Delphi Unicode String Length in Bytes - delphi

I'm working on porting some Delphi 7 code to XE4, so, unicode is the subject here.
I have a method where a string gets written to a TMemoryStream, so according to this embarcadero article, I should multiply the length of the string (in characters) times the size of the Char type to get the length in bytes that is needed for the length (in bytes) parameter to WriteBuffer.
so before:
rawHtml : string; //AnsiString
memorystream1.WriteBuffer(Pointer(rawHtml)^, Length(rawHtml);
rawHtml : string; //UnicodeString
memorystream1.WriteBuffer(Pointer(rawHtml)^, Length(rawHtml)* SizeOf(Char));
My understanding of Delphi's UnicodeString type is that it's UTF-16 internally. But my general understanding of Unicode is that not all unicode characters can be represented even in 2 bytes, that some corner case foreign characters will take 4 bytes. Another of embarcadero's articles seems to confirm that my suspicions, "In fact, it isn’t even always true that one Char is equal to two bytes!"
So...that leaves me wondering whether Length(rawHtml)* SizeOf(Char) is really going to be robust enough to be consistently accurate, or whether there's a better way to determine the size of the string that will be more accurate?

Delphi's UnicodeString is encoded with UTF-16. UTF-16 is a variable length encoding, just like UTF-8. In other words, a single Unicode code point may require multiple character elements to encode it. As a point of interest, the only fixed length Unicode encoding is UTF-32. The UTF-16 encoding uses 16 bit character elements, hence the name.
In a Unicode Delphi, Char is an alias for WideChar which is a UTF-16 character element. And string is an alias for UnicodeString, which is an array of WideChar elements. The Length() function returns the number of elements in the array.
So, SizeOf(Char) is always 2 for UnicodeString. Some Unicode code points are encoded with multiple character elements, or Chars. But Length() returns the number of characters elements and not the number of code points. The character elements all have the same size. So
memorystream1.WriteBuffer(Pointer(rawHtml)^, Length(rawHtml)* SizeOf(Char));
is correct.

My understanding of Delphi's UnicodeString type is that it's UTF-16
You are correct about UTF-16 encoding of Delphi's UnicodeString. This means what one 16-bit character is wide enough to represent all code points from the Basic Multilingual Plane as exactly one Char element of string array.
But my general understanding of Unicode is that not all
unicode characters can be represented even in 2 bytes, that some
corner case foreign characters will take 4 bytes.
However, you've got a little misconception here. Length function does not perform any deep inspection of characters and simply returns number of 16-bit WideChar elements, without taking into account any surrogates within your string. This means what if you assign a single character from any of Supplementary Planes to the UnicodeString, Length will return 2.
program Egyptian;
S: UnicodeString;
S := #$1304E; // single char
Conclusion: byte size of string data is always fixed and equals Length(S) * SizeOf(Char), no matter if S contains any variable-length characters.

Others have explained how UnicodeString is encoded and how to calculate its byte length. I just want to mention that the RTL already has such a function - SysUtils.ByteLength():
memorystream1.WriteBuffer(PChar(rawHtml)^, ByteLength(rawHtml));

What you are doing is correct (with the sizeof(Char)).
What you refer to is that not one character refers to one code point (due to surrogate pairs for example). But the USC2 encoded (NOT UTF-16) characters in the string take up exactly the amount of bytes with Length( Str ) * sizeof( Char ).
Note that the Unicode encoding used in Delphi is the same as all Windows API call expect in the ....W variants.


