xcode deploy to ipad for testing purposes - ios

I am new to IOS development. I created my app on MAC and now time to test it on real device. I paid 99USD to Apple to enroll into the developer program. I followed many tutorials to deploy the app to my IPad but couldnt succeed. Here are the problems;
First, I get this "Too Few Items In Team" message. What does this mean?
Second, I was never be able to have a proper certificate. I did everything as tutorial says, but my certificate says "This certificate was signed by an unknown authority"
Because of these errors, when I run the app from Xcode while iPad is selected as deployment target, it give this error "Code Sign error: The identity 'iPhone Developer' doesn't match any valid, non-expired certificate/private key pair in your keychains"
what should I do to fix these? Is there a good tutorial you could suggest?

I fixed my problem. here are the tasks you should follow;
please check that you login with the same Apple ID to developer.apple.com and to your Computer.To make sure, delete all daw.apple. keychains in Keychain Access. and re-login.
*please be informed that, you can deploy your app to your testing machine in two different ways. First one is to do it through the Developer.Apple.com site, which I cannot succeed. Second one is through Xcode. Delete all the certificates, app id, provisioning profile from the developer.apple.com. Then in Xcode, click Organiser. you will see "provisioning profiles" at top left corner. Add a new profile, which will guide you all the way and it will do all necessary tasks for you.
I hope this helps. Once you figure it out, it is easy....


Provisioning profiles status invalid (managed by XCode)

Suddenly all my provisioning profiles are in status Invalid (managed by XCode). Why?
Also I remember in XCode 4 that you always had to create your provisioning profile. Now XCode autocreates your provisioning profile for development. Is this a new feature on XCode 6?
I had the same problem today.
In the Apple Developer website, all of my company's Provisioning Profiles were marked as "Invalid (managed in Xcode)". None were out of them were date, none were using iOS Certificates which had expired, and the website gave zero suggestion that anything was actually wrong.
The solution, ridiculously, was to delete my perfectly valid iOS Certificates, and recreate them.
We write in-house apps aswell as apps for the App Store, and Apple (quietly) refuses to let you have more than 2 of these at once. So I was unable to create a third iOS Certificate which would allow me to use the "In house and Ad-hoc" option, hence the need to delete an iOS Certificate first.
Once I had pointlessly recreated the "iOS Certificate", the Provisioning Profiles came to life.
Part 2 of this farce is to go into Xcode, and delete your Provision Profiles (XCode \ Preferences \ select your iOS Certificate \ View Details, then select all of your provisioning profiles, right click and select "Move to trash".
At this point, absolutely nothing will change, and you'll think you've done something wrong.
But then, if you then quit Xcode, and go back in, then you'll see the Provisioning Profiles will have disappeared.
Now you can re-download the Provisioning Profiles from the Apple Developers website, and redownload the latest versions.
Until Xcode 7.2 comes along, and breaks something else.
(Seriously, I spend more time fighting with Xcode bugs than writing code..)
Apple introduced Xcode Managed profiles in Xcode 5 as a way to try and make the provisioning process less cumbersome and get Developers sending code to their devices without having to go through the manual upload/setup/download/install/build process. In effect, Xcode was completely automating the entire provisioning process whenever there was a code sign error detected. For developers that had already wrestled with understanding Provisioning, this new behavior was frustrating as the processes those teams put in place were unintentionally being wrecked by Xcode's best attempts to be helpful. That said, it is better today but not as transparent as it should be when it comes to affecting your Certificates, Identities, and Profiles data. If you are't familiar with what all is included in a provisioning profile or signing identity, there's some related reading you might want to skim: What are code signing identities?
Suddenly all my provisioning profiles are in status Invalid (managed by XCode). Why?
The most common reason for a profile to move to the "Invalid" state is because at least one of the profile's registered test devices has been deactivated / removed from the developer's account. By doing so, all profiles that included that device UDID are marked as invalid and require regeneration. This can be accomplished in Xcode > Preferences > Accounts, clicking 'View Details' on your Apple ID account, and then clicking the refresh button in the lower right corner of that account details screen.
Also I remember in XCode 4 that you always had to create your provisioning profile. Now XCode autocreates your provisioning profile for development. Is this a new feature on XCode 6?
As stated in the start of this answer, no. Autogenerated provisioning profiles were introduced in Xcode 5 and the workflow has been refined several times since Xcode 5.0 and modern Xcode. If you allow Xcode to assist you with Code Signing error messages, its default position is to check the validity of your development or distribution certificate (depending on what kind of code sign operation you were trying to do), check the validity of the AppId and Provisioning Profile, and revoke then reissue whichever part of the signing identity is in error.
Really it messing up on me. it destroyed my 4 hours fighting with Xcode. At last created another new provisioning file with selecting appleID as iOS Wildcard App ID (xxx.*)

