I want to have a static list of data in a model that can be used in a viewmodel and dropdown on a view. I want to be able to use it in this way in my controller:
MaintenanceTypeList = new SelectList(g, "MaintenanceTypeID", "MaintenanceTypeName"),
and access it in my view like this:
#Html.LabelFor(model => model.MaintenanceTypeID)
#Html.DropDownListFor(x => x.MaintenanceTypeID, Model.MaintenanceTypeList, "-- Select --", new { style = "width: 150px;" })
#Html.ValidationMessageFor(x => x.MaintenanceTypeID)
I am currently using a repository pattern for data in the database, but don't want to put this data in the database because it will never change. I still want it in a model though. Basically, my dropdown list should offer the following:
Value Text
Calibration Calibration
Prevent Preventative Maintenance
CalibrationPrevent PM and Calibration
Any help or examples of static lists using models/oop is appreciated
You can use a list initializer:
public static SomeHelperClass{
public static List<SelectListItem> MaintenanceTypeList {
get {
return new List<SelectListItem>
{ new SelectListItem{Value = "Calibration", Text = "Calibration"}
,new SelectListItem{ Value = "Prevent", Text = "Preventative Maintenance" }
Hopefully I didn't miss a curly brace somewhere. You can google "C# list initializer" for more examples. I don't remember off top of my head what the actual collection to is for a SelectListCollection is, but I know there is a overload of DropDownList that accepts List as I often just have a collection of keyvaluepairs or something else, and then in my view I convert it to SelectListItems: someList.Select(i => new SelectListItem { Value = i.Key, Text = i.Value })
Note that another option is to place your values in an enum. You can then use a Description attribute on each enum value:
enum MaintenanceType {
Calibration = 1,
[Description("Preventative Maintenance")]
Prevent = 2
Then you can do things like
Enum.GetValues(typeof(MaintenanceType )).Select(m=>new SelectListItem{ Value = m, Text = m.GetDescription()} ).ToList()
That last line was a little off the top of the head, so hopefully I didn't make a mistake. I feel like an enum is more well structured for what you're trying to do.
My model contains an array of zip code items (IEnumerable<SelectListItem>).
It also contains an array of selected zip codes (string[]).
In my HTML page, I want to render each selected zip code as a drop down with all the zip code options. My first attempt did not work:
#foreach (var zip in Model.ZipCodes) {
Html.DropDownList( "ZipCodes", Model.ZipCodeOptions )
I realized that although that would produce drop downs with the right "name" attribute, it wouldn't know which element of ZipCodes holds the value for that particular box, and might just default to the first one.
My second attempt is what really surprised me. I explicitly set the proper SelectListItem's Selected property to true, and it still rendered a control with nothing selected:
#foreach (var zip in Model.ZipCodes) {
Html.DropDownList( "ZipCodes", Model.ZipCodeOptions.Select( x => (x.Value == zip) ? new SelectListItem() { Value = x.Value, Text = x.Text, Selected = true } : x ) )
There, it's returning a new IEnumerable<SelectListitem> that contains all the original items, unless it's the selected item, in which case that element is a new SelectListItem with it's Selected property set to true. That property is not honored at all in the final output.
My last attempt was to try to use an explicit index on the string element I wanted to use as the value:
#{int zipCodeIndex = 0;}
#foreach (var zip in Model.ZipCodes) {
Html.DropDownList( "ZipCodes[" + (zipCodeIndex++) + "]", Model.ZipCodeOptions )
That doesn't work either, and probably because the name is no longer "ZipCodes", but "ZipCodes[x]". I also received some kind of read-only-collection error at first and had to change the type of the ZipCodes property from string[] to List<string>.
In a forth attempt, I tried the following:
#for (int zipCodeIndex = 0; zipCodeIndex < Model.ZipCodes.Count; zipCodeIndex++)
var zip = Model.ZipCodes[zipCodeIndex];
Html.DropDownListFor( x => x.ZipCodes[zipCodeIndex], Model.ZipCodeOptions )
That produces controls with id like "ZipCodes_1_" and names like "ZipCodes[1]", but does not select the right values. If I explicitly set the Selected property of the right item, then this works:
#for (int zipCodeIndex = 0; zipCodeIndex < Model.ZipCodes.Count; zipCodeIndex++)
var zip = Model.ZipCodes[zipCodeIndex];
Html.DropDownListFor( x => x.ZipCodes[zipCodeIndex], Model.ZipCodeOptions.Select( x => (x.Value == zip) ? new SelectListItem() { Value = x.Value, Text = x.Text, Selected = true } : x ) )
However, the problem with that approach is that if I add a new drop downs in JavaScript and give them all the name "ZipCodes", then those completely override all the explicitly indexed ones, which never make it to the server. It doesn't seem to like mixing the plain "ZipCodes" name with explicit array elements "ZipCodes[1]", even though they map to the same variable when either is used exclusively.
