How to display previous value on Min Miles text field - ruby-on-rails

I want to display a previous value on Min Miles and that should not be editable. I want like
Default value of Min Miles is 0.
When I click on Add More Range then In the new form - Min Value should be Max Value of Previous Form.
I am using semantic form for. Please Help Me. How can I do this...

Regarding your second question, and assuming that the new form appears through javascript, without page reloading, you can grab the
field value with javascript and use it as the default value for the
new field. The "add new range"
Something Like
function getvalue(){
var inputTypes_max = [],inputTypes_min = [],inputTypes_amount = [];
var max_value_of_last_partition = inputTypes_max[inputTypes_max.length - 2]
var amount_of_last_partition = inputTypes_amount[inputTypes_amount.length - 2]
if (max_value_of_last_partition == "" || amount_of_last_partition == "" ){
alert("Please Fill Above Details First");
var min_id_of_last_partition=inputTypes_min[inputTypes_min.length - 2]
$("#"+min_id_of_last_partition).attr("disabled", true);
$("#"+min_id_of_last_partition).val(parseInt(max_value_of_last_partition) + 1)
I have Used Jquery's End Selector In a loop to get all value of max and amount field as per your form and get the ids of your min_miles field and then setting that value of your min_miles as per max_miles
It worked For me hope It works For You.

Default value of a field can just be passed in the form builder as a second parameter:
f.input :min_miles, "My default value"
Of course I do not know your model structure but you get the idea.
Regarding your second question, and assuming that the new form appears through javascript, without page reloading, you can grab the field value with javascript and use it as the default value for the new field. The "add new range" click will be the triggerer for the value capture.
Something like (with jQuery):
var temp_value = '';
temp_value = $('#my_form1 #min_miles').value();
$('#my_form2 #max_miles').value(temp_value);
Again I am just guessing the name of the selectors, but the overall approach should work.
If you are also adding dinamically to the page the "Add new range" buttons/links, then you should delegate the function in order to be inherited also for the so new added buttons:
$('body').on('click', '#add_more_range', function(){...});


priority-web-sdk: fieldUpdate for choose field failed

My form contains a field with drop down values (the values came from the choose function) and when I am trying to update the field (with fieldUpdate) in the second time I always get the following error: "A record with the same value already exists in the screen", What is the correct order of actions that need to be done in order to achieve the right behaviour?
This is my attempt to achieve that:
await actions.loginTest();
const form = await actions.priority.formStart(this.formName,
this.onShowMessgeFunc, this.onUpdateFieldsFunc);
_formInstance = form;
const rows = await form.getRows(1);
console.log("parent form rows", rows);
await _formInstance.setActiveRow(1);
form.choose("CUSTNAME", '').then(options => {
let custOptions = => {return {label:x.retval + " -
" + x.string1, value: x.retval }});
}).catch((err) => {
console.log("CHOOSE ERROR", err);
When I select a value from the drop-down, those are my actions:
await _formInstance.fieldUpdate("CUSTNAME", data.value);
await _formInstance.saveRow(1);
const rows = await _formInstance.getRows(1);
console.log("rows", rows);
In the first time it work's great, but when I select a different value for the second time I get an error that say that this value already exists (it's like it think that I am trying to update the value but I don't, I just want to get the values of other fields that return as a result of the field trigger when I leave the field in Priority). I don't have any purpose to change values, just getting information on other fields and data from sub-forms.
I don't have any purpose to change values, just getting information on other fields and data from sub-forms.
In order to achieve your purpose you could choose one of the following flows, that should work:
Recommended: Use getRows() after you have setSearchFilter() in order to retrieve the row you're interested in including its fields. Then easily setActiveRow() with its index to startSubForm(). You could always use clearRows() to clear the current rows and retrieve others.
const form = await actions.priority.formStart(this.formName,
this.onShowMessgeFunc, this.onUpdateFieldsFunc);
const filter = {
field: 'CUSTNAME',
fromval: value,
op: '='
await form.setSearchFilter(filter)
const rows = await form.getRows(1);
console.log("parent form rows", rows);
await form.setActiveRow(1);
await form.startSubForm(1);
Perform the 'update' on a newRow() without calling getRows(). Then saveRow() and startSubForm() to get the information you need. Do this for each record you trying to retrieve its data.
Explanation: When calling getRows() you retrieve some rows. Then you cannot update a key field with a value that already exists in the retrieved rows otherwise you get that error.

