Rails - NoMethodError - ruby-on-rails

I am receiving NoMethodErrors when my DeltaSynWorker runs. This happens in an application that was built as a revision of a currently working application. I am not the original programmer, and I am coming at it from a Java background (I mention this because it is possible I am missing something very obvious to others). I cannot figure out why NoMethodeError is being thrown when the code is very similar to code that is currently working fine in a different web application.
The Error:
NoMethodError: undefined method `client' for #<ApiRequestBuilder:0x0000000705a8f0>
class DeltaSyncWorker < SyncWorker
include Sidekiq::Worker
sidekiq_options queue: "delta_syncs"
def perform(subscriber_id, client_id)
current_subscriber = ApiSubscriberDecorator.decorate(Subscriber.find(subscriber_id))
Time.zone = current_subscriber.time_zone
client = ApiClientDecorator.decorate(Client.find(client_id))
arb = ApiRequestBuilder.new(URI.parse(SR_HOST + '/servlet/sync/process'))
if arb.client(:subscriber => current_subscriber, :client => client)
if arb.success?
decorated_client = ClientDecorator.decorate(client.model)
ConfirmationsSyncWorker.perform_in(1.hours, current_subscriber.id)
error_params = {:subscriber => current_subscriber.id, :response_body => arb.response.body, :request_body => arb.request.body, :sync_type => "DeltaSyncWorker"}
Airbrake.notify(:error_class => "sync_error", :error_message => "Sync Error: #{arb.response.message}", :params => error_params)
require 'nokogiri'
class ApiRequestBuilder < AbstractController::Base
include AbstractController::Rendering
include AbstractController::Layouts
include AbstractController::Helpers
include AbstractController::Translation
include AbstractController::AssetPaths
self.view_paths = "app/api"
attr_accessor :request_body, :request, :response, :append_request_headers, :request_method, :url
def initialize(url, *args)
#url = url
if args
args.each do |arg|
arg.each_pair{ |k,v| instance_variable_set("##{k.to_s}", v) }
# this will search for an api request template in api/requests, render that template and set any instance variables
def method_missing(meth, *args, &block)
if lookup_context.template_exists?("requests/#{meth.to_s}")
if args
args.each do |arg|
arg.each_pair{|k,v| instance_variable_set("##{k.to_s}", v) }
#request_body = (render :template => "requests/#{meth.to_s}")
def transmit
#request_method ||= "Post"
#request = "Net::HTTP::#{#request_method}".constantize.new(#url.path)
#request['x-ss-user'] = #subscriber.sr_user if #subscriber && #subscriber.sr_user.present?
#request['x-ss-pwd'] = #subscriber.sr_password if #subscriber && #subscriber.sr_password.present?
unless #append_request_headers.nil?
#append_request_headers.each_pair{ |k,v| #request[k] = v }
#request.body = #request_body if request_body? && #request.request_body_permitted?
#http = Net::HTTP.new(#url.host, #url.port)
#http.use_ssl = true
#http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE
#response = #http.request(#request)
def success?
if #response.code == 200.to_s
return true
return false
def request_body?
unless #request_body.nil?
return true
return false
I have been looking at other NoMethodError questions here, but I cannot find an answer I feel applies to my situation. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

method_missing will catch sent messages for which there is no method defined, and the call to super at the end will pass it up to Ruby's standard method_missing behavior, which is what you are seeing (NoMethodError). However, this only happens if the if condition is not met, which is what I suspect is happening here, and would explain why it works in some situations but not in others. The call to :client, having found no matching methods along the inheritance chain, will look for a template called "requests/client" - try adding this template and see if that fixes the issue.