iTunes no identities are available for signing has gone from bad to worse

So I was getting the no identities are available for signing error when I tried to upload my app, and I tried a number of ways to fix this.
That was a very bad idea.
I tried revoking my certificates and now it's telling me
No matching provisioning profiles found: None of the valid provisioning profiles include the device Justin's iPad (identifier: 5858525b2680f4b92838cd5d54e3c56bcb1edf98).
CodeSign error: code signing is required for product type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS 7.1'
And under preferences, accounts it says the iOS Development is missing the private key.
I am completely and totally lost on what to do to fix this. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
I recently had this same problem. The mysterious message about the development profile is particularly telling - we should not be talking this way, because App Store is distribution, not development. Proceed as follows:
Look in your keychain with Keychain Access. You will probably see that the iOS Distribution certificate has gone bad or is missing entirely. So that's the place to start. Go back to the Member Center and get yourself a working Distribution certificate and get rid of the old one, deleting it entirely from the Member Center (that's important).
Now throw away your distribution profile both in Xcode and at the Member Center. Make a new distribution profile and download it. Adjust your build settings to match the new profile!
The reason for the whole problem is that the Member Center will happily make you a distribution profile with a bad certificate, and that's what you had. There is no easy way to detect that this has happened because it's hard to distinguish what certificate the distribution profile is using. You need to make sure that there is a good distribution certificate and that it is the only distribution certificate so that you can be sure that when you make the distribution profile, the good distribution certificate is used.
Yeah, revoke your previous certificates and then go through the process of requesting certificates again. You'll have to regenerate your provisioning profiles after the new developer / distribution certificates are issued, though.
You start by going to the "Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles" section of your account at https://developer.apple.com/account/overview.action.
After you revoke the previous certificate, you can click "+" (in the upper right hand corner of the Certificates screen on Apple's portal) to add a brand new iOS certificate (and there will be instructions there that tell you what to do.

Certificates won't show in code signing identity in build settings

I'm encountering the errors:
No matching provisioning profiles found: No provisioning profiles with a valid signing identity (i.e. certificate and private key pair) were found.
CodeSign error: code signing is required for product type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS 7.0'
XCode isn't giving me any option other than "Automatic iOS Developer and Distribution" options in the 'Code Signing' area of the 'Build Settings'.
I've tried changing the bundle id to match the certificates exactly, as well as a more generic com.domain.appname ID, I've deleted and recreated the provisioning profiles - I'm really lost, it feels like it should be something really simply but I can't get my certificates to show in the settings.
I was shocked when having the same problem and reading some answers here, too complicated. But I solved this much much simpler.
Open Keychain Access. Delete iPhone Developer and iPhone Distribution certificates, although they are still valid.
Open Apple Developer Centre. Download iOS Development and iOS Distribution certificates again. Yes, I download them again as they are written as XXXX-1.cer
Drag them to Keychain Access to reimport them.
Rerun XCode. Problem solved.
The first thing I would check is that your Cert in Keychain Access is present and is married up to your private key. If it's listed but your private key isn't paired with it you've likely changed your Mac's password recently and instead of pressing "Update Keychain" you may have clicked on "New Keychain". This will require performing the CSR process again and adding that new cert from the portal to the existing prov profiles. (A screenshot here may help).
Next I would make sure that XCode's Organizer is showing your provisioning profiles as valid with a green checkmark. If they aren't valid XCode will tell you why. This could be anything from the missing private key to your cert wasn't added to the profile in the dev portal. (Another screenshot here may help).
If all of that looks good restart XCode. I've had problems with XCode not properly importing prov profiles until I give it a swift kick in the pants via restart.
What worked for me was to create a new iOS Provisioning Profile in apple portal then download and add it to the Organizer in XCode , my scenario was that I was importing the project from another user account and when Titanium was compiling the project had the iOS Provisioning Profile associated from the other user account therefore was crashing, so when I was ready to compile in the Run on iOS Device dialog I changed the Provisioning profile to the new one.
As it has been stated before, you need to see the green button (valid profile) in the Provisioning Profiles for your device .
Good luck! it took me two days to fix this!