Index character instead of byte in the Delphi string

I am reading the document on index to Delphi string, as below:
One statement said:
You can index a string variable just as you would an array. If S is a non-UnicodeString string variable and i, an integer expression, S[i] represents the ith byte in S, which may not be the ith character or an entire character at all for a multibyte character string (MBCS). Similarly, indexing a UnicodeString variable results in an element that may not be an entire character. If the string contains characters in the Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP), all characters are 2 bytes, so indexing the string gets characters. However, if some characters are not in the BMP, an indexed element may be a surrogate pair - not an entire character.
If I understand correctly, S[i] is index to the i-th byte of the string. If S is a UnicodeString, then S[1] is the first byte, S[2] is the 2nd byte of the first character, S[3] is the first byte of the second character, etc. If that is the case, then how do I index the character instead of the byte inside a string? I need to index characters, not bytes.
In Delphi, S[i] is a char aka widechar. But this is not an Unicode "character", it is an UTF-16 encoded value in 16 bits (2 bytes). In previous century, i.e. until 1996, Unicode was 16-bit, but it is not the case any more! Please read carrefully the Unicode FAQ.
You may need several widechar to have a whole Unicode codepoint = more or less what we usually call "character". And even this may be wrong, if diacritics are used.
UTF-16 uses a single 16-bit code unit to encode the most common 63K characters, and a pair of 16-bit code units, called surrogates, to encode the 1M less commonly used characters in Unicode.
Originally, Unicode was designed as a pure 16-bit encoding, aimed at
representing all modern scripts. (Ancient scripts were to be
represented with private-use characters.)
Over time, and especially
after the addition of over 14,500 composite characters for
compatibility with legacy sets, it became clear that 16-bits were not
sufficient for the user community. Out of this arose UTF-16.
see UTF-16 FAQ
For proper decoding of Unicode codepoints in Delphi, see Detecting and Retrieving codepoints and surrogates from a Delphi String (link by #LURD in comments)

Length() vs Sizeof() on Unicode strings

Quoting the Delphi XE8 help:
For single-byte and multibyte strings, Length returns the number of bytes used by the string. Example for UTF-8:
Writeln(Length(Utf8String('1¢'))); // displays 3
For Unicode (WideString) strings, Length returns the number of bytes divided by two.
This arises important questions:
Why the difference in handling is there at all?
Why Length() doesn't do what it's expected to do, return just the length of the parameter (as in, the count of elements) instead of giving the size in bytes in some cases?
Why does it state it divides the result by 2 for Unicode (UTF-16) strings? AFAIK UTF-16 is 4-byte at most, and thus this will give incorrect results.
Length returns the number of elements when considering the string as an array.
For strings with 8 bit element types (ANSI, UTF-8) then Length gives you the number of bytes since the number of bytes is the same as the number of elements.
For strings with 16 bit elements (UTF-16) then Length is half the number of bytes because each element is 2 bytes wide.
Your string '1¢' has two code points, but the second code point requires two bytes to encode it in UTF-8. Hence Length(Utf8String('1¢')) evaluates to three.
You mention SizeOf in the question title. Passing a string variable to SizeOf will always return the size of a pointer, since a string variable is, under the hood, just a pointer.
To your specific questions:
Why the difference in handling is there at all?
There is only a difference if you think of Length as relating to bytes. But that's the wrong way to think about it Length always returns an element count, and when viewed that way, there behaviour is uniform across all string types, and indeed across all array types.
Why Length() doesn't do what it's expected to do, return just the length of the parameter (as in, the count of elements) instead of giving the size in bytes in some cases?
It does always return the element count. It just so happens that when the element size is a single byte, then the element count and the byte count happen to be the same. In fact the documentation that you refer to also contains the following just above the excerpt that you provided: Returns the number of characters in a string or of elements in an array. That is the key text. The excerpt that you included is meant as an illustration of the implications of this italicised text.
Why does it state it divides the result by 2 for Unicode (UTF-16) strings? AFAIK UTF-16 is 4-byte at most, and thus this will give incorrect results.
UTF-16 character elements are always 16 bits wide. However, some Unicode code points require two character elements to encode. These pairs of character elements are known as surrogate pairs.
You are hoping, I think, that Length will return the number of code points in a string. But it doesn't. It returns the number of character elements. And for variable length encodings, the number of code points is not necessarily the same as the number of character elements. If your string was encoded as UTF-32 then the number of code points would be the same as the number of character elements since UTF-32 is a constant sized encoding.
A quick way to count the code points is to scan through the string checking for surrogate pairs. When you encounter a surrogate pair, count one code point. Otherwise, when you encounter a character element that is not part of a surrogate pair, count one code point. In pseudo-code:
N := 0;
for C in S do
if C.IsSurrogate then
inc(N, 2);
CodePointCount := N div 2;
Another point to make is that the code point count is not the same as the visible character count. Some code points are combining characters and are combined with their neighbouring code points to form a single visible character or glyph.
Finally, if all you are hoping to do is find the byte size of the string payload, use this expression:
Length(S) * SizeOf(S[1])
This expression works for all types of string.
Be very careful about the function System.SysUtils.ByteLength. On the face of it this seems to be just what you want. However, that function returns the byte length of a UTF-16 encoded string. So if you pass it an AnsiString, say, then the value returned by ByteLength is twice the number of bytes of the AnsiString.

