Joomla, online image editing [closed] - image-processing

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I've been asked to do a site in Joomla. It must feature a way for visitors and administrators to upload and resize/crop images online.
Can anyone give me a hint of where to start?
I'm using Joomla 3.0.

Start by looking through this extension category:
If you don't like any of those you'll need to find a javascript image editor that you like and then wrap it in your own Joomla extension.

RokGallery does everything but I'm not sure about letting unregistered guests upload image. You'll have to look into that one.


World Clock app for ios [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I would like to replicate the default clock app in my app. Is there any way i can use the default app in my application or i should create a new one inside my app.I would be needing the world clock function in my app , What is the best method to implement it? Thanks in advance.
No, you cannot re-use the current 'World Clock' app within your own. You are going to have to replicate this functionality yourself.
CocoaControls does have a number of open source 'clock' controls that you might find useful.

Export text from App to Numbers/Excel [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Is it possible to program without using a database to export text directly to a Numbers or Excel document?
I mean if you have like "name", "phonenr", "date" etc. and you want to send and save it to an excel/numbers document. Is it possible to do it by code ?
I know how to send the text as an email with code, just don't know if its possible to save it to excel/numbers document.
Tried to search for a solution to this but only thing I found was going through a db. I was thinking of avoiding it as far as I can to simplify my application. (Haven't started yet, so I don't have any example how it will look like). Hope this explanation of was enough, ask if you don't understand it :)
yeahm you can do that by using excel lib for the language you are using,
for ios:

How can i do multiple download from different URL? [closed]

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Questions concerning problems with code you've written must describe the specific problem — and include valid code to reproduce it — in the question itself. See for guidance.
Closed 9 years ago.
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I have a program that download a video from a url using NSURLConnection, but i'm not able to do multiple download at the same time.
How can i do it?
AFNetworking is a very popular framework for doing this and I think it will help
check this
and this: Download a file / image with AFNetworking in iOS?

Post Text on LinkedIn with Authentication in IOS [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I search a lot for post text via Linked In API, but not able to find any good solution.
How can I authenticate user & post my Text on his page?
Any answer will be greatly appreciated!!
Help me to Solve this
Thank you,
The answer to this kind of question is always the same: the official documentation is your best friend. Also there are some ready to use third-party open source library for implementing linkedin authentication. One example is this.

UIScrollView, UIImageView and server requests [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Is it possible to request images from a server, put them into an Array of images and display them with PhotoScroller ? I downloaded the sample code from the apple development web site and dived into code. But i didn't find the place where to put our images instead of the sample images, and more, to get images from a server and not from the phone.
Thanks for any help or pointers on this question :).
You could use the UIImageView category extension UIImageView+AFNetworking to easily display images from a URL in a UIImageView. The library is available here.
