Issue and clarification needed with attr_accessible - ruby-on-rails

There is so much written about the security threat of attr_accessible that I am beginning to wonder if I should even have any attributes in it. Here is the issue. I have a Message model which has the following:
attr_accessible :body,:sender_id,:recipient_id
I do not have the update or edit action in my messages_controller. With the new and create action I am able to create a new message and send it to a recipient. Only users who have logged in and meet certain conditions can message each other. I do that with the help of a before_filter and the conditions work fine. The message is stored and can be viewed by the sender and the recipient. Perfect!
The question I have is that since :body,:sender_id,:recipient_id are included in attr_accessible, can a malicious user somehow change the :body,:sender_id,:recipient_id of the original message? Should I just add these attributes to attr_readonly as well so they cannot be modified once saved?
This question has been haunting me for practically all my models.

can a malicious user somehow change the :body,:sender_id,:recipient_id
of the original message?
This would depend on other things rather than attr_accesible. attr_accesible will only filter which fields are allowed to be updated using mass assignment. Since you say you don't have any update action, then no, there is now way a user can edit a message since you always create a new Message through you create action.
But there is something you need to care about. What is sender_id? If you do have users in your app and they send messages to each others, then sender_id should not be an accessible field, since this will allow users to send messages on behalf of other users. You probably want to keep that field off the attr_accessible list and do something like this:
m = params[:message] # body and recipient_id
m.sender_id = # this is not mass assignment

Well, it depends on how your are creating your model's instance. If you use:
then yes, your are not secure because a logged in user may pass additional parameters to the request even if you don't provide explicitly form fields for those attributes.
So, for your case, anyone posting to your "create" action with sender_id, recipient_id (values in the request) will be able to change them unless you take care about this assignments in your action.


Ruby on Rails: How to validate if on specific page?

In my Ruby on Rails application I am trying to add in validations that will ensure the user has entered a value in a text box. In my system I have a table called Account which stores users' email account information, when they go onto the views/accounts/_form.html.erb page to add a new email account I want to validate the presence of a port number. I can do this through the following code:
validates :port, presence: true
This successfully ensures that users enter their port number, but when a user signs up through the views/users/_new.html.erb page they have to enter only an email address (e.g and the users_controller will then create a record in the Account table for this email address. My problem is that on the views/accounts/_form.html.erb page the port number is required but on the views/users/_new.html.erb it is not.
Is there a way of validating that the user enters the port number if they are on the views/accounts/_form.html.erb page or invoking the create method in the accounts_controller?
I am aware that I could do this through the HTML required validation like so: <%= f.text_field :port, :required => true %> but I need to add in further validation as well as presence, so this is not suitable.
You can create an attr_accessor field that determines if the validation should occur...
class Account < ActiveRecord:Base
attr_accessor :port_needs_validation
validates :port, presence: true, if: -> {port_needs_validation}
Then just set the accessor in your create method...
def create
#account =
#account.port_needs_validation = true
Extract that part of the logic into a form object, check out the legendary 2012 blog entry from CodeClimate. Things have changed since then, the author uses Virtus to build form objects, more popular & up-to-date gems these days are:
active type
but really you can make anything behave like an ActiveModel object
if it's a one-off thing, just do what Steve said in the other answer but that is a sure way to hell, safe-hate and divorce (at least from personal experience) in any slightly teeny weeny bigger project (i.e. you mean to spend some hours more working on it, it's not like you just finished everything and want to go home).
Actually, just use form classes everywhere and avoid model validations & other callbacks at all. You don't want things sending account activation mails or validating your password complexity when you're writing tests and just need a "post" that belongs to "user".
My own favorite personal fuckup due to model callbacks is sending 240.000 "your account has been upgraded/downgraded" emails because of an innocent spelling change update in an account_type attribute migration just because account_type_changed? was true.
So.. Form classes for ever, model callbacks never.
I would not recommend you have model aware of views. In #SteveTurczyn 's solution, an abstract field is introduced into model to identified the which page it come from, which is an good solution.
As from Ruby on Rail MVC, both View and Model talk to the controller, another solution will be have controller handle validation of params before passing the value to create account.

