Scroller is not showing in landscape mode in IOS APP - ios

I want to make landscape and portrait mode iOS app. I've designed one page with 3 text boxes and 7 buttons. Text boxes and button are resizing (change width) according to IOS screen size in landscape mode but scroller is not showing in landscape mode. So, some buttons are not showing in landscape mode. Please go through landscape Image and portrait Image links.
Landscape Image :
Portrait Image:
I am new in IOS so, i am facing this type of problem. I request all experts to don't close my question because I am really facing this problem and i need to do complete it today.
I am waiting for your valuable answer.
Shailesh Prajapati

First of all, by default scroller is not always visible. It is visible when you enter your view but then it disappears. What is more it is not best, from user experience point of view, to display them all the time.
So, to indicate to user that "somewhere at the bottom there is something" you can do this two things:
after your view was loaded in - (void) viewDidLoad you can blink with scrolls by using:
[scrollView flashScrollIndicators];
and also you can place your buttons, near the bottom edge, in such a way that half of button will be visible and half will not. That will be indicator to user "hey! there is something there!" (

if this app for ios 6 or later in that case you can use autolayout otherwise it should be manage your code manually. First check is it portrait or landscape and then manage your text field and button manully according to frame.
Read first these two tutorial for autolayout..


Safari IOS Having clickable elements at top of screen doesn't work very good with landscape on Iphone

I have this app that has a bar at the top of the page that has a bunch of clickable elements it has always been a problem since on Safari IOS when clicking high up it brings down the address bar and exits fullscreen. We solved this initially by adding some padding up top to make the clickable area larger but they seem to have increased this size on IOS 13 and adding more padding will make it look horrible. Anyone had this problem and have a workaround for it?
Some way the click area for bringing down the address bar smaller or something?
The big problem is that we need our app to stay in fullscreen so the most optimal would be to be able o decrease the clickable area for the address bar to come down or to be able to block it in landscape mode is there really no way to go around this? for instance going into on safari and iPhone and put it in landscape you are not able to press the search icon.
I have the same issue, I don't think is possible to fix this as it seems to be a safari issue, if you check not event site works as expected.
The workaround I did is detecting when the app gets out of fullscreen by comparing the screen.height with the screen.availHeight and move the top bar just below the address bar and there users can click, not optimal, but works for us. :)
Hope it helps
In your CSS code try to remove every value of "REM" "VW" "VH" use only pixels "PX". that should fix the issue 100%.

iOS 7 – hidden input accessory view is shown after bannerViewActionShouldBegin:willLeaveApplication:

It's a bit more complex than that, the sequence is:
rotate the device from portrait to landscape back to portrait
wait for an ad to show
tap the ad
hidden accessory view will appear over the ad
I've confirmed it happens after -bannerViewActionShouldBegin:willLeaveApplication: is called.
Has anyone seen this? If so, is there a workaround?
Yes, I have seen it. A partial fix is to set alpha to 0 for the input accessory view in -bannerViewActionDidFinish:. This will at least hide the input accessory view when the ad returns. This problem is supposed to be fixed in iOS 8.

How do I make iOS 7 Control Center behave like it does in Maps (small tab)?

In Maps in iOS 7, if you swipe up from the bottom of the screen as if opening control center while the map view is full screen, you get a small tab instead of the full Control Center, and the map scrolls normally. You then have to grab that tab and pull it up to open Control Center fully. See this screenshot as an example:
I have an app with significant functionality triggered by dragging up on a small UI element at the bottom of the screen, and it's tricky to grab it in iOS 7 without swiping up from the bottom. How do I trigger the same Control Center behavior in my app? Is there a key in Info.plist that I can set? Or is that some kind of private API that Apple uses? It doesn't happen when the bottom toolbar is visible, so maybe it's some kind of state that can be set programmatically?
UPDATE: The same behavior occurs when you swipe down from the top of the screen as if to open Notification Center.
UPDATE 2: The camera app does the same thing, according to this question about UIScreenEdgePanGestureRecognizer.
I believe you have to hide the status bar for the grabber to come up first. That being said, I think users would expect Control Center to come up when they drag up from the bottom of the screen, so I'd say preventing that from happening isn't a very good user experience.

iPad Mini display error when dismissing keyboard

I have a strange error that show up only on iPad Mini's.
Our application has login screen, which is a UIViewController conforming to the UIScrollView protocol.
When typing in the login details and hitting the login button, the keyboard is dismissed. However on the iPad Mini, when the keyboard is dismissed, there are small moving white lines in the view controller.
It looks almost like screen tearing or a trail left by the keyboard animating out, but it is above where the keyboard was.
I will try to get hold of a screenshot from our tester. This ONLY happens on iPad Mini's.
Is there a special consideration for animations on the mini I am not aware of, when dismissing keyboards? I've been researching this for 2 hours and I can't find anything.
Thanks for everyone's suggestions.
Just to answer this question:
The fuzziness on the image and the artefacts when the images changes position is cause by the fact that the UIImageView which contained the image had different dimensions than the image did.
This would cause the UIImageView to end up on a fractional value pixel after a transform.
As the iPad Mini which had the problem is not a retina device, the OS would then attempt to Anti-alias the UIImageView, which would in turn cause a fuzzy image, and the trails left when the image moves.
The solution was fairly simple, on the XIB file for the controller, select the UIImageView containing the image, then on the 'Editor' menu, select 'Size to Fit Content'.
(Or with the UIImageView selected use the Command + '=' shortcut)

multiple views in landscape and portrait

I want to implement my app in both landscape and portrait with two different views. When my app in landscape it shows one view and in portrait it shows the second view. It is possible. But when my app is loaded in portrait,it shows the unbutton control in actual place.Then i change orientation to landscape,button changes its position to opposite side and rotate the button so that my button title is also in opposite side. Please help me. And thank you for your helping.
I don't know what you're working with. Maybe this will help you:
EDIT: updated link - sorry no time to write an inline tut :(