In the U.I., user's can click a button to add a new drop down and pick another zip code. They're all named ZipCodes, so they all get posted to the ZipCodes array. When rendering the fields in the loop above, I expect it to read the value of the property at the given index, but that doesn't work. I've even tried remapping the SelectListItems so that the proper option's "Selected" property is true, but it still renders the control with nothing selected. What is going wrong?
The reason you first 2 snippets do not work is that ZipCodes is a property in your model, and its the value of your property which determines what is selected (not setting the selected value in the SelectList constructor which is ignored). Since the value of ZipCodes is an array of values, not a single value that matches one of the option values, a match is not found and therefore the first option is selected (because something has to be). Note that internally, the helper method generates a new IEnumerable<SelectListItem> based on the one you provided, and sets the selected attribute based on the model value.
The reason you 3rd and 4th snippets do not work, is due to a known limitation of using the DropDownListFor() method, and to make it work, you need to use an EditorTemplate and pass the SelectList to the template using AdditionalViewData, or construct a new SelectList in each iteration of the loop (as per your last attempt). Note that all it needs to be is
for(int i = 0; i < Model.ZipCodes.Length; i++)
#Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.ZipCodes[i],
new SelectList(Model.ZipCodeOptions, "Value", "Text", Model.ZipCodes[i]))
If you want to use just a common name (without indexers) for each <select> element using the DropDownList() method, then it needs to be a name which does not match a model property, for example
foreach(var item in Model.ZipCodes)
new SelectList(Model.ZipCodeOptions, "Value", "Text", item))
and then add an additional parameter string[] SelectedZipCodes in you POST method to bind the values.
Alternatively, use the for loop and DropDownListFor() method as above, but include a hidden input for the indexer which allows non-zero based, non consecutive collection items to be submitted to the controller and modify you script to add new items using the technique shown in this answer
Note an example of using the EditorTemplate with AdditionalViewData is shown in this answer
I have converted my MVC3 application to MVC5, I had to change all views to razor. Having a challenge with a select list:
In ASPX view that works I am using the following:
<select id="Profession" name="Profession" style="width: 235px; background-color: #FFFFCC;">
<% List<string> allProfessions = ViewBag.AllProfessions;
string selectedProfession;
if (Model != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.Profession))
selectedProfession = Model.Profession;
selectedProfession = allProfessions[0];
foreach (var aProfession in allProfessions)
string selectedTextMark = aProfession == selectedProfession ? " selected=\"selected\"" : String.Empty;
Response.Write(string.Format("<option value=\"{0}\" {1}>{2}</option>", aProfession, selectedTextMark, aProfession));
In Razor I am using:
<select id="Profession" name="Profession" style="width: 235px; background-color: #FFFFCC;">
#{List<string> allProfessions = ViewBag.AllProfessions;
string selectedProfession;}
#{if (Model != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.Profession))
{selectedProfession = Model.Profession;}
else {selectedProfession = allProfessions[0];}
#foreach (var aProfession in allProfessions)
string selectedTextMark = aProfession == selectedProfession ?
"selected=\"selected\"" : String.Empty;
Response.Write(string.Format("<option value=\"{0}\" {1}>{2}</option>",
aProfession, selectedTextMark, aProfession));
The list shows up at the top of the page, I can't figure out where is the problem. Would appreciate your assistance.
Don't create your dropdown manually like that. Just use:
#Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.Profession, ViewBag.AllProfessions, new { style = "..." })
I tried your solution but got this error: Extension method cannot by dynamically dispatched
And, that's why I despise ViewBag. I apologize, as my answer was a little generic. Html.DropDownList requires the list of options parameter to be an IEnumerable<SelectListItem>. Since ViewBag is a dynamic, the types of its members cannot be ascertained, so you must cast explicitly:
However, your AllProfessions is a simple array, so that cast won't work when the value gets inserted at run-time, but that can be easily fixed by casting it to a List<string> and then converting the items with a Select:
((List<string>)ViewBag.AllProfessions).Select(m => new SelectListItem { Value = m, Text = m })
There again, you see why dynamics are not that great, as that syntax is rather awful. The way you should be handling this type of stuff is to use your model or, preferably, view model to do what it should do: hold domain logic. Add a property to hold your list of profession choices:
public IEnumerable<SelectListItem> ProfessionChoices { get; set; }
And then, in your controller action, populate this list before rendering the view:
var model = new YourViewModel();
model.ProfessionChoices = repository.GetAllProfessions().Select(m => new SelectListItem { Value = m.Name, Text = m.Name });
return View(model);
repository.GetAllProfessions() is shorthand for whatever you're using as the source of your list of professions, and the Name property is shorthand for how you get at the text value of the profession: you'll need to change that appropriately to match your scenario.
