Can a unicode or UTF8 character be stripped from a ansistring? - delphi

In the case where a Unicode character or a UTF8 character exists in a ansistring is it possible to strip the characters from the string? In this particular case the ansistring contains EXIF parameters.
When the string is read it is visible as: Copyright © 2013 The States of Guernsey (Guernsey Museums & Galleries)
In one case, the copyright symbol © is encoded as UTF-8 sequence (that is 0xc2 and 0xa9).
Delphi 7 and Delphi 2010 shows it as ascii, displaying an "Â" (C2) and a "©" (A9), ignoring that is a UTF8 sequence. Exif tags and the Copyright tag (33432) should be simple ASCII, not UTF8 or unicode.
So if a ansistring contains one or more of these characters can they be stripped from the string or do they have to be manually edited?
Attempting to recover the UTF8 I tried:
// remove the null terminator from a string (part of imageen unit}
function RemoveNull(sValue: string): string;
result := trim(svalue);
if (result <> '') and
(result[length(result)] = #0) then
SetLength(result, length(result) - 1);
result := trim(result);
EXIF_Copyright: is defined by ImageEn as AnsiString;
utf8: UTF8String;
// EXIF_Copyright
// Shows copyright information
SetLength(utf8, Length(EXIF_Copyright)); // [DCC Error] iexEXIFRoutines.pas(911): E2026 Constant expression expected
Move(Pointer(EXIF_Copyright)^, Pointer(utf8)^, Length(EXIF_Copyright)));
_EXIF_Copyright: result := RemoveNull(EXIF_Copyright);
Unfortunately I have little experience dealing with UTF8.
where EXIF_Copyright is an ansistring;
but this will not compile...

The simplest approach is to read your UTF-8 string into a variable of type UTF8String and then assign to another string variable.
You can assign to an AnsiString if you want, but I don't understand why you would do that. If you do convert to ANSI, any characters that cannot be represented will be converted to question marks. If you are desperate to strip non-ASCII characters, read into UTF8String, convert to string, and strip characters > 127.
As I understand it, the standard mandates ASCII but it's common now for EXIF text to be encoded with UTF-8.
I suggest you simply read the text into a UTF8String and leave it at that.
Your library gives you an AnsiString that actually contains UTF-8 text. So you can simply convert to UTF8String like this:
function ReinterpUTF8storedInAnsiString(const ansi: AnsiString): string;
utf8: UTF8String;
SetLength(utf8, Length(ansi));
Move(Pointer(ansi)^, Pointer(utf8)^, Length(ansi));
Result := utf8;
Now you will have the text that the file creator intended you to see.


Why does ReadLn mis-interpret UTF8 text when non-unicode page is Korean (949)?

In Delphi XE2 I can only read and display unicode characters (from a UTF8 encoded file) when the system locale is English using the AssignFile and ReadLn() routines.
Where it fails
If I set the system locale for non-unicode applications to Korean (codepage 949, I think) and repeat the same read, some of my UTF8 multi-byte pairs get replaced with $3F. This only applies to using ReadLn and not when using TFile.ReadAllText(aFilename, TEncoding.UTF8) or TFileStream.Read().
The test
1. I create a text file, UTF8 w/o BOM (Notepad++) with following characters (hex equivalent shown on second line):
ed 85 8c ec 8a a4 ed 8a b8
Write a Delphi XE 2 Windows form application with TMemo control:
procedure TForm1.ReadFile(aFilename:string);
gFile : TextFile;
gLine : RawByteString;
gWideLine : string;
AssignFile(gFile, aFilename);
while not EOF(gFile) do
ReadLn(gFile, gLine);
gWideLine := UTF8ToWideString(gLine);
I inspect the contents of gLine before performing a UTF8ToWideString conversation and under English / US locale Windows it is:
$ED $85 $8C $EC $8A $A4 $ED $8A $B8
As an aside, if I read the same file with a BOM I get the correct 3 byte preamble and the output when the UTF8 decode is performed is the same. All OK so far!
Switch Windows 7 (x64) to use Korean as the codepage for applications without Unicode support (Region and Language --> Administrative tab --> Change system locale --> Korean (Korea). Restart computer.
Read same file (UTF8 w/o BOM) with above application and gLine now has hex value:
$3F $8C $EC $8A $A4 $3F $3F
Output in TMemo: ?�스??
Hypothesis that ReadLn() (and Read() for that matter) are attempting to map UTF8 sequences as Korean multibyte sequences (i.e. Tries to interpret $ED $85, can't and so subs in question mark $3F).
Use TFileStream to read in exactly the expected number of bytes (9 w/o BOM) and the hex in memory is now exactly:
$ED $85 $8C $EC $8A $A4 $ED $8A $B8
Output in TMemo: 테스트 (perfect!)
Problem: Laziness - I've a lot of legacy routines that parse potentially large files line by line and I wanted to be sure I didn't need to write a routine to manually read until new lines for each of these files.
Why is Read() not returning me the exact byte string as found in the file? Is it because I'm using a TextFile type and so Delphi is doing a degree of interpretation using the non-unicode codepage?
Is there a built in way to read a UTF8 encoded file line by line?
Just came across Rob Kennedy's solution to this post which reintroduces me to TStreamReader, which answers the question about graceful reading of UTF8 files line by line.
Is there a built in way to read a UTF8 encoded file line by line?
Use TStreamReader. It has a ReadLine() method.
procedure TForm1.ReadFile(aFilename:string);
gFile : TStreamReader;
gLine : string;
gFile := TStreamReader.Create(aFilename, TEncoding.UTF8, True);
while not gFile.EndOfStream do
gLine := gFile.ReadLine;
With that said, this particular example can be greatly simplified:
procedure TForm1.ReadFile(aFilename:string);
Memo1.Lines.LoadFromFile(aFilename, TEncoding.UTF8);

