Legacy web application in jsp,servlets to be made i-pad compatible - ipad

Currently we have a web application that's been developed using jsp and servlets. A new requirement has come to make this application ipad compatible.
What is the best way to proceed?
Will using jQuery mobile and restructuring all the jsp pages (creating dedicated pages for ipaad) do the trick?
Is there any supporting documents already available?

Through my research, what I found is
1)Learn CSS 3 Media queries and restructure the css and html pages to be displayed.
2)The approach is ok, but creating dedicated web pages for i-Pad will increase the size of your web app.
3)Head First Mobile Web is a good reference


How to make My MVC4 application to mobile /tab compatibility?

Its my basic question, but I think it is worth it. I have MVC4 application which is working absolutely on my PC/laptop browser. What next to do work in mobiles/tab also? The application has all latest Jquery, bootstrap, HTML5 and Razor engine code.
Will same application open mobile browser in smaller size? How to make to work?
There are three alternatives.
You can create a native mobile application (IOS, Android and so on) for your web application. Assuming you want to stick with your current app, this choice is useless for you.
There are frameworks such as jQuery Mobile that enables you to write views for your web application that are used in when your application is accessed via mobile devices such as tablets and phones.
Last option is using responsive design techniques. This is especially good when most of the content on the pages are static. If you have used bootstrap, as far as I know, it is a front-end framework that is responsive. In that case, you do not need to do anything.
You can test your application behavior using Chrome developer tools (F12). Just go to settings in developer tools and override the device metrics to resolution you want to test. It should do the trick.
You have all u want here in above link...

ASP.NET MVC website loading into an iframe speed

I am working on an MVC ASP.NET website, that is loaded by an external website into an iframe.
Is there any specific technique that can be used in the construction of an ASP.NET MVC website to make sure it loads as fast as possible into an iframe?
(NOTE: I have no say as to how the external website is built)
Browsers will treat your page the same as far as the downloads go, whether or not it is iframed, so "no" there's not a special technique you can use that is specific to IFrames. Things you'll want to look out for are SSL mismatch, and integration from the parent page to your page where you might hit XSS trouble. In general just use the standard optimization techniques available to you and everything should be fine.

Converting a regular MVC site for use in phonegap

I have a site that's done using ASP.NET MVC and jQuery. Is it possible to modify my existing project without too much of rework so that it can be used in phonegap to create iphone/android apps?
Here's an approach: move your logic to an MVC WebAPI (or other REST/webservice) project, then convert the MVC site into a simple html/javascript/css/image site (Mobile site). Then refactor your Mobile site to use Ajax/JS to query the WebAPI/Rest services you created. Once you've separated your code this way, you can then package the Mobile site with Phonegap. I'm not sure how much work that will be for you or your project. If you're using a lot of Html Helpers or Razor markup in your views it may be too involved.
The core point of my suggestion here is to separate your mobile UI layer and the backend processing layer so you can only package the Html5/UI/Javascript layer with Phonegap and leave the backend processing on your web server. I don't think I need to explain this, but obviously the app packaged with Phonegap is not going to have the MVC/.Net framework available on the mobile device to render views or execute controllers, etc. By migrating your UI to be simple Html5 and Javascript you can use Ajax/Jquery/Javascript calls against your backend, which you will probably want to host in ASP.Net MVC WebAPI.
Edit: Guess there was some confusion about my suggestion. I'm not saying this is the only way to do go, but this is what I'm familiar with as it's how our team builds our desktop/web + mobile + phonegap + mvc4 + webapi + kendoui application. This pattern works well for us so maybe it'll work for you too, or at least give you some ideas on how to structure your solution. Good luck!
I'm not sure but you need a server to compile the ASP.NET right? so I don't think that will work for you. I think you need to work with AJAX to do your ASP.NET work and separate your ASP.NET code and your HTML-jQuery because Phonegap wants a index.html file. You can store your ASP.NET files at a server tough
The answer to your question really depends on the type of site you are trying to convert. Are you just trying to put a native framework around HTML and get your app into an app store?
If it is is mostly or entirely informational in nature and you have simply used MVC to build brochure-ware type pages then it should be fairly easy to move. This assumes that there is little to no logic other than page to page navigation.
If your site instead pushes a lot of data around that relies on a back-end server you will need to re-architect it to store data locally or pre-fetch it via a manifest. Next you will need to implement a strategy that allows you to push your local data back to the server.
Does you app need to run in a disconnected state?
Phonegap is one of the options if you want to target multiple mobile platforms & may be most widely used. Since you are using jQuery, jQueryMobile will be a least learning-curve path to use. Effort is mostly on the front-end UI and will depend on how many screens you want to design to provide a sub-set or the full set of functionality you already have on the web UI. Most likely you will have to redesign your screens using the jquery-mobile UI widgets documented here. It is also a good way to show it to your customer the initial screen design with navigation.
jquery mobile is great for learning and designing , but it's slow in the web browser control that phone gap runs in .
you'll need a more lightweight framework for this .
you can use an inappbrowser control to show your site in case it's responsive , but you wont have the device camera and contacts and so ...
take a look at : http://docs.phonegap.com/en/3.0.0/cordova_inappbrowser_inappbrowser.md.html#InAppBrowser

Rails 3.1+ way to serve both mobile & desktop clients

What the going "best practice" for serving both mobile & desktop browsers from a Rails application?
I'm not talking about custom apps on the mobile side but, mainly (entirely?!?), mobile Webkit.
I watched Railscast 199 which shows a technique of rendering and returning different views depending on whether the browser is mobile or not. Wondering if this is still preferable? What about just offering different CSS (assuming the content is largely the same)? Ideally the solution could take advantage of one of the mobile JQuery libraries (JQuery Mobile, JQTouch, Sencha Touch, etc.) How would things be handled through the asset pipeline?
Since you mention mobile Webkit, I think using CSS3's media query to adapt various devices would be a good choice. Here are some blog posts that are related:
Responsive Design with CSS3 Media Queries
How To Use CSS3 Media Queries To Create a Mobile Version of Your Website
Mobile_fu is still a great way to do it.
You'll need a separate layout file. For my apps which serve up both versions, I have separate JS and CSS folders at /assets/application & /assets/mobile.
I've had good luck with JQuery Mobile, but I've heard good things about Sencha too so that's probably personal preference.

How to develpo the web based application that can be viewed on the mobile phone in asp.net(vs2008)

I am the beginner of the asp.net,for my current project i need to develop a mobile web application using asp.net 3.5 that can be viewed on an Phone and all other browser what to support it, but there is no longer a template in VS2008 to enable mobile development. please give some more idea about that sir,Thank you.
You would need to create a page that is specific to each mobile browser you want to target, or create one that works on the lowest common feature set across all.
Using ASP.NET or any other server based framework should make any difference, it is more how you render it and what functionality you provide to the limited mobile browsers that is key.
Learn about General Mobile development at http://www.mobiforge.com/
For ASP.NET specific technologies look at http://mdbf.codeplex.com/
Details about using MDBF (with ASP.NET MVC - but the basics still apply) cand be found at:
http://www.hanselman.com/blog/MixMobileWebSitesWithASPNETMVCAndTheMobileBrowserDefinitionFile.aspx or the video at http://videos.visitmix.com/MIX09/T20F.
For publishing mobile content from the same URL than web content you can use mobile phone detection software. Try:
