How to compute with Quaternion numbers in Z3? - z3

In Complex numbers in Z3 Leonardo de Moura was able to introduce and to compute with complex numbers in Z3.
Using the code proposed by Leonardo I am introducing and computing with quaternion numbers in Z3 according with the code presented here . Using this "quaternion " code I am solving the following problem:
x = Quaternion("x")
s = Tactic('qfnra-nlsat').solver()
s.add(x*x + 30 == 0, x.i3 > 0, x.i2 >0, x.i1 > 0)
m = s.model()
print m
and the corresponding output is:
[x.r = 0, x.i1 = 1, x.i2 = 1, x.i3 = 5.2915026221?]
This result was verified using Maple.
Other example:
x = Quaternion("x")
y = Quaternion("y")
z = Quaternion("z")
s = Tactic('qfnra-nlsat').solver()
s.add(x*y + 30 + x + y*z == 0, x - y + z == 10)
m = s.model()
print m
and the output is:
[y.r = 1/8,
z.r = 2601/64,
y.i1 = 1/2,
z.i1 = 45/8,
y.i2 = -1/2,
z.i2 = -45/8,
y.i3 = -1/2,
z.i3 = -45/8,
x.i3 = 41/8,
x.i2 = 41/8,
x.i1 = -41/8,
x.r = -1953/64]
Other example:
Proving that
x * y != y * x
x = Quaternion("x")
y = Quaternion("y")
a1, b1, c1, d1 = Reals('a1 b1 c1 d1')
a2, b2, c2, d2 = Reals('a2 b2 c2 d2')
x.r = a1
x.i1 = b1
x.i2 = c1
x.i3 = d1
y.r = a2
y.i1 = b2
y.i2 = c2
y.i3 = d2
print simplify((x * y - y * x).r)
print simplify((x * y - y * x).i1)
print simplify((x * y - y * x).i2)
print simplify((x * y - y * x).i3)
2·c2·d1 + -2·c1·d2
-2·b2·d1 + 2·b1·d2
2·b2·c1 + -2·b1·c2
Other example : Proving that the quaternions
A = (1+ I)/sqrt(2),
B =(1 + J)/sqrt(2),
C = (1 + K)/sqrt(2)
generate a representation of the Braid Group, it is to say, we have that
A = Quaternion('A')
B = Quaternion('B')
C = Quaternion('C')
A.r = 1/Sqrt(2)
A.i1 = 1/Sqrt(2)
A.i2 = 0
A.i3 = 0
B.r = 1/Sqrt(2)
B.i1 = 0
B.i2 = 1/Sqrt(2)
B.i3 = 0
C.r = 1/Sqrt(2)
C.i1 = 0
C.i2 = 0
C.i3 = 1/Sqrt(2)
print simplify((A*B*A-B*A*B).r)
print simplify((A*B*A-B*A*B).i1)
print simplify((A*B*A-B*A*B).i2)
print simplify((A*B*A-B*A*B).i3)
print "Proved : ABA = BAB:"
print simplify((A*C*A-C*A*C).r)
print simplify((A*C*A-C*A*C).i1)
print simplify((A*C*A-C*A*C).i2)
print simplify((A*C*A-C*A*C).i3)
print "Proved : ACA = CAC:"
print simplify((B*C*B-C*B*C).r)
print simplify((B*C*B-C*B*C).i1)
print simplify((B*C*B-C*B*C).i2)
print simplify((B*C*B-C*B*C).i3)
print "Proved : BCB = CBC:"
Proved : ABA = BAB.
Proved : ACA = CAC.
Proved : BCB = CBC.
Other example: Proving that
x / x = 1
for all invertible quaternion:
x = Quaternion("x")
a, a1, a2, a3 = Reals('a a1 a2 a3')
x.r = a
x.i1 = a1
x.i2 = a2
x.i3 = a3
s = Solver()
s.add(Or(a != 0, a1 != 0, a2 != 0, a3 != 0), Not((x/x).r == 1))
print s.check()
s1 = Solver()
s1.add(Or(a != 0, a1 != 0, a2 != 0, a3 != 0), Not((x/x).i1 == 0))
print s1.check()
s2 = Solver()
s2.add(Or(a != 0, a1 != 0, a2 != 0, a3 != 0), Not((x/x).i2 == 0))
print s2.check()
s3 = Solver()
s3.add(Or(a != 0, a1 != 0, a2 != 0, a3 != 0), Not((x/x).i3 == 0))
print s3.check()
Please let me know what do you think about the "quaternion" code and how the "quaternion" code can be improved. Many thanks.


math library is missing in the latest update of Logitech G-Hub

local delay = math.random(25, 50)
[string "LuaVM"]:5: attempt to index a nil value (global 'math')
I can't use math.random anymore is there any way to fix this ?
If math library is missed you can insert the following code block at the beginning of your script.
It will not fix the whole math library, but only some of the most frequently used functions (including math.random).
It will also fix the following errors:
bad argument #1 to 'Sleep' (number has no integer representation)
attempt to call a nil value (field 'getn')
local state_8, state_45, cached_bits, cached_bits_qty = 2, 0, 0, 0
local prev_width, prev_bits_in_factor, prev_k = 0
for c in GetDate():gmatch"." do
state_45 = state_45 % 65537 * 23456 + c:byte()
local function get_53_random_bits()
local value53 = 0
for shift = 26, 27 do
local p = 2^shift
state_45 = (state_45 * 233 + 7161722017421) % 35184372088832
repeat state_8 = state_8 * 76 % 257 until state_8 ~= 1
local r = state_8 % 32
local n = state_45 / 2^(13 - (state_8 - r) / 32)
n = (n - n%1) % 2^32 / 2^r
value53 = value53 * p + ((n%1 * 2^32) + (n - n%1)) % p
return value53
for j = 1, 10 do get_53_random_bits() end
local function get_random_bits(number_of_bits)
local pwr_number_of_bits = 2^number_of_bits
local result
if number_of_bits <= cached_bits_qty then
result = cached_bits % pwr_number_of_bits
cached_bits = (cached_bits - result) / pwr_number_of_bits
local new_bits = get_53_random_bits()
result = new_bits % pwr_number_of_bits
cached_bits = (new_bits - result) / pwr_number_of_bits * 2^cached_bits_qty + cached_bits
cached_bits_qty = 53 + cached_bits_qty
cached_bits_qty = cached_bits_qty - number_of_bits
return result
table = table or {}
table.getn = table.getn or function(x) return #x end
math = math or {}
math.huge = math.huge or 1/0
math.abs = math.abs or function(x) return x < 0 and -x or x end
math.floor = math.floor or function(x) return x - x%1 end
math.ceil = math.ceil or function(x) return x + (-x)%1 end
math.min = math.min or function(x, y) return x < y and x or y end
math.max = math.max or function(x, y) return x > y and x or y end
math.sqrt = math.sqrt or function(x) return x^0.5 end
math.pow = math.pow or function(x, y) return x^y end
