Form for taggable post model - ruby-on-rails

I'm working in a form for post than can have tags. The relationship is a classic has_and_belongs_to_many between Post and Tag.
Problem is I can't initialize a post with an array of tag ids, like this: [1, 2, 3, 4]) # won't wotk. ActiveRecord expects Tag instances
So my current form is like this:
= form_for #post do |f|
= f.text_field :title, placeholder: 'title...'
= f.text_area :body
= fields_for :'post[tags]' do |ft| # hacky. using #post.tags raised 'undefined `model name` for `#post.tags`'
- Post.tags.each do |tag| # I defined Post::tags since I can't Acces Tag class here
= ft.check_box
= f.submit 'Save'
This form forces me to hack a little in either the controller, but seems like a bad practice. I also thought I could override ActiveRecord::Base initializators to allow ids so my first example works, but surely I'm missing something here.

Try setting tags_singular_ids to your ids. You can check out for more of the methods that has_and_belongs_to_many provides.

Easy and bit hacky solution:
# defined in my posts controller
def post_params
p = params.require(:post).merge(user: current_user)
p[:tags] = p[:tags].map do |id, value|
value == '1' ? Tag.find(id) : nil


How to handle data from nested forms in Rails 4 with cocoon gem?

I am using Cocoon gem to do nested forms.
I have models like that:
# request.rb
has_many :filled_cartridges, inverse_of: :request, dependent: :destroy
accepts_nested_attributes_for :filled_cartridges, :reject_if => :all_blank, allow_destroy: true
belongs_to :request
Inside of my form_for #request i have nested form like that:
<div id="filled_cartridges">
<%= f.fields_for :filled_cartridges do |filled_cartridge| %>
<%= render 'filled_cartridge_fields', f: filled_cartridge %>
<% end %>
<div class="links">
<%= link_to_add_association 'add', f, :filled_cartridges %>
Where filled_cartridge_fields partial is like that:
<%= f.text_field :cartridge_id %>
<%= f.hidden_field :_destroy %>
<%= link_to_remove_association "remove", f %>
When i click on "add" it adds one more . When clicking on "remove" it removes that .
When i submit form the params for nested form look like that:
filled_cartridges_attributes: !ruby/hash:ActionController::Parameters
'0': !ruby/hash:ActionController::Parameters
cartridge_id: '12'
_destroy: 'false'
'1429260587813': !ruby/hash:ActionController::Parameters
cartridge_id: '2'
_destroy: 'false'
How do i access these params, and how to save them. How to traverse over these params and save them, or do Cocoon gem has some built in functionality? And finally how to check if these params are set? Since it is nested, it tricks me.
EDIT: My request_controllers#create:
def create
#request = request_params )
# code for handling Request model
# here i want to handle nested model too (filled_cartridge)
flash[:success] = "Заявка была добавлена"
redirect_to #request
render 'new'
EDIT2: my strong params:
def request_params
params.require(:request).permit(:name, :address, :phone, :mobile, :type, :description, :priority, :responsible, :price, :payed, :date, filled_cartridges_attributes: [:cartridge_id, :_destroy], :stype_ids => [], :social_media =>[])
In a recent project using cocoon I had to access the params of the attributes about to be saved. I figured a code in my create action in my controller. The trick is to understand how to retrieve the key of the hash of the attribute that is about to be saved. The key of the hash is that number '1429260587813' that is in your params
'1429260587813': !ruby/hash:ActionController::Parameters
cartridge_id: '2'
_destroy: 'false'
So you need to create a loop in your create action to retrieve this key using ruby hash method "keys". I do a loop because when using cocoon dynamic nested field I might create more than one nested attributes at once so it means more than one key to retrieve.
Here is a the code that worked for me, read my comments which explains the different steps of this code. I hope it will help you to adapt it to your needs.
#Here I just initialize an empty array for later use
info_arr = []
#First I check that the targeted params exist (I had this need for my app)
if not params[:recipe]["informations_attributes"].nil?
#z variable will tell me how many attributes are to be saved
z = params[:recipe]["informations_attributes"].keys.count
x = 0
#Initiate loop to go through each of the attribute to be saved
while x < z
#Get the key (remember the number from above) of the first hash (params) attribute
key = params[:recipe]["informations_attributes"].keys[x]
#use that key to get the content of the attribtue
value = params[:recipe]["informations_attributes"][key]
#push the content to an array (I had to do this for my project)
#Through the loop you can perform actions to each single attribute
#In my case, for each attributes I creates a new information association with recipe info_arr[x]["title"]).save
x = x +1
This work to access cocoon nested attribute content and apply actions based on your need. This worked for me so you should be able to use this sample code and adapt it to your need.

