How to create a page through a Ruby Gem? - ruby-on-rails

I am trying to create a gem which will create a page for your rails site say and this page will show certain statistics about current rails installation say version etc.
Now I have created the gem using
bundle gem my_gem
but little unsure how to create a page through lib/my_gem.rb, can someone guide me here ? Thanks

A way I've done it in the past was to make a mountable Rails engine and mount that into your routes configuration. Here's a railscast on it:


How can I create a rubygem and test it in a rails application at the same time?

I want to learn how to create a rubygem with a generator etc.
When I create a gem, do I create a separate project?
The reason being, since it will have generators and hook into the lifecycle of a Rails 3 application, I want to create a test rails 3 application at the same time to see how things are working etc.
Can someone outline what I should do to do this?
For example, I'm using git, so what I want to do is, when I run a generator for my gem and it doesn't do what I want, I can then easily rollback to the previous version using git.
This will be a simple gem, just trying to get a feel for things and how I can hook into various parts of rails etc.
Use bundler to create the new Gem with the following command:
bundle gem foogem
Then go to the Gemfile of the application you're going to use and add something like the following:
gem 'foogem', :path =>'/path/to/foogem'
In this way you can easily test your gem inside your rails project.

Ruby Gem Development - How to use ActiveRecord?

I'm currently trying to develop my first ruby gem and I'm already stuck. I used the "bundle gem" command to create the basic structure and read some tutorials but what I can't find is how to integrate ActiveRecord.
Where do I create my migrations?
Do I create the "db/migrations" folder within the lib folder or at the root?
And do I have to do anything in the Rakefile (I found some questions where the answer was something like "you have to create your own [my_gem]:db:migrate" or something like that.)
All I need is a way to create a gem, which defines ActiveRecord models (including the migrations of course), which can then be used by a rails app.
Any help on that one would be greatly appreciated!
Greetings, Flo
When building a gem to integrate with a rails project, you want to build a railtie engine. If you are using rails 3.0.x, use enginex, if you are using rails 3.1 you should be use the new generator:
rails g plugin new your-plugin-name
Then, inside your gem, you can just define models, inside the app/models/ folder and they will automatically be picked up.
Migrations is somewhat harder: for rails 3.1 it is ok if you define them in the correct folder, in rails 3.0 you will have to manually generate a task to copy the migrations to your code-base. Check this link where I answered that very question.
For more information on rails engines check this and this article.
getting the functionality of ActiveRecord can be done by:
require "rubygems"
require "active_record"
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
This should work.

Add blog to Rails app on Heroku

I have a Rails app on Heroku with a Jekyll blog located at I want to move the blog to What's the best way to do this? I'm happy to ditch Jekyll if there is an easier option. Thanks!
Bloggy seems to be what you're looking for.
"Bloggy is a simple gem that helps you generate a jekyll blog within your rails application by using generator commands similar to the ones you are used to already."
You should be able to change the base-url configuration to /blog for this to work.

What's your solution for 'contact forms' in Ruby on Rails applications?

With a quick Google search, one can find literally hundreds of examples for contact forms using PHP and/or JavaScript, but there don't seem to be any "ready-made" contact forms for Ruby on Rails. Do they exist? What do you use for contact forms in your Ruby on Rails apps?
Personally, I use an ActiveRecord model for mine as I like to keep a store of messages being sent, and then use an ActionMailer after saving a record to send an email.
Alternatively there is a gem called MailForm which allows you to build a form model without a database table, which will work with other gems such as Formtastic.
As for ready-made contact forms, I don't know of any (though they may well exist) as it's not particularly time-consuming to build one from scratch.
I was running into the same issue with wanting an easy to use out of the box Contact Form, but wasn't able to find one. So I've written ContactUs a Rails Engine that you can easily drop into any Rails 3+ application. I tried to keep it dead simple and as easily configurable as possible. It does require the Formtastic gem since I wanted an easy way to hook into peoples existing form styles though.
To install the Engine add the contact_us gem to your Gemfile:
gem 'contact_us', '~> 0.1.3'
Run bundle and the install rake task:
$ bundle
$ bundle exec rake contact_us:install
Then just modify the generated initializer in /config/initializers/contact_us.rb to have the email you want the form submissions sent to.

Any working tutorials for Authlogic?

I've been trying to build my first rails app and have gotten stuck on the issue of user authentication. I've found a number of tutorials for using various plug-ins to do this, but so far every single one of them is out-dated, and as a result, broken!
From what I've read, I think Authlogic may be the best fit for me, and I've tried two things:
1) Going through Railscast, episode #160 (which is a tutorial for setting it up)
2) Using Ryan B's nifty_authentication gem with the --authlogic tag
In both cases, I get the following error as soon as I try to do anything with a user:
undefined local variable or method `acts_as_authentic' for #
I believe this is from the User model:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
I'm sure I've installed the authlogic gem, and I've added
config.gem "authlogic"
to my environment.rb
Any ideas about what's wrong? Anybody know of a complete and up to date tutorial for adding user authentication?
I'm running Ruby v. 1.8.6 and rails v. 2.3.5
There is one thing that Ryan Bates in the RailsCasts episode doesn't talk about is about creating sessions table in your database. Type rake db:sessions:create in the console and run the migration rake db:migrate. Also like ghoppe says run rake gems:install after installing the gem. That is a requisite.
Here's an example app with a step-by-step guide - it's from last year but should still be mostly if not entirely accurate:
Since you added that line to your environment.rb, have you tried rake gems:install to ensure the gem is installed and working correctly?
Also, what version of Ruby? What version of Rails? Have you tried running gem environment and gem list to make sure they're installed and running from the right place?
Another option is to use authlogic as a plugin, with:
script/plugin install git://
It also helps to look at a projects that uses authlogic as authentication module, like the fat_free_crm project, have a look at user.rb there
Last but not least, there is an active mailing list:
authlogic mailing list
Becoming popular is also the devise gem. Here you can add authentication with script/generate devise and you will have some views for login as well.
I forked that authlogic_example and added activity_tracker, authlogic, paperclip for user profile images, declarative_authorization, and user to user messages.
