How would I convert a ios UIView animation to a video - ios

How would I convert a ios UIView animation to a video? Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Why dont you use the AVMutableComposition. You can use AVAssets inside it to store the video (i.e, record). For recording the view you are using a mutable composition then wat you can do is maybe add the layer of the avplayer as the layer of the view which you are trying to make the video of. So ideally the interactions happening with the avplayerlayer is most likely to happen form the view layer itself. Hope that helps.

Try iPhone/iPad simulator on Mac and capture the screen.


How to add text label on the the video frame by frame - iOS swift

I am doing video editing app. I have one animation video and I am using AVPlayer to play the video. So i need to add some label text on the video frame by frame.
Is it possible to add overlay label text on the video frame by frame?
Yes it is possible, you will have to use AVFoundation to do this. However is can be complex with no previous knowledge of AVFoundation. The best thing I can do is to give you this tutorial and then this one (which is what you want to do but written in Objective-C). These tutorials will explain to you the basics of how the framework works. You can also check the Apple videos about the framework.

How to play a video in uiview Xcode obj C

I Need to play a video when the view load but, other code i have try to do the video player comes up. I want to play the video in the UIVIEW. Can someone please help!
You will need to use an AVPlayer, specifying an AVPlayerItem. This should allow you to use multiple AV items within a single view.
Basically, everything is explained here:

iOS placing and synchronizing frame by frame images over a video playing with AVPlayer

I'm trying to place an image over a video that is playing. There could be a face in the video and I want to plae a custom image over that face. I've tried to play the video using AVPlayer and tried to place the custom image using a scheduled NSTimer. It works good (not perfect) with the simulator. But When I tried it in couple of different devices it does not working well or same in all the devices. Seems like there should be some sort of synchronization to sync the video frame and the custom image.
Can anyone help me out of this issue with any tips or suggestion? Anything that is helpful will be appreciated. :)
Thanks in advance.

How to capture screen video in iphone?

I want to capture video from screen.
I am unable to capture video from avplayer layer. But, can record from other viewes.
Do I need to search code for OpenGLES?
You can have look at the blog.
I think it covers what you want.
Actually this blog does not use AVPlayer, but rather it uses AVAssetWriter.
Look into the comments there you can get hint using AVPlayer.
Or you can have this project, which is for recording of screen.
These two libraries are the best possible options that you can use to record video of your application screen.
Yes I'm working with the same job it comes black screen because of high frameDuration of video .But I've solved this
Don't add AVPlayer to that view. Add to another view and note the time at play and then crop the video of time that has played and after all merge with the recorded video.
I've stated it shortly but I hope you will understand.
You need to work on OpenGLES to render video layer, otherwise it will look black
I would suggest using the GPUImage framework, for a number of reasons:
It IS OpenGL but is wrapped in Objective-C, so there's no need to learn OpenGL to implement it
It is 100% App Store vetted - I have an app in the store that uses it now, as do dozens of others
There is a class named GPUImageMovie that wraps AVAssetReader for playback and another named GPUImageMovieWriter that allows you to write textures to file - these can be the same file, or separate.
There are quite a few examples available within the repository that should be pretty easy to understand...
Source Code / Git Repo
Hope that helps !
This is good for you testing you achieve that goal through this framework for screen capture. But, it can be used to record simulator only. You can't submit app to appstore using this code as it use private api.

How do i animate with a big sprite in ios?

I have to make an animated infographic in iOS. Its consists of about 140 images all 900x700 large. Whats the best approach to do this? I tried CALayerwith indivual images, and also a spritesheet. But it just takes way too long to load and the playback is awful. I also have the animation in a video file, but it needs to be added to a view in a set frame and not be played in full screen.
Try and play the animation video using MPMoviePlayerController. You can play it in a view with custom frame. You can refer the link for sample code too.
