwarding on as required. As a fix should I consider hardcoding my own subclass to self, or have the CoreDataTableViewController add itself as the dataSource explicitly as this is where the UIDataSourceModelAssociation methods are implemented.
For reference my view hierarchy consists of my UITableViewController subclassed views living inside NavigationControllers which I've heard may cause issues.
Just a little of clarity on how subclassing should work with respect to self pointers across the classes and wondering if anyone could figure out why my protocol methods aren't being called would be really appreciated.
I'm still not sure why my tableViewController's dataSource isn't directly set to self. But clearly my dataSource methods are called as my tableView functions. Obviously some sort of object is forwarding on dataSource methods to my actual class for me...
In the end getting the UIDataSourceModelAssociation protocol methods to be called was as simple as ensuring that both the UITableViewController and the UITableView within it had restoration ids.. with just the outer UITableViewController having a restoration id, none of these methods are called.
Sadly now I'm scuppered by these methods being called before my UIManagedDocument has finished loading so I cannot actually do anything useful within them. That's another problem though.

Load tableViewCell from Storyboard without using dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier

I want to load a tableViewCell from the storyboard without using dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier to create a prototype cell to reference before cellForRowAtIndex is called. Calling that outside of CellForRowAtIndex does funny stuff.
dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier is still being used in cellForRowAtIndex as it normally has been.
I dynamically set the cell heights based on it's contents. This requires me to know where the size, positions, text attributes like font sizes, alignments, etc of views in the tableViewCell. Otherwise I have to hard code these values to match what's in the storyboard.
What I'm currently doing is create a new xib file with just the cell, load it from viewDidLoad, and keep a pointer to it.
-(void)viewDidLoad {
// typical coding stuff goes here
// load nib
UINib *nib = [UINib nibWithNibName:#"ContentTextCell" bundle:nil];
// assign nib to identifier
[self.tableView registerNib:nib forCellReuseIdentifier:#"ContentTextCell"];
// reference cell
NSArray *topLevelObjects = [nib instantiateWithOwner:nil options:nil];
_referenceContentTextCell = [topLevelObjects objectAtIndex:0];
Is there any way for me to load the tableview cell without make it's own nib? Using dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:forIndexPath: causes the tableView to behave in an incorrect way.
Additional notes
I think a lot of people are under the impression I call the code on cellForRowAtIndex. It's called in viewDidLoad. It was always displayed as such but perhaps it was easy to understand when skimming the question. I also still use dequeueResuableCell as normal in cellForRowAtIndex. Just wanted to make that clear.
The row heights are dynamic. If you made the suggestion that I should make the row height 44 then you may want to read the question more carefully before attempting to answer the question.
The text I'm using is from a json file, it requires the paragraph, font and positioning of a textView to calculate the text height, which impacts the row height. I'd like to pull these pieces of data from the prototype cell rather then hard coding the values, and making sure they match what's in the storyboard.
The code already works as is. It runs fine. I just think it'd be more convenient to be able to pull the prototype cell from the storyboard rather than making a new xib for it.
If I understand correctly, the row height is a function of your model and some attributes of subviews in the cell, for example, a string from your model and the font size in the cell's text view.
I agree that keeping the view attributes of the cell's subviews in code seems redundant with keeping them in the storyboard, but you're also right that keeping a reference cell around is weird. It's weird whether you get the cell from a nib or whether you find a way to get it from the storyboard (which I don't think you can, which is the answer to your stated question).
Dequeueing a cell in heightForRowAtIndexPath makes little more sense and probably causes an infinite recursive loop as I'm sure you've found.
So you probably won't love this answer, but I think best idea is "redundancy with an attitude change". "Redundancy" means that you keep the view attributes in code, like a method that returns the textView's desired font pointSize. "Attitude change", means you don't think of this as redundancy. Instead, your code should be the authority on all of the view attributes pertinent to row height. Think of the prototype cells in the storyboard as just a way of visualizing what the correct coded values should be. I'd even recommend setting the attributes in code using the coded values when you configure the cell, especially if there aren't too many of them.
Finally, if your rowHeight calculation is elaborate, and it sounds like it is, be sure to also implement
- (CGFloat)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView estimatedHeightForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
and do a much quicker calculation therein (like return a constant).
I've just been working through an almost identical problem. You want the height, but the height depends on a bunch of the cell UI setup. It might even be a fairly simple task of checking the padding height above and below an image. Something which could get tweaked in IB several times before you are done so you don't want to duplicate the padding value in code, you want to check them against the current values in IB.
You can call dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier: from anywhere (assuming you have a reference to the UITableView). So you don't need another way to get the cell. This will not cause recursion or infinite loop problems.
There is a catch though. The cell won't go back to the auto-reuse pool. A UITableView figures out which cells scroll off the screen and puts them in the pool, but this cell never goes onto the screen and so the table view never remove it from the screen and put it back in the pool. To make matters worse, the table still has a strong reference to it; so if you lose your reference, it's not going to get cleaned up, it's essentially leaked memory. You can't use it, the table view can't use it and it will stay in memory until the backing UITableView gets deallocated.
I found a few ways around problem:
Dequeue the cell once, store it someplace safe and use the same one every time you need to test out some cell formatting. You can even call prepareForReuse: to clean it up every time you want to test something new. Holding a single extra cell in memory is unlikely to be a killer for most apps.
Sneak it back into the re-use pool. Wait, what? Yeah, I said you can't do it, but you can, but the thought makes me cringe a little. Next time you get to cellForRowAtIndexPath: don't dequeue a new cell, use the one you've got laying around and return that one instead. This will slip your wayward cell back into the fold and it will eventually make it's way back into the reuse pool.
So you can do this.... should you? Well, that's a different question. Apple has provided some alternatives to try and get around this issue, but in some cases they just don't work effectively.
That's a bad pattern and you will start to get undesired behaviours which you have already seen some of. It might be better to store the height against the cell as a class method.
+ (CGFloat)requiredHeight;
return 44.f;
and call it as such
self.tableView.rowHeight = [OKACell requiredHeight];
This does mean you need to manage the height in two places but because of the descriptive name and class method it shouldn't be difficult to change when that time comes.

UICollectionViewCells and Buttons

I've been trying to get my UICollectionView to respond differently to single and double taps but all the answers I have found seem to suggest this is not really feasible because the single taps get recognised first. It works on really slow taps, but anything faster always initiates the default gesture recogniser (if anybody has got this to work I would love to know)...
So anyway, I have now resorted to putting buttons in my UICollectionViewCell (which has it's own class and NIB file).
The question is this:
What is considered the best way to use the button in the UIViewController of the collectionView?
I currently have a protocol in the header of my subclass of UICollectionViewCell and have declared my viewController as the delegate and implemented the required protocol functions.
In collectionView:cellForItemAtIndexPath: I set the VC as the delegate of the cell.
It all works but it seems a bit long-winded, and maybe not a great way of doing this.
The other way I was thinking of was instead of using delegates to simply call addTarget:Action: on the property of the UICollectionViewCell in collectionView:cellForItemAtIndexPath:.
This seems simpler but the delegate pattern looks to me like the better fit.
Any and all advice on which would be better, why, and any more appropriate alternatives welcomed!
You're doing the right think using the delegation pattern. The ultimate responsible object for any action of your views is the viewController who's displaying those views. Therefore, using it as the delegate for you cell's protocol is just right.
create a custom subview of UICollectionViewCell and place your button in the initWithFrame method. Declare the button to be public so you can use it later in your uicollectionviewcontroller or uicollectionview if creating programmatically.
