Book like view in iOS app - ios

I am looking for a Book like view for a iOS native application. More like this
So you can see the verses follow one after the other rather than in a cell view. Also I would like to want to select a particular verse if required by tapping on the verse.
What view can I use other HTML Webview?

WebView is probably your easiest option, but you could also check out DTCoreText.


IOS Swift3 card stack overlay

I am using swift3 with Xcode8 to develop an iPhone app. I want to achieve the following effect: There are a set of cards and I can scroll and tap a card to select the card, then the selected card will be will be displayed by itself.
I am quite new in IOS development, what I am thinking is using the collection view, but how to achieve this kind of card overlay effect with collection view?
Or should I use something else? Can anyone give some clue? Thanks!
Have a look at MMCardView, currently supporting Swift 3.
In terms of implementing this, a collection view would be a start - looking deeper into libraries this is the common way of implementation. If you don't want to implement a library, take a look at the libraries files and see how they were implemented and adapt it to the way that you want.

MvvmCross dialog on android, modal on ios

I have a screen with 1 button. When clicking that button, a list of items should be shown (in which the user can select multiple items).
On android, i would like to do this using a dialog. I create a "DialogService" that does this, no problem.
On iOS, however, it seems that the best practice is to display a fullscreen tableview, for example as a modalView. Is it possible to do this without using a custom viewpresenter (e.g. modalViewPresenter)? I would very much prefer to have identical navigation on both platforms and just have different implementations of "DialogService"
I think trying to make one platform look and act like another is generally not a great idea as things start to look weird for the users.
But if you want to do it anyway I would start by trying to do something like this (it is in objective-c) then trying to bind to the tableview that is in the alertcontroller.

Does tvOS have any UIViewController subclasses I can use instead of replicating standard functionality?

I've started developing for tvOS recently, and discovered that while TVML isn't ideal for our use case, we'd still like to display a number of screens that display the same types of content as I've seen in existing Apple apps, and which I know can be created with TVML.
As an example, I want to display a page of terms, the same way that the Apple TV displays information as a scrollable page of text.
I could do this custom, where I place my own textView on a UIViewController, and setup the width and positioning myself. But it's scenarios like this, where I'm wondering if there's some already existing standard control for it, such as a UIViewController subclass already setup for displaying Terms? Is there a set of these I could be looking at?
UIAlertController should solve what you're looking for. You configure the text, buttons, and then present it.
More info in the docs:

Spinner in iOS, like in Android

I am very first time developing the Spinner in iOS.
I searched a lot for default Spinner view in iOS, but failed.
What I get is, two ways to design spinner like view in iOS.
Custom TableView which will be displayed on Click of DownArrow Button
I found the tutorial for UIPickerview.
But There are some OS orientation for this,
Means I want the UIPickerview in different Look & feel with selection style, also Scrolling of picker is not as I want.
So I was thinking to go for second options.
But Is there any other superior way to achieve this task,
As I think the second option is GOOD, but NOT BEST.
What I want is like the image below, its from Android,
I want to go for the same in iOS.
Thanks for help..
I think what you are looking is here
But I use RMPickerViewController which is more powerfull.

What kind of template for ios application

im trying to build an application like a book, with so many custom views and intensive animations. i want to know what is the best template for this kind of app? single view, view based?
I would use a "Page Based Application" it comes with an interface that interacts just like a book with paging effects and everything. It uses one viewController that dynamically replaces content based on which page has been navigated to.