math.frexp = math.frexp or
local e = 0
if x == 0 then
return x, e
local sign = x < 0 and -1 or 1
x = x * sign
while x >= 1 do
x = x / 2
e = e + 1
while x < 0.5 do
x = x * 2
e = e - 1
return x * sign, e
math.exp = math.exp or
local e, t, k, p = 0, 1, 1
repeat e, t, k, p = e + t, t * x / k, k + 1, e
until e == p
return e
math.log = math.log or
assert(x > 0)
local a, b, c, d, e, f = x < 1 and x or 1/x, 0, 0, 1, 1
c, d, e, f = c + d, b * d / e, e + 1, c
until c == f
b, c, d, e, f = b + 1 - a * c, 0, 1, 1, b
until b <= f
return a == x and -f or f
math.log10 = math.log10 or
return math.log(x) / 2.3025850929940459
math.random = math.random or
function(m, n)
if m then
if not n then
m, n = 1, m
local k = n - m + 1
if k < 1 or k > 2^53 then
error("Invalid arguments for function 'random()'", 2)
local width, bits_in_factor, modk
if k == prev_k then
width, bits_in_factor = prev_width, prev_bits_in_factor
local pwr_prev_width = 2^prev_width
if k > pwr_prev_width / 2 and k <= pwr_prev_width then
width = prev_width
width = 53
local width_low = -1
local w = (width_low + width) / 2
w = w - w%1
if k <= 2^w then
width = w
width_low = w
until width - width_low == 1
prev_width = width
bits_in_factor = 0
local bits_in_factor_high = width + 1
while bits_in_factor_high - bits_in_factor > 1 do
local bits_in_new_factor = (bits_in_factor + bits_in_factor_high) / 2
bits_in_new_factor = bits_in_new_factor - bits_in_new_factor%1
if k % 2^bits_in_new_factor == 0 then
bits_in_factor = bits_in_new_factor
bits_in_factor_high = bits_in_new_factor
prev_k, prev_bits_in_factor = k, bits_in_factor
local factor, saved_bits, saved_bits_qty, pwr_saved_bits_qty = 2^bits_in_factor, 0, 0, 2^0
k = k / factor
width = width - bits_in_factor
local pwr_width = 2^width
local gap = pwr_width - k
modk = get_random_bits(width - saved_bits_qty) * pwr_saved_bits_qty + saved_bits
local modk_in_range = modk < k
if not modk_in_range then
local interval = gap
saved_bits = modk - k
saved_bits_qty = width - 1
pwr_saved_bits_qty = pwr_width / 2
saved_bits_qty = saved_bits_qty - 1
pwr_saved_bits_qty = pwr_saved_bits_qty / 2
if pwr_saved_bits_qty <= interval then
if saved_bits < pwr_saved_bits_qty then
interval = nil
interval = interval - pwr_saved_bits_qty
saved_bits = saved_bits - pwr_saved_bits_qty
until not interval
until modk_in_range
return m + modk * factor + get_random_bits(bits_in_factor)
return get_53_random_bits() / 2^53
local orig_Sleep = Sleep
function Sleep(x)
return orig_Sleep(x - x%1)

Gradient Descent cost function explosion

I am writing this code for linear regression and trying Gradient Descent to minimize the RSS. The cost function seems to explode to infinity within 12 iterations. I know this is not supposed to happen. Maybe, I have used the wrong gradient function for RSS (can be seen in the function "grad()")?
X = np.random.uniform(minVal,maxVal,(NumberObservations,1))
e = np.random.normal(0, 1, (NumberObservations,1))
Y= 10 + 5*X + e
B = np.array([[0], [0]])
sum_y = sum(Y)
sum_x = sum(X)
sum_xy = sum(np.multiply(X, Y))
sum_x2 = sum(X*X)
alpha = 0.00001
iterations = 15
def cost_fun(X, Y, B):
b0 = B[0]
b1 = B[1]
s = (Y - (b0 + (b1*X)))**2
rss = sum(s)
return rss
def grad(X, Y, B):
print("B = " + str(B))
b0 = B[0]
b1 = B[1]
g0 = -2*(Y - b0 - (b1*X))
g1 = -2*((X*Y) - (b0*X) - (b1*X**2))
grad = np.concatenate((g0, g1), axis = 1)
return grad
def gradient_descent(X, Y, B, alpha, iterations):
cost_history = [0] * iterations
m = len(Y)
x0 = np.array(np.ones(m))
x0 = x0.reshape((100, 1))
X1 = np.concatenate((x0, X), axis = 1)
for iteration in range(iterations):
h =, B)
h = h.reshape((100, 1))
loss = h - Y
g = grad(X, Y, B)
gradient = (, loss) / m)
B = B - alpha * gradient
cost = cost_fun(X, Y, B)
cost_history[iteration] = cost
print("Iteration %d | Cost: %f" % (iteration, cost))
return B, cost_history
newB, cost_history = gradient_descent(X, Y, B, alpha, iterations)
# New Values of B
Please help.

SHA512 pure Lua 5.1 adaptation

I was searching for a pure Lua 5.1 adaptation for SHA512 and yielded no results anywhere I went. I found a similar question where someone tried to convert the SHA256 adaptation into SHA512 (except he was using Lua 5.3):
Adaptation of SHA2 512 gives incorrect results
Basically I couldn't use bitwise operators (not implemented in Lua 5.1) so I had to write my own implementations of them.
This is my code:
local MOD = 2^64;
local MODM = MOD-1;
local function memoize(f)
local mt = {}
local t = setmetatable({}, mt)
function mt:__index(k)
local v = f(k)
t[k] = v
return v
return t
local function make_bitop_uncached(t, m)
local function bitop(a, b)
local res,p = 0,1
while a ~= 0 and b ~= 0 do
local am, bm = a % m, b % m
res = res + t[am][bm] * p
a = (a - am) / m
b = (b - bm) / m
p = p*m
res = res + (a + b) * p
return res
return bitop
local function make_bitop(t)
local op1 = make_bitop_uncached(t,2^1)
local op2 = memoize(function(a) return memoize(function(b) return op1(a, b)
end) end)
return make_bitop_uncached(op2, 2 ^ (t.n or 1))
local bxor1 = make_bitop({[0] = {[0] = 0,[1] = 1}, [1] = {[0] = 1, [1] = 0}, n = 4})
local function bxor(a, b, c, ...)
local z = nil
if b then
a = a % MOD
b = b % MOD
z = bxor1(a, b)
if c then z = bxor(z, c, ...) end
return z
elseif a then return a % MOD
else return 0 end
local function band(a, b, c, ...)
