Accessing IAuthSession in non-controller classes in ServiceStack/MVC4 -

I am new to ServiceStack, so this is probably a noob question:
I am working on an ASP.NET MVC4 application that uses ServiceStack and am trying to figure out how I could get a hold of the current IAuthSession from within a class (either a EF context or a PetaPoco Database) used by my MVC4 controllers derived from ServiceStackController.
The class in question is registered with Funq with the ReuseScope.Request scope (i.e. on the per-HTTP request basis), and ideally I'd like every instance of it to be autowired with the current IAuthSession using either a constructor parameter or a public property.
How do I do that?
After some digging I came up with what I think might work.
In my AppHost.Configure I register a lambda that returns a session from the current request:
container.Register<IAuthSession>(c =>
where EFCatalogDb is my EF context that takes IAuthSession as a constructor argument:
public class EFCatalogDb : DbContext
public EFCatalogDb(IAuthSession session) : base()
{ }
// ...etc....
Unfortunately I am not at the point in my development when I can test this workaround, so have to ask others if it makes sense at all.

My first suggestion would be to try to keep IAuthSession out of your database classes since that creates a dependency on ServiceStack that seems unnecessary.
That being said, I think you could go the route of registering IAuthSession and having the container automatically inject IAuthSession. A better way might be creating your own 'wrapper class' around IAuthSession and injecting that into your database classes. That would then break the dependency on ServiceStack.
If you have no issue keeping a dependency on ServiceStack another possibility would be using the SessionFeature class and doing something like
var key = SessionFeature.GetSessionKey();
authSession = AppHost.Resolve<ICacheClient>().Get<IAuthSession>(key);


AutoFac Injection into attribute

So I have a need for injecting a number of different services into an authorization attribute I'm using. For simplicity I will leave this to show the configuration manager.
public class FeatureAuthorizeAttribute : AuthorizeAttribute
public IConfigurationManager ConfigurationManager;
private readonly string _feature;
public FeatureAuthorizeAttribute(string feature)
_feature = feature;
var test = ConfigurationManager.GetCdnPath();
Which would be used as follows
I have tried to use constructor injection
public FeatureAuthorizeAttribute(string feature, IConfigurationManager configurationManager)
ConfigurationManager = configurationManager;
_feature = feature
However this just causes an error when I attempt
[FeatureAuthorize("Admin", IConfigurationManager)]
Which seems like the wrong way to go about it in the first place. I'm assuming that I need to register my custom authorization attribute with the container to get it to start picking up
Instead of trying to use Dependency Injection with attributes (which you can't do in any sane, useful way), create Passive Attributes.
Specifically, in this case, assuming that this is an ASP.NET MVC scenario, you can't derive from AuthorizeAttribute. Instead, you should make your Authorization service look for your custom attribute, and implement IAuthorizationFilter. Then add the filter to your application's configuration.
More details can be found in this answer:

Using NHibernate.AspNet.Identity

I am attempting to use identity and NHibernate.
I have created a new blank MVC site using .NET framework 4.5.1 and I have installed and followed the instructions for using nuget package NHibernate.AspNet.Identity as described here:
which involves making the following changes to the AccountController class default constructor:
var mapper = new ModelMapper();
var mapping = mapper.CompileMappingForAllExplicitlyAddedEntities();
var configuration = new Configuration();
configuration.AddDeserializedMapping(mapping, null);
var schema = new SchemaExport(configuration);
schema.Create(true, true);
var factory = configuration.BuildSessionFactory();
var session = factory.OpenSession();
UserManager = new UserManager<ApplicationUser>(
new UserStore<ApplicationUser>(session));
I am getting the following exception:
No persister for: IdentityTest.Models.ApplicationUser
The ApplicationUser class doesn't have any additional properties to IdentityUser (which works fine for a Entity Framework implementation of Identity).
Can anyone offer suggestions as to how I can get identity to work with this NuGet package?
I have struggled very much with this library, which is making me question why this is the recommended library for using OWIN with NHibernate.
Anyway, to answer your question, the code you provided that you got from the github website adds NHibernate mappings for the library's classes. NHibernate doesn't have a mapping for ApplicationUser, it only has a mapping for it's base class. NHibernate needs a mapping for the instantiated class. This is problematic because you don't have access to the mapping code in the library's assembly, so you can't change it to use the ApplicationUser class instead. So the only way to get past this using the library as it is, is to remove the ApplicationUser class and use the library's IdentityUser class. Or, you could copy the mapping code from github and try using the same mapping for ApplicationUser.
Also, the library code and the code he gives for the AccountController does not ever open an NHibernate transaction, so even though the library calls Session.Save and Session.Update the data won't ultimately be saved in the database. After you open the session you need to open a transaction and save it as a private field on the class:
transaction = session.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted);
Then you need to call transaction.Commit() after your action in the AccountController finishes executing, so you will need to override OnResultExecuted:
protected override void OnResultExecuted(ResultExecutedContext filterContext)
Keep in mind this example is oversimplified, and in a production application you need to have error checking where you will Rollback instead of Commit if there are errors, and you need to properly close/dispose of everything, etc.
Furthermore, even after you solve those problems, there are other issues with the library. I ended up having to download the source from github so I could modify the library in order to use it. There are at least 3 other blatant errors in the library's code:
1) In NHibernate.AspNet.Identity.UserStore:
public virtual async Task<TUser> FindAsync(UserLoginInfo login)
if (login == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("login");
IdentityUser entity = await Task.FromResult(Queryable
(IQueryable<IdentityUser>)Queryable.Select<IdentityUserLogin, IdentityUser>(
// This line attempts to query nhibernate for the built in
// UserLoginInfo class and then cast it to the NHibernate version IdentityUserLogin,
// which always causes a runtime error. UserLoginInfo needs to be replaced
// with IdentityUserLogin
(IQueryable<IdentityUserLogin>)this.Context.Query<UserLoginInfo>(), (Expression<Func<IdentityUserLogin, bool>>)(l => l.LoginProvider == login.LoginProvider && l.ProviderKey == login.ProviderKey)),
(Expression<Func<IdentityUserLogin, IdentityUser>>)(l => l.User))));
return entity as TUser;
2) In NHibernate.AspNet.Identity.DomainModel.ValueObject:
protected override IEnumerable<PropertyInfo> GetTypeSpecificSignatureProperties()
var invalidlyDecoratedProperties =
p => Attribute.IsDefined(p, typeof(DomainSignatureAttribute), true));
string message = "Properties were found within " + this.GetType() +
#" having the
[DomainSignature] attribute. The domain signature of a value object includes all
of the properties of the object by convention; consequently, adding [DomainSignature]
to the properties of a value object's properties is misleading and should be removed.
Alternatively, you can inherit from Entity if that fits your needs better.";
// This line is saying, 'If there are no invalidly decorated properties,
// throw an exception'..... which obviously should be the opposite,
// remove the negation (!)
if (!invalidlyDecoratedProperties.Any())
throw new InvalidOperationException(message);
return this.GetType().GetProperties();
3) In NHibernate.AspNet.Identity.UserStore: For some reason, at least when creating a user/user login using an external provider like facebook, when the user/user login is initially created, the Update method is called instead of the Add/Create causing NHibernate to try to update an entity that doesn't exist. For now, without looking more into it, in the UserStore update methods I changed the library's code to call SaveOrUpdate on the NHibernate session instead of Update which fixed the problem.
I have only ran simple tests with the library that have worked after my changes, so there is no telling how many other runtime / logic errors are in this library. After finding those errors, it makes me really nervous using it now. It seems there was absolutely no testing done with even simple scenarios. Take caution using this library.
I also struggled to use NHibernate.AspNet.Identity. I found it was much easier just to make my own implementation using NHibernate, which I've turned into a minimal worked example here:
They key parts are a simple implementation of IUserStore<TUser, TKey> and IUserPasswordStore<TUser, TKey> using an NHibernate session for persistence. Then it's just a matter of writing a bit of glue to tell Owin to use that code.

