I have two models with a has many through association between them like below:
TipoDocumento < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :dependencias
has_many :TipoRequisitos, :through => :dependencias
TipoRequisito < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :dependencias
has_many :TipoDocumentos, :through => :dependencias
Dependencia < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to: TipoDocumento
belongs_to: TipoRequisito
The id's attributes for the join model Dependencia are TipoDocumento_id and TipoRequisito_id.
Now, when I try this in the rails console:
x = TipoDocumento.find(1)
I get this error:
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: SQLite3::SQLException: no such column: dependencia.tipo_documento_id: SELECT "tipo_requisitos".* FROM "tipo_requisitos" INNER JOIN "dependencia" ON "tipo_requisitos"."id" = "dependencia"."TipoRequisito_id" WHERE "dependencia"."tipo_documento_id" = 1
also if I try the opposite with TipoRequisito it's the same.
It seems that Rails is changing somehow the TipoDocumento_id column name for tipo_documento_id when it performs the query. So, I tried to change the id's column's names from their CamelCase to their snake_case, but I get the analog error (Cannot find TipoDocumento_id or TipoRequisito_id.)
I don't see what's wrong.
You need to follow the Rails convention and use down-cased names when you refer to models when defining relations:
TipoDocumento < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :dependencias
has_many :tipo_requisitos, through: :dependencias
TipoRequisito < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :dependencias
has_many :tipo_documentos, :through => :dependencias
Dependencia < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :tipo_documento
belongs_to :tipo_requisito
you need to lower-case it, like this:
x = TipoDocumento.find(1)
Please also check: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/association_basics.html
class Sample
has_many :pictures
class Picture < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :imageable, polymorphic: true
belongs_to :sample
class Employee < ApplicationRecord
has_many :pictures, as: :imageable
class Product < ApplicationRecord
has_many :pictures, as: :imageable
What should be the association to get all product or employee of a given sample.
Sample.first.pictures.map(&:imageable). I want to get it as an activerecord association.
class Sample
has_many :pictures
has_many :imageable_employees, through: :pictures, source: :imageable, source_type: 'Employee'
has_many :imageable_products, through: :pictures, source: :imageable, source_type: 'Product'
sample = Sample.first
employees = sample.imageable_employees
products = sample.imageable_products
...see docs
Sample.first.pictures.map(&:imageable). I want to get it as an activerecord association.
... is I don't think it's possible, but you can still get them all as an Array instead. The reason is that there is no table (model) that corresponds to the imageable association, but that it corresponds to ANY model instead, which complicates the SQL query, and thus I don't think it's possible.
As an example, consider the following query:
imageables_created_until_yesterday = Sample.first.something_that_returns_all_imageables.where('created_at < ?', Time.zone.now.beginning_of_day)
# what SQL from above should this generate? (without prior knowledge of what tables that the polymorphic association corresponds to)
# => SELECT "WHAT_TABLE".* FROM "WHAT_TABLE" WHERE (sample_id = 1 AND created_at < '2018-08-27 00:00:00.000000')
# furthermore, you'll notice that the SQL above only assumes one table, what if the polymorphic association can be at least two models / tables?
Alternative Solution:
Depending on the needs of your application and the "queries" that you are trying to do, you may or may not consider the following which implements an abstract_imageable (a real table) model for you to be able to perform queries on. You may also add more attributes here in this abstract_imageable model that you think are "shared" across all "imageable" records.
Feel free to rename abstract_imageable
class Sample
has_many :pictures
has_many :abstract_imageables, through: :pictures
class Picture
belongs_to :sample
has_many :abstract_imageables
# rails generate model abstract_imageable picture:belongs_to imageable:references{polymorphic}
class AbstractImageable
belongs_to :picture
belongs_to :imageable, polymorphic: true
class Employee < ApplicationRecord
has_many :abstract_imageables, as: :imageable
has_many :pictures, through: :abstract_imageables
class Product < ApplicationRecord
has_many :abstract_imageables, as: :imageable
has_many :pictures, through: :abstract_imageables
sample = Sample.first
abstract_imageables = sample.abstract_imageables
puts abstract_imageables.first.class
# => AbstractImageable
puts abstract_imageables.first.imageable.class
# => can be either nil, or Employee, or Product, or whatever model
puts abstract_imageables.second.imageable.class
# => can be either nil, or Employee, or Product, or whatever model
# your query here, which I assumed you were trying to do because you said you wanted an `ActiveRecord::Relation` object
Here is the schema information on my tables:
table_name: admin_users, primary_key: id
table_name: UserCompanies, primary_key: UserCompanyId, foreign_keys: [CompanyId, UserId]
table_name: Companies, primary_key: CompanyId'
I want to do something like the following:
But, my attempts so far are not working, I'm assuming because I need to specify the table names, model names, or key names, but I don't know how that works with a has_many through relationship. Here is my best attempt at defining it so far:
class AdminUser < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :user_companies, class_name:"TableModule::UserCompany", foreign_key:"UserId"
has_many :companies, through: :user_companies, class_name: "TableModule::Company"
# this code is from a rails engine separate from the app where AdminUser is defined
# the purpose of the engine is to provide access to this particular database
# the CustomDBConventions class adapts the models for this database to work with ActiveRecord so we can use snake case attributes, reference the primary key as 'id', and it specifies the correct tables names.