UTF8 version of WIDESTRING

I have a text that I need to store it in a widestring variable. But my text is UTF8 and widestring doesn't support UTF8 and converts it to some chinese characters.
so is there any UTF8 version of WIDESTRING?
I always use UTF8string but in this case I have to use WideString
When you assign a UTF8String variable to a WideString variable, the compiler automatically inserts instructions to decode the string (in Delphi 2009 and later). It coverts UTF-8 to UTF-16, which is what WideString holds. If your WideString variable holds Chinese characters, then that's because your UTF-8-encoded string holds UTF-8-encoded Chinese characters.
If you want your string ws to hold 16-bit versions of the bytes in your UTF8String s, then you can by-pass the automatic conversion with some type-casting:
ws: WideString;
i: Integer;
c: AnsiChar;
SetLength(ws, Length(s));
for i := 1 to Length(s) do begin
c := s[i];
ws[i] := WideChar(Ord(c));
If you're using Delphi 2009 or later (which includes the XE series), then you should consider using UnicodeString instead of WideString. The former is a native Delphi type, whereas the latter is more of a wrapper for the Windows BSTR type. Both types exhibit the automatic conversion behavior when assigning to and from AnsiString derivatives like UTF8String, though, so they type you use doesn't affect this answer.
In earlier Delphi versions, the compiler would attempt to decode the string using the system code page (which is never UTF-8). To make it decode the string properly, call Utf8Decode:
ws := Utf8Decode(s);

How to convert UTF-8 string to PChar in Delphi 2009

I receive a string, which is displayed as '{'#0'S'#0'a'#0'm'#0'p'#0'l'#0'e'#0'-'#0'M'#0'e'#0's'#0's'#0'a'#0'g'#0'e'#0'}'#0 in the debugger.
I need to print it out in the debug output (OutputDebugString).
When I run OutputDebugString(PChar(mymsg)), only the first character of the received string is displayed (probably because of the #0 end-of-string marker).
How can I convert that string into something OutputDebugString can work with?
Update 1: Here's the code. I want to print the contents of the variable RxBufStr.
procedure ReceivingThread.OnExecute(AContext : TIdContext);
RxBufStr: String;
with AContext.Connection.IOHandler do
if not InputBufferIsEmpty then
RxBufStr := InputBuffer.Extract();
The data you have shown in the question looks like UTF-16 encoded data rather than UTF-8. However, since you are using a Unicode aware Delphi, and a string data type, clearly there has been an encoding mismatch. Your string variable appears to be double UTF-16 encoded if you can see what I mean!
It would appear therefore that InputBuffer.Extract is assuming that the data is transmitted using ANSI or UTF-8. In other words, an 8-bit encoding. But in fact the data is transmitted as UTF-16.
To solve the problem you need to align the reading of the buffer with the transmission of the buffer. You need to make sure that both sides use the same encoding. UTF-8 would be a good choice.
If the data in the buffer is UTF-16, then you can extract it with
RxBufStr := InputBuffer.Extract(-1, TIdTextEncoding.Unicode);
If you switch to UTF-8 then extract it with
RxBufStr := InputBuffer.Extract(-1, TIdTextEncoding.UTF8);
RxBufStr := InputBuffer.Extract();
the code does not specifiy a terminator or a data size, so it may happen that the client receives only a part of the sent data.
You can read the data with a given (known) length into a TIdBytes array and then convert it to a string using the correct encoding.
One way to do it is
TEncoding.Unicode.GetString( MyByteArray );
(found here)

Replace string that contain #0?