Free Text Entry in Angular Material mdAutoComplete

I want my angular material autocomplete to be a list of suggestions but not requirements. However I'm not sure how to implement as their is no clear example from the Angular Material docs.
In the example below my model is $ctrl.item.category
Clearly the example below is wrong, as my model is linked to md-selected-item, but this only works if I select an item. I want the user to be able to free enter the text if the item is not in the list. Basically how autocomplete already works in most browsers.
I see plenty of questions on how to disable this, but they are not trying to disable so much as clean up the left over text when an item is not selected. In these cases when an item is not selected then the model value is null, but text is left in the input.
I want the text left int he input to be the model value if the person does not select (or a match is not made).
md-floating-label="Category Name"
md-items="category in $ctrl.categories"
span(md-highlight-text="catSearch" md-highlight-flags="^i") {{category}}
My options ($ctrl.categories) is an array of strings ['Food','Liqour'] and I wan the user to be able to use one of those or free enter Tables as their choice.
In this case you should link md-search-text to your model.
If you want to implement fuzzy search you have to write the filter method yourself. Look at this example:
md-items="item in $ctrl.itemsFilter()"
<span md-highlight-text="$ctrl.query">{{item.label}}</span>
No item matching "{{$ctrl.query}}" were found.
<div ng-messages="$ctrl.myValidator($ctrl.query)">
<div ng-message="short">Min 2 characters</div>
<div ng-message="required">Required value</div>
var items = [ ... ];
ctrl.itemsFilter = function itemsFilter() {
return ctrl.query ? filterMyItems(ctrl.query) : items;
ctrl.myValidator = function (value) {
return {
short: value && value.length < 2,
required : value && value.length < 1,
then you just need to add filterMyItems method to filter your items
To improve the answer of #masitko, I have implemented the filter in a way, that it adds the query to the filtered list. So it becomes selectable and a valid option. So it's possible to make the autocomplete a suggestion box.
I'm using ES6 in my projects. But it should be easily adaptable to ES5 code.
myFilter() {
if (!this.query) return this.items;
query = this.query.toLowerCase(),
// filter items where the query is a substing
filtered = this.items.filter(item => {
if (!item) return false;
return item.toLowerCase().includes(query);
// add search query to filtered list, to make it selectable
// (only if no exact match).
if (filtered.length !== 1 || filtered[0].toLowerCase() !== query) {
return filtered;

Get selected option in Select2 event, when multiple options can be selected

How can I get hold on the <option> that was just selected when listening to the select2:select event? Note that this is simple when using a single-select, as when only one option is selected, that must be the one that was just selected. I would like to also be able to find the option that was just selected when using a multiple-select (<select multiple>).
In the select2:unselect event, the unselected <option> is available through, but it is not so in the select2:select event. I do not see a reason why the <option> should not be available, since it is created at this time. For the select2:selecting event, however, the <option> is not yet created, and obviously cannot be available when the event is fired.
I've used the following to get the current selected in Select2 (it's for version 4 and up):
// single value
var test = $('#test');
test.on("select2:select", function(event) {
var value = $(event.currentTarget).find("option:selected").val();
UPDATE: Multi Selected Values (with and without last selected)
// multi values, with last selected
var old_values = [];
var test = $("#test");
test.on("select2:select", function(event) {
var values = [];
// copy all option values from selected
$(event.currentTarget).find("option:selected").each(function(i, selected){
values[i] = $(selected).text();
// doing a diff of old_values gives the new values selected
var last = $(values).not(old_values).get();
// update old_values for future use
old_values = values;
// output values (all current values selected)
console.log("selected values: ", values);
// output last added value
console.log("last added: ", last);
$('#test').on('select2:select', function(e) {
var data =;

MVC drop down list is not picking up selected item?