Ninject Singleton for MVC Data Repository

In my MVC3 app I have an IDataRepository interface which is referenced by all my controllers to give them access to the data layer. There's also a DataRepository class which is implements IDataRepository for a particular data source (an nHydrate-derived Entity Framework, in my case). The DataRepository class takes a single argument, which is the connection string to the underlying database.
I've been successfully using nInject to to IoC with the controller classes using the following binding:
.WithConstructorArgument("connectionString", DataRepositoryBase.GetConnectionString());
Today I read about nInject scoping, and I thought it would be useful to arrange things so that only one instance of DatabaseRepository got created for each request (I'm thinking this will be more efficient, although with EF I'm not sure).
Unfortunately, I can't seem to figure out how to implement the pattern correctly. For example, this doesn't work:
.WithConstructorArgument("connectionString", DataRepositoryBase.GetConnectionString());
My thinking was that this would create just a single instance of DataRepository, which would be used in all references to IDataRepository. The error message complained that no match could be found for the connectionString parameter, and DataRepository was not self-bindable. I tried some variations, but when I could get it to work the singleton pattern wasn't being followed (i.e., I could see in the debugger that multiple instances of DataRepository were being created).
I'm missing something obvious here :).
--- Addendum ---
Unfortunately, the suggestion doesn't prevent multiple instances from being created within the same request.
To be clear, what I tried was:
public class BaseControllerModule : NinjectModule
public override void Load()
.WithConstructorArgument("connectionString", DataRepositoryBase.GetConnectionString());
and what I was monitoring was the constructor:
public DataRepository( string connectionString )
: base(connectionString)
-- More info #2 --
Here's the layout of the classes Ninject is resolving for me:
public class DataRepositoryBase
protected DataRepositoryBase( string connectionString )
public static string GetConnectionString() {}
public class DataRepository : DataRepositoryBase, IDataRepository
public DataRepository( string connectionString )
: base(connectionString)
I've left out the implementation details, but hopefully this paints a better picture.
Looking this over, I wonder if I'm causing problems by making connectionString a constructor parameter for both DataRepository and its base class DataRepositoryBase. Wouldn't Ninject resolve connectionString in the call the base class constructor?
p.s. I belatedly realized I don't need DataRepositoryBase, because its functionality can be merged into DataRepository. I've done that, but I'm still having the constructor for DataRepository called multiple times in what appears to be one request.
p2.s. For fun, I tried declaring InSingletonScope() in the Ninject binding definition. That worked -- the constructor for DataRepository now only gets called once, when the app is first accessed. But I don't think it's a good idea to have singletons in an MVC app. It seems like that would cause the "state" of the app to get "locked" in memory.
--- yet more info ---
The problem seems to be with the way I've designed my MVC app. What I assumed was a single request from the browser back to the server often results in multiple requests being processed in sequence (I'm watching the BeginRequest event being fired in the MvcApplication class). It seems like every time I transition to a different controller a new request is being generated (e.g., via a RedirectToAction). I guess this makes sense, but it means Ninject's InRequestScope won't quite do what I want.
But it also makes me wonder if I've just designed the app wrong. It seems like I should be grouping all of the action methods that might get invoked on a browser call into a single controller. Instead, I've organized the action methods by how they fit into the conceptual model for my app.
These two bindings say:
When a DataRepository is requested reuse the instance for all occurances within the request and set the connection string to DataRepositoryBase.GetConnectionString().
But when a IDataRepository is requested, create a new instance for every occurance and let Ninject decide what it injects for the connection string.
What you really want is done by adding InRequestScope to the first code snippet.
Wouldn't that be sufficient to have a singleton?
.WithConstructorArgument("connectionString", DataRepositoryBase.GetConnectionString());
RequestScope is not a singleton, it means that the objects are separate for each user's call.
By the way, I think the real repository shouldn't be singleton - it should rather follow the Unit of Work pattern, meaning that its lifetime should represent one higher-level data operation and the connection itself should be at lower level than repository.

