Sending Parameters when opening mvc view -

In my Controller I return the View for a specific model by
return View(model);
(Nothing magic there). Now this view contains a lot of Elements like different tabs. I want to send and receive a parameter to that view so I can display a specific tab depending on the parameter I send.
How can this be done?

There are two questions in one. I will answer them one by one:
Passing information to view
One option is to use ViewBag. Second is to extend your model to contains information about which tab should be passed
Passing information from client
In action link you have to generate parameter to pass which View should be open. This parameter will be attached to query string so you can easy map it to input parameter for controller or read it from query string.

You can using ViewBag or ViewData.
In your controller
ViewBag.test = "some text";
In your view


Mvc How safe is viewbag?

My website is built around tabs. I have one single page with multiple partial views that display each tab.
The problem im facing now is I want to loop through files that the user has uploaded and display them in one of my partial views. This requires me to send the file list as a paramater in my action like this:
//Uploadedfiles is a function that adds the files to a list.
var files = UploadedFiles();
return View(files);
Because im only using one view to display all my partial views, i get:
The model item passed into the dictionary is of type 'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Core.Util.CommonUtility+d__0`1[Delamapp.CloudStorageServices.UploadEntity]', but this dictionary requires a model item of type 'Delamapp.Models.LoginFolder'.
This means im required to not send a model item to my index view. Now, the only thing i can think off is adding my file list to viewbag and then display them on my view. BUT.. The files require high security. How safe is viewbag? Can you for example store sensitive login information in there? Can you think off some other way to accomplish this?
Thank you in advance
You can pass a model item to your view, but the model item you are passing doesn't match the type of model that your view uses (that's what the error message says).
So you need to do one of the following:
Modify your view to accept the model type that you are passing to it
Put the data you want to pass into the model type that your view is expecting
Create a new model type for both your data and for the view, and use that
In terms of security, I don't think using a view bag versus model binding really enters into the question of security. Both are just ways of passing data in between the controller and the view, and that all takes place within the ASP.NET process (perhaps you have ViewBag confused with Web Forms' ViewState?).

Pass MVC view value to controller

I am displaying a value on my MVC view using a query string. For example ..
in my view I have:
<h3>Selected Game <%=Request["GameId"]%> </h3>
This displays the gameid selected by user on the view (via a query string)
Now I want to be able to use this value displayed on the view and run a query in the controller/service layer code. How can I pass this value to the controller.
You can access the Request the same way from the controller.
string gameid = Request["GameId"];
I would caution you, however, about trusting values you get from the request. This is where hackers like to strike, by entering their own values, which may not even be numbers.
Validate all data you get from the client, including querystring parameters.
You can't pass it to the same controller .. The view is already rendered. You seem to know about ajax, so it's just a simple matter of making another request. Make an ajax request to the controller in question with the GameId parameter.

MVC 4 - View That Accepts Multiple Parameters

I have seen a few other threads with the same question as mine but I don't understand them very much. Anyway, my scenario is this: I have a MainView which renders four different PartialViews in it. The reason is because each PartialView contains data that comes from different Tables(Models).
So my problem is this. My MainView accepts a parameter of type string which is an ID. I need to pass that ID to each of my PartialViews. This can be easily achieved but the problem is, each partial views also needs to accept parameter of type List<>.
My question is, how can I pass two parameters to my PartialView (ie string and List<>)?
Currently, my PartialViews accept only one parameter (List<>).
create an object containing both the string and the list<>, and pass that to your PartialViews.
You can use ViewModels. Create a Viewmodel that is the result of all objects you need to present in the view. Is more clean.
There are many articles with this information.

ASP MVC3 Pass additional params with "return View(model)"

I'm in serious need of passing url params with View class. Here's code:
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return View(model);
This should not only return model based view, but also add specific param to URL (param won't change view details, but is needed as it's one of few automatically generated SessionKeys (one for each tab/window used to view app) and I know no other way to get to it, different than passing as param (it can't be generated everytime, 'cos params will change; it can't be global variable because it'll reset its value each refresh; it can't be static, because static is evul).
Oh this action is called with use of form and submit button, not actionLink or something like this.
EDIT1: I need params to stay in URL after refresh, or I need some other form of keeping data that persists through refresh/validation fail.
If I understand you correctly you have data that you need to use in generating Urls on your page? This just forms part of your ViewModel - or at least it should, since it's data that the View needs in order to render.
You can use ViewData to add any extra data that isn't part of your view model. Or, better still, add the data as members to it. Equally, if different views with different View Models require this data, add a ViewModel base class and derive from that so you can share that data.
new RouteValueDictionary(new {param1="value",param2="value2"});
or you can use hidden field to store the values in your page and then pass this down as and when you need them..

Why do my viewmodel properties end up null or zero?

I'm working on my first MVC application, still figuring it all out.
I have a viewmodel which, at this point, is identical to my domain object. My controller builds the viewmodel and passes it to a view. The view only displays a some of the properties because I don't want primary and/or foreign keys displayed for the user yet, in the case of a primary key, I need to have the data in order to update / delete the database.
It appears that unless I use a viewmodel property in the view, it is set to default values (0 for numeric value types and null for reference types) when I pass the viewmodel back. Is this correct behavior?
I confirmed the viewmodel passed to the Edit view does contain all the properties (as I would expect).
The question - Once a view is rendered, what happens to the viewmodel? If my viewmodel contains properties that are not used in the view, do their values just disappear? For example, when I click the Edit actionlink to fire the Edit action on the controller, the viewmodel that gets passed to the action does not contain any properties unless they are visible on the screen. Why?
BTW, this is ASP.NET MVC 4 RC.
It appears that unless I use a viewmodel property in the view, it is
set to default values (0 for numeric value types and null for
reference types) when I pass the viewmodel back. Is this correct
Yes, when you invoke a controller action you need to pass all the properties that you want to be bound in the request. So for example if you are using a html <form> to call the action you need to use input fields. You could use hidden fields but they must be present, otherwise nothing is sent to the controller action
The question - Once a view is rendered, what happens to the viewmodel?
It falls out of scope and is eligible for garbage collected.
If my viewmodel contains properties that are not used in the view, do their values just disappear?
Absolutely. But even if you use those properties inside the view they disappear. For example if you only display the values inside the view but do not use input fields to send them back to the server when the form is submitted they will be gone as well.
For example, when I click the Edit actionlink to fire the Edit action
on the controller, the viewmodel that gets passed to the action does
not contain any properties unless they are visible on the screen. Why?
Because the view model no longer exists. It's gone and garbage collected. That's how the HTTP protocol works. It's stateless. Nothing is persisted between the requests. You will have to include whatever properties you want to be populated in the request either as POST form values or as query string parameters if you are using action links or whatever.
If the user is not supposed to modify those values inside the view you could then simply pass an id to the controller action which will allow for this controller action to retrieve the model from wherever it is stored (a database or something) using this id.
If your properties are in any helper methods which generates the input HTML element inside a form, It will be available in your HTTPost action method when you submit the form. If you are simply displaying it in a div/span , it is not going to get you the property values. That is how MVC model binding works.
Expect the values in your HttpPOST action if you use these HTML helpers
Dont expect the values if you use these