My model contains an array of zip code items (IEnumerable<SelectListItem>).
It also contains an array of selected zip codes (string[]).
In my HTML page, I want to render each selected zip code as a drop down with all the zip code options. My first attempt did not work:
#foreach (var zip in Model.ZipCodes) {
Html.DropDownList( "ZipCodes", Model.ZipCodeOptions )
I realized that although that would produce drop downs with the right "name" attribute, it wouldn't know which element of ZipCodes holds the value for that particular box, and might just default to the first one.
My second attempt is what really surprised me. I explicitly set the proper SelectListItem's Selected property to true, and it still rendered a control with nothing selected:
#foreach (var zip in Model.ZipCodes) {
Html.DropDownList( "ZipCodes", Model.ZipCodeOptions.Select( x => (x.Value == zip) ? new SelectListItem() { Value = x.Value, Text = x.Text, Selected = true } : x ) )
There, it's returning a new IEnumerable<SelectListitem> that contains all the original items, unless it's the selected item, in which case that element is a new SelectListItem with it's Selected property set to true. That property is not honored at all in the final output.
My last attempt was to try to use an explicit index on the string element I wanted to use as the value:
#{int zipCodeIndex = 0;}
#foreach (var zip in Model.ZipCodes) {
Html.DropDownList( "ZipCodes[" + (zipCodeIndex++) + "]", Model.ZipCodeOptions )
That doesn't work either, and probably because the name is no longer "ZipCodes", but "ZipCodes[x]". I also received some kind of read-only-collection error at first and had to change the type of the ZipCodes property from string[] to List<string>.
In a forth attempt, I tried the following:
#for (int zipCodeIndex = 0; zipCodeIndex < Model.ZipCodes.Count; zipCodeIndex++)
var zip = Model.ZipCodes[zipCodeIndex];
Html.DropDownListFor( x => x.ZipCodes[zipCodeIndex], Model.ZipCodeOptions )
That produces controls with id like "ZipCodes_1_" and names like "ZipCodes[1]", but does not select the right values. If I explicitly set the Selected property of the right item, then this works:
#for (int zipCodeIndex = 0; zipCodeIndex < Model.ZipCodes.Count; zipCodeIndex++)
var zip = Model.ZipCodes[zipCodeIndex];
Html.DropDownListFor( x => x.ZipCodes[zipCodeIndex], Model.ZipCodeOptions.Select( x => (x.Value == zip) ? new SelectListItem() { Value = x.Value, Text = x.Text, Selected = true } : x ) )
However, the problem with that approach is that if I add a new drop downs in JavaScript and give them all the name "ZipCodes", then those completely override all the explicitly indexed ones, which never make it to the server. It doesn't seem to like mixing the plain "ZipCodes" name with explicit array elements "ZipCodes[1]", even though they map to the same variable when either is used exclusively.
In the U.I., user's can click a button to add a new drop down and pick another zip code. They're all named ZipCodes, so they all get posted to the ZipCodes array. When rendering the fields in the loop above, I expect it to read the value of the property at the given index, but that doesn't work. I've even tried remapping the SelectListItems so that the proper option's "Selected" property is true, but it still renders the control with nothing selected. What is going wrong?
The reason you first 2 snippets do not work is that ZipCodes is a property in your model, and its the value of your property which determines what is selected (not setting the selected value in the SelectList constructor which is ignored). Since the value of ZipCodes is an array of values, not a single value that matches one of the option values, a match is not found and therefore the first option is selected (because something has to be). Note that internally, the helper method generates a new IEnumerable<SelectListItem> based on the one you provided, and sets the selected attribute based on the model value.
The reason you 3rd and 4th snippets do not work, is due to a known limitation of using the DropDownListFor() method, and to make it work, you need to use an EditorTemplate and pass the SelectList to the template using AdditionalViewData, or construct a new SelectList in each iteration of the loop (as per your last attempt). Note that all it needs to be is
for(int i = 0; i < Model.ZipCodes.Length; i++)
#Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.ZipCodes[i],
new SelectList(Model.ZipCodeOptions, "Value", "Text", Model.ZipCodes[i]))
If you want to use just a common name (without indexers) for each <select> element using the DropDownList() method, then it needs to be a name which does not match a model property, for example
foreach(var item in Model.ZipCodes)
new SelectList(Model.ZipCodeOptions, "Value", "Text", item))
and then add an additional parameter string[] SelectedZipCodes in you POST method to bind the values.
Alternatively, use the for loop and DropDownListFor() method as above, but include a hidden input for the indexer which allows non-zero based, non consecutive collection items to be submitted to the controller and modify you script to add new items using the technique shown in this answer
Note an example of using the EditorTemplate with AdditionalViewData is shown in this answer

Processing multiple select controls within jquery mobile form

I am trying to process multiple input selects in a form each one has a unique name and id.
here is my first try, this is broken when y = value.val(); executes
var selects = $("#pmWorkOrderProcedureStepsForm").find('select');
function(index, value)
y = value.val();
I can see in chrome debug that value has a reference to something that looks like
Where select-choice-400139826 is my first select input name.
How do I get just the name and the selected value of the input from here.
New to jquery mobile!
You can use the following code snippet:
var selects = $("#pmWorkOrderProcedureStepsForm").find("select");
name = $(this).attr('name');
value = $(this).val();
A demo here -
Let me know if that helps.