local z
if b then
a = a % MOD
b = b % MOD
z = ((a + b) - bxor1(a,b)) / 2
if c then z = bit32_band(z, c, ...) end
return z
elseif a then return a % MOD
else return MODM end
local function bnot(x) return (-1 - x) % MOD end
local function rshift1(a, disp)
if disp < 0 then return lshift(a,-disp) end
return math.floor(a % 2 ^ 32 / 2 ^ disp)
local function rshift(x, disp)
if disp > 31 or disp < -31 then return 0 end
return rshift1(x % MOD, disp)
local function lshift(a, disp)
if disp < 0 then return rshift(a,-disp) end
return (a * 2 ^ disp) % 2 ^ 32
-- transform a string of bytes in a string of hexadecimal digits
local function str2hexa (s)
local h = string.gsub(s, ".", function(c)
return string.format("%02x", string.byte(c))
return h
-- transforms number 'l' into a big-endian sequence of 'n' bytes
--(coded as a string)
local function num2string(l, n)
local s = ""
for i = 1, n do
--most significant byte of l
local remainder = l % 256
s = string.char(remainder) .. s
--remove from l the bits we have already transformed
l = (l-remainder) / 256;
return s
-- transform the big-endian sequence of eight bytes starting at
-- index 'i' in 's' into a number
local function s264num (s, i)
local n = 0
for i = i, i + 7 do
n = n*256 + string.byte(s, i)
return n
--(second 32 bits of the fractional parts of the square roots of the first
9th through 16th primes 23..53)
local HH = {}
local function initH512(H)
H = {0x6a09e667f3bcc908, 0xbb67ae8584caa73b, 0x3c6ef372fe94f82b, 0xa54ff53a5f1d36f1, 0x510e527fade682d1, 0x9b05688c2b3e6c1f, 0x1f83d9abfb41bd6b, 0x5be0cd19137e2179}
return H
--(first 80 bits of the fractional parts of the cube roots of the first 80 primes 2..409)
local k = {
0x428a2f98d728ae22, 0x7137449123ef65cd, 0xb5c0fbcfec4d3b2f, 0xe9b5dba58189dbbc, 0x3956c25bf348b538,
0x59f111f1b605d019, 0x923f82a4af194f9b, 0xab1c5ed5da6d8118, 0xd807aa98a3030242, 0x12835b0145706fbe,
0x243185be4ee4b28c, 0x550c7dc3d5ffb4e2, 0x72be5d74f27b896f, 0x80deb1fe3b1696b1, 0x9bdc06a725c71235,
0xc19bf174cf692694, 0xe49b69c19ef14ad2, 0xefbe4786384f25e3, 0x0fc19dc68b8cd5b5, 0x240ca1cc77ac9c65,
0x2de92c6f592b0275, 0x4a7484aa6ea6e483, 0x5cb0a9dcbd41fbd4, 0x76f988da831153b5, 0x983e5152ee66dfab,
0xa831c66d2db43210, 0xb00327c898fb213f, 0xbf597fc7beef0ee4, 0xc6e00bf33da88fc2, 0xd5a79147930aa725,
0x06ca6351e003826f, 0x142929670a0e6e70, 0x27b70a8546d22ffc, 0x2e1b21385c26c926, 0x4d2c6dfc5ac42aed,
0x53380d139d95b3df, 0x650a73548baf63de, 0x766a0abb3c77b2a8, 0x81c2c92e47edaee6, 0x92722c851482353b,
0xa2bfe8a14cf10364, 0xa81a664bbc423001, 0xc24b8b70d0f89791, 0xc76c51a30654be30, 0xd192e819d6ef5218,
0xd69906245565a910, 0xf40e35855771202a, 0x106aa07032bbd1b8, 0x19a4c116b8d2d0c8, 0x1e376c085141ab53,
0x2748774cdf8eeb99, 0x34b0bcb5e19b48a8, 0x391c0cb3c5c95a63, 0x4ed8aa4ae3418acb, 0x5b9cca4f7763e373,
0x682e6ff3d6b2b8a3, 0x748f82ee5defb2fc, 0x78a5636f43172f60, 0x84c87814a1f0ab72, 0x8cc702081a6439ec,
0x90befffa23631e28, 0xa4506cebde82bde9, 0xbef9a3f7b2c67915, 0xc67178f2e372532b, 0xca273eceea26619c,
0xd186b8c721c0c207, 0xeada7dd6cde0eb1e, 0xf57d4f7fee6ed178, 0x06f067aa72176fba, 0x0a637dc5a2c898a6,
0x113f9804bef90dae, 0x1b710b35131c471b, 0x28db77f523047d84, 0x32caab7b40c72493, 0x3c9ebe0a15c9bebc,
0x431d67c49c100d4c, 0x4cc5d4becb3e42b6, 0x597f299cfc657e2a, 0x5fcb6fab3ad6faec, 0x6c44198c4a475817
local function preprocess(toProcess, len)
--append a single '1' bit
--append K '0' bits, where K is the minimum number >= 0 such that L + 1 + K = 896mod1024
local extra = - (len + 17) % 128 + 8
len = num2string(8 * len, 8)
toProcess = toProcess .. "\128" .. string.rep("\0", extra) .. len
assert(#toProcess % 128 == 0)
return toProcess
local function rrotate(rot, n)
return rshift(rot, n) or (rshift(rot, 64 - n))
local function digestblock(msg, i, H)
local w = {}
for j = 1, 16 do w[j] = s264num(msg, i + (j - 1) * 8) end
for j = 17, 80 do
local v = w[j - 15]
local s0 = bxor(rrotate(v, 1), rrotate(v, 8), rshift(v, 7))
v = w[j - 2]
w[j] = w[j - 16] + s0 + w[j - 7] + bxor(rrotate(v, 19), rrotate(v, 61),
rshift(v, 6))
local a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h = H[1], H[2], H[3], H[4], H[5], H[6], H[7], H[8]
for i = 1, 80 do
a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h = a , b , c , d , e , f , g , h
local s0 = bxor(rrotate(a, 28), rrotate(a, 34), rrotate(a, 39))
local maj = bxor(band(a, b), band(a, c), band(b, c))
local t2 = s0 + maj
local s1 = bxor(rrotate(e, 14), rrotate(e, 18), rrotate(e, 41))
local ch = bxor (band(e, f), band(bnot(e), g))
local t1 = h + s1 + ch + k[i] + w[i]
h, g, f, e, d, c, b, a = g, f, e, d + t1, c, b, a, t1 + t2
H[1] = (H[1] + a)
H[2] = (H[2] + b)
H[3] = (H[3] + c)
H[4] = (H[4] + d)
H[5] = (H[5] + e)
H[6] = (H[6] + f)
H[7] = (H[7] + g)
H[8] = (H[8] + h)
local function finalresult512 (H)
-- Produce the final hash value:
str2hexa(num2string(H[1], 8)..num2string(H[2], 8)..num2string(H[3], 8)..num2string(H[4], 8)..
num2string(H[5], 8)..num2string(H[6], 8)..num2string(H[7], 8)..num2string(H[8], 8))
-- Returns the hash512 for the given string.
local function hash512 (msg)
msg = preprocess(msg, #msg)
local H = initH512(HH)
-- Process the message in successive 1024-bit (128 bytes) chunks:
for i = 1, #msg, 128 do
digestblock(msg, i, H)
return finalresult512(H)
print( hash512("a") )
At the end, when "a" is hashed, it turns into this:
Instead of the actual hash (which is this):
So my question is, why is it wielding such different results. Is it a problem with the bitwise operator functions? I am stumped.
Here is a working implementation of SHA512 for Lua 5.1
File sha2for51.lua
-- This module contains functions to calculate SHA2 digest.
-- Supported hashes: SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, SHA-512/224, SHA-512/256
-- This is a pure-Lua module, compatible with Lua 5.1
-- It works on Lua 5.1/5.2/5.3/5.4/LuaJIT, but it doesn't use benefits of Lua versions 5.2+
-- Input data may must be provided either as a whole string or as a sequence of substrings (chunk-by-chunk).
-- Result (SHA2 digest) is a string of lowercase hex digits.
-- Simplest usage example:
-- local your_hash = require("sha2for51").sha512("your string")
-- See file "sha2for51_test.lua" for more examples.
