vaadin 7: Widgetset does not contain implementation - vaadin

I am trying my hands on vaadin and would like to use gantt chat add-on in my vaading 7 project.
since this is not compatible with vaadin 7, I am trying to fix some code from the add-on to make it compatible with vaadin 7.
I checked out source code of vaadin-6.8 from repository and vaadin-gantt (add-on) from available downloads.
I changed the code a bit in vaadin-6.8 and built. I am using this customized vaadin-6.8 jar inside vaadin-gantt add-on. Now I am able to build vaadin-gantt add-on by using customized vaadin-6.8 jar. I want to use this add-on inside vaadin-7 project.
compiling went through, but i am getting below message on console while displaying gantt chart
"Widgetset does not contain implementation for ru.bazon.vaadin.ganttdiagram.canvas.GanttDiagramCanvas. Check its component connector's #Connect mapping, widgetsets GWT module description file and re-compile your widgetset. In case you have downloaded a vaadin add-on package, you might want to refer to add-on instructions."
I compiled the gantt widgetset using eclipse plugin and could see the below entry in my projects *.gwt.xml file
I would like to make use of gannt chart add-on for vaadin-7. I didn't find any other add-on for vaadin-7 apart from this which is not compatible with vaadin 7.
any pointers?

Please make sure You have added #Widgetset("path of *.gwt.xml") on your main UI class.I have solved by adding this

I just had this error as well and it was caused by missing source files in the addon jar. Both .java and .class files must be present in the addon jar file as GWT compiles from sources. But most likely the addons form vaadin directory should include also the sources. And ofcourse don't forget to compile the widgetset and themes after importing your addon to your project.

Just leaving this here in case someone has the same case as I had. Our project is in Vaadin 8, and we already had #Widgetset("") as annotation on our UI-extending class.
However, I still received the same error as OP when accessing a pop-up of a separated component. Although we did try to migrate this component of ours to Vaadin 8 in the past, due to lack of time to do this properly, it was still mostly using Vaadin7 imports and functionality.
Because of this I had to add the following to our OurWidgetSet.gwt.xml file (within the <module>-tag) in our main project, to fix the functionality of the used component:
<inherits name="com.vaadin.v7.Vaadin7WidgetSet" />

just had the same issue as well, another thing to make sure if you use vaadin is the web.xml inside the WEB-INF folder of deployed resources.
Make sure the widgetset is also specified there:

When using Java Config with Annotation #VaadinServletConfiguration an additional Solution is to add this as Annotation-Parameter widgetset:
#VaadinServletConfiguration(ui = MyUI.class, productionMode = true, heartbeatInterval = 500, closeIdleSessions = true, widgetset = "com.myapp.MyWidgetset")


Nativescript with AppBuilder plugin update

I am developing an app using nativescript with AppBuilder and Visual Studio. I am using a plugin called nativescript-pdf-view ( Everything worked fine until Apple changed one of their methods in xCode 8. See for details.
I have submitted a question to the author of the plugin 5 days ago, but have not received an answer yet, so I decided to make the change in the plugin code myself. The change is very simple, but after the update when I load the app to my test device, I still get the same error.
My question is: How does AppBuilder build plugins? Is it enough to update source code of the plugin to update it? How can I force the AppBuilder to rebuild this plugin?
I have a feeling the the plugin is cached somewhere because I get the same error message and stack trace even though the source code is changed.
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
In order to use a custom plugin in your project you have to update the reference in your package.json. For example in your case, you can:
Get the source code of nativescript-pdf-view.
Fix the issue you've noticed.
Build a .tgz from your modified source code (npm pack command should help you to create a .tgz).
Include the .tgz in your project (for example at the root level, right next to package.json).
Reference the .tgz in your package.json, so instead of having "nativescript-pdf-view": "1.0.0", you should have "nativescript-pdf-view": "file:nativescrip-pdf-view.tgz".
Build your project.
This way the custom plugin will be used instead of the one from npm.
There's no caching of plugins in the cloud builds. The process uses your package.json to install required dependencies.

Customising org.primefaces.component.messages.MessagesRenderer [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Overriding JSF Primefaces Message Tag
(2 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
We have an on-line application using JSF2.0 (One that comes with Web-sphere application server v8.5.5) + PrimeFaces 5.0
For a particular requirement, we have to customise org.primefaces.component.messages.MessagesRenderer. We noticed that there is no clean way to customise org.primefaces.component.messages.MessagesRenderer .
As a work around we created a class org.primefaces.component.messages.MessagesRenderer in Web Source folder. This class ends up in WebInf/classes
Upon initial deployment prime-faces.jar loaded the version of org.primefaces.component.messages.MessagesRenderer in WebInf/classes and every thing worked as expected.
Upon further investigation it became apparent that the war class loading behaviour is inconsistent. We couldn't guarantee which version of org.primefaces.component.messages.MessagesRenderer is loaded by the Prime Faces frame work. At times the application loads the version of org.primefaces.component.messages.MessagesRenderer from WebInf/classes other times it loads the version from WebInf/lib/primefaces-5.0.jar
The Servlet3.0 clearly states
The Web application class loader must load classes from the WEB-INF/classes
Directory first, and then from library JARs in the WEB-INF/lib directory.
So not sure why we are experiencing this inconsistent behaviour.
What was tried & suggested
We tried referencing the
org.primefaces.component.messages.MessagesRenderer in servlet startup
One of my colleagues suggested to remove org.primefaces.component.messages.MessagesRenderer in primefaces jar
file. This would resolve the issue, but customising third party library is against our company policy.
In conclusion what we are really looking is for a way to customise org.primefaces.component.messages.MessagesRenderer in prime-faces without patching the primefaces jar file.
Just found an solution for this issue
Adding the following snippet of code in applications faces-config.xml allows me to override the MessageRenderer in primefaces

Highcharts Standalone Framework is empty

I downloaded Highcharts using bower. The file bower_components/highcharts/adapters/standalone-framework.js is empty. I also looked at the CDN version at - it's also empty. Is this intentional?
Since 4.2 version, the standalone-framework is included in the highcharts.js core.
More information you can find here:

BUILD FAILED : a module is not authorized to depend on itself: com.vaadin.external.atmosphere#atmosphere-compat-jbossweb;2.0.1-vaadin1

my project is VaadinFramework based project.I was run build.xml file through jenkins.
i struck with error like this.
/build.xml:28: impossible to resolve dependencies:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: a module is not authorized to depend on itself: com.vaadin.external.atmosphere#atmosphere-compat-jbossweb;2.0.1-vaadin1,
if you know the answer please help me out
the above three addons i was added in ivy.xml problem was salved.
Becouse my project is vaadin based it using vaadin dependencies in compile and runtime.
anyhow im also looking otherways to soughtout this problem inspite of addons.

InvientCharts Vaadin not working

I am working with Vaadin 6 and want to use InvientCharts because it is free.
After compiling the widgetset, all vaadins component instead of invientCharts are working. The error which appears as text on my app is the following:
After trying everything, including setting up a complete new project, I followed this tutorial:
But it is still not working and shows the same error.
Has anyone an idea what is going on here?
Thanks in advance!
When you receive the message that the widgetset does not contain implementation of XY,
then usually you have forgotten to compile it with the additional jar files or you did not specify the new widgetset.
The nightswatch example is incomplete, you need to compile the widgetset.
Simplest would be to use the maven build script to build all dependencies and compile stuff as needed (or use eclipse for this)
