Mirrored queue performance factors - erlang

We operate two dual-node brokers, each broker having quite different queues and workloads. Each box has 24 cores (H/T) worth of Xeon E5645 # 2.4GHz with 48GB RAM, connected by Gigabit LAN with ~150μs latency, running RHEL 5.6, RabbitMQ 3.1, Erlang R16B with HiPE off. We've tried with HiPE on but it made no noticeable performance impact, and was very crashy.
We appear to have hit a ceiling for our message rates of between 1,000/s and 1,400/s both in and out. This is broker-wide, not per-queue. Adding more consumers doesn't improve throughput overall, just gives that particular queue a bigger slice of this apparent "pool" of resource.
Every queue is mirrored across the two nodes that make up the broker. Our publishers and consumers connect equally to both nodes in a persistant way. We notice an ADSL-like asymmetry in the rates too; if we manage to publish a high rate of messages the deliver rate drops to high double digits. Testing with an un-mirrored queue has much higher throughput, as expected. Queues and Exchanges are durable, messages are not persistent.
We'd like to know what we can do to improve the situation. The CPU on the box is fine, beam takes a core and a half for 1 process, then another 80% each of two cores for another couple of processes. The rest of the box is essentially idle. We are using ~20GB of RAM in userland with system cache filling the rest. IO rates are fine. Network is fine.
Is there any Erlang/OTP tuning we can do? delegate_count is the default 16, could someone explain what this does in a bit more detail please?

This is difficult to answer without knowing more about how your producers and consumers are configured, which client library you're using and so on. As discussed on irc (http://dev.rabbitmq.com/irclog/index.php?date=2013-05-22) a minute ago, I'd suggest you attempt to reproduce the topology using the MulticastMain java load test tool that ships with the RabbitMQ java client. You can configure multiple producers/consumers, message sizes and so on. I can certainly get 5Khz out of a two-node cluster with HA on my desktop, so this may be a client (or application code) related issue.


What is the Impact of having more replicas in Docker Swarm mode?

I understand the use of replicas in Docker Swarm mode. It is mainly to eliminate points of failure and reduce the amount of downtime. It is well explained in this post.
Since having more replicas is more useful for a system as a whole, why don't companies just initialise as many replicas as possible e.g 1000 replicas for a docker service? I can imagine a large corporation running a back-end system may face multiple points of failures at any given time and they would benefit from having more instances of the particular service.
I would like to know how many replicas are considered TOO MUCH and what are the factors affecting the performance of a Docker Swarm?
I can think of hardware overhead being a limiting factor.
Lets say your running Rails app. Each instance required 128Mb of RAM, and 10% CPU usage. 9 instances is a touch over 1Gb of memory and 1 entire CPU.
While that does not sounds like a lot, image an organization has 100 + teams each with 3,4,5 applications each. The hardware requirements to operation an application at acceptable levels quickly ramp up.
Then there is network chatter. 10MB/s is typical in big org/corp settings. While a heartbeat check for a couple instances is barely noticeable, heartbeat on 100's of instances could jam up the network.
At the end of the day it comes down the constraints. What are the boundaries within the software, hardware, environment, budgetary, and support systems? It is often hard to imagine the pressures present when (technical) decisions are made.

Why would one chose many smaller machine types instead of fewer big machine types?

In a clustering high-performance computing framework such as Google Cloud Dataflow (or for that matter even Apache Spark or Kubernetes clusters etc), I would think that it's far more performant to have fewer really BIG machine types rather than many small machine types, right? As in, it's more performant to have 10 n1-highcpu-96 rather than say 120 n1-highcpu-8 machine types, because
the cpus can use shared memory, which is way way faster than network communications
if a single thread needs access to lots of memory for a single threaded operation (eg sort), it has access to that greater memory in a BIG machine rather than a smaller one
And since the price is the same (eg 10 n1-highcpu-96 costs the same as 120 n1-highcpu-8 machine types), why would anyone opt for the smaller machine types?
As well, I have a hunch that for the n1-highcpu-96 machine type, we'd occupy the whole host, so we don't need to worry about competing demands on the host by another VM from another Google cloud customer (eg contention in the CPU caches
or motherboard bandwidth etc.), right?
Finally, although I don't think the google compute VMs correctly report the "true" CPU topology of the host system, if we do chose the n1-highcpu-96 machine type, the reported CPU topology may be a touch closer to the "truth" because presumably the VM is using up the whole host, so the reported CPU topology is a little closer to the truth, so any programs (eg the "NUMA" aware option in Java?) running on that VM that may attempt to take advantage of the topology has a better chance of making the "right decisions".
It will depend on many factors if you want to choose many instances with smaller machine type or a few instances with big machine types.
The VMs sizes differ not only in number of cores and RAM, but also on network I/O performance.
Instances with small machine types have are limited in CPU and I/O power and are inadequate for heavy workloads.
Also, if you are planning to grow and scale it is better to design and develop your application in several instances. Having small VMs gives you a better chance of having them distributed across physical servers in the datacenter that have the best resource situation at the time the machines are provisioned.
Having a small number of instances helps to isolate fault domains. If one of your small nodes crashes, that only affects a small number of processes. If a large node crashes, multiple processes go down.
It also depends on the application you are running on your cluster and the workload.I would also recommend going through this link to see the sizing recommendation for an instance.

