can I programmatically import/export a fusion table - google-fusion-tables

We can export a fusion table as a CSV file using File > Download (
I need to set up a script to import and export CSV data from SQL on a timer. Is there a way to do it programmatically (Java/Javascript/Python)?
I have found some examples using php that may work. It seems like it should be a common task. Am I looking at the problem wrong?

You can use the Fusion Tables API to import:

To export data as CSV from a Fusion Table you can make a SELECT query with the query parameter alt=csv ROW1, ROW2, ROW3 FROM 1e7y6mtqv892222222222_bbbbbbbbb_CvWhg9gc


exporting all sheets of a view as csv using TABCMD

I have a view in a tableau and want to export the view as a csv using TABCMD. I am able to generate all sheets as part of single pdf. In case of csv when I try to export I only get a single sheet. Not sure how to retrieve all sheets at once.
To sum up I am not able to find a command that could export me all sheets at once as a csv. I am also interested if there is a way to query a specific sheet as in Tableau UI.
Any insight on either approach would be helpful

Google Sheet gviz csv export - two column labels not exporting

I'm trying to export this Sheet to a csv for use in a webmap using this link:
It works well, except that two of the column headers (lat, long) are not exporting and the column labels in the csv are blank. I tried to change the format of the cell from Automatic to Plain text, but that didn't fix it.
It seems this is an issue with gviz api as there's an ongoing Google Issue tracker report about it. You may want to click the star icon on the top left of issue report page to indicate that your are also affected by this issue.
As an alternative solution, you may try this way as this will export the same csv file:
Download link for Google Spreadsheets CSV export
I did some quick tests on my end & after manually downloading the sheet file as a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file from the Google Sheet UI & after using the alternative solution, there's no issue with missing cells. But when using the gviz api link, the issue occurs:
If you set the column to 'Plain text' under the Format menu > Number, you should receive the data upon export.

Import custom partition into Gephi

I was wondering if gephi supports importing a cluster file that has the community assignment of each node in a graph on a separate line (similar to the Pajek .clu format)? I am looking for a way to color the nodes belonging to the same community. In igraph (for R), I can import this file and set the vertex color attributes based on it. Was wondering if gephi had a similar feature?
I saw this answer here from over 5 years ago saying that it wasn't possible, was wondering if that had changed now?
The .clu file contains one line per node with the cluster number at least the example I see here. Gephi cannot import it directly but you can trick it to obtain the same result. Here are the steps I propose:
Import your .net file with Gephi
Go to Data Laboratory and sort your nodes according to the Id column, by clicking on the column name
Create a new column called Cluster by pressing Add column the bottom of the screen. The default String type will do
Click Export table, select only the fields Id and Cluster, and export the file somewhere
Open the CSV file with e.g. Excel or LibreOffice
Open your .clu file with a text editor, even Notepad will do
Copy all the numbers in the file and paste them in the Cluster column of your CSV. Save your CSV
Import the CSV back into Gephi, by clicking Import Spreadsheet and press ok through the next steps.
At the end you should see your Cluster values having the same values as in the .clu file!
Make sure that the same field delimiter is used throughout in steps 4. and 8. I would suggest to use ; as Excel directly understands it.
You are welcome to report back if you are still having problems

How can I export SPSS custom tables to a specific Excel sheet without the SPSS?

I want to put different custom tables to different sheets in Excel. I tried with OMS and OUTPUT EXPORT but that functions not do what I want. If somebody have idea I hope that will help me. :)
OUTPUT EXPORT has an OPERATION subcommand with options CREATEFILE / CREATESHEET / MODIFYSHEET from which you can route CTABLES to desired sheets in a target/new Excel file.
You'll need to organise your OUTPUT documents as you wish your sheets.
Exorting to Excel using OMS you can not route to a specific sheet only with OUTPUT EXPORT you can.
OUTPUT EXPORT can write different sheets, but it doesn't give you much flexibiity in the objects that get exported when using it via syntax. The syntax mode assumes that you are not going to be interactively selecting the tables.
However, the SPSSINC OUTPUT MODIFY extension command includes a module that has an excelexport function that will do what you want. Here is an example. For more information see the SPSSINC OUTPUT MODIFY documentation or the dialog (on Utilities once installed). Then look at the examples in the module.
/CUSTOM FUNCTION="customoutputfunctions.excelexport(file='c:/temp/extest.xls',

How to save excel file without sql data source

I have a spread sheet which has 5 tabs, each tab updates from a SQL data source (not as a pivot table though), is there a way in excel (2010) that gives me the option to save a copy of just the data and not the connection properties ect. Basically the file is 6mb and i need to get it down.
Since it does not seem like you have tried anything I have two suggestions:
It could be as simple as:
Grouping Sheets and copying them to a new workbook.
Sheets(Array("Sheet1", "Sheet2", "Sheet3")).Select
Sheets(Array("Sheet1", "Sheet2", "Sheet3")).Copy
Or even:
Sheets.Add After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
You have to give those a try and let us know of the output, so then we can adjust those and find a solution that suits you!
I save the workbook with the connections to a new workbook. Go into the new workbook and remove the data connections.
