iOS Twitter Reverse OAuth - ios

I have been pouring over the internet for days now trying to figure out how to implement this.
I need to request the access token and secret from twitter in order to pass this to a server that will process the users tweets for my application.
I have been following this link
The problem is step 1. They dont give you an example of step 1.
Here is my code:
SLRequest *getTwitterAuth = [SLRequest requestForServiceType:SLServiceTypeTwitter requestMethod:SLRequestMethodGET URL:url parameters:parameters];
// Assume that we stored the result of Step 1 into a var 'resultOfStep1'
NSString *S = resultOfStep1;
NSDictionary *step2Params = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
[step2Params setValue:#"kfLxMJsk7fqIuy8URhleFg" forKey:#"x_reverse_auth_target"];
[step2Params setValue:S forKey:#"x_reverse_auth_parameters"];
NSURL *url2 = [NSURL URLWithString:#""];
SLRequest *stepTwoRequest =
[SLRequest requestForServiceType:SLServiceTypeTwitter requestMethod:SLRequestMethodPOST URL:url2 parameters:step2Params];
// You *MUST* keep the ACAccountStore alive for as long as you need an ACAccount instance
// See WWDC 2011 Session 124 for more info.
self.accountStore = [[ACAccountStore alloc] init];
// We only want to receive Twitter accounts
ACAccountType *twitterType =
[self.accountStore accountTypeWithAccountTypeIdentifier:ACAccountTypeIdentifierTwitter];
// Obtain the user's permission to access the store
[self.accountStore requestAccessToAccountsWithType:twitterType
withCompletionHandler:^(BOOL granted, NSError *error) {
if (!granted) {
// handle this scenario gracefully
} else {
// obtain all the local account instances
NSArray *accounts =
[self.accountStore accountsWithAccountType:twitterType];
// for simplicity, we will choose the first account returned - in your app,
// you should ensure that the user chooses the correct Twitter account
// to use with your application. DO NOT FORGET THIS STEP.
[stepTwoRequest setAccount:[accounts objectAtIndex:0]];
// execute the request
[stepTwoRequest performRequestWithHandler:
^(NSData *responseData, NSHTTPURLResponse *urlResponse, NSError *error) {
NSString *responseStr =
[[NSString alloc] initWithData:responseData
// see below for an example response
NSLog(#"The user's info for your server:\n%#", responseStr);
I have been trying to figure out how I process the SLRequest in oder to pass it to step 2 from the twitter docs.
I have also used this here:
This code is great but very complex. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

The reason step one doesn't have any code is that they assume you will do this on your server or before hand or something like that. Basically you need to generate a key that your app will use to convert iOS tokens to normal tokens.
There is a script that will make the request for you here: Its written in ruby so you could use something similar if you have a ruby server.
Personally I would have my app request this token from my server, then make the request to twitter, then post the new token back to my server.

Here is a class to help accomplish just this with a single method call that returns a dictionary with the token and token secret.
Hope this helps others out!

