find grep exclude some file names for dos2unix - grep

so far I have gotten this far:
prompt$ find path/to/project -type f | grep -v '*.ori|*.pte|*.uh|*.mna' | xargs dos2unix 2> log.txt
However, the files with extensions .ori, .pte, .uh and .mna still show up.

It is better to leave the excluding to find, see Birei's answer.
The problem with your grep pattern is that you have specified it as a shell glob. By default grep expects basic regular expressions (BRE) as its first argument. So if you replace your grep pattern with: .*\.\(ori\|pte\|uh\|mna\)$ it should work. Or if you would rather use extended regular expressions (ERE), you can enable them with -E. Then you can express the same exclusion like this: .*\.(ori|pte|uh|mna)$.
Full command-line:
find . -type f | grep -vE '.*\.(ori|pte|uh|mna)$'

One way:
find path/to/project *.* -type f ! \( -name '*.ori' -o -name '*.pte' -o -name '*.uh' -o -name '*.mna' \)
| xargs dos2unix 2> log.txt


tar files after reducing list via find and grep?

I have worked out this command to give me the list of files I want to send to tar, how do I send this list to tar?
find . -not -type l | grep -E "(^\.\/bin\/custom|^\.\/config\/local)" | grep -v -E "(.settings|.classpath|.external)"
I want to preserver the hierarchy of bin/custom and config/local*
I don't want any other files (which there are a LOT of), the bin/custom is a directory and config/local* are files in config
I don't want any symbolic links
I want to exclude some of the hidden files (.settings|.classpath|.external)
You can use construction like this:
tar cvf tarfile.tar $(find . -type f | grep -E "(^\.\/bin\/custom|^\.\/config\/local)" | grep -v -E "(.settings|.classpath|.external)")
You just provide the list of files to be added in to the tar archive.
And its not need to use -not -type l, -type f will provide only files (and not links)
In case of many file something like can resolve the issue:
find . -type f | grep -E "(^\.\/bin\/custom|^\.\/config\/local)" | grep -v -E "(.settings|.classpath|.external)"|xargs tar cvf tarfile.tar

How to grep for filenames found by find in other files?

How can I grep for the result of find within another pattern?
That's how I get all filenames with a certain pattern (in my case ending with "ext1")
find . -name *ext1 -printf "%f\n"
And then I want to grep for these filenames with another pattern (in my case ending on "ext2"):
grep -r '[filname]' *ext2
I tried with
find . -name *ext1 -printf "%f\n" | xargs grep -r *ext2
But this only makes grep tell me that it can not find the files found by find.
You would tell grep that the patterns are in a file with the -f option, and use the "stdin filename" -:
find ... | grep -r -f - *ext2

How do you exclude symlinks in a grep?

I want to grep -R a directory but exclude symlinks how dow I do it?
Maybe something like grep -R --no-symlinks or something?
Thank you.
Gnu grep v2.11-8 and on if invoked with -r excludes symlinks not specified on the command line and includes them when invoked with -R.
If you already know the name(s) of the symlinks you want to exclude:
grep -r --exclude-dir=LINK1 --exclude-dir=LINK2 PATTERN .
If the name(s) of the symlinks vary, maybe exclude symlinks with a find command first, and then grep the files that this outputs:
find . -type f -a -exec grep -H PATTERN '{}' \;
The '-H' to grep adds the filename to the output (which is the default if grep is searching recursively, but is not here, where grep is being handed individual file names.)
I commonly want to modify grep to exclude source control directories. That is most efficiently done by the initial find command:
find . -name .git -prune -o -type f -a -exec grep -H PATTERN '{}' \;
For now.. here is how I would exclude symbolic links when using grep
If you want just file names matching your search:
for f in $(grep -Rl 'search' *); do if [ ! -h "$f" ]; then echo "$f"; fi; done;
grep -R # recursive
grep -l # file names only
if [ ! -h "file" ] # bash if not a symbolic link
If you want the matched content output, how about a double grep:
srch="whatever"; for f in $(grep -Rl "$srch" *); do if [ ! -h "$f" ]; then
echo -e "\n## $f";
grep -n "$srch" "$f";
fi; done;
echo -e # enable interpretation of backslash escapes
grep -n # adds line numbers to output
.. It's not perfect of course. But it could get the job done!
If you're using an older grep that does not have the -r behavior described in Aryeh Leib Taurog's answer, you can use a combination of find, xargs and grep:
find . -type f | xargs grep "text-to-search-for"
If you are using BSD grep (Mac) the following works similar to '-r' option of Gnu grep.
grep -OR <PATTERN> <PATH> 2> /dev/null
From man page
-O If -R is specified, follow symbolic links only if they were explicitly listed on the command line.

find + grep to match exact keywords in a file

My script is not matching exact words only. Example: 12312312Alachua21321 or Alachuas would match for Alachua.
KEYWORDS=("Alachua" "Gainesville" "Hawthorne")
find . -size +1c -type f ! -exec grep -qF "${KEYWORDS[*]}" {} \; -exec truncate -s 0 {} \;
If you want grep to match exact words, use grep -w.
You may also want to read the grep manual by running man grep.

To understand recursive grep in xargs

What is the practical difference between the following two commands?
Command A
find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 grep -r masi
Command B
find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 grep masi
In short, what is the practical benefit of Command A?
None .. -r is for recursively searching directories, but the -type f will prevent find from returning directory names.
I think none
The A will try to recurse over file names (as the find is only searching for files) so it will not recurse into anything...