How to get the number of characters (as opposed to the number of bytes) of a text in Delphi?

I have a Delphi 7 application where I deal with ANSI strings and I need to count their number of characters (as opposed to the number of bytes). I always know the Charset (and thus the code page) associated with the string.
So, knowing the Charset (code page), I'm currently using MultiByteToWideChar to get the number of characters. It's useful when the Charset is one of the Chinese, Korean, or Japanese charsets where most of the characters are 2 bytes in length and simply using the Length function won't give me what I want.
However, it still counts composite characters as two characters, and I need them counted as one. Now, some composite characters have precomposed versions in Unicode, those would be counted correctly as one character since the MB_PRECOMPOSED is used by default. But many characters simply don't exist as precomposed, for example characters in Hebrew, Arabic, Thai, etc, and those are counted as two.
So the question really is: How to count composite characters as single characters? I don't mind converting the ANSI strings to Wide strings to count the number of characters, I'm already doing it with MultiByteToWideChar anyway.
You can count the Unicode code points like this:
function CodePointCount(P: PWideChar): Integer;
Count: Integer;
Count := 0;
while Word(P^)<>0 do
if (Word(P^)>=$D800) and (Word(P^)<=$DFFF) then
// part of surrogate pair
inc(Count, 2);
Result := Count div 2;
This covers the issue that you did not mention. Namely that UTF-16 is a variable width encoding.
However, this will not tell you the number of glyphs represented by a UTF-16 string. That's because some code points represent combining characters. These combining characters combine with their neighbours to form a single equivalent character. So, multiple code-points, single glyph. More information can be found here:
This is the harder issue. To solve it your code needs to fully understand the meaning of each Unicode code point. Is it a combining character? How does it combine? Really you need a dedicated Unicode library. For instance ICU.
The other suggestion I have for you is to give up using ANSI code pages. If you really care about internationalisation then you need to use Unicode.

How can I convert unicode characters to ascii codes in delphi 7?

Yes we're talking about ASCII codes. My appologies I'm not the Delphi dev here.
For Delphi 7, I'd get the free Unicode Library by Mike Lischke who is the author of Virtual Treeview.
The libary includes a lot of conversion functions to go to and from Unicode, so you can use the ones that make most sense in your application.
Or you can upgrade to Delphi 2009 which has built-in encoding routines, and its own library of conversion functions.
Let's get a few things straight. Character set (charset) and character encodings are two related but different concepts. A character set is an abstract list of characters with some sort of integer character code associated. Then there are character encodings, which is basically an algorithm that describes how the characters are represented in bytes.
ASCII acts as both the character set and encoding. It uses 7 bits to express 128 characters (94 printable). Unicode on the other hand is a character set, expressing 1,114,112 code points. There are several encodings to represent Unicode strings but most notable ones are UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-16LE, and UTF-32. In other words, a single Unicode character can be represented in different ways depending on the encodings.
How can I convert unicode characters to ascii codes in delphi 7?
I think the question could be interpreted in two ways.
I have a Unicode string in some encoding that only includes ASCII printable characters. How can I convert the string into a byte array of ASCII encoding?
I have a Unicode string in some encoding that also includes non-ASCII printable characters such as Chinese characters. How can I encode the string into a ASCII encoding without losing information, and later decode it back to the original Unicode string?
If you mean the first, you can load the Unicode string into WideString like Osman is saying and do
original: WideString;
s: AnsiString;
s := AnsiString(original);
If you mean the second, you would need a generic encoding algorithm like Base64 encoding. You can use DCPBase64.pas included in David Barton's DCPcrypt v2 Beta 3.
It depends what your definition of conversion is. If you want to map the 127 lowest characters to the Unicode equivalent, you can use an explicit cast. But this creates garbage if the string contains higher characters.
If you want mappings like ë -> e and û -> u, you can write your own code. But be aware that there are always characters that can't be converted.
"ASCII" is the name of a specific mapping of characters to numbers, but some people say "ASCII code" when they don't really mean ASCII at all; they just want the numeric value of a character, whatever mapping is in effect at the time. Does that description apply to you?
If so, then you can use the Ord standard function to get the Unicode code-point value of whatever Unicode character you have.
wc: WideChar;
ws: WideString;
x: Word;
x := Ord(wc);
x := Ord(ws[1]);
If you really meant ASCII, though, then you'll have to be more specific about what sort of conversion you have in mind.
As an example, the letter A is represented in unicode as U+0041 and in ansi as just 41. So converting that would be pretty simple, but you must find out how the unicode character is encoded. The most common are UTF-16 and UTF-8. UTF 16, is basically two bytes per character, but even that is an oversimplification, as a character may have more bytes. UTF-8 sounds as if it means 1 byte per character but can be 2 or 3. To further complicate matters, UTF-16 can be little endian or big endian. (U+0041 or U+4100).
Where your question makes no sense is if you wanted to for example convert the arabic letter ain U+0639 to ansi on an English locale. You can't.
See related questions on converting from Unicode to ASCII:
How to convert UTF-8 to US-Ascii in Java
How to convert a Unicode character to its ASCII equivalent
How do I convert a file’s format from Unicode to ASCII using Python?
In general, character set of hundreds thousands entries cannot be converted to character set of 127 entries without some loss of information or encoding scheme.
You can use the function in
It converts Unicode string to Ansi string using specified code page. If you want convert using default system codepage (defined in regional options as non-unicode codepage) you can do it simply like following:
ws: widestring;
s: string;