I know Ive seen this before and I feel like it wasn't what it appeared to be, but ya basically method missing is just intercepting the method call and when you call arb.client, it is caught by method missing and therefore tries to render api/client.xml.arb or api whatever the file type is. -- Note that there should be a file in the initializers directory named somethig like api_template_handler.rb or arb_temmplate_handler.rb, which is what allows rails to see that template type in the view directory -- make sure that is there first. Also sidenote, _client.xml.api is a partial used by the other api request in that directory (full sync),
To debug Id start by, above the following line
if lookup_context.template_exists?("requests/#{meth.to_s}")
Add a log statement
Rails.logger.debug "Can I see View?" + lookup_context.template_exists?("requests/#{meth.to_s}")
If true, then the problem is the error isnt getting caught properly because of method missing. If false, then the sidekiq worker isnt loading rails properly, or the view path isn't being added onto the rails view paths.
If true, Im guessing it might have something to do with the client model not being loaded, or an attribute on the client model not existing, that the builder is trying to call, and the error is somehow bubbling up to the api request builder class.
Oh also, just general stuff, but make sure redis and sidekiq are running, and restart passenger if its non local environment.
Let me know how it goes.


Ruby\Rails sandboxing

I have a case, when the text from the DB field should be "evaled" in the sandbox mode - with whitelist of methods and constants, allowed to invoke.
Gem https://github.com/tario/shikashi fits to this perfectly, but it seems to me, that it's abandoned.
I even can't use run Basic Example 2 (only Basic Example 1 works fine):
require "rubygems"
require "shikashi"
include Shikashi
def foo
# privileged code, can do any operation
print "foo\n"
s = Sandbox.new
priv = Privileges.new
# allow execution of foo in this object
priv.object(self).allow :foo
# allow execution of method :times on instances of Fixnum
priv.instances_of(Fixnum).allow :times
#inside the sandbox, only can use method foo on main and method times on instances of Fixnum
s.run(priv, "2.times do foo end")
Because it fails with an Error Cannot invoke method foo on object of class Object (SecurityError)
This gem uses another gem evalhook that looks for me complicated in order to fix the issue. There are another gems like this one but they are even more abandoned.
As far as I understood using $SAFE is not a good idea, because it has vulnerabilities.
Are there another approaches for such feature? Maybe manipulating with Binding object?
My problem was not so hard to solve without any gems. The idea is that you have whitelist of methods and constants WHITELIST and this class checks, if all methods and constants are in the whitelist
# gem install 'parser'
require 'parser/current'
class CodeValidator
attr_reader :errors, :source
WHITELIST = {:send => [:puts, :+, :new], :const => [:String]}
class Parser::AST::Node
def value
return children[1] if [:send, :const].include? type
fail NotImplementedError
def initialize(source)
#errors = []
#source = source
def valid?
def exclude_node?(node)
blacklisted_node_types.include?(node.type) && !WHITELIST[node.type].include?(node.value)
def blacklisted_node_types
def insecure_node?(node)
return !!add_error_for_node(node) if exclude_node?(node)
node.children.each { |child_node| return true if child_node.class == Parser::AST::Node && insecure_node?(child_node) }
def root_node
#root_node ||= Parser::CurrentRuby.parse source
def add_error_for_node(node)
errors << "#{node.type} not allowed: #{node.value}"
c = CodeValidator.new("s = 'hello ' + String.new('world'); puts s.inspect")
p c.valid? # => false
p c.errors # => ["send not allowed: inspect"]

How to access perform parameters in ActiveJob rescue

I am wondering on how do you access ActiveJob perform parameters in the resue block, such as
def perform object
rescue_from Exception do |e|
if e.class != ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
# do something
Thank You !!
It is possible with arguments inside the rescue_from block:
rescue_from(StandardError) do |exception|
user = arguments[0]
post = arguments[1]
# ...
def perform(user, post)
# ...
This also works for callbacks as well (e.g. inside after_perform).
I had no idea on that as well, then simply decided to try and use self inside the rescue_from block, and it worked.
rescue_from(StandardError) do |ex|
puts ex.inspect
puts self.job_id
# etc.
As a side note -- NEVER ever rescue Exception:
Why is it a bad style to `rescue Exception => e` in Ruby?
You can access all Bindings by ex.bindings. To make sure you get the correct binding for your job you should check the receiver like this1:
method_binding = ex.bindings.find { |b| b.receiver.is_a?(self.class) }
Then you can get all local variables with .local_variable_get. Since method arguments are also local variables, you can at least explicitly fetch them:
user = method_binding.local_variable_get(:user)
post = method_binding.local_variable_get(:post)
So for you example:
def perform object
rescue_from Exception do |e|
if e.class != ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
method_binding = ex.bindings.find { |b| b.receiver.is_a?(self.class) }
object = method_binding.local_variable_get(:object)
# do something
1. It is still possible that this binding is not the one of perform if you call other instance methods in your job's perform method and the error happens there. This can also be taken in account but is left out for brevity.