Then in your view, you just need to do:
#Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.Profession, Model.ProfessionChoices)
Given that you don't have this infrastructure already set up, it may seem like a lot to do just for a drop down list, and that's a reasonable thing to think. However, working in this way will keep your view lean, make maintenance tons easier, and best of all, keep everything strongly-typed so that if there's an issue, you find out at compile-time instead of run-time.
I believe it's happening because of the Response.Write. Try this:
#Html.Raw(string.Format("<option value=\"{0}\" {1}>{2}</option>", aProfession,
selectedTextMark, aProfession))
I have a dynamic list of data with a dynamic number of columns being created by a PIVOT function. Everything more or less works, but I wanted to apply some custom formatting to some of the columns. I figured out how to get a list of the columns by just taking the first row and casting it like so:
var columns = Model.Comparisons.Select(x => x).FirstOrDefault() as IDictionary<string, object>;
Next I decided to create my List by looping over the "columns", which works as long as I reference the dynamic fields in the "format:" clause by their dynamic field name directly for example:
foreach (var c in columns)
switch (c.Key)
case "Cost":
columnName: c.Key,
header: c.Key,
format: (item) => Convert.ToDecimal(item.Cost).ToString("C")));
cols.Add(grid.Column(columnName: c.Key, header: c.Key, format: item => item[c.Key]));
The "default" does not dynamically get the value of each record. I believe it has to do with the "item[c.Key]" vs item.Cost. The problem is I don't want to have to write different case for each field, primarily because I don't know them ahead of time as the data can change. There are about 6 fields that will always be present. I do know however the datatype, which is why I wanted to put a custom format on them.
I managed to solve this by writing an extension method.
public static class DynamicDataHelper
public static WebGridColumn GetColumn(this HtmlHelper helper, string vendor)
return new WebGridColumn()
ColumnName = vendor,
Header = vendor,
Format = (item) => helper.ActionLink(
new { Vendor = vendor, mpn = item.MPN },
new { target = "_blank" })
I edited my post with the Html Helper that I wrote that will in effect build the custom WebGridColumn objects I was having problems with. The "vendor" is passed in from the View and is then resolved at runtime. It works great.
I have a table that contains a list of EquipmentIDs and another table that has maintenance records.
When the user edits a maintenance record I want there to be a drop down list of all of the equipment IDs from the table.
The dropdown list populates, and it populates with the correct amount of entries, however they all say System.Web.MVC.SelectListItem instead of the value of the ID.
Here is the code that generates the list:
public ActionResult Edit(int id)
MaintPerformed maintPerformed = maintPerformedRepository.GetMaintPerformed(id);
IList<EquipmentID> IDs = equipmentIDRepository.GetEquipmentIDAsList();
IEnumerable<SelectListItem> selectEquipList =
from c in IDs
select new SelectListItem
//Selected = (c.EquipID == maintPerformed.EquipID),
Text = c.EquipID,
Value = c.Sort.ToString()
ViewData["EquipIDs"] = new SelectList(selectEquipList, maintPerformed.ID);
return View(maintPerformed);
Here is the entry in the .aspx page for the Dropdown list:
%: Html.DropDownList("EquipIDs") %>
Here is how I am generating the list from the table:
public List<EquipmentID> GetEquipmentIDAsList()
return db.EquipmentIDs.ToList();
It appears that everything is working correctly with the exception of assigning the text to be displayed in the drop down box.
What am I missing or not thinking correctly about?
SelectList and SelectListItem are actually mutually exclusive. You should be using one or the other. Etiher pass the constructor of SelectList your raw data (IDs) or don't use SelectList at all and just make ViewData["EquipIDs"] your enumerable of SelectListItem. If you go with the latter approach, you will have to tweak your code so that you are setting the selected item in the constructor of SelectListItem (as you had done, but commented out).
ViewData["EquipIDs"] = new SelectList(IDs, maintPerformed.ID, "EquipID", "Sort");
IEnumerable<SelectListItem> selectEquipList =
from c in IDs
select new SelectListItem
Selected = c.EquipID == maintPerformed.EquipID,
Text = c.EquipID,
Value = c.Sort.ToString()
ViewData["EquipIDs"] = selectEquipList;
I've read through a lot of posts about Checkboxes and ASP.MVC but I'm not that much wiser.