As of this code , it's fairly simple to implement in your own application. I prefer to create reusable classes, so I don't have to implement the same code multiple times. Normally you would create some singleton and work with it on the following tutorial. However the point of this instruction is not to teach you how to create singletons, so for the simplicity sake, we will use AppDelegate.h/m which is easily accessible from all over the application.
All you have to do is the following:
Open yours and Sean Cook's project (the one which URL is above)
Drag and copy Source->Vendor->ABOauthCore group into your project
Select TWAPIManager.h/m, TWSignedRequest.h/m and copy them into your project
Add the below code into your AppDelegate.h file
#property (nonatomic, strong) ACAccountStore* store;
#property (nonatomic, strong) TWAPIManager *apiManager;
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSArray *accounts;
-(void)storeAccountWithAccessToken:(NSString *)token secret:(NSString *)secret;
-(void)performReverseAuth:(id)sender inView:(UIView*)viewToDisplaySheet;
Now paste the following methods into your AppDelegate.m file
-(void)actionSheet:(UIActionSheet *)actionSheet clickedButtonAtIndex:(NSInteger)buttonIndex;
-(void)_obtainAccessToAccountsWithBlock:(void (^)(BOOL))block;
-(void)performReverseAuth:(id)sender inView:(UIView*)viewToDisplaySheet;
In some initialization method of your file, or as of this example in: `application: didFinishLaunchingWithOptions' paste the following code:
_store = [[ACAccountStore alloc] init];
_apiManager = [[TWAPIManager alloc] init];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:#selector(_refreshTwitterAccounts) name:ACAccountStoreDidChangeNotification object:nil];
Remember to remove observer using the following code. Paste it in AppDelegate.m:
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self];
Open your app-Info.plist file and add 2 string keys. Take their values from:
In the View Controller that you want to use to implement twitter features, in the viewDidLoad method, add the following code:
AppDelegate* appDelegate = [UIApplication sharedApplication].delegate;
[appDelegate _refreshTwitterAccounts];
OK, finally you are ready to start the whole machine. In the View Controller that you want to use to implement twitter features, create UIButton called _reverseAuthBtn and create an IBAction to it. Then in your IBAction paste the following code:
AppDelegate* appDelegate = [UIApplication sharedApplication].delegate;
[appDelegate performReverseAuth:sender inView:self.view];
Whew, I guess that's it! If I haven't forgotten about anything, you have got Twitter Reverse Oauth implementation, and if you want to use it in multiple view controllers, all you have to do is do steps 1-8, and then paste the code from the steps 9 and 10 into your view controller.
Best regards!

Use this lib, it works perfectly!
Info how to implement:


Office 365 iOS: Not able to fetch List Items from Office 365 SDK

I have added the announcement app and added few items to it, now i want to fetch the items from my announcement list so I have used the below code
token_Obtained_During_first_time_Login: This is the token that i get when i login for the first time using the acquireTokenWithResource method of ADAuthenticationContext class
- (void)getClientList {
NSString *appToken = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]
NSString* hostName = #"";
OAuthentication *credentials = [[OAuthentication alloc] initWith:appToken];
ListClient *client = [[ListClient alloc]
NSURLSessionTask* task = [client getListItems:#"MyAnnouncements"
callback:^(NSMutableArray *listItems, NSError *error) {
if (error==nil) {
[task resume];
I have even debugged the 365 code and it provides me the below URL for getListItems: callback method'MyAnnouncements')/Items
I have even tried the same using getTokenWith method which comes with the sample code
- (void)getAnnouncementList:(void (^)(ListClient *))callback{
NSString* hostName = #"";
[self getTokenWith:hostName :true completionHandler:^(NSString *token) {
OAuthentication *credentials = [[OAuthentication alloc] initWith:token];
callback([[ListClient alloc]initWithUrl:hostName credentials:credentials]);
But still no luck i get the list as nil
Please guide on how this can be resolved, I have even verified the rights in the Azure Directory everything seems fine am able to fetch data of one drive, mails and calendar but list is a place where i am stuck.
Every time i call the above code i get the response nil not sure what am passing wrong, my guess is the token.
I resolved this issue by making a change in the apiUrl present in the ListClient.m file of Office 365.
All i did was changed it to
const NSString *apiUrl = #"/sites/mobileApp/_api/web/Lists";
Making the above change did the trick and now i can access all the list data.

Force app to wait for method completion (data download)

I'm working with an app that requests data from an OAuth2.0 protected server. When I use the GTM OAuth Library to retrieve data, the program continues to run while the data is being downloaded in the background. I need some sort of mechanism to either force my application to wait until the didFinishWithData selector is called,or I need a way to notify my ViewController of the download's completion, so I can then utilize the data immediately.
I've tried conditional blocks, but those aren't doing it for me. I've also tried polling the object whose data I'm interested in, but if I do that, the data never seems to download. I've heard I can somehow utilize the Notification Center to accomplish this task, so I'll look more into that while I'm waiting for replies here.
Here is basically what is going on:
-(void) getAlert{
// Define the URL of the API module we'd like to utilize.
NSURL *url = [[NSURL alloc] initWithString:#""];
// Constructs a an HTTP request object to send to the server in order to obtain data.
NSMutableURLRequest *request = [[NSMutableURLRequest alloc] initWithURL:url];
[request setValue:#"1" forHTTPHeaderField:#"alert_days"];
// This fetcher sends the request along with the authentication header in a recognizable manner.
GTMHTTPFetcher *fetcher = [[GTMHTTPFetcher alloc] initWithRequest:request];
// Attach the OAuth credentials for the fetcher's use.
[fetcher setAuthorizer:auth];
// Execute the operation.
[fetcher waitForCompletionWithTimeout:10];
NSLog(#"About to get alert");
[fetcher beginFetchWithDelegate:self didFinishSelector:#selector(responseHandler:finishedWithData:finishedWithError:)];
NSLog(#"got alert");
-(void)responseHandler:(id)valueNotUsed finishedWithData:(NSData *)data finishedWithError:(NSError *)error{
// Retrieve the server data in a usable object
// All that's being done here is conversion to an NSDictionary
// followed by the creation of subdictionaries from that dictionary
// until our final value can be picked directly out of the resulting dict
NSData *jsonData = [[NSData alloc] initWithData:data];
NSError *dictError;
NSDictionary* json = [NSJSONSerialization
JSONObjectWithData:jsonData //1
NSDictionary *token = [json objectForKeyedSubscript:#"message"];
NSArray *alerts = [token objectForKeyedSubscript:#"alerts"];
NSDictionary *alertData = alerts[0];
mapCode = [alertData objectForKeyedSubscript:#"map_code"];
NSString *city = [alertData objectForKeyedSubscript:#"city"];
NSLog(#"Map code: '%#' with city '%#' and access token %#", mapCode, city, accessToken);
And I need to pass the mapCode to my view controller.
Thanks for the help!
First off, please rethink about having the UI halt while you fetch results from the server. This can create an extremely bad UX for the app and only should be done if absolutely necessary.
Second, does your responseHandler method work? And do you only need mapCode in the VC that responseHandler is in?
If so, you don't even need to use Notifications. Simply do:
-(void)responseHandler:(id)valueNotUsed finishedWithData:(NSData *)data finishedWithError:(NSError *)error{
mapCode = [alertData objectForKeyedSubscript:#"map_code"];
[self updateVCWithMapCode:mapCode];
That will call the method after the response has been received. Passing it explicitly too so you don't need to have mapCode be a property as well.

How to get token info from Sharekit for Twitter

My app displays a short list of tweets based on a given TV hashtag with the additional ability to post a tweet.
But now twitter has gone oauth for all requests, my tweet list doesnt appear as it was using the old search.atom API.
Therefore, how do I access the search api and pass in OAuth credentials using Sharekit so user authenticates just the once for viewing tweets and posting between sessions.
I have tried using SHKRequest, hoping, that as ShareKit has already authorised it will pass this information through; with no joy, is there some other way of doing this or am I just using it badly/wrong.
request = [[[SHKRequest alloc] initWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:#""]
autostart:YES] autorelease];
I do need to maintain compatibility with 4.3 API so I cant just use iOS5 Twitter API.
Disclaimer: I am inheriting project from someone so my XCode/ObjC knowledge is being learnt whilst I modify project (I come from C/C++ background), so please ignore my ignorance.
ShareKit contains an SHKTwitter class. It is a subclass of SHKOAuthSharer. As such, you can ask it to perform authorisations / refreshes and get the resulting token.
Create an instance of SHKTwitter and register as it's delegate. Implement the - (void)sharerAuthDidFinish:(SHKSharer *)sharer success:(BOOL)success delegate method. Then call tokenRequest. When the delegate method is called, if success is YES you can get the accessToken.
SHKTwitter *twitter = [[SHKTwitter alloc] init];
twitter.shareDelegate = self;
[twitter tokenRequest];
- (void)sharerAuthDidFinish:(SHKSharer *)sharer success:(BOOL)success
SHKTwitter *twitter = (SHKTwitter *)sharer;
if (twitter.accessToken != nil) {
NSLog(#"session: %#, %#", twitterSharer.accessToken.key, twitterSharer.accessToken.secret);
} else {
[twitter tokenAccess];
IN SHKOAuthSharer.m class You will get access Token in method:
- (void)tokenAccessTicket:(OAServiceTicket *)ticket didFinishWithData:(NSData *)data
if (SHKDebugShowLogs) // check so we don't have to alloc the string with the data if we aren't logging
SHKLog(#"tokenAccessTicket Response Body: %#", [[[NSString alloc] initWithData:data encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] autorelease]);
///[[SHKActivityIndicator currentIndicator] hide];
if (ticket.didSucceed)
NSString *responseBody = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:data
//piyush Added
NSArray *strArray = [responseBody componentsSeparatedByString:#"="];
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]setObject:[strArray objectAtIndex:([strArray count]-1)] forKey:#"TwitterUsername"];
**self.accessToken** = [[OAToken alloc] initWithHTTPResponseBody:responseBody];
[responseBody release];
[self storeAccessToken];
//[self tryPendingAction];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:#"TwitterDidLogin" object:nil];
// TODO - better error handling here
[self tokenAccessTicket:ticket didFailWithError:[SHK error:SHKLocalizedString(#"There was a problem requesting access from %#", [self sharerTitle])]];

Does TWRequest work for the twitter streaming api?

I am trying to make a basic iphone app that shows nearby tweets. I was using the TWRequest object to accomplish this with the twitter search api. Unfortunately, I would actually like to mark the tweets on a map using their GPS coordinates and the search api doesn't seem to return the actual location that a tweet was made with any better accuracy than the city name.
As such, I think I need to switch to the streaming api. I am wondering if it is possible to continue using the TWRequest object in this case or if I need to actually switch over to using NSURLConnection? Thanks in advance!
Yes, you can use a TWRequest object. Create your TWRequest object using the appropriate URL and parameters from the Twitter API doco, and set the TWRequest.account property to the ACAccount object for the Twitter account.
You can then use the signedURLRequest method of TWRequest to get an NSURLRequest which can be used to create an asynchronous NSURLConnection using connectionWithRequest:delegate:.
Once this is done, the delegate's connection:didReceiveData: method will be called whenever data is received from Twitter. Note that each NSData object received may contain more than one JSON object. You will need to split these up (separated by "\r\n") before converting each one from JSON using NSJSONSerialization.
It took me a bit of time to get this up and running, So I thought I aught to post my code for others. In my case I was trying to get tweets close to a certain location, so you will see that I used a locations parameter and a location struct I had in scope. You can add whatever params you want to the params dictionary.
Also note that this is bare bones, and you will want to do things such as notify the user that an account was not found and allow the user to select the twitter account they would like to use if multiple accounts exist.
Happy Streaming!
//First, we need to obtain the account instance for the user's Twitter account
ACAccountStore *store = [[ACAccountStore alloc] init];
ACAccountType *twitterAccountType = [store accountTypeWithAccountTypeIdentifier:ACAccountTypeIdentifierTwitter];
// Request permission from the user to access the available Twitter accounts
[store requestAccessToAccountsWithType:twitterAccountType
withCompletionHandler:^(BOOL granted, NSError *error) {
if (!granted) {
// The user rejected your request
NSLog(#"User rejected access to the account.");
else {
// Grab the available accounts
NSArray *twitterAccounts = [store accountsWithAccountType:twitterAccountType];
if ([twitterAccounts count] > 0) {
// Use the first account for simplicity
ACAccount *account = [twitterAccounts objectAtIndex:0];
NSMutableDictionary *params = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
[params setObject:#"1" forKey:#"include_entities"];
[params setObject:location forKey:#"locations"];
[params setObject:#"true" forKey:#"stall_warnings"];
//set any other criteria to track
//params setObject:#"words, to, track" forKey#"track"];
// The endpoint that we wish to call
NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:#""];
// Build the request with our parameter
TWRequest *request = [[TWRequest alloc] initWithURL:url
// Attach the account object to this request
[request setAccount:account];
NSURLRequest *signedReq = request.signedURLRequest;
// make the connection, ensuring that it is made on the main runloop
self.twitterConnection = [[NSURLConnection alloc] initWithRequest:signedReq delegate:self startImmediately: NO];
[self.twitterConnection scheduleInRunLoop:[NSRunLoop mainRunLoop]
[self.twitterConnection start];
} // if ([twitterAccounts count] > 0)
} // if (granted)

Facebook API - How to cancel Graph Request

I occasionally need to cancel a FaceBook graph request, but there seems to be no cancel or similar method in their API to do so. At the moment, crashes sometimes occur as the delegate I assigned to the request has been deallocated. Is there any way to cancel a graph request once submitted please?
I'm assuming you're talking about the facebook-ios-sdk project, and the lack of a cancel method in Facebook.h. I noticed this as well, and eventually decided to add my own cancel method. Just to note, the delegate you assign to the request shouldn't ever be dealloc'd and then referenced, because the request retains the delegate. See this similar question. Now, if you find yourself really needing a cancel method for some other reason...
Adding a cancel method:
Facebook requests are made in an opaque manner. You never see them, and only hear about results via the Facebook class. Under the hood, the Facebook class makes Graph API requests with the (not for public use) FBRequest class. This class is is basically a fancy NSURLConnection delegate. So to cancel the request, the member NSURLConnection just has to be told to cancel. Adding this method to FBRequest:
// Add to FBRequest.h
- (void)cancel;
// Add to FBRequest.m
- (void)cancel {
[_connection cancel];
[_connection release], _connection = nil;
Now, to expose an interface in the Facebook class to make use of the new method...
// Add to Facebook.h
- (void)cancelPendingRequest;
// Add to Facebook.m
- (void)cancelPendingRequest {
[_request cancel];
[_request release], _request = nil;
That's all there is to it. The method above will cancel the most recent request, and you'll never hear from it again.
I've followed Matt Wilding's approach listed here, which was very useful, thanks Matt. Unfortunately it didnt quite work for me, so I made some tweaks and now it works... also this revised approach keeps out of the core facebook classes...
//in .h define an FBRequest property
#property (nonatomic, retain) FBRequest * pendingFBRequest;
//in .m when making your request, store it in your FBRequest property
pendingFBRequest = [facebook requestWithGraphPath:#"me/feed"
//create a timer for your timeout
pendingFacebookActionTimer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:15.0 target:self selector:#selector(onPendingFacebookActionTimeout) userInfo:nil repeats:NO];
//cancel the action on the timeout's selector method
-(void)onPendingFacebookActionTimeout {
[pendingFBRequest.connection cancel];
Updated on 22/April/2012
I update Matt's version with the most up-to-date Facebook iOS SDK. My Project is using ARC, but I include the non-ARC Facebook sources so that I can modify the codes. (Of Course, we need to set the "-fno-objc-arc" flag for Facebook source files). The tricky part is to prevent the memory leak, and I think I am doing it correctly. But When I test it in the instrument, I still see very small amount of memory leak. Fortunately, the details show that they are not related to these codes, so I just assume they are related to the app resource handling.
Here is the code I implemented:
// Add to Facebook.h
- (void)cancelPendingRequest:(FBRequest *)releasingRequest;
// Add to Facebook.m
- (void)cancelPendingRequest:(FBRequest *) releasingRequest{
[releasingRequest.connection cancel];
[releasingRequest removeObserver:self forKeyPath:requestFinishedKeyPath];
[_requests removeObject:releasingRequest];
And in your project which uses FBRequestDelegate
// Declare this member or property to the .h file
FBRequest * currentFbRequest;
// Declare this method
And ...
// In .m file
AppDelegate * appDelegate = (AppDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];
// prepare your necessary request data and parameter ...
currentFbRequest = [appDelegate.facebook requestWithGraphPath:#"/me/photos"
// Then in the method where you want to cancel
AppDelegate * appDelegate = (AppDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];
[appDelegate.facebook cancelPendingRequest:currentFbRequest];
For those of us who build the static library and are unable to access the implementation files, a category would be the best way to go.
For those of us who did not build the static library, using a category would be optimal as well because you don't need to modify the existing files.
Here is said category.
// Facebook+Cancel.h
#import "Facebook.h"
#interface Facebook (Facebook_cancel)
- (void)cancelPendingRequest:(FBRequest *)releasingRequest;
- (void)cancelAllRequests;
And then the .m file
// Facebook+Cancel.m
#import "Facebook+Facebook_cancel.h"
#implementation Facebook (Facebook_cancel)
- (void)cancelPendingRequest:(FBRequest *)releasingRequest{
[releasingRequest.connection cancel];
if ([_requests containsObject:releasingRequest]) {
[_requests removeObject:releasingRequest];
[releasingRequest removeObserver:self forKeyPath:#"state"];
- (void)cancelAllRequests {
for (FBRequest *req in [_requests mutableCopy]) {
[_requests removeObject:req];
[req.connection cancel];
[req removeObserver:self forKeyPath:#"state"];
For those using any other answer, you are causing a memory leak. The Facebook SDK will warn you through NSLog that you have not removed an observer. The fourth line in the cancelAllRequests method fixes this problem.
Try this instead of using NSTimer:
FBRequest *fbRequest = [facebook requestWithGraphPath:#"me" andDelegate:self];
[self performSelector:#selector(fbRequestTimeout:) withObject:fbRequest afterDelay:30];
- (void)fbRequestTimeout:(FBRequest *)fbRequest
[fbRequest.connection cancel];
[fbRequest setDelegate:nil];
Since SDK 3.1, it's very easy, as startWithCompletionHandler: returns a FBRequestConnection object, which has a -(void)cancel; method.
For example:
// In interface or .h definitions:
#property (strong, nonatomic) FBRequest *fBRequest;
#property (strong, nonatomic) FBRequestConnection *fbConnection;
// when needed in class (params should be set elsewhere, this is just an example):
self.fBRequest = [[FBRequest alloc] initWithSession:[FBSession activeSession] graphPath:#"me/photos" parameters:params HTTPMethod:#"POST"];
self.fbConnection = [self.fBRequest startWithCompletionHandler:^(FBRequestConnection *connection, id result, NSError *error){
NSLog(#"Publish complete, error: %d", error.code);
// now, to cancel anywhere in the class, just call:
[self.fbConnection cancel];
In FBRequest.h, I've had to add _delegate = nil; because in my case, the request delegate no longer existed (it was dismissed) which caused a crash.
I was having a crash with the previous iOS Facebook SDK which was valid in August 2012 whenever I navigated to another view. My solution is based on #staticfiction response:
Added BOOL viewWillDisappear flag in .h. In -(void) viewWillDisappear: set the flag to YES. Reset flag to NO in -(void) viewDidAppear:
//in .h define an FBRequest property
#property (nonatomic, retain) FBRequest * pendingFBRequest;
* Graph API: Search query to get nearby location.
- (void)apiGraphSearchPlace:(CLLocation *)location {
currentAPICall = kAPIGraphSearchPlace;
NSString *centerLocation = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:#"%f,%f",
JMYAppDelegate *delegate = (JMYAppDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];
NSMutableDictionary *params = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
#"place", #"type",
centerLocation, #"center",
#"1000", #"distance",
[centerLocation release];
pendingFBRequest = [[delegate facebook] requestWithGraphPath:#"search" andParams:params andDelegate:self];
if (viewWillDisappear) {
[pendingFBRequest.connection cancel];
[pendingFBRequest setDelegate:nil];
[self hideActivityIndicator];
Make a CURL call to this URL
