Click a button to show the keyboard iOS - ios

I want to realize the function: when I click a button, a interface of keyboard will come out in a dependent interface. How can I do it? Just for iOS.

You need to add to your current view UITextField with frame = CGRectZero, create a reference to that textField in code and then on pressing button call becomeFirstResponder on textField.

You need to add an UITextField to your view and call then [myTextfield becomeFirstResponder]; Its possible to set the hidden attrribute from UITextField to YES - so the user will never see the textfield. After Keyboard input is finished you can remove the UITextField with removeFromSuperview.
Maybe a little bit dirty,but thats the solution I used often. I wonder if the SDK provide another possibility.


Move cursor/focus on other textfield

I've added toolbar to the textfield and also on textfield it can show keyboard or show UIPickerView like on image
How to move cursor/focus from on textfield to other textField programmatically(Next, and Back buttons on Toolbar)?
P.S. I know how to call the method(set selector when adding UIBarButtonItem to Tool). I just need the code for moving the focus/cursor
Use the UIResponder methods -resignFirstResponder & -becomeFirstResponder on the respective UITextField objects to lose and gain focus respectively.
For example:
[nextTextField becomeFirstResponder];
To move focus to another responder you can use[textField2 becomeFirstResponder];. I can also suggest a IQKeyboardManager library which adds a similar toolbar automatically.

iOS Custom keyboard can't return focus to app's textfield

I'm working on a custom keyboard for iOS which will have its own search field (similarly implemented by PopKey).
My keyboard's textfield is able to take the focus with becomeFirstResponder and I'm able to give it up by using resignFirstResponder. However after I resign focus, the host app has a difficult time retaking focus despite touching the form. The app's textfield will still show the text cursor blinking.
Any ideas? Thanks
The solution is a hack, as of right now you can't really give the host app its focus back.
Subclass a UITextField and on its delegate implement
textFieldShouldBeginEditing by returning NO.
Add a BOOL property isSelected that gets set to YES in touchesBegan (not to be confused with the default selected property)
In your keyboard's keyPressed method, if searchField.isSelected, manipulate the searchField.text. Else, manipulate textDocumentProxy like normal.
Add a clear button and method that wipes searchField.text and searchField.isSelected, allowing any further keystrokes to return to the textDocumentProxy
Add an animation that replicates the blinking type cursor

[Objective-C]Edit UILabel without hiding keyboard

Im trying to copy the content in a UILabel but without hiding the keyboard, the problem is that when I show the menu of copy in the label the label becomes first responder and the keyboard resign, but I want to do that without hiding the keyboard, is there a way to do that?
It is not possible with UILabel.
You should use UITextField for that. Just disable editing.
AFAIK, you can't do that. But I think you can have a work around for that. Instead of not hiding the keyboard, why don't keep track the current active text field and then active it after user press copy. You can use UIPasteboardChangedNotification to know when user pressed copy. For example:
self.lastActiveTextField = aTextField
[self.lastActiveTextField becomeFirstResponder];
I think so u r looking something like this project.
UILabel with UIKeyInput protocol implementation
I think, it is not possible, there can be only one first responder at any time. If the keyboard is shown because of another UI element, then when you try to copy the content from UILabel, the OS has to transfer first responder from other element to UILabel, as there is no need of keyboard for UILabel, the keyboard will hide automatically. So, you have to make changes to your elements to fix this problem or use third party UI elements who can fix your problem.
Every UIView component has a method called: canBecomeFirstResponder. He is read only, but you can subclass the UI object and override the getter:
- (BOOL)canBecomeFirstResponder {
return false;
I didn't do the test, but if the "become first responder" is the problem, that should solve it.

Swap out a custom inputView for the standard keyboard in iOS

I have a custom inputView for a particular textfield, and it works well. However, I cannot discern how to dismiss the view and get the regular keyboard back. (I have a SWAP button right next to the TextField.) I tried setting the textfield's inputView to nil, but that did nothing.
I do not need a full custom keyboard, but I need more than an Accessory view above the keyboard, which is why I am trying this route. I need about 20 custom buttons in addition to the regular keyboard, and I do not like the idea of a huge Accessory view taking up so much space.
I also would rather not require the user to initially install a full custom keyboard before being able to use the app.
Thank you very much for any suggestions.
I think you will probably have to do this:
Call resignFirstResponder on the UITextField
After the animation finishes, set your inputView to nil
Call becomeFirstResponder on the text field
The keyboard animation duration is sent in the userInfo dictionary on the keyboard presentation notifications.
In addition to the accepted answer, you can use reloadInputViews() (and this is less likely to suffer any animation glitches resulting from the resignFirstResponder, becomeFirstResponder calls):
yourTextField.inputView = nil;
Here's more info in the Apple's Docs.

Hiding the keyboard on iPad?

My app has two text fields in it's detail split. The first text field will permit the user to enter data by keyboard but the second by a picker presented inside a popover. Anyway, I want to let the keyboard (that will appear after editing the first text field) get dismissed when I press the text field that uses a popover. I used resignFirstResponder and the keyboard stays in place but it's disabled, like when I tap any keyboard key nothing happens (even the key to dismiss the keyboard doesn't work). So how can I hide the keyboard?
You should use
[textField resignFirstResponder];
not releaseFirstResponder (there is no such method)
As George said, you should call resignFirstResponder
But actually you might want to look at using the inputView property of the textField instead of using the pickerview in a popover.
You can say:
textfield.inputView = pickerview;
Why do you need the second UITextField? If you're not going to allow user input something with keyboard use UIButton (probably with custom design), show picker on press and update button's text on changes in picker
the most simplest thing to resign responders
[self.view endEditing:YES];
