how to apply cultureInfo to label in MVC? -

I am developing a MVC app.
I have amount fields in my form and I am able to put amounts in Indian decimal style
with help of the following code.
var indianCulture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("hi-IN");
#string.Format(indianCulture, "{0:N}", item.SanctionedAmount)
Now I have a line of code where I don't use the item.
<div class="span7">
Net Payment
<div class="span4" id="NetPayment" style="text-align:right;">
<strong><label for="NetAmt2" > </label></strong>
The NetAmt2 value I get from the script.
I want to implement culture info to that label, how to do this?

You can use this way:
<%: Html.Label(string.Format(indianCulture, "{0:N}", item.SanctionedAmount)) %>


How to format currency input in RoR + AngularJS app

Sorry for my English.
I need to change input value format, for example: from "1000000" to "1 000 000 $".
In my views of rails app, I have this line of code:
<%= ng_text_field('total_price', '', 'Full price', ng_readonly: '!selected.permissions.update') %>
In helper:
def ng_text_field(name, ng_model, placeholder, options = {})
result = <<-HTML
<div class="form-group" ng-class='{"has-error":errors.#{name}}' #{options[:ng_if] && "ng-if=\"#{options[:ng_if]}\""}>
<label for="#{name}" class="col-sm-3 control-label">#{placeholder}</label>
<div class="col-sm-9">
<input id="#{name}"
#{options[:ng_readonly] && "ng-readonly=\"#{options[:ng_readonly]}\""}>
<p class="help-block small" ng-if="errors.#{name}">{{errors.#{name} | join:',' }}</p>
I am know Angular very little, I have tried some ways and all this ways was incorrect. :(
Could anyone give advice of some help?
Thank you in advance
You're going to need to create a new directive that requires ngModel and applies the appropriate $parser/$formatter to it.$parsers
A good example of how to do this is (displaying as uppercase but always storing data as lowercase):
ngModel Formatters and Parsers
You should be able to then add the ability to include other directives in your 'options' argument so that they get added correctly to the output.

What is the syntax to embed a server control in an ASP text box? I can't find a working example anywhere

I'm new to ASP MVC and I'm completely stuck.
All I want to do is have a control like this:
<td><asp:TextBox ID="txbFirstName" runat="server" Value=""></asp:TextBox></td>
But have it populated by a value from a controller.
This syntax is what I was expecting would work:
<td><asp:TextBox ID="txbFirstName" runat="server" Value="<% Model.FirstName%>"></asp:TextBox></td>
But obviously it doesn't. I hope from that you can tell what I'm trying to do (populate the value of the text box with a server control) but that won't work. Is this not possible using ASP:Textboxes? Do I need to use HTML boxes instead?
Apparently in ASP 4 MVC the <% %> tags are no longer used and I cannot find a working example anywhere. I thought this would be a simple google but I've been stuck for hours.
Thank you for any help you can provide.
Microsoft MVC doesn't use server side controls.
You should use HTML Helpers and Model Bindings with Razor view engine (better than ASP.NET view engine).
In the view:
#Html.EditorFor(model => model.Firstname)
A simple Login form:
#using (Html.BeginForm("LoginAction", "LoginController"))
#Html.LabelFor(model => model.User, "Your UserName")
#Html.EditorFor(model => model.User)
#Html.LabelFor(model => model.Password, "Your Password:")
#Html.PasswordFor(model => model.Password)
<button type="submit">Submit</button>

