- do we know if have a plugin for -

I was wondering if there is a plugin to use SDK to read any identification cards. Apparently there is one for phonegap like in here is specialized for reading credit cards, not identity cards.
Looks like you can write your own plugins. has a very simple API, so wrapping it should be easy.

I actually used's SDK as an example in a native plugins webinar - see
There's not much code to get an integration up and running: I've put up my demo plugin here if you want to use that.


How to write custom / own plugin for ionic framework

Im trying to write own plugin to call native iOS functions. Can any one guide me in writing own plugin & consume it to my ionic application.
Thanks in advance
It can be done using Cordova's Plugin Development Guide.
from docs it says,
Plugins comprise a single JavaScript interface along with
corresponding native code libraries for each supported platform. In
essence this hides the various native code implementations behind a
common JavaScript interface.
you can check these articles for kick-start.
Plugin Development Guide
How to write Cordova Plugins

How to set up analytics on React Native for iOS

So I have a completed React Native project for iOS but I want to put analytics in it. I tried the react-native-google-analytics package, but issues prevent it from working properly. Also, the react-native-cordova-plugin package is only working on Android, so the ability to plug in a Cordova plugin for analytics is out of the question for now. I also do not have Swift / objective C experience, so would be completely lost pluggin in GA that way. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to hook up Google Analytics (or any other analytics) for React Native for iOS? If so, please give some detailed instructions on doing so. I, and I'm sure, many others will appreciate it :)
I am the author of a Google Analytics package for React Native:
Since it is a pretty simple native bridge to the official Google Analytics libraries, it should not give you any issues related to the platform. Also, it will handle a lot of the metadata automatically, like the device UUID, device model, viewport size, OS version etc.
Because of that last part, the calls can be pretty simple, like tracking a new screen view:
import { GoogleAnalyticsTracker } from 'react-native-google-analytics-bridge';
let tracker = new GoogleAnalyticsTracker('UA-12345-1');
Or an event:
tracker.trackEvent('testcategory', 'testaction');
I'm the author of react-native-google-analytics -- the problem with it has been with React Native's lack of support for GIF data in XHR responses on iOS 7. I'm still trying to figure out if the problem people are experiencing is still limited to iOS 7. The bug was reported as fixed by the RN team for iOS > 7, however if that is not the case then there must be a regression. Tracking for the React Native issue is here:
If you have any other questions regarding the module specifically, please don't hesitate to ask on GitHub!
I just set up mixpanel with this package:
And then I have something like this in my main.js file that holds all my view components:
componentWillMount: function() {
// not sure if this is the best way to do it, but whatever
Mixpanel.set("$name", DeviceInfo.getDeviceName());
Mixpanel.track("App Loaded");
And then in my view.js that renders a component with data, I have something like this:
componentWillMount: function() {
Mixpanel.trackWithProperties("Definition Viewed",{word:this.state.word});
And then I also call mixpanel when a users adds/deletes data.
After all this, I just noticed that fabric does analytics so I will probably migrate to that because I use to to manage beta testers and its awesome so it'll be nice to have everything in 1 place
So this may be helpful to people, but I found Segment - - a lot easier to get setup. Segment has integration with Google Analytics and all the other analytics packages, so it easy once the connection is made. I had to follow some tutorials on creating a native bridge using the RCT_EXPORT_MODULE technique, but once I established a connection to the client, I was able to pretty much plug in the Segment starter code. I linked specific event calls to different actions on the client side through NativeModules.AnalyticsHelper.openApp(clientId), NativeModules.AnalyticsHelper.shareContent(clientId), etc.. I think this is a good method to follow.
I also created a gist to show how to setup Segment Analytics for React native.

How to use wikitude samples?

I'm very new to android developing and AR, I installed Wikitude from this link
But now I don't know how i must use samples in this link
Please help me, thanks a lot.
Please have a look at the provided SDK sample application, which comes open sourced with the Wikitude SDK - here you will find the JavaScript counterpart to the mentioned Wikitude SDK Documentation.
You can then use the sample application to adjust the samples code or enrich your application by reusing the concepts.
Kind regards,

Are there any simple PhoneGap tutorials?

I have found zillions of tutorials that none of them was clarifying all information to get started easily with phonegap.
And phonegap documentation it self is pretty confusing and bulky.
However, my request is:
A simple tutorial to build jquerymobile web project with phone gap without any extra SDK's
And how to get the debug and release keys for app stores..
Thanks in advance
Here's a line by line tutorial:
If you need MaxOS version you can find it here:
It is my personal blog but there's no point in writing it everything here. Feel free to ask me if you have more questions.
Well it doesn't use jQuery but I have quite a step-by-step PhoneGap tutorial for beginners up at
It makes no assumptions, and the end result is an actual app! (
A good place to start PhoneGap would be this step by step tutorial. How to install/run PhoneGap on Ubuntu, Step by step guide.
Here are two another tutorials from the end of 2014.
Phonegap / Cordova - iOS Tutorial
Phonegap / Cordova - Android Tutorial
If you need more information about those guides - let me know.
Since PhoneGap is evolving every day, I would like to add a few more links to this answer.
Nowadays, you can use Cordova (aka PhoneGap) with any modern web framework such as Angular, React, Vue JS instead of JQuery mobile
Reference Links:
PhoneGap Tutorial

Using Protocol buffers in PhoneGap - iOS

I have used the c++ google protobuf classes in iOS using the native app approach, i.e. using Xcode, objective c, cocoa etc.
Now, I want to migrate to hybrid apps and I have explored the options on web, and according to my requirements i'm down to PhoneGap and Titanium. That will require me to use JavaScirpt, HTML5 (JavaScript only in Titanium as per my understanding) jQuery etc.
My question is, HOW am i supposed to access the my c++ protobuf classes from javascript. (i have no expertise in JavaScript).
I am also open to opinions on which hybrid-app framework to use.
Lords of me.
With PhoneGap, if there is a phone feature that the PhoneGap APIs do not currently expose, or if you have some specialised native algorithm / function that you wish to access, then you need to write a plugin.
PhoneGap plugins provide a standardised mechanism for packing native code and accessing its functionality via JavaScript. See the PhoneGap Plugin Development Guide.
Personally I think PhoneGap is the best hybrid framework, it had been around for a while, is well documented, and has a healthy community.
This is an old question, but you can always use the 100% JavaScript implementation of ProtoBuf in your JavaScript code. It works well, and you can even precompile the .proto file if you want.
In Cordova it would be better to create a plug-in, but if you don't have time or skill to do that, the linked code works well.