Tensorflow scalibility

I am using tensorflow to train DNN, my network structure is very simple, each minibatch takes about 50ms when only one parameter server and one worker. In order to process huge samples, I am using distributed ASGD training, however, I found that increasing worker count could not increase throughput, for example, 40 machines could achieve 1.5 million samples per second, after doubling parameter server machine count and worker machine count, cluster still could only process 1.5 million samples per second or even worse. The reason is each step takes much longer when cluster is large. Does tensorflow have good scalibility, and any advice for speeding up training?
General approach to solving these problems is to find where bottlenecks are. You could be hitting a bottleneck in software or in your hardware.
General example of doing the math -- suppose you have 250M parameters, and each backward pass takes 1 second. This means each worker will be sending 1GB/sec of data and receiving 1GB/sec of data. If you have 40 machines, that'll be 80GB/sec of transfer between workers and parameter server. Suppose parameter server machines only have 1GB/sec fully duplex NIC cards. This means that if you have less than 40 parameter server shards, then your NIC card speed will be the bottleneck.
After ruling that out, you should consider interconnect speed. You may have N network cards in your cluster, but the cluster most likely can't handle all network cards sending data to all other network cards. Can your cluster handle 80GB/sec of data flowing between 80 machines? Google designs their own network hardware to handle their interconnect demands, so this is an important problem constraint.
Once you checked that your network hardware can handle the load, I would check software. IE, suppose you have a single worker, how does "time to send" scale with the number of parameter server shards? If the scaling is strongly sublinear, this suggests a bottleneck, perhaps some inefficient scheduling of threads or some-such.
As an example of finding and fixing a software bottleneck, see grpc RecvTensor is slow issue. That issue involved gRPC layer become inefficient if you are trying to send more than 100MB messages. This issue was fixed in upstream gRPC release, but not integrated into TensorFlow release yet, so current work-around is to break messages into pieces 100MB or smaller.
The general approach to finding these is to write lots of benchmarks to validate your assumptions about the speed.
Here are some examples:
benchmark sending messages between workers(local)
benchmark sharded PS benchmark (local)

Erlang messages when there are lots of nodes or binary data

Would native Erlang messages provide reasonable performance when there are lots of nodes or binary data?
Case 1: There's a dynamic pool of about 50-200 machines (erlang nodes). It's constantly changing, about 5-50 machines added or removed every 10min.
Case 2: Let's say we are using this cluster to build youtube-clone and planning to stream video data via messages.
By reasonable performance I mean - it's ok to be 2-3 times slower than the top possible performance achieved by the complex Erlang code, 10 times slower is not ok.
There is not any significant difference between sending a message and binary data. The message is just transformed to the binary packet using term_to_binary and sent via TCP and same apply to the binary data. (Well, it is little bit smarter than that because textual form of the same atoms is not sent again and again as would simple term_to_binary do.) So the difference is negligible.
There are important details:
1) In clusters over 100 nodes, ping noise in full connected cluster will be significant part of network traffic. Even bigger deployments require deep changes in Erlang VM and OS.
2) If you want to stream video or audio you need plan capacity of single node: clients per node, tcp/udp packets rate, network bandwidth.
3) There is performance limit ~150-200K/s messages between 2 processes on different nodes.

Why is membase server so slow in response time?

I have a problem that membase is being very slow on my environment.
I am running several production servers (Passenger) on rails 2.3.10 ruby 1.8.7.
Those servers communicate with 2 membase machines in a cluster.
the membase machines each have 64G of memory and a100g EBS attached to them, 1G swap.
My problem is that membase is being VERY slow in response time and is actually the slowest part right now in all of the application lifecycle.
my question is: Why?
the rails gem I am using is memcache-northscale.
the membase server is 1.7.1 (latest).
The server is doing between 2K-7K ops per second (for the cluster)
The response time from membase (based on NewRelic) is 250ms in average which is HUGE and unreasonable.
Does anybody know why is this happening?
What can I do inorder to improve this time?
It's hard to immediately say with the data at hand, but I think I have a few things you may wish to dig into to narrow down where the issue may be.
First of all, do your stats with membase show a significant number of background fetches? This is in the Web UI statistics for "disk reads per second". If so, that's the likely culprit for the higher latencies.
You can read more about the statistics and sizing in the manual, particularly the sections on statistics and cluster design considerations.
Second, you're reporting 250ms on average. Is this a sliding average, or overall? Do you have something like max 90th or max 99th latencies? Some outlying disk fetches can give you a large average, when most requests (for example, those from RAM that don't need disk fetches) are actually quite speedy.
Are your systems spread throughout availability zones? What kind of instances are you using? Are the clients and servers in the same Amazon AWS region? I suspect the answer may be "yes" to the first, which means about 1.5ms overhead when using xlarge instances from recent measurements. This can matter if you're doing a lot of fetches synchronously and in serial in a given method.
I expect it's all in one region, but it's worth double checking since those latencies sound like WAN latencies.
Finally, there is an updated Ruby gem, backwards compatible with Fauna. Couchbase, Inc. has been working to add back to Fauna upstream. If possible, you may want to try the gem referenced here:
You will also want to look at running Moxi on the client-side. By accessing Membase, you need to go through a proxy (called Moxi). By default, it's installed on the server which means you might make a request to one of the servers that doesn't actually have the key. Moxi will go get it...but then you're doubling the network traffic.
Installing Moxi on the client-side will eliminate this extra network traffic: http://www.couchbase.org/wiki/display/membase/Moxi