I use this function to read file to string
function LoadFile(const FileName: TFileName): string;
with TFileStream.Create(FileName,
fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite) do begin
SetLength(Result, Size);
Read(Pointer(Result)^, Size);
Result := '';
Here's the text of file :
Here's the return value of LoadFile :
I want to make a new file contain "verabc". The problem is I still have a problem to replace "sion" with "abc". I am using D2007. If I remove all #0 then the result become Chinese character.
What you think is the text of the file isn't really the text of the file. What you've read into your string variable is accurate. You have a Unicode text file encoded as little-endian UTF-16. The first two bytes represent the byte-order mark, and each pair of bytes after that are another character of the string.
If you're reading a Unicode file, you should use a Unicode data type, such as WideString. You'll want to divide the file size by two when setting the length of the string, and you'll want to discard the first two bytes.
If you don't know what kind of file you're reading, then you need to read the first two or three bytes first. If the first two bytes are $ff $fe, as above, then you might have a little-endian UTF-16 file; read the rest of the file into a WideString, or UnicodeString if you have that type. If they're $fe $ff, then it might be big-endian; read the remainder of the file into a WideString and then swap the order of each pair of bytes. If the first two bytes are $ef $bb, then check the third byte. If it's $bf, then they are probably the UTF-8 byte-order mark. Discard all three and read the rest of the file into an AnsiString or an array of bytes, and then use a function like UTF8Decode to convert it into a WideString.
Once you have your data in a WideString, the debugger will show that it contains version, and you should have no trouble using a Unicode-enabled version of StringReplace to do your replacement.
It seems that you load a unicode encoded text file. 0 indicates Latin character.
If you don't want to deal with unicode text, choose ANSI encoding in your editor when you save the file.
If you need unicode encoding, use WideCharToString to convert it to an ANSI string, or just remove yourself the 0s, though the latter isn't the best solution. Also remove the 2 leading characters, ÿþ.
The editor put those bytes to mark the file as unicode.

How to copy a RTF string to the clipboard in delphi 2009?

Here is my code that was working in Delphi pre 2009? It just either ends up throwing up a heap error on SetAsHandle.
If I change it to use AnsiString as per original, i.e.
procedure RTFtoClipboard(txt: string; rtf: AnsiString);
Data := GlobalAlloc(GHND or GMEM_SHARE, Length(rtf)*SizeOf(AnsiChar) + 1);
then there is no error but the clipboard is empty.
Full code:
unit uClipbrd;
procedure RTFtoClipboard(txt: string; rtf: string);
Clipbrd, Windows, SysUtils, uStdDialogs;
CF_RTF : Word = 0;
procedure RTFtoClipboard(txt: string; rtf: string);
Data: Cardinal;
with Clipboard do
Data := GlobalAlloc(GHND or GMEM_SHARE, Length(rtf)*SizeOf(Char) + 1);
if Data <> 0 then
StrPCopy(GlobalLock(Data), rtf);
AsText := txt;
SetAsHandle(CF_RTF, Data);
ErrorDlg('Unable to copy the selected RTF text');
ErrorDlg('Global Alloc failed during Copy to Clipboard!');
CF_RTF := RegisterClipboardFormat('Rich Text Format');
if CF_RTF = 0 then
raise Exception.Create('Unable to register the Rich Text clipboard format!');
To quote Wikipedia:
RTF is an 8-bit format. That would limit it to ASCII, but RTF can encode characters beyond ASCII by escape sequences. The character escapes are of two types: code page escapes and Unicode escapes. In a code page escape, two hexadecimal digits following an apostrophe are used for denoting a character taken from a Windows code page. For example, if control codes specifying Windows-1256 are present, the sequence \'c8 will encode the Arabic letter beh (ب).
If a Unicode escape is required, the control word \u is used, followed by a 16-bit signed decimal integer giving the Unicode codepoint number. For the benefit of programs without Unicode support, this must be followed by the nearest representation of this character in the specified code page. For example, \u1576? would give the Arabic letter beh, specifying that older programs which do not have Unicode support should render it as a question mark instead.
So your idea of using AnsiString is good, but you would also need to replace all characters that are not ASCII and are not part of the current Ansi Windows codepage with the Unicode escapes. This should ideally be another function. Your code to write the data to the clipboard could remain the same, with the only change to use the Ansi string type.