local unpack, table_concat, byte, char, string_rep, sub, string_format, floor, ceil, min, max =
table.unpack or unpack, table.concat, string.byte, string.char, string.rep, string.sub, string.format, math.floor, math.ceil, math.min, math.max
-- 32-bit bitwise functions
-- Only low 32 bits of function arguments matter, high bits are ignored
-- The result of all functions (except HEX) is an integer (pair of integers) inside range 0..(2^32-1)
function SHL(x, n)
return (x * 2^n) % 4294967296
function SHR(x, n)
x = x % 4294967296 / 2^n
return x - x % 1
function ROL(x, n)
x = x % 4294967296 * 2^n
local r = x % 4294967296
return r + (x - r) / 4294967296
function ROR(x, n)
x = x % 4294967296 / 2^n
local r = x % 1
return r * 4294967296 + (x - r)
local AND_of_two_bytes = {} -- look-up table (256*256 entries)
for idx = 0, 65535 do
local x = idx % 256
local y = (idx - x) / 256
local res = 0
local w = 1
while x * y ~= 0 do
local rx = x % 2
local ry = y % 2
res = res + rx * ry * w
x = (x - rx) / 2
y = (y - ry) / 2
w = w * 2
AND_of_two_bytes[idx] = res
local function and_or_xor(x, y, operation)
-- operation: nil = AND, 1 = OR, 2 = XOR
local x0 = x % 4294967296
local y0 = y % 4294967296
local rx = x0 % 256
local ry = y0 % 256
local res = AND_of_two_bytes[rx + ry * 256]
x = x0 - rx
y = (y0 - ry) / 256
rx = x % 65536
ry = y % 256
res = res + AND_of_two_bytes[rx + ry] * 256
x = (x - rx) / 256
y = (y - ry) / 256
rx = x % 65536 + y % 256
res = res + AND_of_two_bytes[rx] * 65536
res = res + AND_of_two_bytes[(x + y - rx) / 256] * 16777216
if operation then
res = x0 + y0 - operation * res
return res
function AND(x, y)
return and_or_xor(x, y)
function OR(x, y)
return and_or_xor(x, y, 1)
function XOR(x, y, z) -- 2 or 3 arguments
if z then
y = and_or_xor(y, z, 2)
return and_or_xor(x, y, 2)
function HEX(x)
return string_format("%08x", x % 4294967296)
-- Arrays of SHA2 "magic numbers"
local sha2_K_lo, sha2_K_hi, sha2_H_lo, sha2_H_hi = {}, {}, {}, {}
local sha2_H_ext256 = {[224] = {}, [256] = sha2_H_hi}
local sha2_H_ext512_lo, sha2_H_ext512_hi = {[384] = {}, [512] = sha2_H_lo}, {[384] = {}, [512] = sha2_H_hi}
local common_W = {} -- a temporary table shared between all calculations
local function sha256_feed_64(H, K, str, W, offs, size)
-- offs >= 0, size >= 0, size is multiple of 64
for pos = offs, size + offs - 1, 64 do
for j = 1, 16 do
pos = pos + 4
local a, b, c, d = byte(str, pos - 3, pos)
W[j] = ((a * 256 + b) * 256 + c) * 256 + d
for j = 17, 64 do
local a, b = W[j-15], W[j-2]
W[j] = XOR(ROR(a, 7), ROL(a, 14), SHR(a, 3)) + XOR(ROL(b, 15), ROL(b, 13), SHR(b, 10)) + W[j-7] + W[j-16]
local a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, z = H[1], H[2], H[3], H[4], H[5], H[6], H[7], H[8]
for j = 1, 64 do
z = XOR(ROR(e, 6), ROR(e, 11), ROL(e, 7)) + AND(e, f) + AND(-1-e, g) + h + K[j] + W[j]
h = g
g = f
f = e
e = z + d
d = c
c = b
b = a
a = z + AND(d, c) + AND(a, XOR(d, c)) + XOR(ROR(a, 2), ROR(a, 13), ROL(a, 10))
H[1], H[2], H[3], H[4] = (a + H[1]) % 4294967296, (b + H[2]) % 4294967296, (c + H[3]) % 4294967296, (d + H[4]) % 4294967296
H[5], H[6], H[7], H[8] = (e + H[5]) % 4294967296, (f + H[6]) % 4294967296, (g + H[7]) % 4294967296, (h + H[8]) % 4294967296
local function sha512_feed_128(H_lo, H_hi, K_lo, K_hi, str, W, offs, size)
-- offs >= 0, size >= 0, size is multiple of 128
-- W1_hi, W1_lo, W2_hi, W2_lo, ... Wk_hi = W[2*k-1], Wk_lo = W[2*k]
for pos = offs, size + offs - 1, 128 do
for j = 1, 32 do
pos = pos + 4
local a, b, c, d = byte(str, pos - 3, pos)
W[j] = ((a * 256 + b) * 256 + c) * 256 + d
local tmp1, tmp2
for jj = 17 * 2, 80 * 2, 2 do
local a_lo, a_hi, b_lo, b_hi = W[jj-30], W[jj-31], W[jj-4], W[jj-5]
tmp1 = XOR(SHR(a_lo, 1) + SHL(a_hi, 31), SHR(a_lo, 8) + SHL(a_hi, 24), SHR(a_lo, 7) + SHL(a_hi, 25)) + XOR(SHR(b_lo, 19) + SHL(b_hi, 13), SHL(b_lo, 3) + SHR(b_hi, 29), SHR(b_lo, 6) + SHL(b_hi, 26)) + W[jj-14] + W[jj-32]
tmp2 = tmp1 % 4294967296
W[jj-1] = XOR(SHR(a_hi, 1) + SHL(a_lo, 31), SHR(a_hi, 8) + SHL(a_lo, 24), SHR(a_hi, 7)) + XOR(SHR(b_hi, 19) + SHL(b_lo, 13), SHL(b_hi, 3) + SHR(b_lo, 29), SHR(b_hi, 6)) + W[jj-15] + W[jj-33] + (tmp1 - tmp2) / 4294967296
W[jj] = tmp2
local a_lo, b_lo, c_lo, d_lo, e_lo, f_lo, g_lo, h_lo, z_lo = H_lo[1], H_lo[2], H_lo[3], H_lo[4], H_lo[5], H_lo[6], H_lo[7], H_lo[8]
local a_hi, b_hi, c_hi, d_hi, e_hi, f_hi, g_hi, h_hi, z_hi = H_hi[1], H_hi[2], H_hi[3], H_hi[4], H_hi[5], H_hi[6], H_hi[7], H_hi[8]
for j = 1, 80 do
local jj = 2 * j
tmp1 = XOR(SHR(e_lo, 14) + SHL(e_hi, 18), SHR(e_lo, 18) + SHL(e_hi, 14), SHL(e_lo, 23) + SHR(e_hi, 9)) + AND(e_lo, f_lo) + AND(-1-e_lo, g_lo) + h_lo + K_lo[j] + W[jj]
z_lo = tmp1 % 4294967296
z_hi = XOR(SHR(e_hi, 14) + SHL(e_lo, 18), SHR(e_hi, 18) + SHL(e_lo, 14), SHL(e_hi, 23) + SHR(e_lo, 9)) + AND(e_hi, f_hi) + AND(-1-e_hi, g_hi) + h_hi + K_hi[j] + W[jj-1] + (tmp1 - z_lo) / 4294967296
h_lo = g_lo
h_hi = g_hi
g_lo = f_lo
g_hi = f_hi
f_lo = e_lo
f_hi = e_hi
tmp1 = z_lo + d_lo
e_lo = tmp1 % 4294967296
e_hi = z_hi + d_hi + (tmp1 - e_lo) / 4294967296
d_lo = c_lo
d_hi = c_hi
c_lo = b_lo
c_hi = b_hi
b_lo = a_lo
b_hi = a_hi
tmp1 = z_lo + AND(d_lo, c_lo) + AND(b_lo, XOR(d_lo, c_lo)) + XOR(SHR(b_lo, 28) + SHL(b_hi, 4), SHL(b_lo, 30) + SHR(b_hi, 2), SHL(b_lo, 25) + SHR(b_hi, 7))
a_lo = tmp1 % 4294967296
a_hi = z_hi + (AND(d_hi, c_hi) + AND(b_hi, XOR(d_hi, c_hi))) + XOR(SHR(b_hi, 28) + SHL(b_lo, 4), SHL(b_hi, 30) + SHR(b_lo, 2), SHL(b_hi, 25) + SHR(b_lo, 7)) + (tmp1 - a_lo) / 4294967296
tmp1 = H_lo[1] + a_lo
tmp2 = tmp1 % 4294967296
H_lo[1], H_hi[1] = tmp2, (H_hi[1] + a_hi + (tmp1 - tmp2) / 4294967296) % 4294967296
tmp1 = H_lo[2] + b_lo
tmp2 = tmp1 % 4294967296
H_lo[2], H_hi[2] = tmp2, (H_hi[2] + b_hi + (tmp1 - tmp2) / 4294967296) % 4294967296
tmp1 = H_lo[3] + c_lo
tmp2 = tmp1 % 4294967296
H_lo[3], H_hi[3] = tmp2, (H_hi[3] + c_hi + (tmp1 - tmp2) / 4294967296) % 4294967296
tmp1 = H_lo[4] + d_lo
tmp2 = tmp1 % 4294967296
H_lo[4], H_hi[4] = tmp2, (H_hi[4] + d_hi + (tmp1 - tmp2) / 4294967296) % 4294967296
tmp1 = H_lo[5] + e_lo
tmp2 = tmp1 % 4294967296
H_lo[5], H_hi[5] = tmp2, (H_hi[5] + e_hi + (tmp1 - tmp2) / 4294967296) % 4294967296
tmp1 = H_lo[6] + f_lo
tmp2 = tmp1 % 4294967296
H_lo[6], H_hi[6] = tmp2, (H_hi[6] + f_hi + (tmp1 - tmp2) / 4294967296) % 4294967296
tmp1 = H_lo[7] + g_lo
tmp2 = tmp1 % 4294967296
H_lo[7], H_hi[7] = tmp2, (H_hi[7] + g_hi + (tmp1 - tmp2) / 4294967296) % 4294967296
tmp1 = H_lo[8] + h_lo
tmp2 = tmp1 % 4294967296
H_lo[8], H_hi[8] = tmp2, (H_hi[8] + h_hi + (tmp1 - tmp2) / 4294967296) % 4294967296
local function mul(src1, src2, factor, result_length)
-- Long arithmetic multiplication: src1 * src2 * factor
-- src1, src2 - long integers (arrays of digits in base 2^24)
-- factor - short integer
local result = {}
local carry = 0
local value = 0.0
local weight = 1.0
for j = 1, result_length do
local prod = 0
for k = max(1, j + 1 - #src2), min(j, #src1) do
prod = prod + src1[k] * src2[j + 1 - k]
carry = carry + prod * factor
local digit = carry % 16777216
result[j] = digit
carry = floor(carry / 16777216)
value = value + digit * weight
weight = weight * 2^24
result, -- long integer
value -- and its floating point approximation
local idx, step, p, one = 0, {4, 1, 2, -2, 2}, 4, {1}
local sqrt_hi, sqrt_lo, idx_disp = sha2_H_hi, sha2_H_lo, 0
p = p + step[p % 6]
local d = 1
d = d + step[d % 6]
if d * d > p then
idx = idx + 1
local root = p^(1/3)
local R = mul({floor(root * 2^40)}, one, 1, 2)
local _, delta = mul(R, mul(R, R, 1, 4), -1, 4)
local hi = R[2] % 65536 * 65536 + floor(R[1] / 256)
local lo = R[1] % 256 * 16777216 + floor(delta * (2^-56 / 3) * root / p)
sha2_K_hi[idx], sha2_K_lo[idx] = hi, lo
if idx < 17 then
root = p^(1/2)
R = mul({floor(root * 2^40)}, one, 1, 2)
_, delta = mul(R, R, -1, 2)
hi = R[2] % 65536 * 65536 + floor(R[1] / 256)
lo = R[1] % 256 * 16777216 + floor(delta * 2^-17 / root)
sha2_H_ext256[224][idx + idx_disp] = lo
sqrt_hi[idx + idx_disp], sqrt_lo[idx + idx_disp] = hi, lo
if idx == 8 then
sqrt_hi, sqrt_lo, idx_disp = sha2_H_ext512_hi[384], sha2_H_ext512_lo[384], -8
until p % d == 0
until idx > 79
-- Calculating IV for SHA512/224 and SHA512/256
for width = 224, 256, 32 do
local H_lo, H_hi = {}, {}
for j = 1, 8 do
H_lo[j] = XOR(sha2_H_lo[j], 0xa5a5a5a5)
H_hi[j] = XOR(sha2_H_hi[j], 0xa5a5a5a5)
sha512_feed_128(H_lo, H_hi, sha2_K_lo, sha2_K_hi, "SHA-512/"..tonumber(width).."\128"..string_rep("\0", 115).."\88", common_W, 0, 128)
sha2_H_ext512_lo[width] = H_lo
sha2_H_ext512_hi[width] = H_hi
local function sha256ext(width, text)
-- Create an instance (private objects for current calculation)
local H, length, tail = {unpack(sha2_H_ext256[width])}, 0, ""
local function partial(text_part)
if text_part then
if tail then
length = length + #text_part
local offs = 0
if tail ~= "" and #tail + #text_part >= 64 then
offs = 64 - #tail
sha256_feed_64(H, sha2_K_hi, tail..sub(text_part, 1, offs), common_W, 0, 64)
tail = ""
local size = #text_part - offs
local size_tail = size % 64
sha256_feed_64(H, sha2_K_hi, text_part, common_W, offs, size - size_tail)
tail = tail..sub(text_part, #text_part + 1 - size_tail)
return partial
error("Adding more chunks is not allowed after asking for final result", 2)
if tail then
local final_blocks = {tail, "\128", string_rep("\0", (-9 - length) % 64 + 1)}
tail = nil
-- Assuming user data length is shorter than 2^53 bytes
-- Anyway, it looks very unrealistic that one would spend enough time to process a 2^53 bytes of data by using this Lua script :-)
-- 2^53 bytes = 2^56 bits, so "bit-counter" fits in 7 bytes
length = length * (8 / 256^7) -- convert "byte-counter" to "bit-counter" and move floating point to the left
for j = 4, 10 do
length = length % 1 * 256
final_blocks[j] = char(floor(length))
final_blocks = table_concat(final_blocks)
sha256_feed_64(H, sha2_K_hi, final_blocks, common_W, 0, #final_blocks)
local max_reg = width / 32
for j = 1, max_reg do
H[j] = HEX(H[j])
H = table_concat(H, "", 1, max_reg)
return H
if text then
-- Actually perform calculations and return the SHA256 digest of a message
return partial(text)()
-- Return function for partial chunk loading
-- User should feed every chunks of input data as single argument to this function and receive SHA256 digest by invoking this function without an argument
return partial
local function sha512ext(width, text)
-- Create an instance (private objects for current calculation)
local length, tail, H_lo, H_hi = 0, "", {unpack(sha2_H_ext512_lo[width])}, {unpack(sha2_H_ext512_hi[width])}
local function partial(text_part)
if text_part then
if tail then
length = length + #text_part
local offs = 0
if tail ~= "" and #tail + #text_part >= 128 then
offs = 128 - #tail
sha512_feed_128(H_lo, H_hi, sha2_K_lo, sha2_K_hi, tail..sub(text_part, 1, offs), common_W, 0, 128)
tail = ""
local size = #text_part - offs
local size_tail = size % 128
sha512_feed_128(H_lo, H_hi, sha2_K_lo, sha2_K_hi, text_part, common_W, offs, size - size_tail)
tail = tail..sub(text_part, #text_part + 1 - size_tail)
return partial
error("Adding more chunks is not allowed after asking for final result", 2)
if tail then
local final_blocks = {tail, "\128", string_rep("\0", (-17-length) % 128 + 9)}
tail = nil
-- Assuming user data length is shorter than 2^53 bytes
-- 2^53 bytes = 2^56 bits, so "bit-counter" fits in 7 bytes
length = length * (8 / 256^7) -- convert "byte-counter" to "bit-counter" and move floating point to the left
for j = 4, 10 do
length = length % 1 * 256
final_blocks[j] = char(floor(length))
final_blocks = table_concat(final_blocks)
sha512_feed_128(H_lo, H_hi, sha2_K_lo, sha2_K_hi, final_blocks, common_W, 0, #final_blocks)
local max_reg = ceil(width / 64)
for j = 1, max_reg do
H_lo[j] = HEX(H_hi[j])..HEX(H_lo[j])
H_hi = nil
H_lo = table_concat(H_lo, "", 1, max_reg):sub(1, width / 4)
return H_lo
if text then
-- Actually perform calculations and return the SHA256 digest of a message
return partial(text)()
-- Return function for partial chunk loading
-- User should feed every chunks of input data as single argument to this function and receive SHA256 digest by invoking this function without an argument
return partial
local sha2for51 = {
sha224 = function (text) return sha256ext(224, text) end, -- SHA-224
sha256 = function (text) return sha256ext(256, text) end, -- SHA-256
sha384 = function (text) return sha512ext(384, text) end, -- SHA-384
sha512 = function (text) return sha512ext(512, text) end, -- SHA-512
sha512_224 = function (text) return sha512ext(224, text) end, -- SHA-512/224
sha512_256 = function (text) return sha512ext(256, text) end, -- SHA-512/256
return sha2for51
File sha2for51_test.lua
local sha2 = require"sha2for51"
local function test_sha256()
local sha256 = sha2.sha256
-- some test strings
assert(sha256("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog") == "d7a8fbb307d7809469ca9abcb0082e4f8d5651e46d3cdb762d02d0bf37c9e592")
assert(sha256("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy cog") == "e4c4d8f3bf76b692de791a173e05321150f7a345b46484fe427f6acc7ecc81be")
assert(sha256("abc") == "ba7816bf8f01cfea414140de5dae2223b00361a396177a9cb410ff61f20015ad")
assert(sha256("123456") == "8d969eef6ecad3c29a3a629280e686cf0c3f5d5a86aff3ca12020c923adc6c92")
assert(sha256("abcdbcdecdefdefgefghfghighijhijkijkljklmklmnlmnomnopnopq") == "248d6a61d20638b8e5c026930c3e6039a33ce45964ff2167f6ecedd419db06c1")
assert(sha256("abcdefghbcdefghicdefghijdefghijkefghijklfghijklmghijklmnhijklmnoijklmnopjklmnopqklmnopqrlmnopqrsmnopqrstnopqrstu") == "cf5b16a778af8380036ce59e7b0492370b249b11e8f07a51afac45037afee9d1")
-- chunk-by-chunk loading: sha256("string") == sha256()("st")("ri")("ng")()
local append_next_chunk = sha256() -- create a private closure for calculating digest of single string
append_next_chunk("The quick brown fox")
append_next_chunk(" jumps ")
append_next_chunk("") -- chunk may be empty string
append_next_chunk("over the lazy dog")
assert(append_next_chunk() == "d7a8fbb307d7809469ca9abcb0082e4f8d5651e46d3cdb762d02d0bf37c9e592") -- asking for final result (invocation without an argument)
assert(append_next_chunk() == "d7a8fbb307d7809469ca9abcb0082e4f8d5651e46d3cdb762d02d0bf37c9e592") -- you can ask the same result multiple times if needed
-- append_next_chunk("more text") will fail here: no more chunks are allowed after receiving the result, the closure is useless now, let it be GC-ed
assert(not pcall(append_next_chunk, "more text"))
-- one-liner is possible due to "append_next_chunk(chunk)" returns the function "append_next_chunk"
assert(sha256()("The quick brown fox")(" jumps ")("")("over the lazy dog")() == "d7a8fbb307d7809469ca9abcb0082e4f8d5651e46d3cdb762d02d0bf37c9e592")
-- empty string
assert(sha256("") == "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855")
assert(sha256()() == "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855")
-- computations of different strings don't interfere with each other
local chunk_for_digits = sha256()
local chunk_for_fox = sha256()
chunk_for_fox("The quick brown fox jumps ")
chunk_for_fox("over the lazy dog")
assert(chunk_for_digits() == "8d969eef6ecad3c29a3a629280e686cf0c3f5d5a86aff3ca12020c923adc6c92")
assert(chunk_for_fox() == "d7a8fbb307d7809469ca9abcb0082e4f8d5651e46d3cdb762d02d0bf37c9e592")
-- "00...0\n"
for i, dgst in pairs{ -- from 50 to 70 zeroes
[50] = "9660acb8046abf46cf27280e61abd174ebac98ad6855e093772b78df85523129",
[51] = "31e1c552b357ace9bcb924691799a3c0d3aa10d8b428d9de28a278e3c79ecb7b",
[52] = "0be5c4bcb6f47e30c13515594dbef4faa3a6485af67c177179fee8b33cd4f2a0",
[53] = "d368c7f6038c1743bdbfe6a9c3a72d4e6916aa219ed8d559766c9e8f9845f3b8",
[54] = "7080a4aa6ff030ae152fe610a62ee29464f92afeb176474551a69d35aab154a0",
[55] = "149c1cda81fa9359c0c2a5e405ca972986f1d53e05f6282871dd1581046b3f44",
[56] = "eb2d4d41948ce546c8adff07ee97342070c5b89789f616a33efe52c7d3ec73d4",
[57] = "c831db596ccbbf248023461b1c05d3ae084bcc79bcb2626c5ec179fb34371f2a",
[58] = "1345b8a930737b1069bbf9b891ce095850f6cdba6e25874ea526a2ccb611fe46",
[59] = "380ad21e466885fae080ceeada75ac04944687e626e161c0b24e91af3eec2def",
[60] = "b9ab06fa30ef8531c5eee11651aa86f8279a245e0a3c29bf6228c59475cc610a",
[61] = "bcc187de6605d9e11a0cc6edf02b67fb651fe1779ec59438788093d8e376c07c",
[62] = "ae0b3681157b83b34de8591d2453915e40c3105ae79434e241d82d4035218e01",
[63] = "68a27b4735f6806fb5983c1805a23797aa93ea06e0ebcb6daada2ea1ab5a05af",
[64] = "827d096d92f3deeaa0e8070d79f45beb176768e57a958a1cd325f5f4b754b048",
[65] = "6c7bd8ec0fe9b4e05a2d27dd5e41a8687a9716a2e8926bdfa141266b12942ec1",
[66] = "2f4b4c41017a2ddd1cc8cd75478a82e9452e445d4242f09782535376d6f4ba50",
[67] = "b777b86e005807a446ead00986fcbf3bdd6c022524deabf017eeb3f0c30b6eed",
[68] = "777da331f60c793f582e4ca33223778218ddfd241981f15be5886171fb8301b5",
[69] = "06ed0c4cbf7d2b38de5f01eab2d2cd552d9cb87f97b714b96bb7a9d1b6117c6d",
[70] = "e82223344d5f3c024514cfbe6d478b5df98bb878f34d7a07e7b064fa7fa91946"
} do
assert(sha256(("0"):rep(i).."\n") == dgst)
-- "aa...a"
assert(sha256(("a"):rep(55)) == "9f4390f8d30c2dd92ec9f095b65e2b9ae9b0a925a5258e241c9f1e910f734318")
assert(sha256(("a"):rep(56)) == "b35439a4ac6f0948b6d6f9e3c6af0f5f590ce20f1bde7090ef7970686ec6738a")
-- "aa...a\n" in chunk-by-chunk mode
local next_chunk = sha256()
for i = 1, 65 do
assert(next_chunk() == "574883a9977284a46845620eaa55c3fa8209eaa3ebffe44774b6eb2dba2cb325")
local function split_and_calculate_sha256(s, len) -- split string s in chunks of length len
local next_chunk = sha256()
for idx = 1, #s, len do
next_chunk(s:sub(idx, idx + len - 1))
return next_chunk()
-- "00...0\n00...0\n...00...0\n" (80 lines of 80 zeroes each) in chunk-by-chunk mode with different chunk lengths
local s = (("0"):rep(80).."\n"):rep(80)
