How to (not) specify scope in class libraries with Ninject3 -

I've an ASP.NET MVC application using Ninject3 (NuGet install). The solution contains:
an MVC project (composition root);
a Domain Model project;
a Data Layer project;
a scheduler project (running scheduled jobs within a windows service and holding an alternative composition root);
some other projects.
I'm following the approach to have many small modules spread across the projects defining the bindings. The two composition roots use exactly the same bindings.
I cannot figure out how to configure scope for the modules within the class libraries. For example, given these bindings:
.InSingletonScope(); //This should always be a singleton
.To<Service2Impl>(); //No scope specified
I would always want a single instance of Service1Impl, whereas scope for Service2Impl should depend on the composition root used. MVC project should have InRequestScope() for Service2Impl (and for all other bindings with unspecified scope). Scheduler project, which does not run within an http context, should use InThreadScope().
Is this approach correct? If yes, what is the right way of configuring this behaviour?

In Ninject, not specifying the scope means InTransientScope().
Your choices are to either duplicate the bindings or create a custom InScope() scoping rule for the binding.
The cleanest solution (especially given that MVC is already in play) is for you to create a plugin that slots into the InRequestScope() mechanism.
There is a CreateScope() method which currently has minimal documentation in the ninject.extensions.namedscope README, which is used like this. It requires you to select 'Include Prerelease' in NuGet. (And I should be writing a wiki article on it but I have too many other things on my plate...)


Multi-Module Vaadin project where routed views are located in independent modules

I'm playing around the idea of a very huge vaadin application, which consists of a skeleton (providing the ui framework) and hundreds of functional units (providing the specific vaadin views).
The main architectural point is to let the skeleton be agnostic about the functional units, so not a single java dependency to a functional unit should be injected into skeleton. Every single functional unit has to be in it's own distinct JAR.
The vaadin container is started by the skeleton-module. It is perfectly possible to build a navigation with all the necessary routes to the functional units (/routeToView001.../routeToView999) without having further details about them.
However, I don't see, how the started vaadin spring boot container would load the java classes from the independent JARs when navigation occurs in browser. Practical attempts failed. Any ideas?
The Spring Boot integration is by default looking for #Route classes within the Java package that contains the #SpringBootApplication class. This can be further configured by passing package names to the #EnableVaadin annotation.
I haven't tested this in practice, but it might be possible to have a multiple #EnableVaadin annotations so that there would be one in each module and through that also provide multiple locations to look for #Route classes from. In that case, the #EnableVaadin class in each module would also have to register itself in the same way as any other #Configuration by using the regular Spring Boot autoconfiguration mechanism.
Another alternative is that you register route classes manually to the application's route registry (accessed using ApplicationRouteRegistry.getInstance(new VaadinServletContext(servletContext))). In that case, you might still need to have at least a dummy #Route in the base module since Vaadin might not automatically enable itself in a Spring Boot environment unless at least one #Route class is discovered in the regular way.

How to inject 3rd party IOC container into ASP.NET Core Startup class

I'm creating a web API using ASP.NET Core, and I'm using SimpleInjector as my DI framework. I understand the basics of how to use SI with ASP.NET Core; my problem is more an architectural one.
I have a project with integration tests for the API project, in order to test the raw API endpoints and responses. Naturally, the test server (set up using Microsoft.AspNetCore.TestHost) should use the API project's real Startup class.
The problem lies in where to register mocks for the controllers' dependencies, because I don't want to have all the production implementations being registered when testing: Firstly, most of them are, of course, dependencies used by the production implementations of the controller dependencies I'll be mocking in the first place; and secondly, in case I update my controllers and forget to register mocks of the new dependencies, I want my code to fail (container verification) instead of silently using production dependencies that are present in the container.
Thus, the dependencies can't be registered in the Startup class. That's fine by me – I think I'd rather keep the composition root in a separate assembly referencing all other assemblies, anyway. AFAICS the ASP.NET Core project would need to reference this project, which exposes a single method that returns a pre-registered container that can be used in the Startup class, where it's needed to register e.g. the controller activator (and will undergo final validation).
But this begs the question: How to get the container – being already registered with all my application components (whether production implementations from the composition root project, or mocks from the integration test project) – into my Startup class?
My initial solution is to simply have a static property on the Startup class called e.g. Container, and assign that before using WebHostBuilder. This seems "pragmatically robust": The application will fail fast (NullReferenceException) if it's not set before the Startup class is run, and the property is only used during setup, so I don't really need to guard against it being set multiple times or being set to null or any such thing – if it's assigned before startup, it works, if not, it won't start.
Does this seem like a solid solution, or am I oblivious to any obvious ways this will will come back to bite me later on? Are there any better solutions?

What is the purpose of IApplicationBuilder.New()

In the new ASP.NET 5.0 (vNext), the startup code relies on the IApplicationBuilder interface. The Use method is used to add a handler to the builder, while Build is used to construct the final delegate. But I can't figure out what is the purpose of New. I've been digging in GitHub, but can't find any place where that's used.
Anyone understand what is the purpose of that method?
New() creates a second ApplicationBuilder, sharing all the ApplicationServices and ServerFeatures of the first one, but none of the middleware. It is used internally by the branching extensions (Map, MapWhen, UseWhen) to create the new 'branch'.
You can find the implementation here: ApplicationBuilder.cs.
In some cases, it is also useful in higher-level frameworks.
For exemple, the [MiddlewareFilter] attribute in MVC Core uses New() internally to execute a piece of ASP.NET Core middleware inside the MVC framework (i.e. as a filter). MVC Core creates a small pipeline around the middleware, builds it into a RequestDelegate, then runs the HttpContext through it. Just like ASP.NET Core does with your 'main' pipeline built in Startup.cs.
Thanks to this feature, we can reuse a piece of general-purpose ASP.NET Core middleware, from inside MVC.
For more information, see MiddlewareFilterBuilder.cs in ASP.NET MVC Core.
It appears to be there to branch [clone] the original instance (as can be demonstrated in src/Microsoft.AspNet.Http/Extensions/MapExtensions.cs). There was also a previous MapWhenExtensions.cs, but it appears to have been removed from the dev branch.)
I suspect it's an artifact of a previous design that would provide the ability to bind middleware based on circumstances without affecting the root's configuration. The fact that it's been there since before IBuilder was refactored to IApplicationBuilder and that most dependencies were in files that have since been removed from the dev branch, I would venture a guess that it's old news.
Of course it's hard to tell given neither the interface nor the base implementation are commented.

