How can HOG be used to detect individual body parts - opencv

I would like to use OpenCV's HOG detection to identify objects that can be seen in a variety of orientations. The only problem is, I can't seem to find a reasonable feature detector or classifier to detect this in a rotation and scale invaraint way (as is needed by objects such as forearms).
Prior Work:
Lets focus on forearms for this discussion. A forearm can have multiple orientations, the primary distinct features probably being its contour edges. It is possible to have images of forearms that are pointing in any direction in an image, thus the complexity. So far I have done some in depth research on using HOG descriptors to solve this problem, but I am finding that the variety of poses produced by forearms in my positives training set is producing very low detection scores in actual images. I suspect the issue is that the gradients produced by each positive image do not produce very consistent results when saved into the Histogram. I have reviewed many research papers on the topic trying to resolve or improvie this, including the original from Dalal & Triggs [Link]: It also seems that the assumptions made for detecting whole humans do not necessary apply to detecting individual features (particularly the assumption that all humans are standing up seems to suggest HOG is not a good route for rotation invariant detection like that of forearms).
If possible, I would like to steer clear of any non-free solutions such as those pertaining to Sift, Surf, or Haar.
What is a good solution to detecting rotation and scale invariant objects in an image? Particularly for this example, what would be a good solution to detecting all orientations of forearms in an image?

I use hog to detect human heads and shoulders. To train particular part you have to give the location of it. If you use opencv, you can clip samples containing only the training part you want, and make sure all training samples share the same size. For example, I clip images to contain only head and shoulder and resize all them to 64x64. Other opensource codes may require you to pass the location as the input parameter, essentially the same.
Are you trying the Discriminatively trained deformable part model ?
you may find answers there.


Can Haar Cascade be too accurate to be useful in this situation?

I'm making a program to detect shapes from an r/c plane for a competition. I have no real images of the targets, but I do have computer generated examples of them on the rules.
My question is, can I train my program to detect real world objects based on computer generated shapes or should I find a different method to complete this task?
I would like to know before I foolishly generate 5k samples and find them useless in the end.
EDIT: I also don't know the exact color of the objects. If I feed the program samples of varying color, will it be a problem?
Thanks in advance!!
Edit2: Here's what groups from my school detected in previous years
As you can see, the detected images are not nearly as flawless as what would appear in real life. If you can suggest a better method, that would help.
If you think that the real images will have unique colors with simple geometric shapes then you could probably try to create a normalized Hue-histogram. Use it to train SVM classifier. The benefit of using Hue-histogram is that it will be rotational and scale invariant.
You can take the few precautions in mind:
Don't forget to remove the illumination affects.
Sometimes, White and black pixels create some problem in hue-histogram calculation so try to remove them from calculation by considering only those pixel which have S>0 and V>0 in S & V channels of HSV image.
I would rather suggest you to use the real world images because the performance is largely dependent upon training (my personal experience). And why don't you try to use SIFT/SURF descriptors for training to SVM (support vector machine) as SIFT/SURF are scale as well as rotational invariant.

Object Recognition by Outlines vs Features

I have the RGB-D video from a Kinect, which is aimed straight down at a table. There is a library of around 12 objects I need to identify, alone or several at a time. I have been working with SURF extraction and detection from the RGB image, preprocessing by downscaling to 320x240, grayscale, stretching the contrast and balancing the histogram before applying SURF. I built a lasso tool to choose among detected keypoints in a still of the video image. Then those keypoints are used to build object descriptors which are used to identify objects in the live video feed.
SURF examples show successful identification of objects with a decent amount of text-like feature detail eg. logos and patterns. The objects I need to identify are relatively plain but have distinctive geometry. The SURF features found in my stills are sometimes consistent but mostly unimportant surface features. For instance, say I have a wooden cube. SURF detects a few bits of grain on one face, then fails on other faces. I need to detect (something like) that there are four corners at equal distances and right angles. None of my objects has much of a pattern but all have distinctive symmetric geometry and color. Think cellphone, lollipop, knife, bowling pin. My thought was that I could build object descriptors for each significantly different-looking orientation of the object, eg. two descriptors for a bowling pin: one standing up and one laying down. For a cellphone, one laying on the front and one on the back. My recognizer needs rotational invariance and some degree of scale invariance in case objects are stacked. Ability to deal with some occlusion is preferable (SURF behaves well enough) but not the most important characteristic. Skew invariance would be preferable and SURF does well with paper printouts of my objects held by hand at a skew.
Am I using the wrong SURF parameters to find features at the wrong scale? Is there a better algorithm for this kind of object identification? Is there something as readily usable as SURF that uses the depth data from the Kinect along with or instead of the RGB data?
I was doing something similar for a project, and ended up using a super simple method for object recognition, which was using OpenCV blob detection, and recognizing objects based on their areas. Obviously, there needs to be enough variance for this method to work.
You can see my results here:
I know there are other methods out there, one possible solution for you could be approxPolyDP, which is described here:
How to detect simple geometric shapes using OpenCV
Would love to hear about your progress on this!

