How make static view on any viewcontroller in Xcode? - ios

I Have interesting question.
I have two screens, I need that would be the third screen elements (buttons, label) are static and do not change when you move from one screen to another. .
So MAIN DISPLAY 1 will be change, DISPLAY 2 too , but button and others(label for example) need be static.
Big Thanks for all help, sorry i don't have any code with this problem. Because i don't know how this make...

Ok, so if you have a UI that won't change it's content you have to consider the following:
If the user can navigate from one screen to another, then you will have to create multiple view controllers(it can be done in other ways but this is the easiest and best way to doit) that will have their own UI, that can be easily created in storyboards like this:
Create a new project that use storyboars (you can use the Xcode templates that support your needs)
In your generated storyboard, drag and drop a new UINavigationController, and in the Attributes inspector check the Is initial view controller
Drag another UIViewController into your storyboard, select your navigation controller, hold right click and drag to the newly added view controller, a popup will appear and from that popup select root view controller. Now the newly added view controller will be the first view that the app will display. On this view controller add your UI elements (buttons, labels, etc). If you want another screen to be shown when a user taps on a button, drag another view controller and select the button from which you want to display the next screen, hold right click drag to the newly added view controller, from the popup select push. Now when the user tap on the button the next view controller will be shown and as a bonus because you use iOS, the system will create a back button so that you can go back to your first view controller.
Ok, this is the a basic tutorial from which you can start and expand, but for that you will have to read more, spend nights on google/SO to find solutions, you will learn apple docs by heart and other things that are required so that you can be a great iOS developer.
My the iOS force be with you and Steve Jobs watch your steps.

This is off the top of my head:
you could put a view into your uiwindow and place your static elements there, and then give a transparent background to display1 and display2. then you can have the two displays forward their touches to the background elements to have actions on the buttons. im sorry i dont have any code, but i never tried that ;)

A much better way is to instantiate your ViewController like so:
this.NavigationController.PresentModalViewController (StaticViewController.staticViewController, true);
Then inside your instantiated View Controller you setup a static variable that holds that instance of the View Controller:
public static StaticViewController staticViewController;
When the Static View Controller fires up for the first time:
staticViewController = this;
Now in the future when you fire up the Static View Controller (from wherever in your app) you can check to see if the StaticViewController.staticViewController variable is null or not.
Use simple if else logic to load it up accordingly:
if (StaticViewController.staticViewController == null) {
StaticViewController.staticViewController staticViewController = this.Storyboard.InstantiateViewController ("StaticViewController") as StaticViewController;
this.NavigationController.PresentModalViewController (StaticViewController.staticViewController, true);
} else {
if(!StaticViewController.staticViewController.IsBeingPresented) //safeguard against click happy users
this.NavigationController.PresentModalViewController (StaticViewController.staticViewController, true);

You should add the static views to your UINavigationController or whatever controller you are using for managing multiple controllers.


How do I add code to my viewcontroller.swift for views connected via a navigation controller?

So I am pretty new to Xcode (but not programming in general, have learned a bit of python and java) and I am trying to figure out, for the life of me, how I connect bits of code in other views besides the first one when they are linked from a navigation controller.
To paint a picture of this, I essentially start out with a single view application, I have the first view and I add a button to it and then I embed it in a navigation controller by doing.. Editor -> Embed In -> Navigation Controller. The next time, as I have been following from various guides online, is that I control drag that button to that view and hit "show" to link them. Now say I have another button in that new view I just linked to. Xcode doesn't seem to let me just control drag that button onto the text in viewcontroller.swift, I believe that this is because they are two separate view controllers now however I have not a clue where the second viewcontroller2.swift file may be. Or, maybe, there is an easier way to link the two views together and actually be able to modify the source files?
If you're trying to find a "ViewController2" you won't find it, because you have to create it! Use Command-N to create a new file and choose "Cocoa Touch Class". Name it something like SecondViewController and make sure it's a subclass of UIViewController. Now you can go back to interface builder and change the class of the second view controller to whatever name you just chose, like SecondViewController.
To address the other part of your question (I think), I'm not exactly sure what you're trying to do. If you want some of your data to transfer to the new ViewController, use the prepareForSegue function in the first ViewController.

iOS/Swift/Storyboard: Add PageViewController using only *part* of screen?

New to Swift. I've seen many tutorials on using PageViewController, but they always have the Page View taking up the whole screen.
I'm trying to implement a Page View functionality in only PART of my app, not the entire screen, so that other "static" elements (e.g. a ToolBar) can remain. Something that would look kinda like this... --- (Need more rep. before embedding images)
...where swiping will cause different images to appear as seen in various PageViewController tutorials (e.g.
When I start with a Single View Application, I go to Storyboard and try to drag a "Page View Controller" from the Object Library into the ViewController frame, it just "bounces back", i.e. it won't let me add the Page View Controller.
Now, if I add the Page View Controller to the white space around the other View Controller, then this gets back to the tutorials where the PageViewController takes up the entire screen and I don't want that.
How does one achieve this?
Sorry if this is a dupe but I have tried & failed to find anything that answers my question directly. The closest are Implement PageViewController in TableViewController details or Adding a UIPageViewController to a subview, subview only shows edge of pageContentview, but these are not similar enough for me to comprehend, plus they're in Objective C which I've not yet learned.
When I start with a Single View Application, I go to Storyboard and try to drag a "Page View Controller" from the Object Library into the ViewController frame, it just "bounces back", i.e. it won't let me add the Page View Controller.
A page view controller is a view controller. Thus, to make its view occupy only part of the screen, you must obey the rules for view controllers in general: you need a custom parent view controller, and the page view controller must be its child view controller — and you must do the elaborate dance that this entails when you create the child and put its view into the interface.
To get the storyboard to do the dance for you, use a Container View and hook it by its embed segue to the page view controller:
(Still, in my opinion it is always better to learn to do the dance manually, in code, yourself.)