How to resolve Dependency within Dependency

I have 4 Projects in a solution
Interface_Project has two interfaces ICar_DAL and ICar_BLL
DAL_Project has a class Car_DAL that implements ICar_DAL
BLL_Project has a class Car_BLL that implements ICar_BLL and its constructor takes in ICar_DAL
WebApi_Project has an api controller CarApiController and its constructor takes in ICar_BLL
the dependency resolution of WebApi Controller's constructor is done by Unity.WebApi using this in Bootstrapper.cs:
container.RegisterType<ICar_BLL, Car_BLL>();
this would have worked if my Car_BLL further didn't require ICar_DAL in its constructor.
to make it work i can do some thing like this:
container.RegisterType<ICar_BLL, Car_BLL>();
container.RegisterType<ICar_DAL, Car_DAL>();
but that would mean that i need to add reference to DAL_Project in my WebApi_Project which is something i would never want to do. DAL_Project should only be referred by BLL_Project
How can i solve this issue?
but that would mean that i need to add reference to DAL_Project in my
WebApi_Project which is something i would never want to do.
Oh you seem to have some misunderstanding about how Dependency should be done if you don't want to do that. The DI container is configured in the outermost layer of your application which is actually the host. It is also referred to as the Composition Root. In your case this is the hosting application of your Web API. If you are using ASP.NET to host your Web API then this is the right place to do the composition root and reference all the other underlying projects.
Personally in complex project I tend to have a ProjectName.Composition class library which serves me as a Composition root. this is where I configure my DI container and this is the project that references all the others - coz obviously in order to configure your DI root you need all the dependent projects and implementations. This .Composition assembly is then references in the hosting application and the Bootstrapper.Initialize method called in the Initialize method of the hosting application.
In the case of ASP.NET host that would be Application_Start in Global.asax
In case of a desktop application or a self-host that would be the Main method which is the entry point.

ASP.NET MVC application with plugin and multitenancy support with separate AppDomains?

I have an ASP.NET MVC 3 application with the plug-in/module architecture and multi-tenancy support. MEF is used to resolve dependencies and load pluggable parts.
Each module consists of controllers, views, and other objects (phisically it's one assembly). Modules are loaded into tenants.
The simple configuration might look like this:
Tenant 1:
Module A, version 1.0 (ModuleA.dll)
Module B, version 1.0 (ModuleB.dll)
Tenant 2:
Module B, version 1.0 (ModuleB.dll)
Dll's for different modules and different versions are stored separately in different physical locations.
And application is running on one AppDomain (default one).
However, if we would like to do configuration where different tenants use different module versions, we encounter problem with loading the same assembly in different version. Which means that scenario below is not fully working because during resolving types from ModuleB we got composition mismatch exception (version 1.0 and 1.5 was loaded into MEF but only one assembly has been loaded into AppDomain by assembly loader).
Tenant 1:
Module A, version 1.0 (ModuleA.dll)
Module B, version 1.0 (ModuleB.dll)
Tenant 2:
Module A, version 1.5 (ModuleB.dll)
So we came up with one solution, which is to load different tenants and theirs modules/assemblies into separate AppDomains. Meaning that from our example Tenant1 and Tenant2 are loaded into AppDomain1 and AppDomain2. In ASP.NET MVC pipeline we hooked up into controller factory in order to choose proper app domain, which would look like this:
Request is handled by default AppDomain (the one that web application started)
Controller factory
Takes Tenant_Id from the request and resolves proper controller from proper AppDomain (we have Tenant_Id->Tenant->AppDomain relation)
Returns ControllerProxy (which is a proxy class that implements IController and inherits MarshalByRefObject to be able to pass controller between different App Domians)
Action Invoker
Proper action is invoked on controller proxy object and right now execution takes place in underlying app domian
And here we bumped into problem because action invoker is not able to pass not serializable RequestContext to another app domain (in other words controllerProxy.Execute(RequestContext context) is throwing exception about serialization)
How to pass RequestContext (non serializable object) between app domains in a nice way?
Is it possible to hook up into another step in the pipeline to redirect execution to underlying app domain (before controller factory?)
Or any ideas about another solution for this problem?
Not possible. ASP.NET will come back and haunt you if you try to use different AppDomains.
Instead, use the role based authorization to control access for the different modules.
I've just written an article about plugin systems in ASP.NET MVC3:
This doesn't directly answer your question about multiple app domains within ASP.NET MVC. However, regarding other options, you might want to check out the Managed Application Framework (a.k.a. System.Addin). It is part of the .NET Framework, and is similar to MEF in that it supports dynamically loading modules. However, it has built in functionality for splitting those modules across app domains. It might be better suited to your needs. I'm not sure how well it fits with ASP.NET MVC, though.
This document on MSDN should get your started with MAF.