Rails 4: Update Model Column on Destroy

This is for a ticketing system.
When you close a ticket, theres a column of resolution. The user types in the resolution, ie, "this ticket was resolved by xyz". The column is of type textfield, not a string. So you go to close it and type in some sort of resolution. But that field does not get 'updated' when the ticket is deleted.
Summary: update the column of resolution on the Ticket model when the ticket is destroyed. Reasoning: the resolution has to be passed to email (via Sendgrid) and SMS (via Twilio). Currently, it'll pass the default value of resolution (whatever that value may be when the ticket is created).
In the initial ticket creation form, I have resolution as a hidden field like so:
<%= f.hidden_field :resolution, :value => "No Resolution Provided" %>
What I've tried:
In the ticket.rb model:
before_destroy { self.update_attribute(:resolution, "a hardcoded value here") }
So sure that works but that isn't reading from the form, just a hardcoded value. Correct me if I'm wrong but what I'm attempting to do should be done in the controller, correct?
I've tried a before_action but haven't had much success. This method does not work when used with a before_action:
def update_resolution
#ticket = Ticket.find(params[:id])
#ticket_res = #ticket.resolution
The above creates a redirect loop.
What's the best way to go about this? Any and all input is appreciated.
Updating a record just prior to deleting it just for some other function that doesn't actually need the record to work doesn't sound like a good way of working to me.
This workflow makes more sense to me:
Submit form to controller for resolved ticket, with resolution text
Create a background email job with details of the resolution to notify interested parties
Create another background twilio job with the SMS detaios to notify interested parties
Destroy the ticket (are you sure you won't ever need it again?)
You should read the Rails Guides on background jobs:
Whilst not the fastest background job system, delayed job will be the easiest to get started with -

Different update / edit methods available to different users

I have a model Post, which is submitted and graded by different Users. The submitter and grader are identified by submitter_id and grader_id in Post model. Note that an user is both a submitter himself and a grader to others.
I want to make sure that the submitter can only edit the content of the Post but not the grade. Likewise, the grader can only edit the grade but not the content.
Is multiple edit methods the way to go? How should I accomplish this otherwise?
You can have a role column in your users table, and the role can be either submitter or grader. Not sure what you are using for authentication, but in case you are using devise, you can access the currently logged in user with current_user helper (in case you are using something else, figure this part out, or add a new helper).
Now in your update method, you can do something like this:
# Controller
# scope post to current user, so that a user cannot edit someone else's post. A crude way to achieve this is post = Post.find(params[:id])
post = current_user.posts.find(params[:id])
post.content = params[:content] if post.submitter?(
post.grade = params[:grade] if post.grader?(!
# Model - Post.rb
def submitter?(user_id)
self.submitter_id == user_id
def grader?(user_id)
self.grader_id == user_id
The advantage of keeping those methods in the model is that in case you permission logic changes (who is submitter, or a grader), you need to change it at a single location. DRY.
You can modify the above approach to show error messages, and do other similar stuff. In case you are looking for more granular authorization control, you can look into cancan gem:
Your post model should only be concerned with persisting data. Better to use plain old ruby objects to encapsulate the higher order behavior of grading and submitting. Consider using service objects or form objects.
Each service or form object can then include ActiveModel::Model(rails > v4) to get its own validations.
See more about service and form objects here:
If you only have one submit action and one grade action, its probably ok to keep in one controller. But if you start having multiple actions that are related to submitted, and multiple actions that are related to grading, this sounds like they would make great resources controllers on their own.

Rails Security - Enforcing ownership at the model level

I recently coded up a 'friend' capability with my website. The way it works is if a user wants to 'friend' another user, sending a request creates a user_connection record with the original user set at the user_id and the requested user set as the contact_id. If the other user accepts the request, then another user_connection record will be made, with the user_id and contact_id reversed. If both user_connections exist, then the two users are considered friends. This currently gives each user access to any buildings shared between the two users.
I was wondering if there was some way I could enforce my user_connection model to make sure that whoever is creating the record gets set as the user_id. Otherwise it seems that someone could spoof the user_connection create request to make themself a contact of whomever they want, and then could spoof building shares using the same methodology. Are there any built in methods to prevent this?
My first thought was to have an initializer that always set the user_id to the current_user's id, but it appears that current_user is outside of the context of the model.
Don't allow user_id to be provided as a parameter, using strong params.
So, you could create the relation like that:
#friendship =
Also make sure you provide the correct condition for current_user.
That's it... user_id is implied but never provided.

preventing active record attributes from being modified by forms

In Ruby on Rails, it's very easy to update a model from an HTML form. Usually you can just create a form_for with the model, and the fields in there will be updated when the user hits the submit button.
Say though that a malicious user wants to update their 'salary' without going through the proper channels. couldn't they just inject a field by the name of 'salary' when updating their email address (for example) and set their pay to basically be whatever they want? how do i specify which fields can be modified and which can't to prevent this?
Seeing things like
seems scary. They could update anything. I understand the use of attr_accessible, but that's only relevant for mass updates, isn't it?
You can restrict what fields can be mass assigned using:
attr_accessible :name, :address # no :salary