How to add attribute to existing Notifications payload?

In Rails notifications, I am subscribing to "process_action.action_controller", and would like to add more attributes to the payload. How can I do that?
I have tried using append_info_to_payload, but this seems to do nothing.
module AppendExceptionPayload
module ControllerRuntime
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
def append_info_to_payload(payload)
payload[:happy] = "HAPPY"
The subscription and above code is in a Rails engine, so this is where I make the call to add it:
require 'append_exception_payload'
module Instrument
class Engine < ::Rails::Engine
ActiveSupport.on_load :action_controller do
include AppendExceptionPayload::ControllerRuntime
After putting up the bounty, I found a solution myself. Rails handles this really cleanly.
Basically, the append_info_to_payload method is meant exactly for this.
So to include session information and signed_in user information I added this to my application_controller.rb:
def append_info_to_payload(payload)
payload[:session] = request.session_options[:id] rescue ""
payload[:user_id] = session[:user_id] rescue "unknown"
So i jumped in and had a look at the api for the process_action method (private) and the append_info_to_payload instance method (public) and the proccess action method seems to call append_info_to_payload in its code like so:
ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument("process_action.action_controller", raw_payload) do |payload|
result = super
payload[:status] = response.status
and append_info_to_payload works something like this
def append_info_to_payload(payload) #:nodoc:
payload[:view_runtime] = view_runtime
I can suggest trying payload[:view_runtime] instead of payload[:happy] or trying to use payload[:status]
Let me know how you get on and I will try help more, unfortunately there is really no documentation for this stuff.

Object does not get loaded

This is the weirdest thing ever happened to me with ruby/rails.
I have a model, Store, which has_many Balances. And I have a method that gives me the default balance based on the store's currency.
Store model.
class Store < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :balances, as: :balanceable, dependent: :destroy
def default_balance
#puts self.inspect <- weird part.
balances.where(currency: self.currency)[0]
Balance model.
class Balance < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :balanceable, :polymorphic => true
Ok, so then in the Balance controller I have the show action, that will give me a specific balance or the default one.
Balance controller.
class Api::Stores::BalancesController < Api::Stores::BaseController
before_filter :load_store
# Returns a specific alert
# +URL+:: GET /api/stores/:store_id/balances/:id
def show
#puts #store.inspect <- weird part.
#balance = (params[:id] == "default") ? #store.default_balance : Balance.find(params[:id])
respond_with #balance, :api_template => :default
# Provides a shortcut to access the current store
def load_store
#store = Store.find(params[:store_id])
authorize! :manage, #store
Now here is where the weird part comes...
If I make a call to the show action; for example:
GET /api/stores/148/balances/default
It returns null (because the currency was set as null, and there is no Balance with null currency), and the SQL query generated is:
SELECT `balances`.* FROM `balances` WHERE `balances`.`balanceable_id` = 148 AND `balances`.`balanceable_type` = 'Store' AND `balances`.`currency` IS NULL
So I DON'T know why... it is setting the currency as NULL. BUT if in any where in that process I put
puts #store.inspect
or inside the default_balance method:
puts self.inspect
it magically works!!!.
So I don't know why is that happening?... It seems like the store object is not getting loaded until I "inspect" it or something like that.
Sam and Adrien are on the right path.
ActiveRecord overrides method_missing to add a whole bunch of dynamic methods including the accessors for the column-backed attributes like Store#currency. While I'm glossing over a lot, suffice it to say that when the logic is invoked then the dynamic class/instance methods are added to the Store class/instances so that subsequent calls no longer require the method_missing hook.
When YOU overrode method_missing without calling super, you effectively disabled this functionality. Fortunately, this functionality can be invoked by other means, one of which you tripped upon when you called store#inspect.
By adding the call to super, you simply assured that ActiveRecord's dynamic methods are always added to the class when they're needed.
OK finally after a lot of debugging, I found the reason...
In the Store model I have a method_missing method and I had it like this:
def method_missing method_name, *args
if method_name =~ /^(\w+)_togo$/
send($1, *args).where(togo: true)
elsif method_name =~ /^(\w+)_tostay$/
send($1, *args).where(tostay: true)
So when I was calling self.currency it went first to the method_missing and then returned null. What I was missing here was the super call.
def method_missing method_name, *args
if method_name =~ /^(\w+)_togo$/
send($1, *args).where(togo: true)
elsif method_name =~ /^(\w+)_tostay$/
send($1, *args).where(tostay: true)
But I continue wondering why after I had called puts #store.inspect or puts self.inspect it worked well?. I mean, why in that case that super call wasn't needed?

