Get ASP.NET bundle URL for use with CDN? -

I'm using the ASP.NET bundling feature and want to know how I can get the URL returned by the Render helpers such as Scripts.Render("~/bundles/scripts").
Currently the optimized output is has a relative URL. I want to use a CDN that does origin-caching, so the final URL needs to be something like
My plan is to simply write my own helper method, but I can't figure out how to get the version number relative URL for a given bundle.

The solution was rather simple. There is a static method Scripts.Url and Styles.Url that give me exactly what I want. I was able to incorporate this into my own helper to concatenate the CDN's base URL.


Get SPList and SharePoint.Client.List web relative url

I am working with sharepoint list and sharepoint client list objects. Is there any way to get web relative urls of those objects?
I know about ServerRelativeUrl, DefaultViewUrl but they don't solve my problem.
I want exactly web relative urls, without view url parts.
For example my tasks list has a url like this
and i want only lists/tasks part.
For example my shared documents has a url like this
and i want only shared%20documents part.
I need this both for SPList class and for SharePoint.Client.List class
So i found the solution. I need to use SPList.RootFolder.Url which returns Web site-relative url of the list(just what i want), and also need to do some manipulations for Client.List class as has no RootFolder.Url property, instead it has RootFolder.ServerRelativeUrl. So if i subtract the server relative url of the parent web of that list from RootFolder.ServerRelativeUrl i will get what i wanted for Client.List class.

Create external link in Asp.Net MVC3

I know there are a lot of utility and helper classes/methods for generating URLs and links from internal routes and controllers. But how would you tackle the below in MVC 3?
In a razor file someone has defined this:
ExternalURL in this instance will hold values like, without any prefixes. Hard-coding an http:// at the start is an obvious no-no but how best to handle this?
It's not so bad to hardcode http:// in your case, but if you want to avoid it, I see few options, but maybe most correct will be to extend your model with property #Model.Details.ExternalUrlLink or something like that. In getter you can do any logic what you want over original value, e.g. concatenate http:// prefix if it's not presented

Creating a shortened URL for all objects in the database

I would like to display a shortened URL besides the content items on my site for ease of sharing.
What would be the most efficient way of doing so, and are there any suitable gems / libraries?
I am using rails on a mongodb/mongoid stack
should be simple enough (regardless if you are on Mongo / MySQL or anything else). what you need is a small collection (mongo if i may) that holds some kind of an MD5 hash of the real url you are after and the real url itself, for example:
ShortLink.create(:hash_link => Digest::MD5.hexdigest(resource_url(#resource)), :real_link => resource_url(#resource))
I suggest adding another route that catches those like this:
match "l/:key", "ShortLinks#show"
should be easy.
I think you can use bitly gem to shorten your URL.
The following link helps you to configure bitly:

Rails Absolute URL for public directory

What is the method I need to call to find the root URL for a rails application. For example, I have a site where the address is "https://host:1234/foo/app-main".
What method should I be using to get "https://host:1234/foo/images" to get the absolute url for images in the public url?
Edit: Steve has a good point, this will only get you part of the way there. To get the rest you must be inside of a request (you probably are)
In that case though, you can combine the above with Justice's approach,
This question makes sense only on a per-request basis, since your one process might easily be listening on multiple domain names and on multiple schemes.
See Rack::Request.

What is the simplest way to return different content types based on the extension in the URL?

I'd like to be able to change the extension of a url and recieve the model in a different format.
e.g. if
returns a html page containing a list of products, then
would return them in a json list.
Note: I like the simplicity of the ASP.NET MVC REST SDK, it only requires about 5 lines of code to hook it in, but the format is specified as a query string parameter i.e. /products/list?format=json which is not what I want, I could tweak this code if there are no other options, but I don't want to reinvent the wheel!
I wrote a blog post that shows one possible example. It's a tiny bit complicated, but might work for your needs.
You should be able to just use routes in conjunction with the rest sdk
If you have the flexibility to drop Apache or something similar in front of your service, you can always use mod_rewrite to rewrite an external http://products/list.json into http://products/list?format=json which your framework can render more easily.
Instead of "list.json", you could choose "list/json" and use a route like
Then ProductController.List would be called, with an ID parameter of "json". The .List() action then would decide whether or not to return an HTML view or JSON content.