Architecting medium size asp mvc - using ninject and creating objects

I'm designing medium-size website using mvc technology.
All business logic is organized into IServices (like IDomainService, IUserService, IAuthService, ITrainingService). All services are using IRepositories.
I'm using Ninject 1.5 to wire services with controllers and it seems working perfectly.
There is so far one subject I have no idea how to handle. Some services create contexts (per request) - for instance IDomainService creates DomainContext (per request) which is needed for IUserService.
ITrainingService is used only in TrainingController, which is accessible only by authorized users, and ITrainingService requires UserContext (also per request) to know who is having training.
This is my first project using IoC container.
Is there any design pattern or code-schema how to solve it?
I think I can fill context object using ActionFilters but how to manage their lifetime and where to put them to be accessible for IServices? (in an ellegant way)
I've used Ninject specifically in an MVC application. The way you'd accomplish this with Ninject is in the configuration or binding of your dependencies. When you do this, you specify how you want your object lifetimes to be managed. In most cases of a web app, you objects will be per request as you've indicated in your question.
One thing I've noticed in your question is that your DomainContext is being created by an IDomainService object and is used by other objects. If the domain service object is a sort of factory for a DomainContext, then you don't have much of a problem -- this becomes an exercise of how you configure Ninject to provide concrete objects and inject dependencies.
Here's general guidance on how you would structure your application -- bear in mind I don't have full understanding of your interfaces and classes:
public class GlobalApplication : NinjectHttpApplication {
protected override void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes) {
// Your normal route registration goes here ...
new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = "" }
// This function is resposible for creating a Ninject kernel. This is where
// the magic starts to happen.
protected override IKernel CreateKernel() {
var modules = new IModule[] {
new AutoWiringModule(),
new AutoControllerModule(
new ServiceModule()
return new StandardKernel(modules);
Note above that the easiest way to get Ninject to work is to derive your application class from the NinjectHttpApplication class. You will need to change your RegisterRoutes to an override method and will also be required to implement a method called CreateKernel. The CreateKernel method is responsible for returning the Ninject kernel which is itself the IoC container.
In the CreateKernel method, the Ninject-provided AutoControllerModule scans assemblies for MVC controller classes and registers them with the container. What this means is that dependencies on those controllers can now be injected by Ninject as it has become the controller provider for the application. The ServiceModule class is one that you need to create to register all of your services with Ninject. I'm guessing it would look something like this:
internal class ServiceModule : StandardModule {
public override void Load() {
.ToMethod( ctx => ctx.Kernel.Get<IDomainService>().CurrentDomainContext )
Ninject's got a pretty expressive fluent interface for configuration. Note above that each statement basically associates a concrete class with an interface it implements. The "Using" phrase in the statement indicates to the Ninject kernel that the object will live for the life of the request only. So, for example, this means that anytime an IDomainService object is requested from the Ninject kernel during the same request, the same object will be returned.
As for you context objects, I'm taking a stab that your domain service creates these contexts and acts as a factory of sorts. In that regard, I bound instances DomainContext classes above to be produced by getting the value of the a property called CurrentDomainContext off the IDomainService. That's what the lambda above accomplishes. The nice thing about the "ToMethod" binding in Ninject is that you have access to a Ninject activation context object that allows you to resolve objects using the kernel. That's exactly what we do in order to get the current domain context.
The next steps are to ensure your objects accept dependencies properly. For example, you say that ITrainingService is used only in the TrainingController class. So, in that case I would ensure that TrainingController has a constructor that accepts an ITrainingService parameter. In that constructor, you can save the reference to the ITrainingService in a member variable. As in:
public class TrainingController : Controller {
private readonly ITrainingService trainingService;
public TrainingController(ITrainingService trainingService) {
this.trainingService = trainingService;
// ... rest of controller implementation ...
Remember that Ninject has already registered all of your controllers with the Ninject kernel, so when this controller is created and it's actions are invoked, you'll have a reference to the ITrainingService by way of the trainingService member variable.
Hope this helps you out. Using IoC containers can become quite confusing at times. Note, I highly recommend you check out the Ninject documentation -- it's a very well written introduction to Ninject as well as DI/IoC concepts. I've also left out discussion of the AutoWiringModule shown above; however, Nate Kohari (Ninject's creator) has a good write-up on his blog about this feature.
Good luck!
Im not exactly sure if I understand your problem completely, hopefully this bit of advice can help.
When using an IoC container you let the container handle object lifetime managment. I have only used Castle Windsor and StructureMap for dependency injection so I cant give you a concrete example for how to do this with Ninject.
Looking through the Ninject documentation I think you want to look at Activation Behaviours to specify object lifetime management.
Hope this helps.

Share Object to all Users of mvc Webapp

My web App prepares out of a db for one or two minutes a specific and read-only object list, once only when IIS starts. This does not change any more unless the admin triggers recreation by a specific URL.
The Interface of the objects looks like this:
public interface IProductsRepository {
IQueryable<Row1> ProductItmes { get; }
IQueryable<Row2> ProductLegItems { get; }
I am now not really sure where i put the object so it is accessible from any controller.
Should i put the load method to protected void Application_Start() as a static object? What is the best approach?
you need to use a dependency injection framework here so you can instantiate this one and pass it into all of your controllers. This doesn't come out of the box with but you can find a number of options that will do the trick like castle windsor or autofac
This may or may not meet your needs but Castle Windsor allows you to specify how many instances a component (like a data repository) will have. I personally had a typo when working with this (lifesyle instead of lifestyle) that resulted in the data repository persisting after a post without my initializing it.
A good place would be the the Cache. You can load the Cache on Application_Start()
You can store it in Application object, but you should inject it into Controller. You shouldn't reference directly Application object, because this will make your application less testable. I use Ninject ( for this purpose.
