iOS Old MPL SDK, Where's the download? - ios

I'm trying to start implementing MPL into a new app.
I only found links to the current Paypal iOS SDK , but that one is only supported inside the US, so It's not a solid option for me.
Trying to find a download for the classic MPL SDK but their website is not very helpful.
Would appreciate any assistance on this.

PayPal is replacing the Mobile Payments Library with the iOS/Android SDK. You should be able to download the SDK from the the github site here. Non-US developers, can continue to use the MPL and you should be able to find it here.


PayFort SDK Integration in iOS (Objective C)

I want to integrate Payfort payment gateway in my app and i cant seem to understand the guidelines provided by the sdk... if possible, can anyone provide the steps? to generate the sdk token/signature and the bill? thanks in advance.

Skype integration with Xamarin iOS

We are developing iOS app in Xamarin and we have one requirement to integrate O365 Skype integration. I can see there is SDK available for iOS native but couldn't find anything for Xamarin.iOS. Anyone please help me out.
What you look for is called a iOS library binding.
If someone already created it and made open-source you can look for it. If not - it is necessary to you to do a binding.
Please see reference about ios libraries bindings.

How to Integrate Braintree Paypal with iOS?

Is the a braintree iOS latest Version SDK for native iOS app payment system integration that uses paypal payments too?
I cannot seem to find a smart Sampleone. Is there a any sample code?
Or is there a smart guide on how to do it?
Yes, you can integrate Braintree and Paypal using the same SDK. Please Click here for more details.
Hope this will help you.

Is there any Single sign-on project integrated both twitter and facebook

I'm developing an ios app and I want to allow users sign in with Twitter and Facebook. Is there any open source project like ShareKit integrated both ? Or is there project integrated into ShareKit?
You now have the twitter framework inside the iOS SDK. So I would advise you sticking with that. The Facebook, on the other hand is still not a part of the iOS SDK. Nevertheless, it's quite simple to integrate it in your application (if you are able to spend 20 minutes by yourself to learn it). You can check it here.
Other possibility is to use ShareKit 2.0. Original ShareKit is not maintained anymore. ShareKit 2.0 uses iOS5 Twitter framework and Facebook SSO. If you decide to use ShareKit 2.0, make sure to follow updated installation guide. You can make a quick preview of what ShareKit is capable running the demo app.

Help with facebook ios sdk

I've found some tutorials how to connect your app to facebook with facebook ios sdk, but they all use FBSession.h which doesn't exist in the newest version of facebook ios sdk so I don't know how to connect.
Can someone tell me how to connect it with the newest facebook ios sdk, or has some new tutorial?
Have you looked here? This guide shows you how to use the fb graph api with mobile platforms
You can add FacebookSDK and deprecated (backwards compatibility) folder into the frameworks group. You can import Facebook.h and it usually has everything u require.