My scenario:
I have a strongly typed View where I pass a collection of summary objects to the view for rendering in a for-each. This summary object contains label data based on a unique id. I also add a checkbox to the row so do so via:
<%= Html.CheckBox("markedItem", Model.MarkedItem, new { TrackedItemId = Model.Id })%>
When I perform a POST to get the submitted results my action method takes the strongly typed ViewModel back but the original summary object that I used to create the list is not populated.
Ok, this is annoying, but I can understand why so I'll live with it.
What I then do is to add a new property to my ViewModel called "MarkedItem" which is a string collection.
On postback this marked item is filled with the before and after states if the checkbox has changed but nothing to tell me which key they were for. Just to clarify, if I send this
TrackedItemId = A, Value = false
TrackedItemId = B, Value = true
TrackedItemId = C, Value = false
and set the page to this:
TrackedItemId = A, Value = true
TrackedItemId = B, Value = true
TrackedItemId = C, Value = false
I will get back this:
MarkedItem[0] = true
MarkedItem[1] = false
MarkedItem[2] = true
MarkedItem[3] = false
in other words [0] is the new value and [1] is the old value, [2] and [3] represent values that haven't changed.
My questions are:
Is this right - that I get before and after in this way? Is there any way to only send the latest values?
How can I get hold of the custom attribute (TrackedItemId) that I've added so that I can add meaning to the string array that is returned?
So far I like MVC but it not handling simple stuff like this is really confusing. I'm also a javascript noob so I really hope that isn't the answer as I'd like to return the data in my custom viewmodel.
Please make any explanations/advice simple :)
Select project members:</label>
<% foreach (var user in this.Model.Users)
{ %>
<%= this.Html.CheckBox("Member" + user.UserId, this.Model.Project.IsUserInMembers(user.UserId)) %><label
for="Member<%= user.UserId %>" class="inline"><%= user.Name%></label></li>
<% } %></ul>
and in the controller:
// update project members
foreach (var key in collection.Keys)
if (key.ToString().StartsWith("Member"))
int userId = int.Parse(key.ToString().Replace("Member", ""));
if (collection[key.ToString()].Contains("true"))
this.ProjectRepository.AddMemberToProject(id, userId);
this.ProjectRepository.DeleteMemberFromProject(id, userId);
With thanks to Pino :)
ok, one hack I've come up with - I really hate that I have to do this but I don't see another way round it and I'm sure it will break at some point.
I've already implemented by own ModelBinder to get round some other issues (classes as properties for example) so have extended it to incorporate this code. We use Guid's for all our keys.
If there are any alternatives to the below then please let me know.
<%= Html.CheckBox("markedItem" + Model.Id, false)%>
(GuidLength is a const int = 36, Left and Right are our own string extensions)
//Correct checkbox values - pull all the values back from the context that might be from a checkbox. If we can parse a Guid then we assume
//its a checkbox value and attempt to match up the model. This assumes the model will be expecting a dictionary to receive the key and
//boolean value and deals with several sets of checkboxes in the same page
//TODO: Model Validation - I don't think validation will be fired by this. Need to reapply model validation after properties have been set?
Dictionary<string, Dictionary<Guid, bool>> checkBoxItems = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<Guid, bool>>();
foreach (var item in bindingContext.ValueProvider.Where(k => k.Key.Length > GuidLength))
Regex guidRegEx = new Regex(#"^(\{{0,1}([0-9a-fA-F]){8}-([0-9a-fA-F]){4}-([0-9a-fA-F]){4}-([0-9a-fA-F]){4}-([0-9a-fA-F]){12}\}{0,1})$");
if (guidRegEx.IsMatch(item.Key.Right(GuidLength)))
Guid entityKey = new Guid(item.Key.Right(GuidLength));
string modelKey = item.Key.Left(item.Key.Length - GuidLength);
Dictionary<Guid, bool> checkedValues = null;
if (!checkBoxItems.TryGetValue(modelKey, out checkedValues))
checkedValues = new Dictionary<Guid, bool>();
checkBoxItems.Add(modelKey, checkedValues);
//The assumption is that we will always get 1 or 2 values. 1 means the contents have not changed, 2 means the contents have changed
//and, so far, the first position has always contained the latest value
checkedValues.Add(entityKey, Convert.ToBoolean(((string[])item.Value.RawValue).First()));
foreach (var item in checkBoxItems)
PropertyInfo info = model.GetType().GetProperty(item.Key,
BindingFlags.IgnoreCase |
BindingFlags.Public |
info.SetValue(model, item.Value, null);