iOS hide default keyboard and open custom keyboard - ios

I have an UITextview, when user taps on UITextview i need to hide the default keyboard. For that i have done,
[myTextView setEditable: NO];
So the keyboard is not shown, here i have created an Custom View with UIButton, i need to show this UIView when the user taps on UITextView, for that i have done,
//Here i have added UIView as subview
But this method is not working because of,
[myTextView setEditable: NO];
and i need to close the UIView when user clicks the close button inside the UIView

You should be using resignFirstResponder instead of setting the UITextView to not editable. This will hide the system keyboard.
[myTextView resignFirstResponder];
If you want to use a different view for the keyboard then the system provided one then set inputView on the UITextView to the custom view you want to be used in place of the system keyboard.
myTextView.inputView = myCustomView;

Perhaps using textFieldShouldBeginEditing instead of setEditable: NO works?
- (BOOL)textFieldShouldBeginEditing:(UITextField *)textField
//Here i have added UIView as subview
return NO;


pickerview hidden when scrollview userInteraction Disabled

My functionality is to open picker on click of textField. My textfield is inside scrollview is shown in below image.
I want to disable userinteraction of scrollview when picker opens. Following is my code.
- (BOOL)textFieldShouldBeginEditing:(UITextField *)textField
[self.picker removeFromSuperview];
[self.toolBar removeFromSuperview];
textField.inputView = self.picker;
textField.inputAccessoryView = self.toolBar;
self.scrollview.userInterationEnabled = NO;
return YES;
When I comment the userInteractionEnabled code. Picker is opening perfectly. But when I uncomment code picker is not opened.
Also I gave some delay for this code. so after dalay my picker is hidden again.
The problem here is that userInteractionEnabled is inhereted from the scrollView to the textField. And as it is explained here
A UITextField will also refuse to become first responder if its userInteractionEnabled property is NO as I just discovered. I had to explicitly re-enable user interaction on the text field before it would accept first responder status.
And it can not show the inputView of the textField.
You shou ensure that your textField userInteracationEnables is true or to move the pickerView outside of the textField.inputView.
You can use this cool customizable control for having picker as an inputView on textfield.
Or this one if you want to disable the interaction to background view while picker is open.

how can i edit the app extension custom keyboard,when use UIButton

I want to edit my customKeyboard when I tap the UIButton that in my custom keyboard.
I have already add a UIButton in the keyboard,and the code like this:
- (IBAction)resignKeyboardButtonDidTouch:(id)sender {
[self.view endEditing:YES]; // it doesn’t work
You can resign keyboard for specific textField like,
[yourTextfield resignFirstResponder];
So, try this. You can set same tag to your button and textfield to identify particular textfield.

Not properly add inputAccessoryView for UITextField

There is a requirement of inputAccessoryView is for the chat application.
When I add inputAccessoryView to UITextField on tap event of UIButton. That view is set as inputAccessoryView completely but text field is not becoming first responder.
(Note: Super view of textfield is viewText.)
- (IBAction)btnOpenTextField:(id)sender
UIView *accessoryView=[[UIView alloc]init];
accessoryView.frame=CGRectMake(0,0, _viewText.frame.size.width, _viewText.frame.size.height);
[accessoryView addSubview:_viewText];
_txtMessage.inputAccessoryView = accessoryView;
[_txtMessage becomeFirstResponder];
Thanks in Advance.
You can call [_textMessage reloadInputViews], replacing [_text becomeFirstResponder].
What you want to achieve is quite not possible, this will cause recursion, alternatively what you can do is put a textfield on bottom of the screen and when the textfield is selected you can animate it up with the flow of the keyboard. i think this is an appropriate solution if i got your question correctly.

dismiss Keyboard not working

Hi, I am not able to dismiss keyboard. I have a scroll view which have UITextFields on a it. I tried using
[self.view endEditing:YES];
[self.scrollView endEditing:YES];
I tried using resignFirstResponder on individual textfields but no use.
This issue only occurs when I tap a textfield which I am using as button when taped upon it I use
[textField resignFirstResponder];
but old one don't resign whatever I do like I tried using endEditing before I resigned the button like textfield. So my question is what could be the problem in my scenario and is there any way to forcefully dismiss keyboard?
If you want textField to act as button, use delegates.
- (BOOL)textFieldShouldBeginEditing:(UITextField *)textField{
return NO;

Force keyboard to show up via button (iOS)

I have an UITextView and I don't want check editable option, how can call keyboard via a button?
This code doesn't work for me!
-(IBAction) yourButtonClick
[myTextView becomeFirstResponder];
[self.view addSubview:myTextView];
From the iPhone Application Programming Guide
However, you can programmatically
display the keyboard for an editable
text view by calling that view’s
becomeFirstResponder method. Calling
this method makes the target view the
first responder and begins the editing
process just as if the user had tapped
on the view.
So to show the keyboard programmatically,
[textView becomeFirstResponder];
However, the keyboard will never show if the textView is not editable.
The purpose of showing the keyboard is to allow editing. I assume you just don't want the keyboard to appear when the user taps the text view. In this case, you can enable editable programmatically when the button is tapped.
-(IBAction) yourButtonClick
myText.editable = YES;
[myText becomeFirstResponder];
Then in the UITextViewDelegate, disable editable when the user finishes editing.
- (void)textViewDidEndEditing:(UITextView *)textView {
textView.editable = NO;