find mosquitos' head in the image

I have images of mosquitos similar to these ones and I would like to automatically circle around the head of each mosquito in the images. They are obviously in different orientations and there are random number of them in different images. some error is fine. Any ideas of algorithms to do this?
This problem resembles a face detection problem, so you could try a naïve approach first and refine it if necessary.
First you would need to recreate your training set. For this you would like to extract small images with examples of what is a mosquito head or what is not.
Then you can use those images to train a classification algorithm, be careful to have a balanced training set, since if your data is skewed to one class it would hit the performance of the algorithm. Since images are 2D and algorithms usually just take 1D arrays as input, you will need to arrange your images to that format as well (for instance:
I normally use support vector machines, but other algorithms such as logistic regression could make the trick too. If you decide to use support vector machines I strongly recommend you to check libsvm (, since it's a very mature library with bindings to several programming languages. Also they have a very easy to follow guide targeted to beginners (
If you have enough data, you should be able to avoid tolerance to orientation. If you don't have enough data, then you could create more training rows with some samples rotated, so you would have a more representative training set.
As for the prediction what you could do is given an image, cut it using a grid where each cell has the same dimension that the ones you used on your training set. Then you pass each of this image to the classifier and mark those squares where the classifier gave you a positive output. If you really need circles then take the center of the given square and the radius would be the half of the square side size (sorry for stating the obvious).
So after you do this you might have problems with sizes (some mosquitos might appear closer to the camera than others) , since we are not trained the algorithm to be tolerant to scale. Moreover, even with all mosquitos in the same scale, we still might miss some of them just because they didn't fit in our grid perfectly. To address this, we will need to repeat this procedure (grid cut and predict) rescaling the given image to different sizes. How many sizes? well here you would have to determine that through experimentation.
This approach is sensitive to the size of the "window" that you are using, that is also something I would recommend you to experiment with.
There are some research may be useful:
A Multistep Approach for Shape Similarity Search in Image Databases
Representation and Detection of Shapes in Images
From the pictures you provided this seems to be an extremely hard image recognition problem, and I doubt you will get anywhere near acceptable recognition rates.
I would recommend a simpler approach:
First, if you have any control over the images, separate the mosquitoes before taking the picture, and use a white unmarked underground, perhaps even something illuminated from below. This will make separating the mosquitoes much easier.
Then threshold the image. For example here i did a quick try taking the red channel, then substracting the blue channel*5, then applying a threshold of 80:
Use morphological dilation and erosion to get rid of the small leg structures.
Identify blobs of the right size to be moquitoes by Connected Component Labeling. If a blob is large enough to be two mosquitoes, cut it out, and apply some more dilation/erosion to it.
Once you have a single blob like this
you can find the direction of the body using Principal Component Analysis. The head should be the part of the body where the cross-section is the thickest.

Feature Detection in Noisy Images

I've built an imaging system with a webcam and feature matching such that as I move the camera around; I can track the camera's motion. I am doing something similar to here, except with the webcam frames as the input.
It works really well for "good" images, but when taking images in really low light lots of noise appears (camera high gain), and that messes with the feature detection and matching. Basically, it doesn't detect any good features, and when it does, it cannot match them correctly between frames.
Does anyone know a good solution for this? What other methods are used for finding and matching features?
Here are two example images with very low features:
I think phase correlation is going to be your best bet here. It is designed to tell you the phase shift (i.e., translation) between two images. It is much more resilient (but not immune) to noise than feature detection because it operates in frequency space; whereas, feature detectors operate spatially. Another benefit is, it is very fast when compared with feature detection methods. I have an implementation available in the OpenCV trunk that is sub-pixel accurate located here.
However, your images are pretty much "featureless" with the exception of the crease in the middle, so even phase correlation may have some trouble with it. Think of it like trying to detect translation in a snow storm. If all you can see is white, you can't tell that you have translated at all, thus the term whiteout. In your case, the algorithm might suffer from "greenout" :)
Can you adjust the camera settings to work better in low-light conditions. Have you fully opened the iris? Can you live with lower framerates? Setting a longer exposure time will allow the camera to gather more light, thus giving you more features at the cost of adding motion blur. Or, if low-light is your default environment you probably want something designed for this like an IR camera, but those can be expensive. Other than that, a big lens and long exposures are your friend :)
Histogram equalization may be of interest in improving the image contrast. But, sometimes it can just enhance the noise. OpenCV has a global histogram equalization function called equalizeHist. For a more localized implementation, you'll want to look at Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization or CLAHE for short. Here is a good article on it. This page has some nice examples, and some code.

OpenCV - Haar classifier for long objects with different angles

I have used Haar classifier with OpenCV before succesfully. Unfortunately it seems to work only on square objects and fixed angles (i.e. faces). However I need to find "long" (rectangular) objects which have different angles (see sample input image).
Is there a way to train Haar classifier to find such objects? All I can find are tutorials for face recognition. Any other alternative approches?
Haar classifiers are known to work with rigid object only. You need a classifier for each of the view. For example, the side-face classifier in OpenCV doesn't work as good as front-face classifer(due to the reason being, side face has more variation in yaw-pitch-roll than front face).
There is no perfect way of answering your question.
However, in your case whatever you are trying to classify (microbes I suppose) are overlapping on each other. Its a complex issue. But, you can isolate the region where microbes occur (not isolate each microbe like a face).
You can refer fingerprint segmentation techniques that are known to enhance the ridges on a fingerprint (here in your case its microbe edges) from the background and isolate the image.
Check "ridgesegmentation.m" in the following page:
