Good Day,
I have been more or less coding my own PHP scripts and using mysql for server-side stuff on my own server. I am quite interested in trying Amazon Web services.
Can I know if there is a free option to use their LAMP stack? Also, is there an iOS API available where I can create a database easily and just use the API for iOS to do retrieve data?
Yep there is a free tier option available where you can try a micro EC2 instance (a few AMIs already have Ubuntu + Apache + PHP5 installed as default) and a micro RDS (MySQL or others) database.
There is also a good iOS SDK available, even though it does not support all the AWS services.
I'm creating a mobile app using cordova.
I decided to use Couchbase to store datas; but I can't figure out the difference from couchbase (server) and couchbase lite(/or mobile).
I have downloaded the couchbase server on my system, but how to connect it with my app?
Can I develop a mobile app only with couchbase server and rest calls?
Can I use N1QL to 'query' the server with .NET also using phonegap? (because couchbase mobile doesn't support n1ql).
I could just call a rest web service done with .NET or maybe JAVA but so is it needed to add couchbase mobile to the app?
Couchbase Mobile means the combined stack of Couchbase Server, Sync Gateway, and Couchbase Lite. Couchbase Server is a backend NoSQL enterprise database. Couchbase Lite is used embedded on a device. You glue them together with Sync Gateway.
Using Couchbase Server directly via REST calls isn't likely to work well. Server is built with different expectations about network latency and reliability. For example, you typically update a document using a CAS (compare and swap) approach. This doesn't work well if you have an unreliable network. (That's one very crude example.) Technically you can develop an app this way, but you're asking for big headaches. (This is true with any database not built for mobile.)
The Couchbase Mobile stack was developed to deal with all the problems faced in using an unreliable network. With the current version (1.4) of Couchbase Mobile you can do querying with map/reduce. This is already powerful. Stay tuned for support of new query capabilities in the upcoming 2.0 release.
N1QL is great, and it would be nice to have it available on mobile now. However, unless you really just can't get along without it, you should really work with the standard Couchbase Mobile stack.
For PhoneGap support, take a look at the information in the plugin GitHub repo:
I know about elastic search and run a server in Command prompt in Windows 10 and Work in ASP.NET MVC.
I just want to host in Azure platform. as i have been using shared hosting with SQL server before. so i Need help
What will be minimum requirement or features i have to get to host mvc application compatible with mobile apps ( providing Apis , not for large scale only for 1 , 2 application ) , with elastic search running at the end ?
Do i have to get virtual machine , documentDB etc features.
You have multiple solutions to your scenario.
Using ElasticSearch
1) To run ElasticSearch you need an Azure Virtual Machine, this could be one from the Marketplace, like, an Ubuntu Server. The size of the VM will depend on the load that it has to manage, maybe you can work with an S1 or you might need an S2. In this case, it's your responsability to expose the network interfases for the elastic search service.
2) For your Web App, you'd need an Azure Web App (App Services). Depending on the load, you can go with an S1/S2 and define your scaling strategy if you need to. There are plenty of tools to measure how your Web App is handling load (NewRelic / AppInsights).
3) Finally, it depends on your Data, but you might need to store it in a persistent storage, like Azure SQL or Azure DocumentDB (depends on the nature of the data) in case you need to rebuild your Elastic Search indexes (and thus reindex from the persistent store).
Using Azure Search
1) Instead of Elastic Search, you can use Azure Search, it will simplify the whole scenario, since it's SaaS (Soft-as-a-Service) and you don't need to maintain and configure a VM, just use the service API from your Web App. Under the hood, it's basically Elastic Search/Lucene with added things.
2) You still need the App Service for your Web App.
3) You still need the persistent storage (Azure SQL, DocumentDB) in case you need to reindex your information or create new indexes.
Basically it all boils down to 3 services (VM/Azure Search + App Service + SQL/DocumentDB) + the Network usage that your App consumes, that's how you'd calculate your costs.
We are currently using both solutions on our products (ElasticSearch for an ELK Logging platform / Azure Search for our main client products) and both work well, but it depends really on your wallet and the kind of implementation times you have, the Azure Search approach might be faster.
I'm new to Amazon's cloud though I have used other cloud provides like Rackspace, Windows Azure and Heroku. I want to deploy my Ruby on Rails 4 application on Amazon but I am overwhelmed with all of the services Amazon offers. AWS, EC2, EBS, S3, SimpleDB, Elastic Beanstalk.... argh!!
My site is a relatively simple Rails app with a Postres database. There will not be much traffic at launch but we obviously hope it will grow and need to scale up.
What is a simple, no-frills plan that Amazon offers to get my app out there? I feel like I need to read 100 pages of documentation just to understand what it is that Amazon is offering.
First of all, there are no plans. You sign-up for an AWS account, and you have access to whichever services you want to use.
Secondly, I can wholeheartedly recommend a single-instance Elastic Beanstalk environment to get started. It only uses 1 EC2 virtual server behind the scenes, but you get much better deployment options.
I can't speak to other services like Heroku.
I'd like to hear if any of you had experiences developing and hosting such an application?
What do you think about combining the two? Is there a way to host it somewhere in cloud (Azure, Amazon...)? What resources (tools, drivers, documentation) have you used for development?
Thanks! :)
I have a couple of applications with mvc 3 and mongodb.
For the mvc app regular windows hosting.
For the mongodb i am using unix hosting (since it cost in several times lower than windows hosting).
Also you may need:
Official c# driver for mongodb: github
Official driver documentation: docs
Great ui tool (like management studio for sql server) for mongodb: mongovue
And mongodb manual ;)
That's all. Hope this help you quickly start development.
What do you think about combining the
Mongodb good fit for many web applications, it can be easy used with mvc 3 since exists nice driver for c# that contatins all latest features.
I have recently developed a small application using ASP.NET and MongoDB. I hosted the application on cheap shared Windows hosting # and hosted the db at
I will be writing a small backup service to back up my free MongoLab db to Amazon S3, but otherwise this setup works remarkably well, even with several "Handshakes" between the application and MomgoLab every request.
I am using Ruby on Rails 3 and I am considering to implement messaging queues for my applications using the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP).
So, relating to that arguments, I would like to know what hosting services can provide a RabbitMQ server (this is an open source implementation of AMQP).
I'd try something like Amazon EC2 or Rackspace Cloud, you have full control of the systems then.