Gerrit code/peer review data extraction - gerrit

I want to extract data of code review repository for projects using Gerrit or Rietveld review system like Android, Google chromium, Firefox, Eclipse. Are there any APIs to perform extraction?

Depending on the version of Gerrit the server is running, you want to use the REST API -


Rest API for Pull request approval process

As I am trying to integrate Azure DevOps rest API in our application (Using C#). I am not able to find any API for pull request Approval process.
Please suggest and provide any solution for Approval process using REST API or other alternatives.
In your C# application code:
If you want to create, update or delete the branch policies related to Pull Request Approval (Reviewers), you can use the "PolicyConfiguration Class" from the related .NET client libraries for Azure DevOps. The corresponding Azure DevOps REST API is "Configurations".
For "Require a minimum number of reviewers", the 'configurationId' is 'fa4e907d-c16b-4a4c-9dfa-4906e5d171dd'.
For "Automatically included reviewers", the 'configurationId' is 'fd2167ab-b0be-447a-8ec8-39368250530e'.
If you want to add, remove reviewers from Pull Request, or set the votes (Approve, Reject, Approve with suggestions, Wait for author, etc..) of reviewers on Pull Request, you can use the "ReviewersUpdatedEvent Class", "ReviewersVotesResetEvent Class" and "ReviewerVoteUpdatedEvent Class". The corresponding Azure DevOps REST API is "Pull Request Reviewers".
Below are some samples about using .NET client libraries for Azure DevOps in C# code:
C# client library samples

How to extract the details from the JIRA development panel in winform using C#?

I am able to fetch various details through REST API like the Client Viewable, Status, Lifecycle Step etc.
Now I want to fetch the review link from the development panel from the JIRA.
Is there any API which can help me achieve it?

Connecting alerts and SIEM with Microsoft Graph data

Is there any guidance for integrating my SIEM (security information and event management system with) Microsoft Graph to connect my security alerts with other Microsoft Graph entities?
Microsoft Graph integration docs are located here. Currently there is no documentation out there about security or SIEMs, but I believe there will be something announced eminently.
I've published a cross-platform solution into GitHub ( that includes instructions and a script to automate the setup of the Azure Monitor -> Event Hub data pipeline, and a cross-platform .NET Core-based application that connects to Event Hub to download the Azure activities sent to it.
You can use it as a simple solution to perform a file-based integration with a SIEM of your choice.
Additionally, it's another path to validate Graph Security driven alerts into the Monitor -> Event Hub pipeline.

REST API for Quick Books desktop

Is there any REST API associated with Quick books Desktop ?
I am aware of Quickbooks SDK and one can build its requests via QBFC or QBXML.
However,I have set of hardcoded request xmls ,I was wondering is it possible to test these XMLs by sending directly to Quickbooks Desktop via tool like SOAPUI.
Is there any REST API associated with Quick books Desktop
Yes, but it's deprecated. You can't build new apps for it -- only existing apps already using it are allowed to use it.
However,I have set of hardcoded request xmls ,I was wondering is it possible to test these XMLs by sending directly to Quickbooks Desktop via tool like SOAPUI.
You could easily write your own little SOAP server that sits and listens for requests and runs them against QuickBooks if you wanted to. Or use the SDK Test+ tool included with the SDK and feed them to QuickBooks directly from files.

Synchronize Issues in Mantis and in JIRA

We are moving from Mantis to JIRA and wish to keep Mantis alive for some time until the migration is complete and all the users are migrated.
All users (esp. the dev team) that have been migrated to JIRA shouldn't continue with Mantis (maybe deactivate accounts) and concentrate on JIRA alone.
Thus if a Mantis issue that was migrated to JIRA gets fixed/commented (in JIRA) the new status should be synchronized to the still existing Mantis issue.
And (if possible) new issues that are created in Mantis should be automatically be added to JIRA (if this is not possible then thats OK too)
Does anybody know of a tool or plugin that can do this?
I do not know any tool that does it, but in our company we have successfully implemented sync tool for Jira<->Footprints and Jira<->CRM. It would use Jira SOAP API (or REST starting from 5.0) and Mantis SOAP API. This tool can regularly check issues in both systems and update them accordingly.
you can implement your own sync using Jira's REST API as #Daria replied above, or you can use Task Adapter for manual data synchronization between Jira and Mantis.
Sorry I have no immediate answer, but we are developing an internal tool for exactly this purpose:
migrate existing issues from Mantis -> JIRA
ability to enter new issues in Mantis and have them synced to JIRA
activity in JIRA issues replicated back to Mantis
workflow disabled in Mantis (issues are slaved to JIRA state)
keep Mantis alive for N months while users are trained and migrated
It is using their SOAP and REST APis respectively.
If there is interest and it works well (looking really good at this stage) I will seek permission to open source it.
