How to generate javascript with Dart editor - dart

When I select Tools > Generate Javascript in Dart editor, I get an error message saying that I need to select a Dart library. I want to convert the entire project into javascript. I can't figure out how to do that.

In the menu,
Tools > Pub build
Then the generated javascript will be created in the /build/web folder.

You need to select a dart file in a project that has a main function. Then you can use Tools > Generate Javascript to generate the Javascript. Dart automatically find all dependencies and compiles them to Javascript. If you have multiple projects that you want to compile, you need to do it for every project.


dart language: How to get all the classes available to import?

Programmatically I want to get all dart files available to import.
How can I achievement this? (programmatically)
In which environment do you want that?
If it's for a single Pub package, ensure that dart pub get has been run, then parse the .dart_tool/package_config.json file and find the roots of all the packages. Then search through those directories for all dart files that are not part files (does not start with part of ...;). The rest should be Dart library files which can be imported.
If you only want the packages that can be imported from inside lib/, you may want to parse the pubspec.yaml file too, so you can ignore the dev_dependencies.
Then you may also want to list the available dart:... platform libraries. Which are available depends on which platform you compile for. You need to figure that out somehow, then you should just keep a list for each platform.

Run lib build of lib from a project with pub

I'm actually on multiple dart projects which can share code. (based on this exemple)
This common code use a library named json_serializable
I'm using it to generate json serialization et deserialization methods for my user model.
I can use the commande pub run build_runner build to start the build. This way I can generate user_model.g.dart (which contains generated serialization and deserialization methods) from user_model.dart
Back to my project I'm adding my shared code as a dependency.
I'd like to use my user_model.dart but there is an error saying that user_model.g.dart doesn't exist. Indeed I haven't launch the build to generate this file.
I'm trying to find a way to launch this generation of code needed by my library but this must be done from my project.
I think I need to add a build file in my lib but I can't find how to do it :/
Schema :
Project X --using--> Lib Sharing Code --using--> json_serialization
You need to commit generated code.
build_runner can only generate code in the project it is run in, not in dependencies.

Automated F# Signature File (.fsi) Generation

I am working on a project that has a number of modules that I'd like to apply access control constraints to. I'd also like to have my project contain additional documentation on the type signatures of each function.
I know that I can accomplish both of these tasks very easily via F# signature files. However, my project is large and contains many files, and I need a convenient way of generating a signature file for each one. I have been successful in generating individual signature files via command line compilations using the --sig compiler option, but I am stuck on how to add compiler options to Visual Studio's build routine.
Is there a convenient way, either via VS compilation options, or via some command line script, for me to create an F# signature file for every *.fs file in my project directory?
You can tell VS to pass arbitrary flags to the compiler upon build by right clicking on your project in Solution Explorer and clicking "Properties." Under the "Build" tab fill in "Other flags".
Specifying --sig:<Some path> (with support for msbuild-style $(Variable) settings) will auto-generate a single combined .fsi for your library.

Dart project structure for apps (not libs)

I am trying to understand Dart's recommended project structure and not seeing the "forest through the trees".
So, if my project is intended to be a reusable library, say, a logging framework of some sort, then if I understand the above link correctly, I want all of my development to be under a lib and lib/src directory.
But what if I am building a web app? Where do my Dart source files go? Under packages? Specifically:
Where do I place Dart source files for a web app (not a lib)?
Are my web app's "packages" just directories that are logically organized similar to Java packages?
Does Dart recommend a 1-class-per-file convention for its source code?
static content like jpg, css go to
* your_app_package/asset
2) the packages directory is maintained automatically. You configure in the file pubspec.yaml which 3rd party libraries you want to use and then call pub get or pub upgrade and the packages directory is updated automatically (the Darteditor does this automatically when you update pubspec.yaml).
3) not that I know of.
I had some problems putting additional classed in the code file of a Polymer element though. But I guess this is just a temporary limitation of Polymer.

Automate transpiling entire Dart project into single file?

I'm new to Dart and trying to understand the JavaScript compilation process. After doing to reading, I can't seem to find a way to automatically build an entire project of Dart files at once. Am I missing something?
If you run the generate javascript command on any dart project with a main method, all code required by the project in question is automatically compiled to the javascript output file.
