Create a TabBar Controller with a Master-detail template? - ios

I created master-detail template for the ipad application and now I want to add Tab Bar to either master view or detail view. I can easily add tab bar controller using editor->embed in ->tab bar controller. However when I run application tab bar is not showing.
Tab bar is showing in storyboard but I am also unable to add extra tab bar items. What am I doing wrong thanks?

You should embed the navigation controller (of either the master or detail VC) in a tab bar controller, then delete the connection between the split view controller and that navigation controller. Finally, remake the connection from the split view controller to the tab bar controller. You'll also need to make several code changes, because the template code refers to the detail controller by its hierarchy in the split view controller, which will now be different.


How to segue to a specific view controller inside a tab bar controller with losing the tab bar?

Currently I have a tab bar controller that is connected to various navigation controllers like this:
I'm trying to navigate from one view controller to another view controller that is in a separate navigation controller. The only way I've been able to figure out how to keep the tab bar from disappearing is to create a modal segue to the original tab bar controller. The only problem doing this it automatically goes to the default tab bar viewcontroller and not the one I'm trying to reach.

Combining single navigation controller with tab bar controller

I want to combine a navigation controller and tab bar controller together and display 3 view controllers via the tab bar.
I can accomplish this if I embed each of the three vcs into its own navigation controller and then add those to the tab bar controller.
However there are now three navigation controllers.
But according to the Apple documentation, it is possible to use a single navigation controller:
To create a combined interface with three tabs that contain custom view controllers and one tab that contains a navigation controller:
1) Create three custom view controllers, one for each tab, and a navigation controller.
2) Select the three custom view controllers and the navigation controller (only the navigation controller scene, not it’s root view controller).
3) Choose Editor > Embed In > Tab Bar Controller.
4) Display the tab bar controller as the first view controller by selecting the option Is Initial View Controller in the Attributes inspector (or present the view controller in your user interface in another way.)
The first sentence in that quote mentions "a navigation controller", i.e. singular. And in the instructions it say "the navigation controller", also singular.
However when I follow these instructions I end up with a tab bar which contains 4 items, 3 for the view controllers and one for the navigation controller.
If its possible to have a single navigation controller as the Apple documentation says, what's wrong with the Apple instructions for doing so? How can I get three items in the tab bar?
The Apple document is just saying that you can use a navigation controller within a single tab to control navigation within that tab. If you have multiple tabs and want navigation controllers in all of them, then yes you can do that, but the three navigation controllers will be independent.
In other words, you can use both a tab bar and a navigation controller in your app, but not for the same purpose. The tab bar provides the top-level navigation, and the navigation controllers provide navigation lower down. You can't control your top-level navigation with both a tab bar and a navigation controller at the same time.
Here are the Apple Human Interface Guidelines regarding navigation.

Do I need to implement a Navigation Controller to make a UISearchViewController?

I'm working on my first iOS app and I'm realizing just right now that I don't have a navigation controller. Since I'm already pretty far in the app and not completely sure of how I would implement a navigation controller, I was wondering if I would need one in order to implement a search controller, meaning a UITableViewController with like a navigation bar on top.
To implement a Navigation Controller you just need to select the View Controller in storyboard then Click up top Editor -> Embed In -> Navigation Controller. You could also just add a navigation bar to the top of the View Controller you are using.
These are the two options for adding a navigation bar, however, neither is required for adding a search bar.
You do not need to add a navigation controller just to display a navigation bar. Navigation bar can be added to any UIViewController.
You can also add just the search controller in a navigation controller, without affecting your other view controllers. This will add a Navigation bar to the search controller and also allow you to navigate to (Push) other view controllers.

What type of view controller is used for this app?

Does anybody know what kind of view controller this app uses? I am trying to implement one somewhat like this but can not get the tab bar to appear at the bottom when I use the table view controller. I also can not get the title of the view to appear at the top where it says home.
I would say this is a tab bar controller. The home tab you show may just have a navigation bar placed on top of it as a sub view or it is embedded into a navigation controller.
My image shows a tab bar controller as the root controller and initial controller and the view from the first tab embedded in a navigation controller.
Hope this helps!
The screen you are looking at is a combination of a UItabBarController a UINavigationController and a UITableViewController.

Navigation bar from tab bar controller hides child's nav bar

I am confused with behavior, I have Tab Bar Controller ( I enter on this controller from simple view controller which is embedded in navigation controller). I am confused why is that navigation bar from tab is covered up child navigation bar.
When I start app and I enter at Browse Controller I cannot see Browse title, neither nav bar items which I added programmatically. Can somebody give me clue what is wrong ( I am new to this, I connect with push segue from tab to browse).
Your problem appears to be the same as the one I addressed here:
Push segue from a view controller controlled by UITabBarController
What's happening is that your first NavigationController is creating a Navigation stack. Then you push-segue a TabViewController. That is added to the Nav stack, along with each of it's contained view controllers. However, when you PUSH SEGUE from one of those view controllers to some other view controller, the original navigation controller's stack is the one you are pushing on to. This is not contained inside the tab view controller, so the pushed view controller has no relationship with that tab view controller, just the original navigation controller stack. Therefore the tabs are not present.
The answer is to embed each of the tab controller's view controllers in a new navigation controller, and push on from those. The original navigation controller is just messing things up here...