assert(split_and_calculate_sha256(s, 1) == "736c7a8b17e2cfd44a3267a844db1a8a3e8988d739e3e95b8dd32678fb599139")
assert(split_and_calculate_sha256(s, 2) == "736c7a8b17e2cfd44a3267a844db1a8a3e8988d739e3e95b8dd32678fb599139")
assert(split_and_calculate_sha256(s, 7) == "736c7a8b17e2cfd44a3267a844db1a8a3e8988d739e3e95b8dd32678fb599139")
assert(split_and_calculate_sha256(s, 70) == "736c7a8b17e2cfd44a3267a844db1a8a3e8988d739e3e95b8dd32678fb599139")
local function test_sha512()
local sha512 = sha2.sha512
assert(sha512("abc") == "ddaf35a193617abacc417349ae20413112e6fa4e89a97ea20a9eeee64b55d39a2192992a274fc1a836ba3c23a3feebbd454d4423643ce80e2a9ac94fa54ca49f")
assert(sha512("abcdefghbcdefghicdefghijdefghijkefghijklfghijklmghijklmnhijklmnoijklmnopjklmnopqklmnopqrlmnopqrsmnopqrstnopqrstu") ==
-- "aa...a"
for i, dgst in pairs{ -- from 109 to 116 letters "a"
[109] = "0cda6b04d9466bb7f3995c16732e1347f29c23a64fe0b085fadba0995644cc5aa71587423c274c10e09518310c5f866cfaceb229fabb574219f12182eb114182",
[110] = "c825949632e509824543f7eaf159fb6041722fce3c1cdcbb613b3d37ff107c519417baac32f8e74fe29d7f4823bf6886956603dca5354a6ed6e4a542e06b7d28",
[111] = "fa9121c7b32b9e01733d034cfc78cbf67f926c7ed83e82200ef86818196921760b4beff48404df811b953828274461673c68d04e297b0eb7b2b4d60fc6b566a2",
[112] = "c01d080efd492776a1c43bd23dd99d0a2e626d481e16782e75d54c2503b5dc32bd05f0f1ba33e568b88fd2d970929b719ecbb152f58f130a407c8830604b70ca",
[113] = "55ddd8ac210a6e18ba1ee055af84c966e0dbff091c43580ae1be703bdb85da31acf6948cf5bd90c55a20e5450f22fb89bd8d0085e39f85a86cc46abbca75e24d",
[114] = "5e9eb0e4b270d086e77eeaf3ce8b1cfc615031b8c463dc34f5c139786f274f22accb4d89e8f40d1a0c2acc84c4dc0f2bab390a9d9495493bd617ed004271bb64",
[115] = "eaa30f93760743ac7d0a6cb8ed5ef3b30c59097bc44d0ec337344301deba9fb92b20c488d55de415f6aaed0df4925b42894b81d2e1cde89d91ec7f6cc67262b4",
[116] = "a8bff469314a1ce0c990bb3fd539d92accb6249cc674b559bc9d3898b7a126fee597197fa42c971443470053c7d7f54b09371a59b0f7af87b1917c5347e8f8e0",
} do
assert(sha512(("a"):rep(i)) == dgst)
local function all_tests_sha2()
assert(sha2.sha224"abc" == "23097d223405d8228642a477bda255b32aadbce4bda0b3f7e36c9da7")
assert(sha2.sha224"abcdbcdecdefdefgefghfghighijhijkijkljklmklmnlmnomnopnopq" == "75388b16512776cc5dba5da1fd890150b0c6455cb4f58b1952522525")
assert(sha2.sha384"abc" == "cb00753f45a35e8bb5a03d699ac65007272c32ab0eded1631a8b605a43ff5bed8086072ba1e7cc2358baeca134c825a7")
assert(sha2.sha384"abcdefghbcdefghicdefghijdefghijkefghijklfghijklmghijklmnhijklmnoijklmnopjklmnopqklmnopqrlmnopqrsmnopqrstnopqrstu" == "09330c33f71147e83d192fc782cd1b4753111b173b3b05d22fa08086e3b0f712fcc7c71a557e2db966c3e9fa91746039")
assert(sha2.sha512_224"abc" == "4634270f707b6a54daae7530460842e20e37ed265ceee9a43e8924aa")
assert(sha2.sha512_224"abcdefghbcdefghicdefghijdefghijkefghijklfghijklmghijklmnhijklmnoijklmnopjklmnopqklmnopqrlmnopqrsmnopqrstnopqrstu" == "23fec5bb94d60b23308192640b0c453335d664734fe40e7268674af9")
assert(sha2.sha512_256"abc" == "53048e2681941ef99b2e29b76b4c7dabe4c2d0c634fc6d46e0e2f13107e7af23")
assert(sha2.sha512_256"abcdefghbcdefghicdefghijdefghijkefghijklfghijklmghijklmnhijklmnoijklmnopjklmnopqklmnopqrlmnopqrsmnopqrstnopqrstu" == "3928e184fb8690f840da3988121d31be65cb9d3ef83ee6146feac861e19b563a")
print"All tests passed"
local function benchmark()
print("Benchmarking (calculating SHA512 of 1MByte string of letters 'a')...")
local time_intervals = {}
local length = 2^20
local part = ("a"):rep(2^12)
local N = length/#part
local result
local k = 2
for j = 1, 2*k-1 do
local clk0 = os.clock()
local x = sha2.sha512()
for j = 1, N do
result = x()
time_intervals[j] = os.clock() - clk0
--print("Result = "..result)
-- get median time
print('CPU seconds:', time_intervals[k])
benchmark() -- about 15 seconds per megabyte

How to use Z3Py online to solve problems with Operational Amplifiers

Find the value of R in the following circuit
This problem is solved using the following code:
R, V1, V2, Vo = Reals('R V1 V2 Vo')
I1 = V1/(R -50)
I2 = V2/(R + 10)
g = - R*(I1 + I2)
print g
equations = [Vo == g]
print equations
problem = [Vo == -2 , V1 == 1, V2 == 0.5, R != -10, R != 50, R > 0]
solve(equations + problem)
and the corresponding output is:
-R·(V1/(R - 50) + V2/(R + 10))
[Vo = -R·(V1/(R - 50) + V2/(R + 10))]
[R = 143.8986691902?, V2 = 1/2, V1 = 1, Vo = -2]
Other example: Find the value of R in the following circuit
This problem is solved using the following code:
R, Vs, Ve, R1, R2 = Reals('R Vs Ve R1 R2')
g1 = (Vs - Ve)/R1
print g1
g2 = Ve/R2
print g2
equations = [g1 == g2, R1 == 2*R - 100, R2 ==R]
print equations
problem = [Vs == 35 , Ve == 15, R > 0, R1 >0, R2 >0]
solve(equations + problem)
and the corresponding output is:
(Vs - Ve)/R1
[(Vs - Ve)/R1 = Ve/R2, R1 = 2·R - 100, R2 = R]
[R = 150, Ve = 15, Vs = 35, R2 = 150, R1 = 200]
Other example:
This problem is solved using the following code:
Rf, Rg, Vo, V1, V2, R1, R2, I1, I2, V = Reals('Rf Rg Vo V1 V2 R1 R2 I1 I2 V')
equations = [V1 - V == R1*I1, V - Vo == Rf*I1,
V2 - V == R2*I2, V == Rg*I2]
print equations
problem = [V1 == 10 , V2 == 15, R1 == 100, R2 == 200,
Rf == 100, Rg ==500]
solve(equations + problem)
and the corresponding output is
[V1 - V = R1·I1, V - Vo = Rf·I1, V2 - V = R2·I2, V = Rg·I2]
[I1 = -1/140,
Vo = 80/7,
Rg = 500,
Rf = 100,
R2 = 200,
R1 = 100,
V2 = 15,
V1 = 10,
I2 = 3/140,
V = 75/7]
Other example:
Rf, Rg, Vo, V1, V2, R1, R2, I1, I2, V = Reals('Rf Rg Vo V1 V2 R1 R2 I1 I2 V')
equations = [V1 - V == R1*I1, V - Vo == Rf*I1,
V2 - V == R2*I2, V == Rg*I2, Rf == 200 + Rg]
print equations
problem = [V1 == 10 , V2 == 15, R1 == 100, R2 == 200, Vo == 20, Rg > 0, Rf >0
solve(equations + problem)
[V1 - V = R1·I1, V - Vo = Rf·I1, V2 - V = R2·I2, V = Rg·I2, Rf = 200 + Rg]
[I1 = -0.0113999063?,
Rg = 577.2001872658?,
Vo = 20,
R2 = 200,
R1 = 100,
V2 = 15,
V1 = 10,
I2 = 0.0193000468?,
V = 11.1399906367?,
Rf = 777.2001872658?]