Rails nested form with accepts_nested_attributes_for with an unfortunate model name

I have a Parent model named "Controller" (Mature app, and not my decision)
belongs_to :controller
accepts_nested_attributes_for :controller
= f.fields_for :controller do |c|
= c.hidden_field :id, :value =>
= c.text_field :slw_type
which doesn't get displayed.
= f.fields_for :literally_anything_else do |c|
= c.hidden_field :id, :value =>
= c.text_field :slw_type
if change the variable name to anything else, the form builds. I have a hunch that it's a rails specific reserved name.
What's the problem? and how can I make this work?
The issue was that the parent model wasn't associated with the child model yet. My mistake for not providing all the information necessary.
This worked.
def new
#controller = Controller.find(params[:controller_id])
#inspection = => #controller)
Therefore my fields_for form builder also worked.
Pick some innocuous variable name. not_really_a_controller or whatever. Use that for your variable and your form. Then, in your actual controller (e.g. ActionController::Base descendent), rename the incoming param so the model doesn't know any different, like so:
before_filter :filter_params
def filter_params
if params[:not_really_a_controller]
params[:controller] = params.delete(:not_really_a_controller)
I've used this strategy for similar reasons in the past, though not specifically for controller. Worth a try though!

How to show a serialized Array attribute for a Rails ActiveRecord Model in a form?

We're using the "serialize" feature of ActiveRecord in Rails like this:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
serialize :favorite_colors, Array
So we can have
u = User.last
u.favorite_colors = [ 'blue', 'red', 'grey' ]!
So basically ActiveRecord is serializing the array above and stores it in one database field called favorite_colors.
My question is: How do you allow a user to enter his favorite colors in a form?
Do you use a series of textfields? And once they're entered, how do you show them in a form for him to edit?
This is a question related to Rails Form Helpers for serialized array attribute.
If you want multi-select HTML field, try:
= form_for #user do |f|
= :favorite_colors, %w[full colors list], {}, :multiple => true
If you're using simple_form gem, you can present the options as check boxes easily:
= simple_form_for #user do |f|
= f.input :favorite_colors, as: :check_boxes, collection: %w[full colors list]
I have solved this problem by 'flattening' the array in the view and
reconstituting the array in the controller.
Some changes are needed in the model too, see below.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
serialize :favorite_colors, Array
def self.create_virtual_attributes (*args)
args.each do |method_name|
10.times do |key|
define_method "#{method_name}_#{key}" do
define_method "#{method_name}_#{key}=" do
create_virtual_attributes :favorite_colors
If you don't define methods like the above, Rails would complain about the form element's
names in the view, such as "favorite_colors_0" (see below).
In the view, I dynamically create 10 text fields, favorite_colors_0, favorite_colors_1, etc.
<% 10.times do |key| %>
<%= form.label :favorite_color %>
<%= form.text_field "favorite_colors_#{key}", :value => #user.favorite_colors[key] %>
<% end %>
In the controller, I have to merge the favorite_colors_* text fields into an array BEFORE calling
save or update_attributes:
unless params[:user].select{|k,v| k =~ /^favorite_colors_/}.empty?
params[:user][:favorite_colors] = params[:user].select{|k,v| k =~ /^favorite_colors_/}.values.reject{|v| v.empty?}
params[:user].reject! {|k,v| k=~ /^favorite_colors_/}
One thing I'm doing is to hard-code 10, which limits how many elements you can have in the favorite_colors array. In the form, it also outputs 10 text fields. We can change 10 to 100 easily. But we will still have a limit. Your suggestion on how to remove this limit is welcome.
Hope you find this post useful.
To allow access to AR attributes, you have to grant them like this:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
serialize :favorite_colors, Array
attr_accessible :favorite_colors