knockoutmvc - unable to parse bindings

I have an ASP.NET MVC site and I am trying to get knockout-mvc working with it.
I have created a View Model in the C# code called Refund that contains among other things a Voucher called Vouchertype and a List<Country> called Countries. Voucher has a variable of type int called VoucherNumber
This View Model is passed into a strongly defined view Refund\Index
I am trying to get knockout-mvc to bind the values in Refund.Voucher.VoucherNumber to a textbox, and the Values in Refund.Countries to a drop-down list. On the controller I have hardcoded the values of Voucher.Vouchernumber and added two countries to the Country list.
Here is my View Code:
#using Resources
#using PerpetuumSoft.Knockout
#model MVC.Models.RefundViewModel
var ko = Html.CreateKnockoutContext();
<div id="refundformcontainer">
<div id="headersection">
<div id="pagetitlecontainer">#Language.RefundVouchers</div>
<div id="helpercontainer">
<label id="lblhelper">To begin enter a voucher number or scan a barcode</label>
<div id="vouchercontainer">
<div id="voucherdetailscontainer">
<div id="vouchernumbercontainer" class="initialvoucherfield">
<div id="countrycontainer" class="initialvoucherfield">
<select ko.Bind.Options(x=>x.Countries).OptionsText("Name").OptionsValue("CountryId").Value(x=>x.Voucher.CountryId) ></select>
When the page loads, neither controls are bound to.
When I look at the generated source the following code is generated
<script type="text/javascript">
var viewModelJs = {"Refund":null,"Voucher":{"VoucherId":0,"VoucherNumber":123456789,"Country":null,"CountryId":0,"Retailer":null,"RetailerId":0,"PurchaseDate":"0001-01-01T00:00:00","CustomsStampDate":null,"InvoiceNumber":"","LineItems":[],"TotalPurchasePrice":0.0},"Countries":[{"CountryId":380,"Name":"Italy"},{"CountryId":724,"Name":"Spain"}]};
var viewModel = ko.mapping.fromJS(viewModelJs);
knockout-2.2.0.js and knockout.mapping-latest.js are both included in the page
The error I am getting is
0x800a139e - JavaScript runtine error: Unable to parse bindings
Message: [Object Error]
Bindings value: Voucher().VoucherNumber
I then changed the Refund View model so it had a property VoucherNumber and had the textbox reference this instead of the Voucher.VoucherNumber property
When I ran this I got the same unable to parse bindings error, but this time for the country
Bindings value: options : Countries, optonsText : Name, optionsValue : CountryId
Does anybody have any idea what is causing this?
i think, this should work.
<select #ko.Bind.Options(x=>x.Countries).OptionsText("'Name'").OptionsValue("'CountryId'").Value(x=>x.Voucher.CountryId) ></select>

dont display div data not provided

I am working with mvc4 and displaying data from my model in to cshtml views.
When setting data in to the markup, I adding it in to div tags.
Is there a way in mvc that if the model property is not set, dont display the div?
Sample of my markup
<div class="myclass"> #Model.Text </div>
You can test for a value being set like so:
#if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.Text))
<div class="myclass"> #Model.Text </div>
Update: If you want to incorporate the logic for whether or not to render an element based on its value, you could create a Custom HTML Helper method.
How about wrapping it in a null check
if (#Model.Text != null)
<div class="myclass"> #Model.Text </div>

Best way to display a search form and its results in the same page?

Suppose I have a simple search form with a textbox. And upon submitting the form I send the contents of the textbox to a stored procedure which returns to me the results. I want the results to be displayed on the same page the form was, except just below it.
Right now I'm doing the following but it's not working out exactly the way I want:
"Index" View of my SearchController
#using (Html.BeginForm("SearchResults", "Search", FormMethod.Post, new { #class = "searchform" }))`{
<div class="editor-label">
<div class="editor-field">
<input type="submit" value="Search" class="formbutton" />
#{ Html.RenderPartial("SearchResults", null);
This is my "SearchResults" View:
#model IEnumerable<MyProject.Models.spSearchName_Result>
#foreach (var item in Model)
This is my Controller:
// GET: /Search/SearchResult
public ActionResult SearchResult(FormCollection collection)
var result = myentity.spSearchName(collection["Name"]);
return PartialView("SearchResults", result);
I can only seem to get the results to display on an entirely new page (not being embedded as a partial view), or I get an error when I load the search page because there are no results (since I hadn't searched yet).
Is there any better way to achieve what I'm trying to do? I feel like I'm going against some of the best practices in MVC.
You could return the results in a ViewData object then only show on the view it if is not null.
Very similar to this question MVC 3 form post and persisting model data
For this instance it looks like you are not passing the results to your partial view. Try this?
#{ Html.RenderPartial("SearchResults", Model.Results);
Since you are not persisting your search information using a model, the search information will be lost when the search form is posted.
Given your design and stated goal, it would be best to convert the form in your Index view into an Ajax form, then your controller can send your partial view back to populate a div below your Ajax form.