Best practice to develop common header view across all controllers/windows in iOS app

I'm keeping on developing an iPhone app (rigth now native one) and I would need to use a common "header" for all views but I don't want/need a UINavigationBar and prefer much more have a common "partial view". It will have some actions to perform but always the same ones (showing notifications panel, basically). It should be something like you can see in the screenshots.
I don't need (I feel) delegation because the controller's view can handle notifications and show them when user clicked the customize button.
I don't mind to use a Nib o make the view hardcoded but I'm not sure how I must make an instance of the view or the controller that handles it within each app tab (I'm using UITabBar as navigation control).
From my point of view it doesn't exist a way to get a common controller to call wherever needed; you just can use some method to present new controller as modal o push it out and I think that is not what I'm looking for.
Any idea is welcome. Thanks
Create a custom view controller with 2 subviews. Subview 1 is the header. Subview 2 is the container view where child view controllers are displayed (your tab bar controller in this case).
Your custom view controller could be the delegate of the tab bar controller if you want, so it can be notified when the tabs change and update anything on the header view.
Well, finally is have used the solution I found on the link
I have created a Nib with a view controller and then, in the main window I have added two view, the top one subclasses the view controller for the Nib view and it is rendered automatically when app is launched without a single line of code within "main" controller. See the screenshots for more detail:
Thank you very much for your help

UzysSlideMenu: how to use several view controllers?

I just came across a slide-in menu I really like:
I would like to use this menu for an application that uses several view controllers (UIViewControllers and UINavigationControllers).
In Xcode, I created a single view application and made the view controller (MenuViewController) show the menu, like the creator did in his example project. I added more view controllers to the storyboard and connected them via segues to the MenuViewController. Upon selecting a menu item, these segues are triggered and the selected view is shown - so far so good.
But now, I run into the following problem:
All my view controllers are shown in full screen. That means that VCs that get segue'd in the viewport don't show the menu, because it's just not implemented there. I could put the menu in every VC, but that doesn't seem to be the right way to do it (even if I use some custom delegate method that every controller calls, like putMenuInViewController:(UIViewController *)target). I think I need something like a global singleton for the menu and make it appear in every view controller, but I have absolutely no idea on how to it or what to google for.
Any points into the right direction are greatly appreciated :)
I think you need to implement one root view controller with this menu as singleton, and add other view controller as child view controller to it.
I wrote a post about it, you can find it here:

Calling multiple views from Uipopovercontroller list view contents

How can I call individual view controllers when I tap each row from my Pop Over List View in the most effective way? Meaning, I don't have to recode to build the Pop Over List View component in each of the individual view controllers, they can sort of share it like a navigation tool.
What I Have Built
I have built the pop over view controller list on my Main View Controller.
This is the 1st view that gets loaded when appDidFinishLaunching is executed.
So, when we run the app, this is what we get:
Link to screenshot of the Pop Over List View:
For each row in the above Pop Over list, I have a method where I can put in the codes to:
1. Identify which row was selected
2. Based on the row selected, do any action, like NSLog and stuff
3. All this codes sit in the Main View Controller
The Requirement
I am building a demo app, so all data is dummy data at the moment.
I need to call individual View Controller when each of the row in the Pop Over list is tapped.
Each of the View Controllers, will have their own set of data, own set of UI objects, its own XIB file.
So, if user taps on Applications, it must bring up the Applications XIB file and its functionality, followed by any navigations from here. If Application xib has a button that launches another view, this functionality should be in place too.
However, they all must have the same top Navigation Bar with the Pop Over list button, so user can tap that button and see the Pop Over list anytime in the app.
Please share your view.
Thank you.
I suggest looking in to UISplitViewController. It is a component built by Apple to manage what it looks like you are trying to accomplish. Essentially, you set it up with 2 view controllers; the first (called the "master"), would be your table view. The second (called "detail") would be the view controller that gets switched out.
Once you explore it a little and are comfortable with the terminology, here's the general advice:
Inside the master table view controller's didSelectRowAtIndexPath: method, instantiate the appropriate view controller (based on the indexPath), and set it as the detail view controller, like this:
- (void)tableView:tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:indexPath {
UIViewController *newDetailVC = // make and configure a new VC based on indexPath
self.splitViewController.viewControllers = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: self, newDetailVC, nil]];
Here are the appropriate links:
and further (the later sections of):
