Format datetime in where condition in EasyQuery -

Mine is a MVC application having easyquery widget.
I need to format datetime columns in where condition like '2013-05-06 12:20:35'.
But when I tried
dbQuery.Formats.DateTimeFormat = "'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'";
It is simply omitting single quotes and giving me like 2013-05-06 12:20:35.
If I am replacing single quotes with # like
dbQuery.Formats.DateTimeFormat = "#yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss#";
It is getting reflected like #2013-05-06 12:20:35#.
How to format this?

query.Formats.DateTimeFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss";
query.Formats.QuoteTime = True;
Found from here


Converting a string into a date Ruby on Rails

I'm attempting to convert a string date into a date that can be stored in the database. These are my attempts:
params[:event][:start_date] = '03-21-2016'
DateTime.strptime(params[:event][:start_date], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z')
DateTime.strptime(params[:event][:start_date], '%m-%d-%Y')
However I keep getting an invalid date error. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
One way to do it would be this:
date_string = '03-21-2016'
month, day, year = date_string.split('-').map(&:to_i), month, day)
You need to understand what each fragment (eg %Y) in the format string ('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z') means: read this.
Once you know this, you can tailor a format string to the date string you have, or expect to get: in this case, "%m-%d-%Y".
When debugging create a new, basic and simple, version of the code and test that.
require 'date'
params = '03-21-2016'
DateTime.strptime(params, '%m-%d-%Y') # => #<DateTime: 2016-03-21T00:00:00+00:00 ((2457469j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>
Note the order for the format: '%m-%d-%Y', which works. That's the problem with your first attempt, where you tried to use%Y-%m-%d. There is NO month21or day2016`.
Your second attempt is valid but your question makes it appear it doesn't work. You need to be more careful with your testing:
params = {event:{start_date:'03-21-2016'}}
DateTime.strptime(params[:event][:start_date], '%m-%d-%Y') # => #<DateTime: 2016-03-21T00:00:00+00:00 ((2457469j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>

Grails databinding date format

I have a problem within a grails 2.3 application, when it comes to data binding and correct date formats.
I use a datepicker (jQuery ui) that provides a <input type="hidden" /> that holds the selected date in ISO_8601 format. It will post a value like this: 2015-08-14 to the controller. The form itself and the post result is correct.
I use this simplified model:
class Thing {
DateTime lastUpdated
static constraints = {
lastUpdated nullable: true
when I try to create an entity, I will face this error message:
Invalid format: "2015-08-14" is malformed at "15-08-14"
A first research lead me to this change in the Config.groovy:
jodatime.format.html5 = true
(Link 3 in the list below)
Appying this leads to change. Now the error message is:
Invalid format: "2015-08-14" is too short (flip table)
Another try was to change the databinding.dateFormats to this (also in the Config.groovy):
grails.databinding.dateFormats = [ "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.S","yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ss'Z'", "yyyy-MM-dd"]
Which has no effect what so ever.
For my understanding a given date format should automatically be marshaled in a dateTime object. What configuration did I miss?
Here are relative question, that sadly did not help me:
bind date to command object in Grails
GORM default Date format when sending date to Grails
Grails unable to unmarshall date/time from JSON back into joda DateTime
You should add next line in config.groovy
jodatime { = "yyyy-MM-dd" }
But if you don't need time in this field, it's better to use LocalDate instead of DateTime here.
class Thing {
LocalDate lastUpdated;
jodatime { = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" = "yyyy-MM-dd"
So you will use DateTime where you need date with time and LocalDate where date is enough

Rails string to DOB year

I'm currently storing strings formatted like "01/01/1989" (client side validation) for the bday field.
I want to parse out the year and store it as a variable, like this:
#bdayyear = current_user.bday.year
I want that to bring back "1989"
How would I go about doing that?
Just do using #strftime and ::strptime :
s = "01/01/1989"
current_user.bday.strptime(s, "%d/%m/%Y").strftime("%Y")
# => "1989"
Convert it into a DateTime object and you can call year on it
>> DateTime.parse("01/01/1989").year
=> 1989
If the format is always consistent the why not just use the string
These will all return "1989" without converting it to a date