module TableModule
class UserCompany < CustomDBConventions
belongs_to :admin_user
belongs_to :company
class Company < CustomDBConventions
has_many :admin_users, through: :user_companies
class CustomDBConventions < ActiveRecord::Base
self.abstract_class = true
def self.inherited(subclass)
subclass.establish_connection "table_module_#{Rails.env}".to_sym
tb_name = subclass.table_name.to_s.gsub(/^table_module_/,"").classify.pluralize
subclass.table_name = tb_name
subclass.primary_key = tb_name.singularize + "Id"
subclass.alias_attribute :id, subclass.primary_key.to_sym
subclass.column_names.each do |pascal_name|
subclass.alias_attribute pascal_name.underscore.to_sym, pascal_name.to_sym
subclass.alias_attribute "#{pascal_name.underscore}=".to_sym, "#{pascal_name}=".to_sym
EDIT: So this setup is really close and I am missing only 1 foreign key specification. When I run AdminUser.first.companies I get a sql error:
TinyTds::Error: Invalid column name 'company_id'.: EXEC sp_executesql N'SELECT [Companies].* FROM [Companies] INNER JOIN [UserCompanies] ON [Companies].[CompanyId] = [UserCompanies].[company_id] WHERE [UserCompanies].[UserId] = #0', N'#0 int', #0 = 1
So I just need to specify to use UserCompanies.CompanyId on this join. How do I properly specify this foreign key?
Assuming the TableModule::UserCompany model has these associations...
class TableModule::UserCompany < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :admin_user
belongs_to :company
...then I think this is what you're after:
class AdminUser < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :companies, through: :user_company, class_name: "TableModule::UserCompany"
I'm uncertain what you're doing with the TableModule prefixes, but the following should work:
class AdminUser < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :user_companies
has_many :companies, through: :user_companies
class Company < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :user_companies
has_many :admin_users, through: :user_companies
class UserCompany < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :admin_user
belongs_to :comany
I have this relationship between categories, products & brands:
class Brand < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :products
class Category < ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :products
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :categories
belongs_to :brand
How can I select all categories by specified brand with this relations?
I try this but get an error
b = Brand.find(1)
Category.joins(:products).where(:products => b.products)
You did the right thing with the join, just add a more complex where definition:
Category.joins(:products).where(:products => {:brand_id => 1})
Controversially HABTM's are rarely, if ever, a good design and IMO just about the only thing Rails got wrong.
Introduce an xref table to join products and categories and use has_many :through on both sides of the relationship so you end up with
class Brand < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :products
has_many categories :through => products # This is now allowed in Rails 3.x and above
class Category < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :product_category
has_many :products :through => product_category
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :brand
belongs_to :product_category
has_many :categories :through => product_category
class ProductCategory < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :products
has_many :categories
This gives you the best flexibility with the least amount of code re-factoring for you plus a much more intuitive path to get whatever data you need on either side of the relationship and will enable you to achieve the following
b = Brand.find(1)
The above is totally untested code and I have just corrected a glaringly stupid mistake I made. If you have any issues implementing this then come back
I have the following classes:
class Annotation < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :annotation_tags
class Tag < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :annotation_tags
class AnnotationTag < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :annotation
belongs_to :tag
and the following join:
SELECT `annotations`.*, annotation_tags.* FROM `annotations` JOIN annotation_tags on
annotation_tags.annotation_id = annotations.id and annotation_tags.tag_id = 123
What is the best way to code this in Rails 3?
You have two options:
Use has_many, :xs, :through => :ys.
class Annotation < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :annotation_tags
has_many :tags, :through => :annotation_tags
class Tag < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :annotation_tags
has_many :annotations, :through => :annotation_tags
class AnnotationTag < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :annotation
belongs_to :tag
Then you can type:
tag = Tag.find(123)
annotations = tag.annotations
Alternatively, if you don't need extra attributes on your AnnotationTag model, i.e. it's purely a join table, you can use has_and_belongs_to_many. Your join table must not have an id column, so in the migration, make sure you specify :id => false as described in the ActiveRecord Associations API docs
class Annotation < ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :tags
class Tag < ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :annotations
class AnnotationsTag < ActiveRecord::Base # First part of model name must be pluralized.
belongs_to :annotation
belongs_to :tag
In this case the syntax for getting all the annotations for a tag is the same.
tag = Tag.find(123)
annotations = tag.annotations
Here was my initial attempt:
tag_id = 123
Annotation.joins("JOIN #{AnnotationTag.table_name} on #{AnnotationTag.table_name}.annotation_id = #{Annotation.table_name}.id and #{AnnotationTag.table_name}.tag_id = #{tag_id}").scoped
#Cameron's is a much cleaner solution, but did require my join table class name to be changed to AnnotationsTags (note the plural).
I am using single table inheritance in my project. Instead of explaining more, I'll give the code:
# person_profile.rb
class PersonProfile < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :Person
# company_profile.rb
class CompanyProfile < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :Company
# person.rb
class Person < User
has_one :PersonProfile
# company.rb
class Company < User
has_one :CompanyProfile
This seems to me like it should work fine. In one of my views I try if #person.PersonProfile == nil which makes perfect sense to me. But Rails doesn't like it:
Mysql::Error: Unknown column 'person_profiles.person_id' in 'where clause': SELECT * FROM `person_profiles` WHERE (`person_profiles`.person_id = 41) LIMIT 1
Rails is looking for person_id in the table person_profiles, but there is only a user_id in that table. What is the best way to fix this bug?
You can use the :foreign_key option of has_one to specify the key.
For example:
has_one :person, :foreign_key => "user_id"
See this reference.
The models specified in your model associations should be in lowercase with each word being separated by an underscore. So:
class PersonProfile < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :person
class CompanyProfile < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :company
class Person < User
has_one :person_profile
class Company < User
has_one :company_profile
i had to specify the foreign_key as 'user_id' because it thinks its 'person_id' by default.
class Person < User
has_one :person_profile, :foreign_key => 'user_id'
class Company < User
has_one :company_profile, :foreign_key => 'user_id'