Fetching number of tickets per order - eventbrite

AFAIK the Eventbrite API does not return the number of tickets per order. Is there some way to find that info?

I'll answer my own question and say No, fetching the number of tickets per order is not possible. I've asked it directly to the Eventbrite support and API teams without any response and no one here has been able to provide any way to do so either.


Reddit Get Subscriber Count Growth

Having a history of the subscriber count of specific subreddit is data that I need for data analysis.
I found a page which is doing exactly that e.g.: http://redditmetrics.com/r/worldnews
Is there an official endpoint in the reddit api for getting a history of subscriber counts and how the popularity of a subreddit has evolved until now or are there any other reliable ways to do this?
Tracking the data on my own is not an option because I'm interested in subscriber counts in the past and not in the future past.
Unfortunately there's no endpoint for that within the reddit api. One option could be to scrape sites like that for past data (with permission hopefully). And maybe the only other option would be to ask those sites for raw data (who knows, it might work). Good luck!

Firebase Cloud Messaging - Check existing or available Topics

I've read on Google Firebase Docs:
Client apps can subscribe to any existing topic, or they can create a new topic.
So how can I can check how many existing topics are available for me? Is it only through the console? Or is there an API?
As already mentioned by #FrankvanPuffelen in the comments section, there is not available API to get a list of Topics you have.
What you could do is keep record of the topics you have created on your server side. So it pretty much depends on your own implementation.
Also, if you are thinking of checking the number of subscribers of a specific topic so you can see which ones are active or not, it's also not possible. See this answer by #ArthurThompson:
No. There is no current way to query the number of subscribers to a topic, you would have to maintain the relationship between token and topics on you app server.

Bluemix - Use Insights for Twitter API to query if a topic is trendy

I'm implementing a sorting algorithm and I want to query the Insights for Twitter API in order to find if a topic is trendy in comparison to another topic.
As far as I've investigated, there is a Count API Operation which will return the number of Tweets based on a given query. Therefore I could query how many Tweets have the particular "keyword" in their body and then compare it to other different keywords to establish an order.
Is there is a more direct query to know if a keyword is trendy?
Your approach using the /api/v1/messages/count endpoint looks like the right one when working with the Insights for Twitter API.
I guess you could also use the posted query parameter to build trending charts over time for your different keywords.

I have IDs from many tweets; how can I fetch their full information with the Twitter API without exceeding the rate limit?

I have IDs from many tweets, and I'd like to fetch their full information from Twitter in order to do some data analysis. The obvious API method (https://dev.twitter.com/docs/api/1/get/statuses/show/:id) appears to take only one ID at a time. This is a problem because the number of tweets we need to analyze is well more than the API limit of 350 calls per hour.
Thus: is there some way to get full information for a set of tweet IDs, not just one, or alternately to submit many REST calls in the same HTTP request and have it count only once against the API limit?
There's unfortunately no bulk lookup offered for Tweets. You'll need to perform requests one at a time and scope your project to cope with the rate limitations. If you have friends who would like to help you, you could potentially ask them to authorize your application and leverage their permission to gain access to more requests.

How to crawl retweets of a certain user?

I studied the Twitter API Documentation today. Only find that we could use "Twitter REST API Method: statuses user_timeline" to acquire statuses of a certain user. Retweets are stripped out of the user_timeline for backwards compatibility reasons. If I want retweets included, API Documentation recommend "statuses retweeted_by_me", but retweeted_by_me cannot return the retweets by other users.
I think maybe we can analyse the twitter webpage of a certain user to get his retweets. However is there any elegant way to crawl retweets of a certain user?
Thanks in advance!
This was addressed recently by the Twitter devs. You can now add a include_rts=true to your call to user_timeline. See the full discussion here: http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/browse_thread/thread/7a4be385ff549ed0
You want to use the retweeted_to_me API call and then create a union with user_timeline and sort by datetime. It's a little annoying that they don't mix the stream for you.
Call statuses/user_timeline for the specific user then for each status you will have to call either statuses/id/retweeted_by or statuses/retweets.
You have to manually use GET statuses/retweets/:id for every Tweet from the use_timeline.