Request Timed out when trying to add iOS device to the portal

I added my iPad device to the Apple Developer website by entering it's description and UDID.
Within the Xcode organizer, I attempt to add my device to the portal. I have hooked up a proper provisioning portal to it and all. Yet, the request times out every single time after I enter my proper Apple ID and password.
How do I fix this?
Also, if it helps: I get the same error when I go to Editor < Refresh from Developer Portal
Here is what you're after...
Check the following status page -
If the "Xcode Automatic Configuration" is grayed out, that means the service is offline, and Xcode will surely time out on all developer portal related activities.
If "Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles" service is online, then Xcode will still time out, but you can access the web developer portal, manually add a device (Identifier), modify / update certificates and download them, and manually add them to your Xcode, and continue with your development / provisioning / ad-hoc distribution.
Hope this helps!
I had this same problem. Here's how I got around it:
Login to developer.apple.com and go to the provisioning profiles section:
First you have to manually add your device in the Devices section. You can get your UDID from iTunes by selecting the device and then clicking on the identifier.
Now you can manually generate a new provisioning profile that includes this device.
Go down to "Provisioning Profiles" section. Click the "+", then "iOS App Development" - Continue. Then AppID "iOS Wildcard" - Continue. Then your developer certificate in the checkbox - Continue. Now you should see your new device in the devices section. Add all of these devices, and download the new certificate. Once you have imported this new certificate into your Organizer, it should work (well, it did for me).
Let me know if this doesn't work for you for some reason and I can try to help by comparing what's happening with mine.
Just hooked up a new iPhone and trying to deploy my apps on it. No joy so far. Playing around with the profiles & provisions on the website is to no avail, since the development one is "managed by Xcode". Which currently serves up nothing more useful than a timeout.
I just got a call from Apple Developer Relations about the WWDC registrations and they told me about technical issues they have been having. Perhaps it is a wider issue?

No value was provided for the parameter 'appIdName'

Whenever I try to do anything with provisioning, adding devices to the portal, etc. get this error msg:
No value was provided for the parameter 'appIdName'.
I have seen this post:
No value was provided for the paramenter 'appIdName' when provisioning
however this does not apply as I have followed the instructions without any success. I must create my Team Provisioning Profile manually (and any others as well) for anything to work. This is a pain and even adding a device throws this error. Any idea what is going on? Is this a common issue for others developing in iOS? I've been working in iOS for 4 years now and never ran into something like this.
My profile was set to expire. I hit renew, and got this error, followed the above article with nothing helping.
I've been having the same problem for days. I followed the instructions in the other post (No value was provided for the paramenter 'appIdName' when provisioning) with no luck. Here is what worked for me:
open keychain access
select "login" from the keychain category
select "My Certificate" from category
Delete all your certificates associated with the provisioning profile.
What I also did is clean up everything in my provisioning portal. I revoked all certificates (distribution and Development) and all provisioning profiles.
Open up organizer in Xcode, select provisioning profiles in the top left, and click refresh.
Follow the instructions to create new profiles and certificates.
Hope this helps.
I had the same problem as well and what worked for me was to follow the instructions here:
And then launch the assistant. These steps seem more current than the ones that described here:
Manage Your Workflow in Xcode - Test Your App on an iOS Device
Hopefully this will help out others.