How to use Slickgrid Formatters with MVC

I am working on a first Slickgrid MVC application where the column definition and format is to be stored in a database. I can retrieve the list of columns quite happily and populate them until I ran into the issue with formatting of dates. No problem - for each date (or time) column I can store a formatter name in the database so this can be retrieved as well. I'm using the following code which works ok:
CLOP_ViewColumnsDataContext columnDB = new CLOP_ViewColumnsDataContext();
var results = from u in columnDB.CLOP_VIEW_COLUMNs
select u;
List<dynColumns> newColumns = new List<dynColumns>();
foreach(CLOP_VIEW_COLUMN column in results)
newColumns.Add(new dynColumns
id = column.COLUMN_NUMBER.ToString(),
name = column.HEADING.Trim(),
field = column.VIEW_FIELD.Trim(),
width = column.WIDTH,
formatter = column.FORMATTER.Trim()
var gridColumns = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(newColumns);
This is all fine apart from the fomatter. An example of the variable gridColumns is:
Which doesn't look too bad however the application the fails with the error Microsoft JScript runtime error: Function expected in the slick.grid.js script
Any help much appreciated - even if there is a better way of doing this!
You are assigning a string to the formatter property, wich is expected to be function.
But i really think you should reconsider doing it this way and instead store your values in the db and define your columns through code.
It will be easier to maintain and is less error prone.
What if you decide to use custom editors and formatters, which you later rename?
Then your code will break or you'll have to rename all entries in the db as well as in code.

Saving and Querying a Date in GORM Grails

I have a database table TableA, which has a column 'theDate' for which the datatype in the database is DATE.
When I save a java.util.Date to 'theDate' through GORM it appears to save just the date value when I look at the data in the table by just executing select * from TableA.
However, when I run a query such as:
select * from TableA where theDate = :myDate
No results are found, but if I run something like;
select * from TableA where theDate <= :myDate
I do get results.
So it's like the Time is relevant.
My question is how do I save a Date and query for a Date ignoring the Time completely and just matching on an exact Date only?
note: I have also tried using sql.Date and util.Calendar but to no success.
You can use clearTime() before saving and before comparing to zero out the time fields:
// zero the time when saving
new MyDomain(theDate: new Date().clearTime()).save()
// zero the target time before comparing
def now = new Date().clearTime()
MyDomain.findAll('SELECT * FROM MyDomain WHERE theDate = :myDate', [myDate: now])
joda-time plugin
An alternative would be to install the joda-time plugin and use the LocalDate type (which only holds date information, no times) instead of Date. For what it's worth, I don't think I've worked on a project with dates without using the Joda plugin. It's completely worth it.
If you have date saved without clearing you could retrieve it using range, as Jordan H. wrote but in more simple way.
def getResults(Date date) {
def from = date.clearTime()
def to = from + 1
def results = MyDomain.findAll("from MyDomain where dateCreated between :start and :stop" ,[start:from,stop:to])
Your question may be a duplicate. See Convert datetime in to date. But if anyone has more recent information, that would be great.
If that doesn't help, you can hack it the way I might, with a BETWEEN restriction, e.g.
def today = new Date()
def ymdFmt = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd")
def dateYmd = ymdFmt.format(today)
def dateTimeFormat = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss");
def startDate = dateTimeFormat.parse("${dateYmd} 00:00:00");
def endDate = dateTimeFormat.parse("${dateYmd} 23:59:59");
MyDomain.findAll("from MyDomain where dateCreated between ? and ?", [startDate, endDate])
It's definitely not pretty, but it may get you where you're going.
I figured it out.
I used DateGroovyMethods.clearTime to clear the time value before saving.
You can use the DB type date not datetime , in the filed type