Retain Search Form Data Ruby On Rails

Trying to build a search on my homepage with simple_form (Pretty much same as formtastic). The search works fine and im getting my results but after submission I want to retain the vales with what the user submitted.
I am using a namespace for my form so how can I retain the data for the form. Here is some code which may help.
def index
#results =[:search])
%h1 Search Form
= simple_form_for(:search) do |f|
= f.input :location, :as => :select, :collection => Location.all.asc(:name)
= f.input :type, :collection => PropertyType.all.asc(:name)
= f.input :bedrooms, :collection => 1..10,
= f.button :submit
-if #results
%h1 Search Results
- #results.each do |property|
%h1= property.title
Within the Index controller I have tried all sorts of things ie
#search = params[:search]
But each time I try something the search breaks.
What am I doing wrong ?
Hope you can advise
One approach is to do as Xavier Holt suggested, and pass in values to each input. The simpleform doco suggests:
= f.input :remember_me, :input_html => { :value => '1' }
The other approach is to have simpleform do it for you. SimpleForm will automatically populate the fields with values if you give it something like an activerecord object.
In this case, that means creating a model object:
class PropertySearchCriteria
attr_accessor :location, :type, :bedrooms
def initialize(options)
self.location = options[:location]
self.type = options[:bedrooms]
self.bedrooms = options[:bedrooms]
Then, change your controller:
def index
#property_search_criteria =[:search])
#results =
(you'll have to change the method as well)
Then, change your simple_form_for:
= simple_form_for(:search, #property_search_criteria) do |f|
And if you do all that, and get the stars to align just right, then simpleform will pre-populate the form fields all by itself. You may have to add some stuff to PropertySearchCriteria to get simpleform to be properly happy.
This is a lot of stuffing around just to get the values showing up, but it'll keep you sane if you need to add validations.
I'm doing something similar in the app I'm working on (I'm not using formtastic, but this should be at least very close to something that works for you). I got around it by making sure #search was a hash in the controller:
#search = params[:search] || {}
And then using #search[:key] as the :value option in all my search inputs (There's a chance you'll need to set #search.default = '' to get this working):
<%= text_field_tag :name, :value => #search[:name] %>
And that's all it took. As my app is getting more complicated and AJAXy, I've been thinking of moving the search parameters into the session information, which you might want to do now to stay ahead, but if you're just looking for a simple solution, this worked great for me.
Hope this helps!
you can try storing your parameters in session like so:
def index
#results =[:search])
def store_search
session[:search] = params[:search]
just be sure when you are done with the parameters that you clean them up
clear_search if session[:search]
def clear_search
session[:search] = nil

If statement with form field select in rails

I'm trying put an if statement directly into a select field in rails, with no success.
Here is what I've tried:
<%= (:book_id,{
if #a!=1
"Harry Potter", 1,
if #b!=2
"Lord of the Rings", 2,
end %>`
Any ideas?
Don't do this. It's ugly, and not fun for you to maintain. Also, no good trying to put if-statements or anything other than hash values inside a hash declaration. How about a helper?
Helper code (untested):
def book_select(f)
options = {}
options['Harry Potter'] = 1 unless #a == 1
options['Lord of the Rings'] = 2 unless #b == 2 :book_id, options
View code:
<%= book_select(f) %>