Legacy table with column named "class" in Rails

I've got a legacy table that my rails application shares with another application. It has a column called "class". The first time I reference any attribute in that model, I get an error. Subsequent references to attributes work. Is there a good workaround for this, or should I just go modify the other application that uses this table (ugh)?
>> Member::Ssg.find(:first)
=> #<Member::Ssg ssg_key: #<BigDecimal:10b169688,'0.253E3',4(8)>, org_id: 2, academic_year: 2006, class: true, next_due_date: "2011-06-01", submitted_date: "2006-02-13", notes: nil, owner_id: "1">
>> Member::Ssg.find(:first).notes
NoMethodError: undefined method `generated_methods' for true:TrueClass
from /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-2.3.8/lib/active_record/attribute_methods.rb:247:in `method_missing'
from (irb):2
>> Member::Ssg.find(:first).notes
=> nil
I went with a combination of the Bellmyer solution and adding the code below to my model
class << self
def instance_method_already_implemented?(method_name)
return true if method_name == 'class'
NOTE: Please see the updated solution at the end of this answer. Leaving the original outdated solution for historic reasons.
This has come up often enough (legacy column names interfering with ruby/rails) that I might just make a plugin out of this. Here's how you can fix it right away, though. Create this file in your app:
# lib/bellmyer/create_alias.rb
module Bellmyer
module CreateAlias
def self.included(base)
base.extend CreateAliasMethods
module CreateAliasMethods
def create_alias old_name, new_name
define_method new_name.to_s do
self.read_attribute old_name.to_s
define_method new_name.to_s + "=" do |value|
self.write_attribute old_name.to_s, value
And now, in your model:
class Member < ActiveRecord::Base
include Bellmyer::CreateAlias
create_alias 'class', 'class_name'
The first parameter to create_alias is the old method name, and the second parameter is the new name you want to call it, that won't interfere with rails. It basically uses the read_attribute and write_attribute methods to interact with the column instead of the ruby methods that get defined by ActiveRecord. Just be sure to use the new name for the field everywhere, like so:
member.class_name = 'helper'
This works with ruby 1.8, but I haven't tested with ruby 1.9 yet. I hope this helps!
UPDATE: I've found a better solution that works in Rails 3, the safe_attributes gem. I've written a blog post explaining how to use it, with example code snippets, and a full sample app you can download from github and play around with. Here's the link:
Legacy Database Column Names in Rails 3
The following works in Rails
class ReasonCode < ApplicationRecord
class << self
def instance_method_already_implemented?(method_name)
return true if method_name == 'class'
def as_json(options={})
add_class = attributes.keys.include?('class')
if add_class
if options[:only]
add_class = Array(options[:only]).map(&:to_s).include?('class')
elsif Array(options[:except])
add_class = Array(options[:except]).map(&:to_s).exclude?('class')
options[:except] = Array(options[:except])
json = super(options)
json['class'] = attributes['class'] if add_class
Adapted from this answer https://www.ruby-forum.com/t/activerecord-column-with-reserved-name-class/125705/2. The as_json method was added because rendering the record as json gave a SystemStackError (stack level too deep). I followed the serialization code in the Rails repo to only render the class attribute if specified in the as_json options.