Delphi 2009 + Unicode + Char-size

I just got Delphi 2009 and have previously read some articles about modifications that might be necessary because of the switch to Unicode strings.
Mostly, it is mentioned that sizeof(char) is not guaranteed to be 1 anymore.
But why would this be interesting regarding string manipulation?
For example, if I use an AnsiString:='Test' and do the same with a String (which is unicode now), then I get Length() = 4 which is correct for both cases.
Without having tested it, I'm sure all other string manipulation functions behave the same way and decide internally if the argument is a unicode string or anything else.
Why would the actual size of a char be of interest for me if I do string manipulations?
(Of course if I use strings as strings and not to store any other data)
Thanks for any help!
With Unicode SizeOf(SomeChar) <> Length(SomeChar). Essentially the length of a string is less then the sum of the size of its chars. As long as you don't assume SizeOf(Char) = 1, or SizeOf(SomeString[x]) = 1 (since both are FALSE now) or try to interchange bytes with chars, then you shouldn't have any trouble. Any place you are doing something creative stuffing Bytes into Chars or Strings, then you will need to use AnsiString.
(SizeOf(SomeString) is still 4 no matter the length since it is essentially a pointer with some compiler magic.)
People often implicitly convert from characters to bytes in old Delphi code without really thinking about it. For example, when writing to a stream. When you write a string to a stream, you have to specify the number of bytes you write, but people often pass the character count instead. See this post from Chris Bensen for another example.
Another way people often make this implicit conversion and older code is by using a "string" to store binary data. In this case, they actually want bytes, but the data type expects characters. D2009 has a better type for this.
I didn't try Delphi 2009, but are using fpc which is also switching to unicode slowly. I'm 95% sure that everything below also holds for Delphi 2009
In fpc (when supporting unicode) it will be so that functions like 'length' take the codepage into consideration. Thus it will return the length of the string as a 'human' would see it. If there are - for example - two chinese characters, that both take two bytes of memory in unicode, length will return 2, since there are two characters in the string. But the string will take 4 bytes of memory. (+the memory for the reference count and the leading #0, but that aside)
What you can not do anymore is this:
var p : pchar;
p := s[1];
for i := 0 to length(string)-1 do
Because this code will - in the two chinese-character example - write the wrong two characters. Namely the two bytes which are part of the first 'real' character.
In short: Length() doesn't return the amount of bytes allocated for the string anymore, but the amount of characters. (Before the switch to unicode, those two values were equal to eachother)
The actual size of a character shouldn't matter, unless you are doing the manipulation at the byte level.
(Of course if I use strings as strings and not to store any other data)
That's the key point, YOU don't use strings for other purposes, but some people do. They use strings just like arrays, so they (and that's including me) would need to check all such uses to make sure nothing is broken...
Lets not forget that there are times when this conversion is not really desired. Say for storing a GUID in a record for instance. The guid can only contain hexadecimal characters plus the - and brackets...making them take up twice the space can make quite an impact on existing code. Sure the simple solution is to change them to AnsiString, and deal with the compiler warnings if you do any string manipulation on them.
It can be an issue if you make Windows API calls. Or if you have legacy code that does inc or dec of str[0] to change its length.
