I'm having what appears to be the same issue as undefined method `assertions' in routing spec but I'm running Rails 4 and it is locked to minitest 5.0 or greater. Thus the solution to use minitest 4.7 I can't make work. Is there a work around for this? Where would I report the bug?
This problem is caused by a change in minitest 5.0 documented here:
# https://github.com/seattlerb/minitest/issues/286
is fixed by using:
gem "rspec-rails", '~> 2.14.0.rc1'
in the gemfile.
I upgraded our app to Rails and Ruby 3.0.2. I have this old gem
gem 'acts_as_commentable'
Locked at version 4.0.2. The gem does not appear to be supported anymore, which is a shame because when I start up my app or console, I now get this error
$ rails c
Your Gemfile lists the gem rspec-rails (>= 0) more than once.
You should probably keep only one of them.
Remove any duplicate entries and specify the gem only once.
While it's not a problem now, it could cause errors if you change the version of one of them later.
/Users/myuser/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.0.2/gems/hash_dot-2.5.0/lib/hash.rb:19:in `method_missing': undefined method `arity' for {:as=>:commentable, :dependent=>:destroy}:Hash (NoMethodError)
from /Users/myuser/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.0.2/gems/activerecord- `build_scope'
from /Users/myuser/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.0.2/gems/activerecord- `create_reflection'
from /Users/myuser/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.0.2/gems/activerecord- `build'
from /Users/myuser/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.0.2/gems/activerecord- `has_many'
from /Users/myuser/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.0.2/gems/acts_as_commentable-4.0.2/lib/commentable_methods.rb:58:in `acts_as_commentable'
Is there any simple replacement for this gem or way to monkey-patch this error so I can start up the app?
Looking over the forks, I found this one that appears to work for me using Rails 6.0.6 and Ruby 3.0.5.
I have not tested it extensively yet, but at least the basic functionality seems to be working for me. Hope this helps.
For clarity, to use that fork you would use the following line in your Gemfile:
gem 'acts_as_commentable', git: 'https://github.com/alazycoder101/acts_as_commentable.git'
I've been using the yaml_db gem for a long time to dump the database to yaml and then reload it later if needed. On a fresh project, though, on rake db:load I got the error message:
NoMethodError: undefined method `load_documents' for Psych:Module
Did you mean? load_stream
/Users/user/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.5.0/gems/yaml_db-0.6.0/lib/yaml_db.rb:61:in `load_documents'
I am submitting the solution I finally came up with as an answer, but I'm not really happy with it. If anyone has a better solution or a suggestion of something better than the yaml_db gem for dumping and reloading the database, I'd be happy to listen.
I'm running Rails 5.1.4 on Ruby 2.5.0
The solution I came up with was to put the 'psych' gem in my Gemfile before yaml_db and set it to an earlier release:
gem 'psych', '~> 2.2.1'
gem 'yaml_db'
This issue is caused by load_documents being deprecated in Psych and finally removed in ruby 2.5. There's an open PR on yaml_db that fixes this issue, so hopefully future versions will not require you to use this work-around.
Your current solution is probably the easiest for now (short of downgrading your ruby version, which is probably a worse idea).
After upgrading from Rails 4.1 to Rails 4.2 I've got the following error while running spec:
undefined method `commit_records' for nil:NilClass
What's the fix?
It looks like you use test_after_commit gem. Just upgrade to version >= 0.2.6. There is the fix.
At the moment of writing the most recent version is 0.4.0. Feel free to use it:
gem 'test_after_commit', '~> 0.4.0'
I just installed Rails3 Bootstrap Device Cancan in my local machine and ran rake spec but I'm getting all test failures with below error in common:
undefined local variable or method 'postgresql_version' for #<ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdaptors::SQLite3Adaptor:0x489dff8>
I'm not sure why I'm getting this since I followed the instructions on https://github.com/RailsApps/rails3-bootstrap-devise-cancan carefully.
I'm currently running this on Windows 8 and used Bitnami RubyStack to run CMD
I ran into the same problem and this is how I resolved it.
It looks like there is a problem with version 1.1.0 of database_cleaner. See "database_cleaner >= 1.1.0 is broken for SQLite" (https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/issues/2388). I updated my Gemfile to set
gem 'database_cleaner', '< 1.1.0'
then ran "bundle install" and after it completed, "rake spec" ran cleanly.
Double-check your database.yml. Refer to Configuring Rails Applications, Section 3.12, Configuring a Database.
Did you intend to use sqlite3? Is sqlite3 in your Gemfile? Naturally, SQLite3Adaptor will not respond to postgresql_version! Can you include a few more lines of the stack trace?
I doubt this has anything to do with devise or cancan.
I'm learning Rails with the awesome Ruby on Rails Tutorial by Michael Hartl. I'm on section 3.2.2 (Test Driven Development) in which I need to run the following command to run the rspec tests for my Rails project:
bundle exec rspec spec/
But it doesn't work. Instead I get this error:
activerecord-3.1.3/lib/active_record/base.rb:1088:in `method_missing':
undefined method `mass_assignment_sanitizer=' for
ActiveRecord::Base:Class (NoMethodError)
I've tried reinstalling rspec and changing my Gemfile, but nothing appeases the undefined method error!
Did you downgrade from Rails 3.2 RC1? Comment out the following two lines from your development.rb:
config.active_record.mass_assignment_sanitizer = :strict
config.active_record.auto_explain_threshold_in_seconds = 0.5
While m818's answer will solve the problem, you might still get errors if you are tyring to use deprecated methods elsewhere in your code.
I had the same problem, commenting out those lines got rid of some errors, but not all of them, anywhere I was using attr_accessible gave me the same error.
It turned out to be the `active_record' gem that was updated to 4.0 when I didn't want it to. Since I'm using a Padrino app, I had to do this in the Gemfile:
gem 'activerecord', '= 3.2.12', :require => "active_record"
That solved all issues and I didn't have to comment out the lines in database.rb.