Other example:
Vi, R1, I1, Va, R2, I2, R4, R3, Vo= Reals('Vi R1 I1 Va R2 I2 R4 R3 Vo')
equations = [Vi == R1*I1, -Va == R2*I1, Va == R4*I2, Va - Vo ==R3*(I1-I2)]
print equations
problem = [Vi == 1, R1 == 1000, R2 == 1000, R3 == 1000, R4 == 10]
solve(equations + problem)
[Vi = R1·I1, -Va = R2·I1, Va = R4·I2, Va - Vo = R3·(I1 - I2)]
[R4 = 10,
R3 = 1000,
R2 = 1000,
R1 = 1000,
Vi = 1,
Vo = -102,
I2 = -1/10,
Va = -1,
I1 = 1/1000]
Other example:
Vi, R1, I1, Va, R2, I2, R4, R3, Vo= Reals('Vi R1 I1 Va R2 I2 R4 R3 Vo')
equations = [Vi == R1*I1, -Va == R2*I1, Va == R4*I2, Va - Vo ==R3*(I1-I2),
R2 == R1 - 100, R3 == R1 - 200]
print equations
problem = [Vi == 1, Vo == -10, R4 == 10, R1 >0, R2 > 0, R3 >0]
solve(equations + problem)
[Vi = R1·I1, -Va = R2·I1, Va = R4·I2, Va - Vo = R3·(I1 - I2), R2 = R1 - 100, R3 = R1 - 200]
[I1 = 0.0030468970?,
R1 = 328.2027496108?,
I2 = -0.0695310291?,
R4 = 10,
Vo = -10,
Vi = 1,
R3 = 128.2027496108?,
R2 = 228.2027496108?,
Va = -0.6953102918?]
Other example:
Vi, V1, R, I1, V2, Ri, I2, R1, Vo, RF, A= Reals('Vi V1 R I1 V2 Ri I2 R1 Vo RF A')
equations = [Vi-V1 == R*I1,V1 -V2 == Ri*I2, V2 == R1*I2, V1 - Vo ==RF*(I1-I2),
Vo==A* (V2-V1)]
print equations
problem = [Vi == 1, R1 == 2000, Ri == 100, RF == 1000, R == 300, A == 100]
solve(equations + problem)
[Vi - V1 = R·I1, V1 - V2 = Ri·I2, V2 = R1·I2, V1 - Vo = RF·(I1 - I2), Vo = A·(V2 - V1)]
[I2 = 0.0001658374?,
A = 100,
R = 300,
RF = 1000,
Ri = 100,
R1 = 2000,
Vi = 1,
Vo = -1.6583747927?,
I1 = 0.0021724709?,
V1 = 0.3482587064?,
V2 = 0.3316749585?]
Other example:
Vi, V1, R, I1, V2, Ri, I2, R1, Vo, RF, A= Reals('Vi V1 R I1 V2 Ri I2 R1 Vo RF A')
equations = [Vi-V1 == R*I1,V1 -V2 == Ri*I2, V2 == R1*I2, V1 - Vo ==RF*(I1-I2),
Vo==A* (V2-V1), RF == R + 1000, Ri == R + 500, R1 == R + 1500]
print equations
problem = [Vi == 1, A == 100, Vo == -2, R >0, RF >0, R1 >0]
solve(equations + problem)
[Vi - V1 = R·I1, V1 - V2 = Ri·I2, V2 = R1·I2, V1 - Vo = RF·(I1 - I2),
Vo = A·(V2 - V1), RF = R + 1000, Ri = R + 500, R1 = R + 1500]
[I2 = 0.0000150298?,
R = 830.6885937397?,
I1 = 0.0011375745?,
Vo = -2,
A = 100,
Vi = 1,
RF = 1830.6885937397?,
V1 = 0.0550298124?,
V2 = 0.0350298124?,
R1 = 2330.6885937397?,
Ri = 1330.6885937397?]
Other example:
What value of the resistance RB will provide balance of the bridge yielding Vo = 0
V, RC, RD, I1, VB, RA,RB, I2, VA, V2, R1, I3, R2, V1, R3, R4, I4, Vo =
Reals('V RC RD I1 VB RA RB I2 VA V2 R1 I3 R2 V1 R3 R4 I4 Vo')
equations = [V == (RC+RD)*I1, VB == RD*I1, V == (RA + RB)*I2,
VA == RB*I2, VB-V2 == R1*I3, V2 == R2*I3, VA-V1 == R3*I4,
V1 - Vo == R4*I4, V2 == V1, RD == RB + 10]
print equations
problem = [Vo == 0, V == 5, R1 == 10, R2 == 12, R3 == 10, R4 == 22,
RA ==1, RC ==1, RB >0, RD >0]
solve(equations + problem)
[V = (RC + RD)·I1, VB = RD·I1, V = (RA + RB)·I2, VA = RB·I2, VB - V2 = R1·I3,
V2 = R2·I3, VA - V1 = R3·I4, V1 - Vo = R4·I4, V2 = V1, RD = RB + 10]
[I1 = 0.3626991607?,
RB = 2.7855295545?,
I2 = 1.3208191688?,
I4 = 0.1149744009?,
I3 = 0.2107864017?,
RC = 1,
RA = 1,
R4 = 22,
R3 = 10,
R2 = 12,
R1 = 10,
V = 5,
Vo = 0,
V1 = 2.5294368214?,
V2 = 2.5294368214?,
VA = 3.6791808311?,
VB = 4.6373008392?,
RD = 12.7855295545?]
Please let me know what do you think and if you know a more efficient code for these kind of problems. Many thanks.

Questions about using Z3Py online to solve problems in Transport Phenomena

Certain problem in transport Phenomena is solved using the following code:
T_max, T_0, S, R, k, I, k_e, L, R, E, a = Reals('T_max T_0 S R k I k_e L R E a')
k = a*k_e*T_0
I = k_e*E/L
S = (I**2)/k_e
eq = T_0 + S* R**2/(4*k)
print eq
equations = [
T_max == eq,
print "Temperature equations:"
print equations
problem = [
R == 2, L == 5000,
T_0 == 20 + 273,
T_max == 30 + 273, k_e == 1,
a == 2.23*10**(-8), E > 0
print "Problem:"
print problem
print "Solution:"
solve(equations + problem)
using this code online we obtain
This output gives the correct answer but there are two issues in the code: a) the expresion named "eq" is not fully simplified and then it is necessary to give an arbitrary value for k_e . My question is: How to simplify the expression "eq" in such way that k_e be eliminated from "eq"?
Other example: To determine the radius of a tube
def inte(n,a,b):
return (b**(n+1))/(n+1)-(a**(n+1))/(n+1)
P_0, P_1, L, R, mu, q, C = Reals('P_0 P_1 L R mu q C')
k = (P_0 - P_1)/(2*mu*L)
equations = [0 == -k*inte(1,0,R) +C,
q == 2*3.1416*(-(k/2)*inte(3,0,R) + C*inte(1,0,R))]
print "Fluid equations:"
print equations
problem = [
L == 50.02/100, mu == (4.03*10**(-5)),
P_0 == 4.829*10**5, P_1==0,
q == 2.997*10**(-3), R >0
print "Problem:"
print problem
print "Solution:"
solve(equations + problem)
Fluid equations:
[-((P_0 - P_1)/(2·mu·L))·(R2/2 - 0) + C = 0, q =
(-(((P_0 - P_1)/(2·mu·L))/2)·(R4/4 - 0) + C·(R2/2 - 0))]
[L = 2501/5000, mu = 403/10000000, P_0 = 482900, P_1 = 0, q = 2997/1000000, R > 0]
[R = 0.0007512843?,
q = 2997/1000000,
P_1 = 0,
P_0 = 482900,
mu = 403/10000000,
L = 2501/5000,
C = 3380.3149444289?]
